14 research outputs found

    Gambaran Pilihan Persalinan Oleh Tenaga Non Kesehatan/tanpa Pertolongan Di Indonesia

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    Background: Delivery by health personnel is an attempt to reduce maternal and infant mortality. However, delivery by non-health workers is still high, especially in some provinces and districts in Indonesia. Objective: In order to obtain an overview of delivery by traditional birth attendant/none and the influencial factors Method: This cross-sectional study used the 2013 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) data and routine data from Board of Development and Empowerment Human Resources for Health (BPPSDMK), Ministry of Health. Data were analyzed bivariately by using generalized linear models (GLM). Results: The results of the analysis showed that the delivery by traditional birth attendant or none is still high in eastern Indonesia, especially in remote areas, islands, and borders. Bivariate tests showed that low education, low socioeconomic status and travel time to health facility had significant effect (p<0.05) to the high rate of proportion of deliveries by non-health workers. However, the ratio of midwives per 1000 population was vice versa. Conclusion: Low education, low socioeconomic status, and travel time to health facilities affect the choice of traditional birth (with the help of traditional birth attendant, relatives or no assistance at all)

    Anteseden dan Konsekuensi dari Price Satisfaction

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore the antecedents and consequents of price satisfaction. It argues that price satisfaction is composed of several dimensions (price transparency, pricequality ratio, relative price, price confidence, price reliability, and price fairness) and that companies should consider these dimensions when monitoring customer price satisfaction.Based on a theoretical discussion of the price dimensions, a questionnaire is developed that measures customer satisfaction with individual price dimensions. Using structural equation model analysis, the impact of price satisfaction dimensions on overall price satisfaction is measured, using a sample of 100 respondent that also customers from several car workshops.The research was analyzed with Structural Equation Model to analyze the path effect between the variable to answer the hypothesis testing. Before doing the structural equation model, thedata was tested with instrument testing, consist of validity and reliability test. Goodness fit measure was also used to make sure that the structural equation model in good fit condition.The result showed that price satisfaction, price confidence, price quality ratio, price fairness, and price transparency have significant effect toward price satisfaction. The relative price variable didn't have significant effect toward price satisfaction. For the price satisfaction toward word of mouth, also didn't give significant result. Based on the measurement of price satisfaction, managers are able to identify the drivers of price satisfaction, their satisfaction and relative importance in different market segments and, consequently they are able to take the right measures to increase customer satisfaction and word of mouth

    Pengaruh Perceived Quality terhadap Kesetian Merek dan Citra Merek

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    The aims of this research is to explore interrelation of perceived quality toward brand loyalty and brand image in hotel industry. The research is based on recommendation of previous studies, the scale constructed to measure perceived quality, brand loyalty and brand image. The present study used sample of selected 100 actual guest of GrandTropic Suites Hotel Jakarta. Multiple Regression is used to test the model.The Findings in this research support the brand loyalty and brand image in hotel industry. The present study contributes to the understanding of customer-based brand loyalty and brand imageby examining the dimensionality of this construct. Further research should attempt to examine and compare brand loyalty and brand image among different hotel categories. The research shows that hotel managers should try to influence perceived quality, brand loyalty and brand image in their organization and design their service delivery process by considering relations between customer based brand loyaltyand brand image

    Anteseeden dan Konsekuensi dari Severity Of Other Customer Failure

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    The background of this research was to conduct a profound study of impact of other-customer failure The purpose of this paper is to investigate how and why other-customer misbehavior has a negative influence on customer satisfaction with the service firm.The objectives of this research was : (a) the effect of controllability to firm responsibility, (b) the effect of stability to firm responsibility, (c) the effect of firm responsibility to customer satisfaction, (d) the effect of firm responsibility to service recovery expectations, (e) the effect of service recovery expectations to customer satisfaction, (f) the effect of severity of other customer failure to service recovery expectations, (g) the effect of severity of other customer failure to customer satisfaction, (h) the effect of perceived employee effort to customer satisfaction.The design of this research applies a survey toward unit of analysis on hotels services by interview the customers for testing hypothesis. Meanwhile the required data consist of seventh variables which arecontrollability attributions, stability attributions, firm responsibility, service recovery expectation, severity of other customer failure, perceived employee effort and customer satisfaction. The aggregatenumbers of hotels guests being respondent of the study are 200. Data analysis used in this research was consists of Structural Equation Model Analysis by AMOS 6 as software.The result of this research conclude that controllability and stability attributions had an effect to firm responsibility, firm responsibility had an effect to service recovery expectations, severity of othercustomer failure had an effect to service recovery expactations, and perceived employee effort had an effect to customer satisfaction. Meanwhile firm responsibility had an effect to customer satisfaction,service recovery expectations had an effect terhadap customer satisfaction, severity of other customer failure had an effect to customer satisfaction

    Peningkatan Indeks Standar Pencemaran Udara (Ispu) Dan Kejadian Gangguan Saluran Pernapasan Di Kota Pekanbaru

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    In 2015, the forest fires are quite severe in Riau Province. This causes the reduction of air quality, which in turn can cause breathing problems. This article aims to determine the relationship of the increase in air pollution index (API) and the cases of respiratory problems in Pekanbaru City in 2015. The study design was cross-sectional. Samples are all people with respiratory problems (Upper Respiratory Tract Infections/URI, asthma, and pneumonia) who visited Puskesmas or health post in Pekanbaru, amounted to 12,939 people. Data collected were daily data of API and Pekanbaru residents visit to Puskesmas and health posts with complaints of respiratory problems. Spearman rho correlation test was used to analyze the data with SPSS software. API from July to October 2015 range was quite wide from 34.7 up to 778.0. Average API in September and October 2015 were more than in the period of July and August 2015. The Spearman rho correlation analysis showed that the API value have significant correlation (p=0.000) with respiratory problems. Correlation between API with URI, asthma, and pneumonia is highest on the lag time 0, respectively 0.779; 0.237; and 0.436. It can be concluded that the increased API will increase URI on the same day

    Methodology of the study of religions and its contribution to religious harmony in Indonesia

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    The purpose of this article is to discuss the methodology of the study of religions and its contribution to religious harmony that has been and is running in Indonesia. The method used as an analytical tool in the discussion in this article is a systematic combination of cognitive processes, through the classification stage of conceptualization, abstraction, judgment, observation, generalization experiments, induction, deduction, argument of analogy, and ultimately form conceptual understanding. The results of the discussion show that in the context of the study of religions, the methodology is not a matter of principle but technical. Although technical, methodology can be a principle if when using the 'way' to ignore ethics and scientific ways, in accordance with the spirit of science to provide comfort and humanity for human beings. The conclusion that can be drawn from this article is that the methodology of the study of religions is needed to contribute to the realization of a harmonious, respected religious life in a heterogeneous (plural) society. This conclusion implies that the study of religions is required to have a methodological principle: not to judge the true facts of religion, but to understand its essence through scientific methods and approaches


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    Sejumlah besar serasah tebu berukuran panjang berserakan di lahan setelah panen harus dibersihkan, karena mengganggu proses kerja pada musim tanam berikutnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode rekayasa yaitu merancang-bangun sebuah mesin pemotong serasah tebu. Hasi penelitian adalah sebuah unit prototipe mesin pemotong serasah tebu dengan pisau pemotong tipe reel berdimensi lebar 240 cm, panjang 268 cm dan tinggi 133 cm. Komponen pencacahnya terdiri dari silinder pencacah dengan panjang dan diameter masing-masing 60 dan 429 cm serta diameter poros silinder 45 cm. Mesin ini mampu memotong serasah tebu menjadi cacahan kecil sebesar 2-5 cm sesuai SNI dan serasah hasil cacahan langsung dibenamkan lagi ke dalam tanah sebagai pupuk organik dan bahan kompos


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    Sejumlah besar serasah tebu berukuran panjang berserakan di lahan setelah panen harus dibersihkan, karena mengganggu proses kerja pada musim tanam berikutnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode rekayasa yaitu merancang-bangun sebuah mesin pemotong serasah tebu. Hasi penelitian adalah sebuah unit prototipe mesin pemotong serasah tebu dengan pisau pemotong tipe reel berdimensi lebar 240 cm, panjang 268 cm dan tinggi 133 cm. Komponen pencacahnya terdiri dari silinder pencacah dengan panjang dan diameter masing-masing 60 dan 429 cm serta diameter poros silinder 45 cm. Mesin ini mampu memotong serasah tebu menjadi cacahan kecil sebesar 2-5 cm sesuai SNI dan serasah hasil cacahan langsung dibenamkan lagi ke dalam tanah sebagai pupuk organik dan bahan kompos