2,771 research outputs found

    Chapter 1, Introduction: A Tale of Two Terms

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    Проблемы и предпосылки инновационно-технологической модернизации индустрии промышленного водопользования и жилищно-коммунального хозяйства

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    В статье проанализированы проблемы и предпосылки инновационно-технологической модернизации индустрии промышленного водопользования и жилищно-коммунального хозяйства. Определены механизмы формирования интегрированной системы превентивных мер по инновационно-технологической модернизации, которая будет направлена не на ликвидацию и возмещение последствий загрязнения, а на предотвращения. Сформированы приоритетные направления инновационно-технологической модернизации индустрии промышленного водопользования и жилищно-коммунального хозяйства путем предоставления фискальных (кредитных и налоговых) преференций предприятиям, которые активно внедряют безводные и маловодные технологии, расширяют мощности очистных сооружений и начинают использовать перспективные формы безопасного водопользования.У статті проаналізовано проблеми і передумови інноваційно-технологічної модернізації індустрії промислового водокористування та житлово-комунального господарства. Визначено механізми формування інтегрованої системи превентивних заходів щодо інноваційно-технологічної модернізації, яка буде спрямована не на ліквідацію та відшкодування наслідків забруднення, а на запобігання. Сформовано пріоритетні напрями інноваційно-технологічної модернізації індустрії промислового водокористування та житлово-комунального господарства шляхом надання фіскальних (кредитних і податкових) преференцій підприємствам, які активно впроваджують безводні і маловодні технології, розширюють потужності очисних споруд і починають використовувати перспективні форми безпечного водокористування.The article analyzes the problems and prerequisites of innovative and technological modernization of the industry of industrial water use and housing and communal services. The mechanisms for the formation of an integrated system of preventive measures for innovation and technological modernization, which will be aimed not at eliminating and compensating for the effects of pollution, but on prevention, are defined. Priority directions of innovative and technological modernization of the industry of industrial water use and housing and communal services have been formed through the provision of fiscal (credit and tax) preferences to enterprises that actively introduce waterless and low-water technologies, expand the capacities of treatment plants and start using promising forms of safe water use

    Европейские клинические рекомендации по кардиологии 2016 года

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    В обзоре представлены основные положения пяти текстов клинических рекомендаций Европейского общества кардиологов, опубликованных в 2016 г. Основное внимание уделено изменениям, появившимся в новых версиях рекомендаций.В огляді подано основні положення п'яти текстів клінічних рекомендацій Європейського товариства кардіологів, опублікованих у 2016 р. Основну увагу приділено змінам, що з'явилися у нових версіях рекомендацій.The review presents the main provisions of 5 clinical practice guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology published in 2016. The focus is on the changes introduced in the new version of the guidelines

    Опыт коммерциализации объектов интеллектуальной собственности, созданных в результате научных исследований в НАН Украины

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    В работе проанализированы пути внедрения результатов научных разработок, которые выполнены в Национальной академии наук Украины, на уровне объектов права интеллектуальной собственности. Рассмотрены современные методы анализа, связанные с внедрением инноваций.У роботі проаналізовано шляхи впровадження результатів наукових розробок, які виконано в Національній академії наук України, на рівні об’єктів права інтелектуальної власності. Розглянуто сучасні методи аналізу, пов’язані з впровадженням інновацій.The trends for implementing the results of scientific researches which have been performed by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine аs subject of intellectual property have been analyzed in this work. Modern methods of analysis relating to the implementation of innovations have been considered

    Сучасний стан та динаміка розвитку фондового ринку України

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    У статті обґрунтовується значущість фондового ринку як для фінансової системи, так і для розвитку реального сектору економіки країни. Проводиться аналіз фондового ринку України за період 2014-2016 рр. як в розрізі організаторів торгівлі (фондових бірж), так і в розрізі фінансових інструментів. Аналізуються симптоматичні диспропорції в структурі угод за різними фінансовими інструментами. Простежується розвиток відзначених тенденцій у поточному 2017 р. Намічено напрями подолання вад розвитку вітчизняного фондового ринку.В статье обосновывается значимость фондового рынка как для финансовой страны, так и для развития реального сектора экономики страны. Проводится анализ фондового рынка Украины за период 2014-2016 гг. как в разрезе организаторов торговли (фондовых бирж), так и в разрезе финансовых инструментов. Анализируются симптоматические диспропорции в структуре сделок с различными финансовыми инструментами. Прослеживается развитие отмеченных тенденций в текущем 2017 г. Намечены направления преодоления недостатков развития отечественного фондового рынка.The article substantiates the importance of the stock market both for the financial system of the country and for the development of the real sector of the country. An analysis of the stock market of Ukraine for the period from 2014 to 2016 is carried out both in the context of trade organizers (stock exchanges) and in the context of financial instruments. The analysis of the symptomatic disproportions in the structure of transactions by various financial instruments is analyzed. The development of marked tendencies in the current 2017 is traced. Directions of overcoming the defects of development of the domestic stock market are outlined

    Association between MAPT polymorphism but not APOE promoter and elite rugby athlete status

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    INTRODUCTION: Incidence and outcomes of concussions have been hypothesised to be genetically influenced. The APOE Promoter G219T (rs405509) polymorphism has been associated with differential promoter activity and unfavourable outcomes after traumatic brain injury. The TT genotype is associated with a 3-fold greater risk of multiple concussions. The TT genotype of MAPT (rs10445337) has also been associated with poorer outcomes after concussion. Rugby has one of the highest incidences of concussion in sport, so it was hypothesised that APOE Promoter TT and MAPT TT genotypes would be less prevalent in elite rugby athletes because those genotypes, previously associated with increased risk, would be less compatible with achieving elite athlete status. METHODS: Participants were from the RugbyGene project, comprising elite Caucasian male rugby athletes (n = 528; mean (standard deviation) height 1.85 (0.07) m, mass 101 (14) kg, age 29 (7) yr), including 420 rugby union (RU) athletes that for some analyses were divided into forwards and backs and 108 rugby league (RL) athletes. Non-athletes were 592 Caucasian men and women (57% male, height 1.72 (0.10) m, mass 74 (14) kg, age 31 (7) yr). PCR of genomic DNA was used to determine genotypes using TaqMan probes, then groups were compared using χ2 and odds ratio (OR) statistics. RESULTS: All genotype data were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. For MAPT (rs10445337), the risk genotype (TT) was underrepresented in rugby athletes (60%) compared to non-athletes (66%), CT more common in rugby athletes (34%) than non-athletes (29%) and little difference in CC genotype frequencies (χ2 = 7.092, P = 0.029; TT genotype frequency OR = 0.80, 95% confidence intervals (CI) = 0.62-1.02). There were no differences in MAPT (rs10445337) genotype frequencies between RU forwards and backs. For APOE Promoter G219T (rs405509), there were no differences in genotype frequencies between all athletes (RU and RL) and non-athletes (27% TT genotype in players and non-athletes), nor between RU forwards and backs. CONCLUSION: The MAPT (rs10445337) TT genotype is 6% less common in elite rugby athletes than non-athletes. Therefore, carrying at least one rs10445337 C allele appears to increase the probability of sustained career success in the high-risk concussion environment of elite rugby, perhaps via a greater ability to recover from concussions.Peer reviewe

    Association of MMP3 but not TIMP2 gene variants with elite rugby player status and rugby code

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    Introduction: Achilles tendon pathology and anterior cruciate ligament rupture are multifactorial conditions for which genetic risk factors have been identified. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the MMP3 (rs591058, rs679620, rs650108) and TIMP2 (rs4789932) genes have previously been associated with tendon and ligament pathologies. Although not entirely clear, prior literature indicates the risk alleles for Achilles tendon pathology as T (rs591058), G (rs679620) and A (rs650108) for MMP3. However, prior evidence regarding TIMP2 is equivocal. MMP3 is considered an essential regulator of matrix degradation and remodelling within diseased and normal musculoskeletal soft tissues. TIMP2 maintains homeostasis in the extracellular matrix in part by inhibiting MMP function. Given the high incidence and severity of tendon and ligament injuries in elite rugby athletes, we hypothesised that the aforementioned SNPs would be associated with career success. Methods: Participants from the RugbyGene project were elite Caucasian male rugby athletes (n = 566; mean (standard deviation) height 1.85 (0.07) m, mass 101 (14) kg, age 29 (7) yr), including 420 rugby union (RU) athletes that for some analyses were divided into forwards and backs and 120 rugby league (RL) athletes. Non-athletes were 589 Caucasian men and women (n = 589, 57% male, height 1.72 (0.10) m, mass 74 (14) kg, age 31 (7) yr). PCR of genomic DNA was used to determine genotypes using TaqMan probes, then groups were compared using Χ2 and odds ratio (OR) statistics. Results: As hypothesized, the MMP3 rs591058 risk genotype (TT) was less frequent in rugby athletes (28%) compared to non-athletes (33%) (Χ2 = 7.265, P = 0.026; OR = 1.18, 95% confidence intervals (CI) = 0.86-1.63). No differences were found for MMP3 rs679620, rs650108 or TIMP2 rs4789932 between rugby athletes and non-athletes. When RL athletes were compared to non-athletes, the risk genotype (TT) of MMP3 rs591058 was underrepresented in RL athletes (19%) compared to non-athletes (33%). The MMP3 rs679620 ‘protective’ allele (C) was more frequent in RL athletes (55%) compared to non-athletes (48%) (OR = 1.3, 95% CI = 0.98-1.74). However, for MMP3 rs650108 the ‘risk’ allele (A) was overrepresented in RL athletes (32%) compared to non-athletes (26%). There were no genotype differences for any gene variant between RU athletes and non-athletes. The ‘risk’ allele (T) of the MMP3 rs679629 polymorphism and the ‘protective’ allele (G) of the MMP3 rs650108 polymorphism were less common in RL (45%, 68%, respectively) than RU athletes (54%, 76%, respectively). Conclusion: We provide evidence for elite rugby athletes possessing a protective genetic profile regarding tendon and ligament injury risk. Notably, a less frequent rs591058 TT genotype in athletes suggests a lower risk of injury could therefore enhance career success in rugby. Furthermore, RL players appear to have differing genetic characteristics compared to their RU counterparts, which might reflect some differences in physiological demands between codes.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    'Subcontracting by Stealth' in London's Hotels: Impacts and Implications for Labour Organising

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    This paper examines the dynamics of change in employment relations in London's hotels. The industry has traditionally used employment agencies to meet short-term labour shortages, but more recently it has turned to agency workers on a 'permanent' basis to cut costs. Drawing on survey data and in-depth interviews with hotel workers in London, we examine the effects of this on labour, documenting changes in pay, and terms and conditions of employment. Our research confirms a trend towards the casualisation of employment in hotels, and highlights the emergence of 'subcontracting by stealth', whereby increasing numbers of staff are employed by agencies with lower wages and poorer working conditions than in-house staff. Given low union-density in the sector, we argue that the Living Wage Campaign, which has been successfully implemented in other sectors of the London economy, might prove an effective means to counter the negative impacts of subcontracting on hotel workers


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    In general, the present disclosure describes navigating user interfaces that accept one-dimensional input, such as a vehicle dashboard console, a smart watch display, and/or the like. For example, a user interface may include a scrollable menu where the user is limited to just scrolling up or down the menu without dedicated next, previous, or select buttons. Rather than requiring a user to scroll all the way to a fixed location in the list, e.g. the top of the list, to navigate a menu hierarchy in order to select a back, select, next, up, close, or other affordance button, the techniques described herein may modify the user interface such that the affordance button is more easily accessible and may require fewer user inputs to navigate to and select. For example, the affordance button may be hidden until a user indicates an intent to activate the affordance button, the affordance button may remain at a top of the visible area of a scrollable menu even as the user scrolls the list beyond the first page of the list, or the affordance button may move around the user interface such that it remains adjacent to the cursor as the user navigates through the list