18 research outputs found

    Media Pembelajaran Huruf Hijaiyah untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar berbasis Augmented Reality

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    The ability of grade 1 students of SD N Ponowaren 02 to recognize and memorize hijaiyah letters that are still lacking needs to be improved. Today's technology can be utilized as a learning media by using smartphones. Especially in the world of education, the use of this technology can facilitate both teachers and students in an innovative, creative, and educational learning process. The purpose of this research is to develop teaching materials that encourage and increase children's interest in learning Hijaiyah letters by utilizing augmented reality technology. In this study using the Research and Development approach method. The method is used to produce certain products and test the effectiveness of the product, then for the product development model using the Multimedia Development Life Cycle, which includes concept, design, material collection, manufacturing process, testing, and product distribution. Observation and questionnaires are used for the data collection process. This research shows how augmented reality technology combined with educational games can improve children's learning efficiency in learning hijiayah letters. Based on the research of learning media game Bijaya (Belajar huruf hijaiyah) shows that the feasibility of media obtains results above 90%. Based on the Likert scale test criteria, this shows that the Bijaya application learning media is very feasible to be developed and utilized

    Partisipasi PTI UMS Dalam On-Site Training Advisory Skills for Change Agent in Digital Transformation (DX) Jerman

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    8 - 12 Agustus 2022 dilaksanakan on-site training yang merupakan rangkaian dari Training Advisory Skills for Change Agent in Digital Transformation (DX). Keikutsertaan PTI UMS dalam training Internasional untuk menjadi Agent of Change dalam Transformasi digital ini menjadi upaya strategis dalam penguatan kualitas bahan ajar mata kuliah dan meningkatkan peran PTI UMS untuk menciptakan para agent perubahan dalam bidang tersebut Hardika Dwi Hermawan, S.Pd., M.Sc.ITE sebagai Dosen PTI UMS yang mengikuti training tersebut menyatakan bahwa kegiatan training ini menjadi hal penting dalam pengembangan kualitas vocational education di Indonesia dan ASEAN tentunya

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Hukum Bacaan Tajwid Berbasis Android Di Tpa Al-fatih Kudusan

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    Tajweed can be interpreted as reading to improve pronunciation, avoid bad pronunciation and bad meaning. Tajweed is also the science of learning to put the letters in the right place, stop (waqaf), and start (ibtida') correctly depending on where the letters come out (makhraj). The development of Information Technology with Education has a very positive impact on student learning at school. With the development of information technology, it is easier to get information and carry out daily activities using existing technology. Information technology is a science in the field of computer information and its development is very fast. One technology that is currently developing very rapidly is technology in the form of smartphones, especially those based on Android. In this study using the 4D development model (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). This media was tested by two lecturers of Informatics Engineering Education resulting in a valid media expertise factor of 0.815217391. The results of the reliability test media experts were 0.936 witch declared perfect reliability. While the results of the experiment of two TPA AL - Fatih Kudusan teachers that the average percentage of material experts was 100% declared valid. The results of the reliability test on material experts obtained a value of 0,571, indicating moderate reliability. The result on results of the System Usability Scale (SUS) test resulted in a score with an average of 80.125, which means that 20 students fall into the Acceptable category and the Excellent category on Grade Scale B. So it can be concluded that the assessment is can be accepted or appropriate to be used as a tool for learning the law of tajwid reading

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Mobile Pemrograman C++ Pada Siswa Kelas X Smk Binawiyata Sragen

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    Pembelajaran berbasis media merupakan penghubung antara guru dan siswa, sehingga siswa dapat mengakses materi dimana saja dan kapan saja. Media pembelajaran merupakan alat yang dapat digunakan untuk menyampaikan bahan ajar, dan juga sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran untuk mempermudah proses pembelajaran dan konsentrasi siswa. Siswa dapat belajar di berbagai tempat, dan melalui internet melalui smartphone mereka. Melalui metode penelitian ADDIE, media pembelajaran pemrograman C++ dikembangkan agar dapat memenuhi tujuan pengembangan media pembelajaran. Media pembelajaran pemrograman C++ merupakan aplikasi yang memuat berbagai materi dari mata pelajaran Pemrograman Dasar Bahasa C++. Melalui penelitian dengan model ADDIE dan pengembangan media pembelajaran dari evaluasi yang telah dikumpulkan, maka dinyatakan bahwa media pembelajaran pemrograman C++ layak dan effisien digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran Pemrograman Dasar Bahasa C++

    Pengembangan Game 2D Pengenalan Konsep Computational Thinking untuk Anak Sekolah Dasar

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    Children's understanding of Computational Thinking is very important because this Computational Thinking ability is continuous with everyday life. By understanding Computational Thinking earlier, of course, it can change children's thinking concepts to be more critical and creative from an early age, because the introduction of the concept of Computational Thinking is usually given to children when they enter junior high school or vocational school. Especially now that we have entered the 4.0 industrial revolution, so I think this computing is really needed so that it can improve soft skills in the future. The introduction of the concept of Computational Thinking is multimedia-based so that it is easy for children to understand in learning Computational Thinking. The purpose of this research is to design a 2D educational game-based learning media with construct 2 to introduce the concept of Computational Thinking. This research was conducted using the ADDIE method with stages 1) Analysis 2) Design 3) Development 4) Implementation 5) Evaluation. The results of this study indicate that media experts obtained a feasibility percentage of 91%, material experts 80% and user assessments using the SUS questionnaire obtained 77.5% results from 20 students, so this learning media is very suitable to be used to help the learning process

    Pengembangan Game Edukasi Matematika Operasi Bilangan Pecahan Berbasis Android

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    Fractional mathematics can be interpreted as part of something that is used to express the relationship between a part to the whole part. Teachers in conveying fractional mathematics material still use conventional methods, namely using books and pictures. children after attending school subjects may find it difficult to repeat at home, because they only study alone without any media to learn fractional math. Innovative learning is needed to attract children's enthusiasm in learning mathematics. One of the technologies that is always developing today is games, because games combine sound, animation, images and games so that learning will be more interesting and fun for children and has an educational element. This study aims to develop an Android-based fractional math education game. This study uses ADDIE development methods (analysis, development, design, implementation, evaluation). This media was tested on 2 lecturers of Informatics Engineering Education with the result that the average coefficient V of media experts was 0.80 which was declared valid. The results of the media expert reliability test were 0.916 and declared perfect reliability. Meanwhile, it was tested on 3 accompanying teachers at SD N 1 Blulukan, obtaining an average percentage of material experts of 100% which was declared valid. The results of the material expert reliability test obtained a value of 0.513. the results of the usability scale system (SUS) test and the average score of 80.5 in the SUS criteria is that 10 students or participants fall into the acceptable category and are in the excellent category with grade B scale. So it can be concluded that usability is based on these data. received an assessment that it is acceptable or worthy of being used as a fractional math educational game media

    pengembangan e-learning berbasis moodle untuk mata pelajaran pendidikan pancasiladi smp muhammadiyah al-kautsar

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    This research is based on the existence of learning problems in schools which can greatly interfere with learning in schools. This very annoying problem is caused by Edmodo who will stop services that have been developing for a long time so that it can be formulated in this study by recommending one of the learning media which is explained with several advantages. The purpose of this research is to provide a learning media that can replace the old learning media. This research uses quantitative methods by collecting data using questionnaires and interviews. The results showed that the learning media to be applied, namely Moodle, had a good level of satisfaction and could replace Edmodo, which had closed the compan

    Studi Kelayakan dan Perancangan Arbook Indonesian History: Media Pembelajaran Sejarah Menggunakan Augmented Reality

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    Dimasa transformasi digital yang begitu masif, masyarakat Indonesia mengalami penurunan dalam kehidupan berbangsa yang salah satunya diakibatkan karena kurangnya pemahaman terhadap nilai-nilai sejarah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membangun aplikasi ARBook sebagai media pembelajaran sejarah Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan untuk membangun aplikasi ARBook adalah Research and Development. Tahapan pertama dilakukan analisis kebutuhan dan studi literatur. Tahapan kedua dilakukan dengan melakukan desain aplikasi menggunakan usecase. Tahapan ketiga yaitu implementasi atau pembangunan aplikasi dan Buku Kerajinan Jogja serta pengujian uji fungsional oleh ahli media. Tahapan ke empat merupakan tahapan pengujian perangkat lunak meliputi 2 tahapan pengujian yaitu uji verifikasi dan validasi serta mengetahui kualitas dan kelayakan. Hasil analisis kualitas aplikasi ARBook Sejarah Indonesia memperoleh hasil dari segi fungsionality sebesar 87,5%, reliability 80,0%, portability 80,0%, maintainability 80,0%, dan dari segi efficiency sebesar 70%. Secara keseluruhan presentasi kualitas aplikasi adalah sebesar 79,5% dan masuk katagori “Baik” sehingga aplikasi layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran sejarah Indonesi

    Development of Jogja Tourism App using GPS-Based Tracking Augmented Reality

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    The number of tourists every year continues to increase, but the pandemic resulted in tourists experiencing a decrease, and activity also prioritized social distancing. With the reduction of tourists and human interaction, media are needed to help tourists still visit Jogja by minimizing interaction. The method used to build applications in Research and Development. The first stage is the need analysis and literature study. The second stage is a design that uses use-case diagram. The third stage is implementing or developing applications and quality assurance testing. The fourth stage is the stage of testing software for users and knowing the feasibility of the application. The results showed that the results of the application work were excellent, with a percentage of 85.11%, which means the application is suitable for the Jogja Tourism App

    Aplikasi Si Penting: Game Computational Thinking Untuk Siswa-Siswi Sekolah Dasar

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    Computational thinking is the ability to think to analyze and solve problems by applying computer science or informatics skills. Currently, computer technology has become the main tool for solving problems in various scientific fields. In this study we used library research, observation or observation techniques, and the last one was through questionnaires. The application developed was very interesting for elementary school students because the design was adapted to make it easy The application is used especially in the form of games that can be played, and indirectly players will be trained in Computational Thinking skills. Overall, through this PKM-KC activity, it has increased the interest in learning of elementary school children, the team's target is to create applications as learning media to train 21st century skills that suitable and attractive for elementary school children has been tested and fulfille