2,194 research outputs found

    Recordings of mature Gonatus fabricii (Lichtenstein) off the Norwegian coast

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    Two mature female and three mature males were sampled by trawling with a pelagic trawl at depths of more than 800 m off northem Norway. A third female were sampled with bottom trawl at 970 m off mid Norway. The females had a flabby, swollen appearance and degenerated tentacles and from 5 to 12 mature eggs on the ovary. The mature eggs had a largest diameter varying from 4 to 6 mm. The females were all larger than the mature males and the smallest had a DML of 260 mm. The females seems to mature at lengths between 200 and 250 mm. The mature males had spermatophores, 7 to 9 mm long, in the spermatophoric sac and in the penis, showing that they had not copulated. The smallest male had a DML of 190 mm. The males seems to mature at smaller length than the females. Assuming the same growth rate as observed at West Greenland, Gonatus fabricii seems to mature at an age of 2 to 2,5 years. Other recordings of larger mature males could indicate a second mating at an age of three years. The recordings of mature females at bottom indicate spawning at bottom. Recordings of mature females from summer to end of November indicate that spawning takes at least place during this period. The recordings of mature females at bottom indicate spawning at bottom. Recordings of mature females with emty spermatophores more than 500 m above bottom arise questions of a second mating or pelagic spawning

    Полис: Введение в проблематику древнегреческого города-государства

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    Монография представляет собой введение в проблематику древнегреческого полиса и посвящена следующим темам: возникновение полиса, его размеры и количество населения, политическое устройство и социальная структура, классификация древнегреческих полисов, сравнительное сопоставление древнегреческого полиса с другими типами городов-государств, известных в мировой истории.Издание снабжено указателем древнегреческих источников (с. 215-225), именным указателем (с. 226-234) и общим указателем (с. 235-237)

    Exploring the Market Potential for Aquaculture Grown Quahogs in the Gulf of Maine

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    This report is a qualitative analysis of the viability of establishing a market for aquaculture-grown quahogs (Mercenaria mercenaria) in the state of Maine. Our work is in conjunction with Manomet and the University of Maine Orono and is funded by the National Sea Grant Office. The aim of the project is to explore the barriers and opportunities of establishing such a market for farmed quahogs as a livelihood diversification strategy for Maine fisherman and aquaculturists. Our research on the possibility of a regional quahog market relies on interviews with seven shellfish managers and four shellfish dealers from across the eastern seaboard. All interviews follow a prescribed set of questions provided by Manomet. The testimonies of shellfish managers and dealers provide a basis for qualitative coding, and our group categorized them according to environmental, human, and regulatory factors. Each of these subcategories contain numerous classifications of coded data populated with anywhere from one to five corroborating interviewees. We further classified these results as barriers and opportunities to the establishment of a farmed quahog market. These barriers and opportunities inform the recommendations for further study and aquacultural work. Our results indicate that among the most prominent barriers to establishing a farmed quahog market are issues of siting and leasing for fisheries as storms and water temperatures. However, these climatic factors also provide the state of Maine with certain advantages that differ from those experienced by aquaculturists in other states. Furthermore, interviewees expressed the need to fill a gap in the seafood industry, affirming that farmed quahogs could expand and diversify fishing opportunities. None were opposed to a farmed quahog market, but all interest varied based on the perceived ability of such a market to be lucrative in comparison to the wild harvest

    Gambaran Respons Peserta PPDS Anestesi FK Unpad Terhadap Pernyataan Seputar COVID-19 dan Tatalaksana Jalan Napas Pasien COVID-19

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    Peserta Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis (PPDS) Anestesi adalah salah satu tenaga kesehatan yang rentan terinfeksi Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) yang disebabkan oleh paparan droplet dan aerosol saat mereka mengerjakan prosedur tata laksana jalan napas pasien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menggambarkan bagaimana respons peserta PPDS anestesi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran (FK Unpad) terhadap pernyataan seputar COVID-19 dan tata laksana jalan napas pada pasien COVID-19. Penelitian ini adalah sebuah studi deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang.  Pengambilan data secara survei daring yang dilakukan kepada sebanyak 98 peserta PPDS Anestesi bulan Oktober 2021. Data penelitian terdiri atas karakteristik partisipan, respons terhadap pernyataan seputar COVID-19, dan tata laksana jalan napas pasien COVID-19. Data kemudian dianalisis dengan metode statistika deskriptif dengan aplikasi SPSS versi 26. Hasil penelitian ini adalah mayoritas peserta PPDS anestesi FK Unpad menunjukkan respons yang sesuai dengan referensi yang ada kecuali respons terhadap pernyataan mengenai periode inkubasi, lokasi pemeriksaan praoperatif, karantina setelah intubasi, dan masker laring sebagai pilihan pertama pembukaan jalan napas, dan pemberiaan pra-medikasi bagi pasien COVID-19 yang akan dianestesi. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah walaupun mayoritas peserta PPDS Anestesi FK Unpad sudah memberikan respons yang sesuai, namun masih diperlukan peningkatan literasi mengenai COVID-19, dan tata laksana jalan napas pasien COVID-19 agar mereka semakin aman dalam pekerjaannya. Responses of Universitas Padjadjaran Anesthesiology Residents to COVID-19 and Airway Handling for COVID-19 PatientsAnesthesiologists are healthcare workers vulnerable to COVID-19 infection as they are exposed to droplets and aerosols when working with patients' airways. This study aimed to describe how anesthesiology residents of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran responded to statements about COVID-19 and airway management in COVID-19 patients. This research was a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. Data were collected through an online survey of 98 anesthesiology resident participants in October 2021. The data collected consisted of participant characteristics, responses to statements about COVID-19, and airway management of COVID-19 patients. Data analysis used descriptive statistical methods using the SPSS version 26 application. Study results were: most of the participants showed an appropriate response according to existing references except for responses to statements regarding the incubation period, preoperative examination location, quarantine after intubation, and laryngeal mask as the first choice to establish an airway, and providing premedication for COVID-19 patients who would be anesthetized. This study concludes that although most participants have responded appropriately, they must increase literacy about COVID-19 and the airway management of COVID-19 patients to remain secure at work. Peserta Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis (PPDS) Anestesi adalah salah satu tenaga kesehatan yang rentan terinfeksi Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) yang disebabkan oleh paparan droplet dan aerosol saat mereka mengerjakan prosedur tatalaksana jalan napas pasien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menggambarkan bagaimana respons peserta PPDS anestesi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran (FK UNPAD) terhadap pernyataan seputar COVID-19 dan tatalaksana jalan napas pada pasien COVID-19. Penelitian ini adalah sebuah studi deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang.  Pengambilan data secara survei daring yang dilakukan kepada sebanyak 98 peserta PPDS Anestesi bulan Oktober 2021. Data penelitian terdiri atas karakteristik partisipan, respons terhadap pernyataan seputar COVID-19 dan tatalaksana jalan napas pasien COVID-19. Data kemudian dianalisis dengan metode statistika deskriptif dengan aplikasi SPSS versi 26. Hasil penelitian ini adalah mayoritas peserta PPDS anestesi FK UNPAD menunjukkan respons yang sesuai dengan referensi yang ada kecuali respons terhadap pernyataan mengenai periode inkubasi, lokasi pemeriksaan pra-operatif, karantina setelah intubasi, dan masker laring sebagai pilihan pertama pembukaan jalan napas, dan pemberiaan pra-medikasi bagi pasien COVID-19 yang akan dianestesi. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah walaupun mayoritas peserta PPDS Anestesi FK UNPAD sudah memberikan respons yang sesuai namun masih diperlukan peningkatan literasi mengenai COVID-19 dan tatalaksana jalan napas pasien COVID-19 agar mereka semakin aman dalam pekerjaannya

    Om brug af sandsynlighedsregning til vurdering af varigheden af et projekt

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    Replik til Palle Svensson

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    Summary report on mechanisms underpinning beneficial plant associations based on APSIM and DAISY

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    This deliverable reports on the work conducted within WP3, based on two existing crop growth models, APSIM and DAISY. The objective of deliverable 3.1 is to identify the key traits and mechanisms underpinning beneficial plant associations, by calibrating, validating and running APSIM and DAISY. For each model, this report presents in detail i) the data used for model calibration and validation, and the rationale for their choice; ii) the calibration and validation process; iii) the results of simulation runs and comparison with field trial data across pedoclimatic conditions; and iv) a discussion of the key aspects driving the performance of each model and the key plant traits defining the output, with particular reference to intercropped systems. In addition, the report also presents an evaluation of resource use efficiencies in support of the modelling work. On the basis of the calibration and validation results, the two models are also contrasted. APSIM and DAISY showed some promising results for the simulation of spring wheat-faba bean and spring barley-field pea systems, towards the identification of the key traits and mechanisms driving the interaction of cereals and legumes in field conditions and across different pedoclimatic regions. Further steps are discussed towards the improvement of the model capabilities, in particular pertaining intercropped systems, also exploiting some additional experimental results relative to plant nutrient use efficiency

    An origin for the main pulsation and overtones of SGR1900+14 during the August 27 (1998) superoutburst

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    The crucial observation on the occurrence of subpulses (overtones) in the Power Spectral Density of the August 27 (1998) event from SGR1900+14, as discovered by BeppoSAX (Feroci et al. 1999), has received no consistent explanation in the context of the competing theories to explain the SGRs phenomenology: the magnetar and accretion-driven models. Based on the ultra-relativistic, ultracompact X-ray binary model introduced in the accompanying paper (Mosquera Cuesta 2004a), I present here a self-consistent explanation for such an striking feature. I suggest that both the fundamental mode and the overtones observed in SGR1900+14 stem from pulsations of a massive white dwarf (WD). The fundamental mode (and likely some of its harmonics) is excited because of the mutual gravitational interaction with its orbital companion (a NS, envisioned here as point mass object) whenever the binary Keplerian orbital frequency is a multiple integer number (mm) of that mode frequency (Pons et al. 2002). Besides, a large part of the powerful irradiation from the fireball-like explosion occurring on the NS (after partial accretion of disk material) is absorbed in different regions of the star driving the excitation of other multipoles (Podsiadlowski 1991,1995), i.e., the overtones (fluid modes of higher frequency). Part of this energy is then reemitted into space from the WD surface or atmosphere. This way, the WD lightcurve carries with it the signature of these pulsations inasmuch the way as it happens with the Sun pulsations in Helioseismology. It is shown that our theoretical prediction on the pulsation spectrum agrees quite well with the one found by BeppoSAX (Feroci et al. 1999). A feature confirmed by numerical simulations (Montgomery & Winget 2000).Comment: This paper was submitted as a "Letter to the Editor" of MNRAS in July 17/2004. Since that time no answer or referee report was provided to the Author [MNRAS publication policy limits reviewal process no longer than one month (+/- half more) for the reviewal of this kind of submission]. I hope this contribution is not receiving a similar "peer-reviewing" as given to the A. Dar and A. De Rujula's "Cannonball model for gamma-ray bursts", or to the R.K. Williams' "Penrose process for energy extraction from rotating black holes". The author welcomes criticisms and suggestions on this pape


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