59 research outputs found

    Інтертекстуальність та гіпертекстуальні трансформації в турецьких народних оповідях

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    In this paper, some of the Turkish minstrel tales are analyzed in the frame of Gérard Genette’s ‘palimpsests’ approach. In the transtextuality category; the minstrel tales demonstrate both intertextual relations and hypertextual transformations. In terms of intertextuality, the tales present self-conscious intertextual relations by referring to other texts. The paper focuses on that in terms of hypertextuality, the mistrel tales transform the other texts by the process of reduction, extension, amplification and so on. Because of this process, the structure, the plot and the meaning of the previous text is transformed. As a result, the Turkish minstrel tales, as oral literary texts, can actively have role in intertextual relations as hypertexts.Türk halk hikâyelerine Fransız anlatıbilimci Gérard Genette’in “palempsest” imgesi ile yaklaşıldığında, halk hikâyelerinin ötemetinsellik sınıflandırmasında “metinlerarasılık” ve “ana metinsellik” ilişkilerini yansıttıkları görülmektedir. Halk hikâyeleri, göndermeler yoluyla bir başka metni somut olarak içinde barındırarak metinlerarasılık ilişkisi kurmaktadır. Bunun yanında, diğer sözlü ve yazılı metinleri biçimsel ve izleksel ya da anlamsal olarak dönüştürerek anlatısını yeniden kompoze etmek noktasında ana metinsellik ilişkisini kurmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Türk halk hikâyelerinin ana metinsellik dönüşümleri biçimsel ve anlamsal dönüşümler yoluyla incelenecektir. Türk halk hikâyeleri odağında yapılan çalışmalarda, genellikle kaynak ve etki alanı arayışları ile karşılaştırmalı eleştiri yaklaşımından yararlanılmıştır. Türk halk hikâyelerine metinlerarasılık ile yaklaşmak, anlatıların anlamsal ve yapısal olarak nasıl katmanlaştığını görmek ve anlatıyı metin olarak çözümlemek açısından somut veriler sağlayan bir yöntemdir

    Breeding with resistant rams leads to rapid control of classical scrapie in affected sheep flocks

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    Susceptibility to scrapie, a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy in sheep, is modulated by the genetic make-up of the sheep. Scrapie control policies, based on selecting animals of resistant genotype for breeding, have recently been adopted by the Netherlands and other European countries. Here we assess the effectiveness of a breeding programme based on selecting rams of resistant genotype to obtain outbreak control in classical scrapie-affected sheep flocks under field conditions. In six commercially-run flocks following this breeding strategy, we used genotyping to monitor the genotype distribution, and tonsil biopsies and post-mortem analyses to monitor the occurrence of scrapie infection. The farmers were not informed about the monitoring results until the end of the study period of six years. We used a mathematical model of scrapie transmission to analyze the monitoring data and found that where the breeding scheme was consistently applied, outbreak control was obtained after at most four years. Our results also show that classical scrapie control can be obtained before the frequency of non-resistant animals is reduced to zero in the flock. This suggests that control at the national scale can be obtained without a loss of genetic polymorphisms from any of the sheep breeds

    Teachers' ideas versus experts' descriptions of 'the good teacher' in postgraduate medical education: implications for implementation. A qualitative study

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    Contains fulltext : 96394.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: When innovations are introduced in medical education, teachers often have to adapt to a new concept of what being a good teacher includes. These new concepts do not necessarily match medical teachers' own, often strong beliefs about what it means to be a good teacher.Recently, a new competency-based description of the good teacher was developed and introduced in all the Departments of Postgraduate Medical Education for Family Physicians in the Netherlands. We compared the views reflected in the new description with the views of teachers who were required to adopt the new framework. METHODS: Qualitative study. We interviewed teachers in two Departments of Postgraduate Medical Education for Family Physicians in the Netherlands. The transcripts of the interviews were analysed independently by two researchers, who coded and categorised relevant fragments until consensus was reached on six themes. We investigated to what extent these themes matched the new description. RESULTS: Comparing the teachers' views with the concepts described in the new competency-based framework is like looking into two mirrors that reflect clearly dissimilar images. At least two of the themes we found are important in relation to the implementation of new educational methods: the teachers' identification and organisational culture. The latter plays an important role in the development of teachers' ideas about good teaching. CONCLUSIONS: The main finding of this study is the key role played by the teachers' feelings regarding their professional identity and by the local teaching culture in shaping teachers' views and expectations regarding their work. This suggests that in implementing a new teaching framework and in faculty development programmes, careful attention should be paid to teachers' existing identification model and the culture that fostered it

    Petrofabrics and microstructures of omphacites in a high temperature eclogite from the Swedish Caledonides

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    Eclogites from the Eastern Belt of the Seve Nappes, Jämtland, Central Scandinavian Caledonides, have an LS fabric in which the foliation S and lineation L are both defined by the shape preferred orientation of omphacite. The orientation distribution diagram of omphacite reveals a crystallographic fabric defined by [001] parallel to L and [010] in a great circle distribution perpendicular to S and L. Optical and electron microscopy studies indicate that the eclogites have been deformed primarily by dislocation creep mechanisms operating in omphacite i.e. whilst garnets contain very low densities of dislocations and can be treated effectively as rigid bodies, omphacites contain defect structures consisting of well-ordered dislocation boundaries which delineate subgrains. The majority of dislocations in omphacite have Burgers vectors 1/2 and [001]. In the absence of extensive recrystallization, the omphacite deformation fabric is explained by multiple crystallographic slip along {110} [001], (100) [001] and {110} assisted by dislocation climb.Les éclogites de la ceinture orientale des nappes de Seve, Jämtland, Calédonides scandinaves centrales, possèdent une fabrique LS pour laquelle la foliation S et la linéation L sont toutes deux définies par une orientation préférentielle de forme de l 'omphacite. Le diagramme de la distribution de l'orientation des omphacites montre une fabrique cristallographique définie par [001] parallèle à L et [010] distribué sur un grand cercle perpendiculaire à S et L. Des études optiques et au microscope électronique indiquent que les éclogites ont été déformées principalement par un mécanisme de fluage par dislocations agissant dans l'omphacite c'est-à-dire que les grenats contiennent une très faible densité de dislocations et peuvent être considérés comme des corps rigides, tandis que les omphacites contiennent des défauts formés par des parois de dislocations bien ordonnées délimitant des sous-grains. La majorité des dislocations dans l'omphacite ont des vecteurs de Burgers 1/2 et [001], En l'absence de recristallisation poussée, la fabrique de déformation de l'omphacite s'explique par de multiples glissements cristallographiques {110} [001], (100) [001] et {110} .Van Roermund Herman L.M. Petrofabrics and microstructures of omphacites in a high temperature eclogite from the Swedish Caledonides. In: Bulletin de Minéralogie, volume 106, 6, 1983. Eclogites et ultrabasites à grenat - First International Eclogite Conference

    Recent progress in Scandian ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in the northernmost domain of the Western Gneiss Complex, SW Norway: continental subduction down to 180–200 km depth

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    <p>Earlier workers established 20 kbar and 750–800 °C as being the maximum Scandian metamorphic grade for the Caledonized basement units in the northernmost ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic (UHPM) domain of the Western Gneiss Region, SW Norway. These early pressure estimates were entirely based on jadeite isopleths applied to bimineralic eclogites; low Al values in orthopyroxene from opx-eclogites were interpreted to be due to ’disequilibrium effects'. After the initial discovery of microdiamond and majoritic garnet in the area, the low Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> isopleths in opx (cores), ranging from 0.15 to 1.50 wt% in newly discovered and already known occurrences of ’internal' and ’external' opx eclogites–websterites, were reinvestigated and taken as the first indicator that metamorphic grade, on a regional scale, occurred at much higher pressures than previously thought. Regional-scale diamond-grade UHPM conditions were subsequently demonstrated by <em>in situ</em> microdiamond discoveries in two widely separated orthopyroxene eclogite–websterite localities included in Mg–Cr (mantle-derived) and Fe–Ti type (crust-derived) peridotite–websterite bodies, leading to a simple strategy for <em>in situ</em> microdiamond recognition, described here for the first time. All <em>in situ</em> microdiamonds are associated with multiphase solid-inclusion assemblages interpreted to be crystallized from Scandian supercritical, dense, COH-rich subduction zone fluids. In addition, the recent discovery at Fjørtoft of a second, Scandian, majoritic garnet generation (in garnet websterites enclosed in garnet peridotite), having enriched light REE (LREE) patterns (in clinopyroxene and garnet), contrasts strongly to the Archaean–mid-Proterozoic LREE-depleted majoritic garnet patterns (and exsolved pyroxenes) discovered in garnet peridotites from Otrøy. The latter is strong evidence that Scandian continental subduction (and eduction) occurred down to 180–200 km depths, making the northernmost UHPM domain by far the deepest subducted (and educted) part of the Western Gneiss Complex. Such a conclusion is also consistent with (some) geothermobarometric results from internal and external orthopyroxene eclogites and garnet websterites showing results indicative of pressure–temperature estimates deep in the diamond-eclogite facies (850–950 °C and 5.5–6.5 GPa ). </p

    Concurrent HP metamorphism on both margins of Iapetus: Ordovician ages for eclogites and garnet pyroxenites from the Seve Nappe Complex, Swedish Caledonides

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    Eclogites and garnet pyroxenites from the Seve Nappe Complex in the Jämtland area of the Scandinavian Caledonides give Sm-Nd mineral ages (garnet-clinopyroxene-whole rock ± orthopyroxene ± amphibole) that are identical within error and give a weighted average age of 457.9 ± 4.5 Ma (95% confidence). The age is 50 Ma younger than ages determined from eclogites from the apparently similar Norrbotten terrane, roughly 200 km to the north. Both terranes are correlated with the western margin of Baltica, suggesting that at least two eclogite-facies metamorphic events affected this margin prior to the final closure of Iapetus during the 430-400 Ma Scandian Orogeny. The c. 458 Ma ages are nearly identical to ages determined from the eclogite-bearing Tromsø Nappe of the uppermost allochthon. The uppermost allochthon is generally considered part of the Laurentian margin, which, if true, requires that it evolved independently of Baltica until the Scandian Orogeny, when Laurentia and Baltica collided. Thus high-pressure eclogite-facies metamorphism and the introduction of mantle peridotite bodies into the crust appear to have occurred concurrently on opposite sides of Iapetus. We suggest that the HP collision recorded in the Jämtland area be called the 'Jämtlandian Orogeny' if further studies confirm its Early Ordovician age.12 page(s