15 research outputs found

    Westernisasi Ilmu dalam Islamic Worldview

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    The current technological advances, making various informations easily spread throughout the world. It includes the entry of foreign culture (Westernization) into the Indonesian State. This westernization does not only have impact on politics, culture, region and technology, but in its development, westernization began to go into science. This research uses a literary study method, namely data collection activities by conducting a review of various books, literature, notes and reports realting to the topic discussed. As a result, it can be seen that knowledge Westernization occurs due to the development of shopist who generally have an impact on knowledge in the West. Knowledge in the West as a whole only relies on ratio in describing various things. So the process has strengthened the thesis of the knowledge Westernization. Knowledge in the West has the characteristic of removing the value of belief and spirituality, so this concept breeds secularization. Whereas secularization itself is not only a western worldview that is not Islamic, but also contrary to Islamic teachings. Secularization eliminates revelation as a source of knowledge and negates the  role of God in the scientific procces. This is what makes the knowledge Westernization increasingly clear

    Effects of Planting Pattern on The Performance of Soybean Genotypes

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    Plant population is one of key factors in crops yield. The determination of optimum population per area unit needs to be accommodated through the planting space arrangement. This study aimed to know the performance of some soybean genotypes planted with both single and double row planting pattern. The research was conducted in Kendalpayak Experimental Field, Malang from February to May 2017 arranged in split plot experimental design with three replications. The main plot was planting space consisting of single row (40 cm x 15 cm) and double row (60 cm x 20 cm x 15 cm), while the sub-plot was the soybean genotypes consisting of 12 promising lines (Grob/IT-7-7, Grob/Pander-397-6, Grob/IT-17-1, IBK/Argop-276-3, Grob/Pander-395-2, Grob/Pander-428-1, Grob/IT-7-5, Grob/IT-7-2, Grob/IAC-453-7, IBK/ Grob-296-10, Grob/IT-7-3, and Grob/IT-7-1) and 3 cultivars as comparison (Dena 1, Dena 2, and Grobogan). Each experimental unit was set in an area of 10.8 m2. Observation was performed on variables of plant height, number of fertile nodes, number of pods with three seeds, number of pods with two seeds, number of sterile pods, seeds dry weight, pod shells dry weight, weight of 100 seeds, and yields. The results of the research showed that each genotype performed different response to planting space depending on the characteristic of it. Yield obtained from double row planting space was 4.76% higher than that from single row planting space. There were 8 genotypes (Grob/IT-7-7, Grob/Pander-397-6, Dena 1, Grob/IT-7-5, Grob/IT-7-2, Grob/IAC-453-7, Grob/IT-7-3, and Grob/IT-7-1) which were able to produce seeds 2.0 ton/ha, either planted in single row or double row planting space

    Westernisasi Ilmu dalam Islamic Worldview

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    The current technological advances, making various informations easily spread throughout the world. It includes the entry of foreign culture (Westernization) into the Indonesian State. This westernization does not only have impact on politics, culture, region and technology, but in its development, westernization began to go into science. This research uses a literary study method, namely data collection activities by conducting a review of various books, literature, notes and reports realting to the topic discussed. As a result, it can be seen that knowledge Westernization occurs due to the development of shopist who generally have an impact on knowledge in the West. Knowledge in the West as a whole only relies on ratio in describing various things. So the process has strengthened the thesis of the knowledge Westernization. Knowledge in the West has the characteristic of removing the value of belief and spirituality, so this concept breeds secularization. Whereas secularization itself is not only a western worldview that is not Islamic, but also contrary to Islamic teachings. Secularization eliminates revelation as a source of knowledge and negates the  role of God in the scientific procces. This is what makes the knowledge Westernization increasingly clear

    Respon Morfo-Fisiologi Genotipe Kedelai terhadap Naungan Jagung dan Ubikayu

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    Study on soybeans morpho-physiological responses in artificial or natural shade are beneficial to determine the effects of shade on morpho-physiology and yield of soybean. This research was aimed to study the morpho-physiological responses of soybean varieties under shading of maize and cassava compared to arficial shading. The research was conducted in Kendalpayak Research Station, ILETRI, from February to May 2016 used split plot design with three replications. The main plot was three shade sources: N1:black paranet 50%, N2: maize shade, and N3: cassava shade, while the sub plot was five soybean varieties: Dena 1, Dena 2, Argopuro, Panderman, and Grobogan. Soybean varieties showed morpho-physiology differences depending on the shade source. Soybean grown under shading of cassava had plant height, leaf area ratio, and leaf area lower than under shading of paranet and maize. Cassava shade also caused soybean had higher growth rate, net assimilation rate, and yield than those under paranet and maize shade. Shade-tolerant varieties (Dena 1 and Dena 2) had high yield on all kind of shade. Less tolerant varieties (Panderman and Grobogan) had higher yield under cassava shade and lower yield under paranet and maize shade. Maize crop had similar shade effects with 50% paranet shade

    Effects of Planting Pattern on The Performance of Soybean Genotypes

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    Plant population is one of key factors in crops yield. The determination of optimum population per area unit needs to be accommodated through the planting space arrangement. This study aimed to know the performance of some soybean genotypes planted with both single and double row planting pattern. The research was conducted in Kendalpayak Experimental Field, Malang from February to May 2017 arranged in split plot experimental design with three replications. The main plot was planting space consisting of single row (40 cm x 15 cm) and double row (60 cm x 20 cm x 15 cm), while the sub-plot was the soybean genotypes consisting of 12 promising lines (Grob/IT-7-7, Grob/Pander-397-6, Grob/IT-17-1, IBK/Argop-276-3, Grob/Pander-395-2, Grob/Pander-428-1, Grob/IT-7-5, Grob/IT-7-2, Grob/IAC-453-7, IBK/ Grob-296-10, Grob/IT-7-3, and Grob/IT-7-1) and 3 cultivars as comparison (Dena 1, Dena 2, and Grobogan). Each experimental unit was set in an area of 10.8 m2. Observation was performed on variables of plant height, number of fertile nodes, number of pods with three seeds, number of pods with two seeds, number of sterile pods, seeds dry weight, pod shells dry weight, weight of 100 seeds, and yields. The results of the research showed that each genotype performed different response to planting space depending on the characteristic of it. Yield obtained from double row planting space was 4.76% higher than that from single row planting space. There were 8 genotypes (Grob/IT-7-7, Grob/Pander-397-6, Dena 1, Grob/IT-7-5, Grob/IT-7-2, Grob/IAC-453-7, Grob/IT-7-3, and Grob/IT-7-1) which were able to produce seeds &gt; 2.0 ton/ha, either planted in single row or double row planting space.</em

    Pengaruh Pemupukan Kalsium dan Varietas terhadap Pertumbuhan, Hasil, dan Ketahanan Hama Kacang Tanah

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    Budidaya tanaman sehat merupakan salah satu upaya pengelolaan hama secara terpadu diantaranya melalui pemupukan. Penekanan kehilangan hasil kacang tanah oleh serangan hama kutu kebul dan thrips dilakukan melalui pemupukan kalsium dan varietas unggul. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Balitkabi pada Januari-April 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan dua faktor perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah dosis kalsium  yang terdiri dari empat taraf, yaitu 0 kg/ha, 500 kg/ha, 1.000 kg/ha dan 1.500 kg/ha Ca(OH)2. Faktor kedua adalah varietas kacang tanah yang terdiri dari 4 varietas, yaitu Kelinci, Kancil, Talam dan Takar. Infestasi kutu kebul dan thrips menggunakan metode infestasi alami. Pengamatan meliputi pH tanah, intensitas serangan kutu kebul dan thrips, tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, hasil kacang tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa interaksi antara kalsium dan varietas kacang tanah hanya berpengaruh terhadap parameter intensitas serangan kutu kebul. Pemupukan kalsium tidak berpengaruh terhadap semua parameter, sedangkan varietas berpengaruh terhadap intensitas serangan hama kutu kebul dan thrips, tinggi tanaman, indeks klorofil daun, bobot polong dan biji. Varietas Kelinci memiliki serangan hama kutu kebul dan thrips yang paling tinggi dan hasil paling rendah, sedangkan varietas Kancil, Talam, dan Takar memiliki serangan hama kutu kebul dan thrips yang rendah dan hasil yang tidak berbeda. Intensitas serangan hama thrips berkorelasi negatif dengan pertumbuhan dan hasil kacang tanah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor varietas kacang tanah lebih dominan dibandingkan faktor pemupukan dalam pengendalian hama kutu kebul dan thrips.

    The role of a healthy-eating educational module during Ramadan in a community health centre

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    Many Muslims fast during Ramadan. The fasting period typically lasts 12–13 hours a day for 29–30 days. In general, there are two major meal times – before dawn and at dusk – often resulting in increased sugary drink and carbohydrate intake (Benaji et al, 2006). The EPIDIAR (Epidemiology of Diabetes and Ramadan) study reported that 43% of people with type 1 and 79% people with type 2 diabetes fast during Ramadan in Muslim countries, increasing their risk of severe hypo- or hyperglycaemia (Salti et al, 2004). Research suggests there is often inadequate consultation with healthcare professionals regarding medication adjustment and dietary modifications during Ramadan (Hassanein et al, 2017; Lee et al, 2017a). The management of diabetes during this period may be different to usual care and there should be an emphasis on education to prevent complications while respecting the individual’s wishe

    The role of a healthy-eating educational module during Ramadan in a community health centre

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    A large number of adult Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan, including many people with type 2 diabetes. There are major changes in dietary pattern and medication consumption during this month and patients are therefore at risk of complications, such as hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia. This study evaluates the impact of an educational module and individual follow up on adherence to a healthy diet, medication use and glucose levels during Ramadan in a community setting


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    Di Indonesia kacang tanah umumnya ditanam di lahan kering (64%) dan selebihnya ditanam di lahan sawah irigasi setelah padi (36%). Kondisi tersebut menyebabkan kacang tanah berpeluang besar mengalami kekeringan pada sebagian maupun keseluruhan fase pertumbuhannya. Kekeringan pada fase vegetatif berpengaruh terhadap morfologi batang, daun, dan akar, tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap hasil. Kekeringan pada fase pembungaan hingga fase perkembangan biji (R1–R7) menurunkan jumlah bunga, menghambat pembuahan, perkembangan polong, dan biji sehingga menurunkan hasil 70–80%. Fase pertumbuhan R1–R7 merupakan fase kritis tanaman kacang tanah terhadap kekeringan. Penanaman varietas toleran kekeringan dapat mengurangi penurunan hasil. Varietas-varietas yang diketahui toleran kekeringan adalah Singa, Jerapah, Bison, Zebra, Sima, dan Talam 1