2,041 research outputs found

    Emotional intelligence as a moderator of problem based arousal on solution quality and quantity

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    The study examined the interactive influence o f the affective qualities of a problem and a problem solver’s emotional intelligence (El), an individual difference in the ability to perceive, express, integrate, understand, and regulate emotion, on the quality and quantity of solutions generated to two different ill-structured problems. The general hypothesis was that emotional intelligence would moderate the effect of the negative emotional arousal of a problem controlling for the influence of cognitive intelligence, such that the discrepancy between those higher and lower in emotional intelligence would be greater for the problem which is high in emotional arousal than for the problem which is low. Emotional intelligence would provide a greater advantage to generating higher quality solutions for the high emotional arousal problem. High negative emotional arousal was thought to restrict the quantity and quality of solutions. The study required that 99 participants generate solutions to two ill-structured problems, one high and one low in negative emotional arousal. The solutions were evaluated in terms of resolving power, or the extent to which the solution addressed the conflicting aspects of the problem. Results did not support the interactive effect of El and negative emotional arousal. In addition, participants generated more solutions to the high negative arousal problem than to the low negative arousal problem. However, EI was found to predict the average resolving power of solutions generated across both problems. Exploratory analyses indicated that a people who are better at managing their emotions had a higher rated highest resolving power solution that those were less skilled in managing their emotions. Though results were largely unsupportive of the predictions, this study provided evidence for the influence of the affective qualities of a problem on the quality and quantity of solutions generated by problem solvers. In addition, organizations should consider both the qualities of the decision maker and the problem when choosing who will be involved in decision making endeavors

    Genetic natural resistance to brucellosis in Yellowstone National Park bison (Bison bison): a preliminary assessment

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    2013 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.As a nationally recognized symbol of perseverance and survival, the American bison (Bison bison) continues to be the focus of many conservation efforts. This is particularly true in Yellowstone National Park (YNP) where genetic diversity and population dynamics are threatened by the presence of Brucella abortus infection, the causative agent of brucellosis. To further complicate management efforts, the potential for transmission of B. abortus to livestock surrounding the park could have effects on human and animal health in addition to negative economic impacts. Genetic natural resistance to infectious diseases such as brucellosis has been examined in bison and other species. Consideration of using genetic natural resistance as a management tool within YNP relies on its applicability to the population and effectiveness in identifying susceptible or resistant animals. The aim of this study was to further investigate genetic natural resistance to brucellosis in bison using the prion protein gene (PRNP). This could provide a genetic management tool for future populations by identifying resistant and susceptible genotypes to brucellosis that governing agencies could screen when selecting animals for removal. Animals used in this study were part of the Bison Quarantine Feasibility Study (BQFS), which was conducted by state and federal government agencies to explore alternative options for bison that leave the protection of the park's perimeters as part of the Interagency Bison Management Plan (IBMP). After completing the study, the bison involved will be released into areas of their historic range and managed as a conservation herd. In addition to investigating genetic natural resistance, other genetic aspects were analyzed in this quarantine herd. We evaluated genetic diversity at 42 microsatellite loci representing each of the nuclear chromosomes in the bison genome. These markers allowed us to determine parentage which helped quantify the genetic diversity contained in the conservation herd. It was also important to understand the genetic diversity of the herd and to determine if any genetic characteristics such as cattle DNA introgression or low genetic diversity may threaten the protected status of this herd. Previously developed mitochondrial and nuclear DNA microsatellite markers were applied to determine if any introgression of domestic cattle DNA is presen. PRNP examination provided conflicting results from previous bison PRNP studies, justifying further research into the importance of PRNP in genetic natural resistance. As a conservation herd, this group of bison demonstrates high retention of unique YNP genetic diversity, high percentage of adult animals contributing offspring, and no evidence of cattle DNA introgression. This study explains support for using YNP bison as stocking animals for future satellite herds under the condition that BQFS protocol is followed. Results of these genetic analyses provide a thorough description of a quarantined herd of YNP bison destined for release to brucellosis-free public lands

    Mice Transgenic for the Human Carcinoembryonic Antigen Gene Maintain Its Spatiotemporal Expression Pattern

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    The tumor marker carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is predominantly expressed in epithelial cells along the gastrointestinal tract and in a variety of adenocarcinomas. As a basis for investigating its in vivo regulation and for establishing an animal model for tumor immunotherapy, transgenic mice were generated with a 33-kilobase cosmid clone insert containing the complete human CEA gene and flanking sequences. CEA was found in the tongue, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, cecum, colon, and trachea and at low levels in the lung, testis, and uterus of adult mice of independent transgenic strains. CEA was first detected at day 10.5 of embryonic development (embryonic day 10.5) in primary trophoblast giant cells and was found in the developing gut, urethra, trachea, lung, and nucleus pulposus of the vertebral column from embryonic day 14.5 onwards. From embryonic day 16.5 CEA was also visible in the nasal mucosa and tongue. Because this spatiotemporal expression pattern correlates well with that known for humans, it follows that the transferred genomic region contains all of the regulatory elements required for the correct expression of CEA. Furthermore, although mice apparently lack an endogenous CEA gene, the entire repertoire of transcription factors necessary for correct expression of the CEA transgene is conserved between mice and humans. After tumor induction, these immunocompetent mice will serve as a model for optimizing various forms of immunotherapy, using CEA as a target antigen

    Bicriteria Aggregation of Polygons via Graph Cuts

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    We present a new method for the task of detecting groups of polygons in a given geographic data set and computing a representative polygon for each group. This task is relevant in map generalization where the aim is to derive a less detailed map from a given map. Following a classical approach, we define the output polygons by merging the input polygons with a set of triangles that we select from a constrained Delaunay triangulation of the input polygons\u27 exterior. The innovation of our method is to compute the selection of triangles by solving a bicriteria optimization problem. While on the one hand we aim at minimizing the total area of the outputs polygons, we aim on the other hand at minimizing their total perimeter. We combine these two objectives in a weighted sum and study two computational problems that naturally arise. In the first problem, the parameter that balances the two objectives is fixed and the aim is to compute a single optimal solution. In the second problem, the aim is to compute a set containing an optimal solution for every possible value of the parameter. We present efficient algorithms for these problems based on computing a minimum cut in an appropriately defined graph. Moreover, we show how the result set of the second problem can be approximated with few solutions. In an experimental evaluation, we finally show that the method is able to derive settlement areas from building footprints that are similar to reference solutions

    A Class of Adaptive EM-based Importance Sampling Algorithms for Efficient and Robust Posterior and Predictive Simulation

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    A class of adaptive sampling methods is introduced for efficient posterior and predictive simulation. The proposed methods are robust in the sense that they can handle target distributions that exhibit non-elliptical shapes such as multimodality and skewness. The basic method makes use of sequences of importance weighted Expectation Maximization steps in order to efficiently construct a mixture of Student-t densities that approximates accurately the target distribution -typically a posterior distribution, of which we only require a kernel - in the sense that the Kullback-Leibler divergence between target and mixture is minimized. We label this approach Mixture of t by Importance Sampling and Expectation Maximization (MitISEM). We also introduce three extensions of the basic MitISEM approach. First, we propose a method for applying MitISEM in a sequential manner, so that the candidate distribution for posterior simulation is cleverly updated when new data become available. Our results show that the computational effort reduces enormously. This sequential approach can be combined with a tempering approach, which facilitates the simulation from densities with multiple modes that are far apart. Second, we introduce a permutation-augmented MitISEM approach, for importance sampling from posterior distributions in mixture models without the requirement of imposing identification restrictions on the model's mixture regimes' parameters. Third, we propose a partial MitISEM approach, which aims at approximating the marginal and conditional posterior distributions of subsets of model parameters, rather than the joint. This division can substantially reduce the dimension of the approximation problem

    Army Junior Science, Engineering and Humanities Symposium

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    Do a research project, explore it, put time, hard work, and study into it and numerous rewards come about. Especially for six Iowa students selected to go to the National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium held at West Point Academy, New York, May 9-12, 1973. The six students who represented Iowa at the Symposium were: Paul Sugg, Knoxville Sr. High School; Kevin Baker, Spirit Lake High School; Joe Depenbusch, Emmetsburg Comm. High School; Anne Marie Herman, Sigourney Comm. High School; Bruce Luxon, West Waterloo High School; and Gordon Waite, Maquoketa Senior High School

    The international novel : a study of its origins and emergence as a genre in nineteenth century American fiction.

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1982.No abstract available


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    Ikan Lele Sangkuriang (Clarias gariepinus) merupakan jenis ikan air tawar yang menjadi primadona di Indonesia karena memiliki pertumbuhan yang cukup cepat dibandingkan dengan jenis lainnya. Pakan merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam kegiatan budidaya ikan untuk mendukung pertumbuhan. Kenaikan  harga pakan ikan tanpa disertai kenaikan harga jual ikan merupakan permasalahan yang harus dihadapi oleh setiap pembudidaya. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan upaya pencarian bahan baku dengan harga murah serta mudah. Karkas lalat black soldier memungkinkan sebagai alternatif pengganti tepung ikan. Saat ini karkas lalat black soldier belum banyak yang digunakan sebagai bahan baku untuk pakan ikan, padahal jenis insekta ini mengandung sumber protein yang relatif tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengkaji potensi penambahan tepung karkas lalat black soldier untuk pertumbuhan dan kelulushidupan ikan Lele Sangkuriang. Karkas lalat black soldier memiliki potensi untuk dijadikan pengganti tepung ikan sebanyak 50%. Pakan uji yang diformulasikan mengandung protein 37-38%. Performa pakan uji dibandingkan dengan kontrol menggunakan uji Duncan. Setelah diaklimatisasi ikan lele Sangkuriang ukuran 5-7 cm yang ditebar secara acak ke dalam 15 akuarium berukuran 100 cm x 50 cm x 51 cm dengan padat tebar 25 ekor/m3 dan diberi pakan sebanyak 6% dari total bobot seluruh ikan uji selama 35 hari masa pemeliharaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan ikan lele Sangkuriang berbeda nyata antara pakan uji formulasi KL 50% dengan pakan kontrol (P<0.05). Dengan penggunaan Tepung Karkas lalat black soldier dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan bobot mutlak sebesar 3.26 g sampai 5.22 g dan kelangsungan hidup ikan lele sangkuriang 77.33 – 86.67%.Ikan Lele Sangkuriang (Clarias gariepinus) merupakan jenis ikan air tawar yang menjadi primadona di Indonesia karena memiliki pertumbuhan yang cukup cepat dibandingkan dengan jenis lainnya. Pakan merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam kegiatan budidaya ikan untuk mendukung pertumbuhan. Kenaikan  harga pakan ikan tanpa disertai kenaikan harga jual ikan merupakan permasalahan yang harus dihadapi oleh setiap pembudidaya. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan upaya pencarian bahan baku dengan harga murah serta mudah. Karkas lalat black soldier memungkinkan sebagai alternatif pengganti tepung ikan. Saat ini karkas lalat black soldier belum banyak yang digunakan sebagai bahan baku untuk pakan ikan, padahal jenis insekta ini mengandung sumber protein yang relatif tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengkaji potensi penambahan tepung karkas lalat black soldier untuk pertumbuhan dan kelulushidupan ikan Lele Sangkuriang. Karkas lalat black soldier memiliki potensi untuk dijadikan pengganti tepung ikan sebanyak 50%. Pakan uji yang diformulasikan mengandung protein 37-38%. Performa pakan uji dibandingkan dengan kontrol menggunakan uji Duncan. Setelah diaklimatisasi ikan lele Sangkuriang ukuran 5-7 cm yang ditebar secara acak ke dalam 15 akuarium berukuran 100 cm x 50 cm x 51 cm dengan padat tebar 25 ekor/m3 dan diberi pakan sebanyak 6% dari total bobot seluruh ikan uji selama 35 hari masa pemeliharaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan ikan lele Sangkuriang berbeda nyata antara pakan uji formulasi KL 50% dengan pakan kontrol (P<0.05). Dengan penggunaan Tepung Karkas lalat black soldier dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan bobot mutlak sebesar 3.26 g sampai 5.22 g dan kelangsungan hidup ikan lele sangkuriang 77.33 – 86.67%

    ‘‘Healthy,’’ ‘‘diet,’’ or ‘‘hedonic’’ : how nutrition claims affect food-related perceptions and intake?

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    The main purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of nutrition claims on food perceptions and intake among adult men and women, during ad libitum snacks. In a three (healthy vs. diet vs. hedonic) by two (normal-weight vs. overweight/obese) by two (unrestrained vs. restrained eaters) factorial design, 164 men and 188 women were invited to taste and rate oatmeal-raisin cookies. Despite the fact that the cookies were the same in all conditions, they were perceived as being healthier in the “healthy” condition than in the “diet” and “hedonic” conditions. The caloric content was estimated as higher by participants in the “hedonic” than in the “healthy” condition, by women than by men, and by restrained than by unrestrained eaters. Although measured ad libitum cookie intake did not differ as a function of experimental condition, overweight restrained men ate more than did women from each BMI and restraint category. Conversely, overweight restrained women ate less than did men from each BMI and restraint category. In conclusion, our manipulations of healthiness and “fatteningness” of food were effective in changing perceptions, but were not in changing behavior