24 research outputs found

    Impact of salespersons’ acculturation behaviours on buyers’ commitment

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    Healthy buyer-seller relationships are seen as a source of buyers’ satisfaction, commitment and loyalty. However, creating fruitful relationships with buyers is not always simple and straightforward for salespersons, especially when they seek to establish relationships with buyers from different cultures. Given the challenging nature of intercultural interaction, it becomes imperative for salespersons to identify the behaviours that will best suit such relationships. There is much evidence that salespersons frequently adopt acculturation behaviours in order to build relationships with buyers from different cultures, however the study of acculturation behaviours, though not unknown to marketing scholars, has not been well explored in relationship marketing domains. Studies on the impact of acculturation behaviours from the viewpoint of salespersons are particularly non-existent. The present study examines the limited available literature on this subject, and attempts to develop a better understanding of the concept of salespersons’ acculturation behaviours by proposing a model that explains the relationship between salespersons’ acculturation behaviours and buyers’ satisfaction as well as commitment in the banking context. The hypotheses are empirically tested in the present study by using appropriate statistical techniques. Results of the study indicate that the hypothesised model of salespersons’ acculturation behaviours fits the data well. The hypotheses focus on four dimensions of salespersons’ acculturation behaviours: assimilation, separation, integration and marginalisation. All of these dimensions, excluding separation, show an inter-relationship among the variables of the model and are confirmed with the right significance. Separation is not examined closely within the study as by its nature it is itself exclusionary of any form of interaction with buyers. Findings from the study indicate however that integration and assimilation positively affect buyers’ satisfaction, whereas marginalisation is negatively associated with buyers’ satisfaction. The results also reveal that buyers’ satisfaction has a mediation effect on the relationships between assimilation, integration, marginalisation and buyers’ commitment. The model also includes the constructs of interaction intensity, which is positively related to buyers’ satisfaction and buyers’ commitment. This study can be considered as an important step in establishing the linkage between salespersons’ acculturation behaviours and buyers’ satisfaction and commitment. It establishes that salespersons’ acculturation is needed to perform better and create sustainable intercultural interaction


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    With the increased competition within the Indonesian hotel industry, the need forhoteliers to create memorable hotel experiences for customers is becoming increasingly important. A better understanding of how to create such experiences can help ensure customers revisit a hotel and maintain their sense of loyalty. This study analyses and discusses real hotel customers' reviews and feedback about their stay in the Top 10 Hotels in Indonesia. The findings show that perceptions of hospitality, perceptions of space and the overall hotel experience are the three most important factors in creating a memorable experience for Indonesian hotel customers. Limitations of this study and the avenues for future study are also discussed

    Hotel Selection Criteria of Solo Traveling Females

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    Consumers use online e-reviews as a popular tool for information and obtaining guidance. E-reviews have therefore become an important barometer in conducting product evaluations, and more importantly, to make purchasing decisions. This includes decisions about hotel selection. For hospitality industry marketers, the information in e-reviews is particularly important in translating and understanding consumer-specific needs. The current study brings valuable awareness to the limited academic research into hotel selection criteria among solo-traveling females. TripAdvisor's top 25 list of cost-efficient hotels worldwide received 345 total consumer reviews. Noteworthy findings of the current study show unique selection criteria considered important to the solo traveling female including a hotel-provided cell phone programmed with emergency local contact information, and a nearby or on-premise automated teller machine. Study results also indicate that stewardship service, such as intimate and personalized hotel staff who "go the extra mile" is an important selection criterion. Also discussed are research limitations and implications

    PROCEEDINGS THE 5th i-CoME 2022

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    Business sustainability refers to doing business without negatively impacting the environment, commu¬nity, or society as a whole. A growing number of organizations are integrating sustainability into their business strategy. Sustainability in business generally addresses two main categories such as the effect business has on the environment and the effect business has on society. The main goal of a sustainable business strategy is to make a positive impact on these areas. When companies fail to assume respon¬sibility, the opposite can happen, leading to issues like environmental degradation, inequality, and social injustice. Sustainable businesses consider a wide array of environmental, economic, and social factors when making businesses decisions. These organizations monitor the impact of their operations to ensure that their short-term profits don ’t turn into long-term liabilities. Businesses and societies can find ap¬proaches that will move towards all three goals - environmental protection, social wellbeing, and econo-mic development at the same time. The School of Business and Management (SBM) CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, India in cooperation with Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia will be hosting the Fifth Interna¬tional Conference on Management and Entrepreneurship (5th i-CoME) 2022. This conference is made possible with the support of several accredited journals (SCOPUS, ESCI, among many). The conference will present keynote speakers from different countries. This conference is also calling for research articles and papers from scholars, researchers, and students from all over the world. There are five sub-themes with various topics covering management and entrepreneurship areas. The conference will be a forum where fellow academics share experiences, exchange knowledge, work hand-in-hand, and find managerial and entrepreneurial solutions for a sustainable business world. The detailed information is available in the 5th i-CoME 2022. This conference also calls for research articles and papers from scholars, researchers, and students from all over the world. There are six sub-themes with various topics covering management and entrepre¬neur¬ships topics. The conference is a forum where fellow academics share experiences, exchange know¬ledge, work hand-in-hand, and find managerial and entrepreneurial solutions for a better business world. The objectives of the 5th i-CoME 2022are to become scholar’s forum to discuss a recent scholarly work, to become scholars’ forum where scholars from all over the world can gather and network, and to discover new findings that can benefit the business management and entrepreneurship world


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    Ganesh, Arnold and Reynolds (2000) suggest that companies regard customer switching behavior as a nightmare, because such behavior threatens buyer-seller relationships, and more importantly, it decreases customer commitment and business sustainability. According to Yee (2015), one way to maintain business sustainability is to increase their customer faithfulness. Despite its importance, Akpan and Etuk (2014) point out that the investigation and integration of the concept of customer faithfulness is limited. Hence, the present study attempts to expand on customer faithfulness research by integrating and conceptualizing the mediating effect of affective commitment and moderating effect of the relationship benefits model (confidence benefits, social benefits and special treatment benefits) on customer satisfaction– customer faithfulness relationships. Phillips (2010) defines customer faithfulness as customers’ psychological evaluations which encourage customers to be more open and emotionally attached to specific brands or organizations

    Unseizable property and 1991 constitution

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    Antes de la Constitución de 1991, al Juez, para abstenerse de decretar el embargo y secuestro de unbien determinado, le bastaba con indagar si el bien cuyo aprisionamiento se perseguía, eraconsiderado como inembargable de manera expresa por una norma determinada. Con la entrada envigencia de la Constitución de 1991, el Juez no debe limitarse a revisar si un determinado bien esconsiderado, expresamente, como embargable por una determinada disposición legal, su funcióndebe ir mucho más allá, debe analizar si con el embargo de determinados bienes se afectan o noderechos fundamentales. El embargo y secuestro de los bienes y enseres que conforman el menajedoméstico afectan derechos fundamentales, por consiguiente el Juez debe abstenerse de decretar y/opracticar esta medida, salvo que recaiga sobre bienes notoriamente ostentosos o que el crédito por elcual se esté solicitando sea parte de la compraventa del mueble cuya aprehensión se solicita.Before 1991 Constitution, the Judge, in order to restrain himself from seizing and abducting a specific asset, had simply to search if the pursued asset was explicitly considered unseizable by a given legal provision. With the entry into effect of 1991 Constitution, the Judge should not merely revise if an asset is explicitly considered unseizable by a given legal provision, His role must go far beyond; He must analyze if by the seizure of certain assets, fundamental Rights are affected. Seizure and restrain of property and goods composing household goods, affect fundamental Rights; therefore, the Judge must restrain to decree or practice this measurement, except that falls upon ostentatious goods or that the required credit is part of the purchase of the property which assurance is required

    How do organizations respond to workplace deviance under the influence of organizational citizenship in public universities?

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    This paper explores the parallel roles in an organization as it relates to the level of commitment shown by its employees (citizens of the company) and their workplace deviance. The study goes a step deeper to show how this relationship is intertwined with the theory of social exchange. A total of 600 respondents consisted of lecturers and employees from the top five Malaysian public research universities, but only 189 were suitable for statistical analysis. Current research employs a deductive approach and uses nonprobability sampling. SEM-PLS is used to examine the research model and test the mediating effect of organizational citizenship behaviour on the relationship between organizational commitment and workplace deviance. The results reveal what is known to be true between healthy commitment and organizational citizenship as well as the dangers of workplace deviance on that relationship. Despite this positive relationship, workplace deviance does in fact modify organizational commitment in a negative manner. The study’s findings have shown empirically that workplace deviance does influence behaviours and perhaps dampens the relationship between organizational citizenship and its commitment to the organization itself. The outcome of the research data can help future managers, particularly in tertiary education settings, in implementing appropriate organizational mechanisms towards improving organizational citizenship behaviour. In addition, the findings can also provide insights for other public and private universities alike in approaching workplace deviance


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    Digitalization in the 21st century continues to influence how organizations and businesses function and process. However, success in digitalization requires continuous co-operation, empowerment, and planning. Over the years, we have seen changes in digitalizing and empowerment in not just businesses, but also in the workplace. Such digitalization and empowerment are becoming more important where it continues to drive businesses to go global. It also increased the speed of business innovation and transformation, while offering new knowledge and stronger insights into how businesses function and operate in a globalized market. The Business Management Program and Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan – JMK (Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship) of Petra Christian University, Surabaya Indonesia in cooperation with the School of Business of Faculty of Business, Design and Arts, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus, Sarawak Malaysia host the Fourth International Conference on Management and Entrepreneurship (4th i-CoME) 2021. This conference is made possible with the support of several accredited journals (SCOPUS, ESCI, among many). The conference present seven keynote speakers from five different countries: Australia, USA, Malaysia, Indonesia, and New Zealand. This conference also calls for research articles and papers from scholars, researchers, and students from all over the world. There are six sub-themes with various topics covering management and entrepreneurships topics. The conference is a forum where fellow academics share experiences, exchange knowledge, work hand-in-hand, and find managerial and entrepreneurial solutions for a better business world. The detailed information is available in the 4th i-CoME 2021 website: http://i-come.petra.ac.id The objectives of the 4th i-CoME 2021 are to become scholar’s forum to discuss a recent scholarly work, to become scholars’ forum where scholars from all over the world can gather and network, and to discover new findings that can benefit the business management and entrepreneurship world

    PROCEEDING 3rd i-CoME 2019

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    PROCEEDING 3rd i-CoME 201