76 research outputs found

    The TEXES Survey For H2 Emission From Protoplanetary Disks

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    We report the results of a search for pure rotational molecular hydrogen emission from the circumstellar environments of young stellar objects with disks using the Texas Echelon Cross Echelle Spectrograph (TEXES) on the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility and the Gemini North Observatory. We searched for mid-infrared H2 emission in the S(1), S(2), and S(4) transitions. Keck/NIRSPEC observations of the H2 S(9) transition were included for some sources as an additional constraint on the gas temperature. We detected H2 emission from 6 of 29 sources observed: AB Aur, DoAr 21, Elias 29, GSS 30 IRS 1, GV Tau N, and HL Tau. Four of the six targets with detected emission are class I sources that show evidence for surrounding material in an envelope in addition to a circumstellar disk. In these cases, we show that accretion shock heating is a plausible excitation mechanism. The detected emission lines are narrow (~10 km/s), centered at the stellar velocity, and spatially unresolved at scales of 0.4 arcsec, which is consistent with origin from a disk at radii 10-50 AU from the star. In cases where we detect multiple emission lines, we derive temperatures > 500 K from ~1 M_earth of gas. Our upper limits for the non-detections place upper limits on the amount of H2 gas with T > 500 K of less than a few Earth masses. Such warm gas temperatures are significantly higher than the equilibrium dust temperatures at these radii, suggesting that the gas is decoupled from the dust in the regions we are studying and that processes such as UV, X-ray, and accretion heating may be important.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures, 5 tables, ApJ accepte

    International Stem Cell Collaboration: How Disparate Policies between the United States and the United Kingdom Impact Research

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    As the scientific community globalizes, it is increasingly important to understand the effects of international collaboration on the quality and quantity of research produced. While it is generally assumed that international collaboration enhances the quality of research, this phenomenon is not well examined. Stem cell research is unique in that it is both politically charged and a research area that often generates international collaborations, making it an ideal case through which to examine international collaborations. Furthermore, with promising medical applications, the research area is dynamic and responsive to a globalizing science environment. Thus, studying international collaborations in stem cell research elucidates the role of existing international networks in promoting quality research, as well as the effects that disparate national policies might have on research. This study examined the impact of collaboration on publication significance in the United States and the United Kingdom, world leaders in stem cell research with disparate policies. We reviewed publications by US and UK authors from 2008, along with their citation rates and the political factors that may have contributed to the number of international collaborations. The data demonstrated that international collaborations significantly increased an article's impact for UK and US investigators. While this applied to UK authors whether they were corresponding or secondary, this effect was most significant for US authors who were corresponding authors. While the UK exhibited a higher proportion of international publications than the US, this difference was consistent with overall trends in international scientific collaboration. The findings suggested that national stem cell policy differences and regulatory mechanisms driving international stem cell research in the US and UK did not affect the frequency of international collaborations, or even the countries with which the US and UK most often collaborated. Geographical and traditional collaborative relationships were the predominate considerations in establishing international collaborations

    Smart Antennas and Front-End Modules in Q-band for Backhaul Networks

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    [EN] As mobile operators face increasing density of base stations as well as growing bandwidth requirements, mobile backhaul has become the new challenge. This article defines the architecture for future mobile backhaul networks as proposed in the framework of the FP7 EU SARABAND project. This solution exploits a new and wider frequency spectrum band, the Q-band (40.5 43.5 GHz), to provide massive amounts of capacity. However, for the full deployment of such backhaul networks, new technology development in the Q-band must be addressed. In particular, this article gives an overview of the disruptive technology on antennas and front-end modules developed within this project.Vilar Mateo, R.; Martí Sendra, J.; Czarny, R.; Sypek, M.; Makowski, M.; Martel, C.; Crepin, T.... (2014). Smart Antennas and Front-End Modules in Q-band for Backhaul Networks. Microwave Journal. S:28-34. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/52765S2834

    Self-citations at the meso and individual levels: effects of different calculation methods

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    This paper focuses on the study of self-citations at the meso and micro (individual) levels, on the basis of an analysis of the production (1994–2004) of individual researchers working at the Spanish CSIC in the areas of Biology and Biomedicine and Material Sciences. Two different types of self-citations are described: author self-citations (citations received from the author him/herself) and co-author self-citations (citations received from the researchers’ co-authors but without his/her participation). Self-citations do not play a decisive role in the high citation scores of documents either at the individual or at the meso level, which are mainly due to external citations. At micro-level, the percentage of self-citations does not change by professional rank or age, but differences in the relative weight of author and co-author self-citations have been found. The percentage of co-author self-citations tends to decrease with age and professional rank while the percentage of author self-citations shows the opposite trend. Suppressing author self-citations from citation counts to prevent overblown self-citation practices may result in a higher reduction of citation numbers of old scientists and, particularly, of those in the highest categories. Author and co-author self-citations provide valuable information on the scientific communication process, but external citations are the most relevant for evaluative purposes. As a final recommendation, studies considering self-citations at the individual level should make clear whether author or total self-citations are used as these can affect researchers differently

    Long term productivity and collaboration in information science

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Springer in Scientometrics on 02/07/2016, available online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-016-2061-8 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.Funding bodies have tended to encourage collaborative research because it is generally more highly cited than sole author research. But higher mean citation for collaborative articles does not imply collaborative researchers are in general more research productive. This article assesses the extent to which research productivity varies with the number of collaborative partners for long term researchers within three Web of Science subject areas: Information Science & Library Science, Communication and Medical Informatics. When using the whole number counting system, researchers who worked in groups of 2 or 3 were generally the most productive, in terms of producing the most papers and citations. However, when using fractional counting, researchers who worked in groups of 1 or 2 were generally the most productive. The findings need to be interpreted cautiously, however, because authors that produce few academic articles within a field may publish in other fields or leave academia and contribute to society in other ways

    Establishment, molecular and biological characterization of HCB-514: a novel human cervical cancer cell line

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    Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women. Although cure rates are high for early stage disease, clinical outcomes for advanced, metastatic, or recurrent disease remain poor. To change this panorama, a deeper understanding of cervical cancer biology and novel study models are needed. Immortalized human cancer cell lines such as HeLa constitute crucial scientific tools, but there are few other cervical cancer cell lines available, limiting our understanding of a disease known for its molecular heterogeneity. This study aimed to establish novel cervical cancer cell lines derived from Brazilian patients. We successfully established one (HCB-514) out of 35 cervical tumors biopsied. We confirmed the phenotype of HCB-514 by verifying its' epithelial and tumor origin through cytokeratins, EpCAM and p16 staining. It was also HPV-16 positive. Whole-exome sequencing (WES) showed relevant somatic mutations in several genes including BRCA2, TGFBR1 and IRX2. A copy number variation (CNV) analysis by nanostring and WES revealed amplification of genes mainly related to kinases proteins involved in proliferation, migration and cell differentiation, such as EGFR, PIK3CA, and MAPK7. Overexpression of EGFR was confirmed by phospho RTK-array and validated by western blot analysis. Furthermore, the HCB-514 cell line was sensitive to cisplatin. In summary, this novel Brazilian cervical cancer cell line exhibits relevant key molecular features and constitutes a new biological model for pre-clinical studies.Barretos Cancer Hospital Research Support Department (NAP) for sample collection, Barretos Cancer Hospital Biobank for sample processing, Dr. Flávia de Paula and Gabriela Fernandes for technical support of STRs and BRCA2 Sanger validation, respectively, and Dr. Laura Musselwhite (Duke University) for revising the manuscript. This study was supported by grants from the FINEP (MCTI/FINEP/MS/SCTIE/DECIT-01/2013 - FPXII- BIOPLAT - Process number 01.13.0469.00) and Barretos Cancer Hospital. PhD scholarship from FINEP (Grant numbers 384088/2014-7 and 380434/2015-6) and Barretos Cancer Hospital to MNR