2,678 research outputs found

    The aetiology of infectious intestinal disease in the community in Malta

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    Routine sources of data provide limited information on aetiological agents causing infectious intestinal disease (IID) in the community. A retrospective, age-stratified, cross-sectional, telephone study at community level was performed whereby identified cases were asked to submit stools for analysis. Of a total of 3504 persons who participated, 99 respondents were suffering from IID. Of these, 37.4% (n=37) cases submitted stools for analysis. These samples were analysed for bacteria (Salmonella, Campylobacter, Escherichia coli, Shigella), protozoa and viruses (rotavirus, norovirus). Salmonella goldcoast was identified in 2.7% (n=1 of 37 tested) of cases, rotavirus in 10% (n=3 of 30 tested) of cases and norovirus in 20% (n=6 of 30 tested) of cases. This study describes norovirus being the commonest aetiological cause of IID in the community of Malta, which along with the data from the national surveillance system is of value in planning policies for the control of infectious intestinal disease.peer-reviewe

    Schutz und Erhalt pflanzengenetischer Vielfalt : In situ- und Ex situ-Maßnahmen

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    Die ökologische, ökonomische und kulturelle Bedeutung von Wildpflanzenarten und deren Potential an genetischen Ressourcen werden immer offensichtlicher. Aber unsere Biosphäre verändert sich zunehmend drastischer, wodurch die natürliche Artenvielfalt stark bedroht ist. Die „Convention on Biological Diversity“ (CBD) hat sich ein Aufhalten des Biodiversitätsverlustes zum Ziel gesetzt. In situ- Maßnahmen wird dabei eine hohe Priorität zugesprochen, aber Ex situ-Maßnahmen werden immer dringender und dies insbesondere hinsichtlich des Erhalts genetischer Variabilität auf Populationsebene. Botanische Gärten sind durch ihre traditionell großen Sammlungen und Ausstellungen als Standardinstitutionen für eine Ex situ-Erhaltung prädestiniert. Aber der Wert und die Bedeutung dieser Sammlungen für den Erhalt der natürlichen genetischen Variabilität bleibt de facto beschränkt. Wir plädieren daher mit Nachdruck für Saatgutgenbanken für Wildpflanzen. Diese Vorgehensweise wird in mehreren Ländern bereits herangezogen - in Deutschland aber nicht. Saatgutgenbanken sind die einfachste und preisgünstigste Ex situ-Strategie zum Erhalt der pflanzengenetischen Vielfalt. Saatgutgenbanken für Wildpflanzen haben das Ziel, natürliche pflanzengenetische Ressourcen zu schützen und zu erhalten. In Kombination mit In situ-Maßnahmen haben sie große Bedeutung für den Naturschutz, z.B. im Rahmen von Wiederbesiedlungsmaßnahmen.The world is facing a dramatic change of the biosphere. Habitat loss, climate change, pollution, and biological invasions are regarded as greatest threat for biodiversity. To stop the current loss of biodiversity is a matter of worldwide concern, and is the goal of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD, 1992). Priority is given to in situ measures against species decline, however should be supported by ex situ conservation, and in the light of the ever increasing loss of biodiversity, ex situ measures are becoming more and more urgent, especially when protecting genetic variation at the population level. There is growing awareness of the ecological, economic and cultural significance of wild plant species and their potential as genetic resources. Botanic gardens are the standard institutions for ex situ conservation. With their huge collections on display botanical gardens are the most effective multipliers for increasing public awareness of the value of biodiversity and conservation needs. However, there are limitations which reduce the value of the collections of the botanical gardens for conservation of genetic variability. We therefore strongly argue for seed gene banks of wild plants, a strategy which has been already adopted in several countries but not in Germany. Seed gene banks are the easiest and least expensive way for preserving plant genetic variability. The aim of seed gene banks for indigenous wild plants are protection and conservation of natural plant genetic resources and promoting integrated ex situ and in situ conservation efforts e.g. for reintroduction strategies

    Loki Schmidt-Genbank für Wildpflanzen am Botanischen Garten der Universität Osnabrück

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    Zur Erhaltung genetischer Ressourcen, wissenschaftlicher Forschung und im Rahmen zentraler Informationsdatenbanken sind Ex situ-Sammlungen in Form von Genbanken notwendig. Die Botanischen Gärten sollten Saatgutgenbanken von Wildpflanzen zukünftig aufbauen bzw. etablieren, um die Erhaltungsmaßnahmen und den Schutz der natürlichen pflanzengenetischen Ressourcen weiter voranzubringen. Am Botanischen Garten der Universität Osnabrück ist eine Genbank für Wildpflanzen eingerichtet worden, die insbesondere Saatgut gefährdeter Gefäßpflanzenarten Nordwestdeutschlands beherbergt und unter trockenen Bedingungen bei minus 20°C in speziellen Alu-Polyethylenfolien aufbewahrt. Gegenwärtig befinden sich 1800 Saatgutproben von 620 Wildpflanzenarten aus 65 Pflanzenfamilien in der Genbank. In einer Access basierten Datenbank ist jeder Beleg auch online abrufbar (www.wildpflanzen-genbank.de) und im Herbarium “OSBU“ der AG Botanik als Belegexemplar hinterlegt. Wir planen die Integration der Loki Schmidt-Genbank und das dezentrale Netzwerk von regionalen Saatgut-Genbanken für Wildpflanzen in die Organisation „Nationales Inventar Pflanzengenetischer Ressourcen Deutschlands“ (PGRDEU) und hier in das untergeordnete Netzwerk „Deutsche Genbank für Crop Wild Relatives” (CWR), dessen Koordination dem Botanischen Garten Osnabrück obliegen würde. Botanische Gärten können als Institutionen die Nachhaltigkeit der Einrichtung solcher Systeme gewährleisten und sind deshalb die richtigen Ansprechpartner für diese Kooperation.There is a growing awareness for the significance of seed gene banks as an ex situ-strategy for the maintenance of plant genetic resources. At the Botanical Garden of the University of Osnabrueck we established a seed gene bank for wild plants of Northwest Germany. We have already collected material of 1800 accessions from 620 species and 65 families. The seeds are dried and stored in special plastic bags in minus 20°C. Information about each accession is listed in an access database which is online available (www.wildpflanzen-genbank.de). Voucher material is documented in the herbarium OSBU of the AG Botany at the University of Osnabrueck. We plan to integrate the Loki Schmidt Gene Bank and the decentralised network of seed gene banks for wild plants into the organisation “National Inventory of Plant Genetic Resources Germany” (PGRDEU) and here in the subordinated network “German Gene Bank for Crop Wild Relatives” which shall be coordinated in the Botanical Garden in Osnabrueck. Institutions like Botanical Gardens are able to guarantee for the sustainability of such systems and are the most probable partners in the cooperation

    Behavioural Approaches in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

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    The potential of behavioural approaches for improving the lives of people with acquired brain injury is immense. Here that potential is laid out and explored with a thoroughgoing regard for clinical practice and the theoretical frameworks that underpin that practice. This book will prove an invaluable resource for clinical psychologists and the whole range of therapists working with patients suffering from acquired brain damage

    Behavioural Approaches in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

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    The potential of behavioural approaches for improving the lives of people with acquired brain injury is immense. Here that potential is laid out and explored with a thoroughgoing regard for clinical practice and the theoretical frameworks that underpin that practice. This book will prove an invaluable resource for clinical psychologists and the whole range of therapists working with patients suffering from acquired brain damage

    Chromosomal Localization of the Carcinoembryonic Antigen Gene Family and Differential Expression in Various Tumors

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    Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a glycoprotein which is important as a tumor marker for a number of human cancers. It is a member of a gene family comprising about 10 closely related genes. In order to characterize mUNAs transcribed from individual genes we have identified by DNA and RNA hybridization experiments, gene-specific sequences from the 3 ' noncoding regions of CEA, and of nonspecific cross-reacting antigen (NCA) mRNAs, which have been recently cloned. With these probes, CEA mRNAs with lengths of 3.5 and 3.0 kilobases and an NCA mRNA species of 2.5 kilobases were identified in various human tumors. A 2.2-kilobase mRNA species, however, could only be detected in leu kocytes of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia by hybridization with a probe from the immunoglobulin-like repeat domain of CEA. This region is known to be very similar among the various members of the CEA gene family, and indeed the probe hybridizes with all four mRNA species. In situ hybridization with a cross-hybridizing probe from the NCA gene localized the members of the CEA gene family to the short and to the long arm of chromosome 19. In addition, a CEA cDNA probe was found to hybridize to the long arm of chromosome 19 only

    Bekanntheit und Ansehen des Petitionsausschusses des Deutschen Bundestages und Nutzung des Petitionsrechts in Deutschland. Gutachten im Rahmen des TA-Projekts »Öffentliche elektronische Petitionen und bürgerschaftliche Teilhabe«

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    Das Büro für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung beim Deutschen Bundestag (TAB) hatte sich in einer umfangreichen Studie mit Entwicklungen im Petitionswesen und der Einführung elektronischer Petitionssysteme auseinandergesetzt (TAB 2008). Eines der identifizierten Forschungsdesiderate war, dass für Deutschland keine repräsentativen Daten darüber vorliegen, wie gut das Petitionsrecht und die Institutionen des Petitionswesens bekannt sind, wie ihr Ansehen in der Öffentlichkeit ist und wie stark das Petitionsrecht in Anspruch genommen wird. Um diese Lücke zu schließen, wurde im Rahmen des TA-Projekts »Öffentliche elektronische Petitionen und bürgerschaftliche Teilhabe« eine entsprechende Untersuchung durchgeführt. Das TAB-Hintergrundpapier, das die Ergebnisse dokumentiert, liefert auf Basis einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsbefragung erstmals Daten zum Petitionswesen in Deutschland. INHALT VORWORT 5 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 11 I. GEGENSTAND UND ZIELSETZUNG DES GUTACHTENS 15 1. Petitionen als Form politischer Beteiligung 17 2. Die Rolle des Petitionsausschusses des Deutschen Bundestages im Gesamtsystem des Petitionswesens 20 2.1 Die Governancestruktur des deutschen Petitionswesens 21 2.2 Der Petitionsausschuss im Kontext des Deutschen Bundestages 23 2.3 Verfahrensweise des Ausschusses im Umgang mit Petitionen 24 2.4 Prozedurale Besonderheiten und Handlungsspielräume des Petitionsausschusses 25 3. Forschungsstand 27 4. Fragestellungen 31 5. Methodisch-statistische Anmerkungen 33 II. NUTZUNG UND NICHTNUTZUNG DES PETITIONSRECHTS 37 1. Bekanntheit und Nutzung des Petitionsrechts 37 1.1 Nutzung und Nutzungsformen des Petitionsrechts 37 1.2 Nutzung des Petitionsrechts im Vergleich zu anderen politischen Aktivitäten 39 1.3 Soziodemografische Merkmale und politisches Interesse der Nutzer des Petitionsrechts und anderer politischer Beteiligungsangebote 41 2. Nichtnutzung des Petitionsrechts 45 2.1 Bekanntheit des Petitionsrechts in verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen 45 2.2 Gründe für Nichtnutzung 47 III. BEKANNTHEIT VON PETITIONSSTELLEN UND KENNTNISSE DES PETITIONSRECHTS 49 1. Bekanntheit der Petitionsstellen 49 2. Einschätzungen zu den Inhalten des Petitionsrechts 51 2.1 Kenntnisse des Petitionsrechts und eigene Erfahrungen 52 2.2 Das Petitionsrecht als Jedermannsrecht – Einschätzungen in unterschiedlichen Bevölkerungsgruppen 53 IV. BEDEUTUNG DES PETITIONSAUSSCHUSSES DES DEUTSCHEN BUNDESTAGES 57 1. Präferenzen bezüglich der Einreichung von Vorschlägen und Beschwerden bei unterschiedlichen Petitionsstellen 58 2. Bedeutung des Petitionsausschusses des Deutschen Bundestages im Hinblick auf unterschiedliche Anlässe für die Einreichung einer Petition 62 V. DAS PETITIONSVERFAHREN DES DEUTSCHEN BUNDESTAGES AUS SICHT DER NUTZER 67 1. Nutzung und Bewertung des Petitionsverfahrens des Deutschen Bundestages 67 2. Anforderungen für die Bearbeitung von Petitionen an den Petitionsausschuss des Deutschen Bundestages 69 3. Präferenzen bezüglich der Wege zur Einreichung von Petitionen an den Deutschen Bundestag 72 4. Bewertung der Merkmale öffentlicher Petitionen 75 VI. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG UND PERSPEKTIVEN 79 1. Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 79 2. Handlungskonsequenzen für den Petitionsausschuss 83 3. Forschungsbedarf 8

    Reversal of murine alcoholic steatohepatitis by pepducin-based functional blockade of interleukin-8 receptors.

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    OBJECTIVE: Alcoholic steatohepatitis is a life-threatening condition with short-term mortality up to 40%. It features hepatic neutrophil infiltration and blood neutrophilia, and may evolve from ethanol-induced breakdown of the enteric barrier and consequent bacteraemia. Signalling through CXCR1/2 G-protein-coupled-receptors (GPCRs), the interleukin (IL)-8 receptors, is critical for the recruitment and activation of neutrophils. We have developed short lipopeptides (pepducins), which inhibit post-ligand GPCR activation precisely targeting individual GPCRs. DESIGN: Experimental alcoholic liver disease was induced by administering alcohol and a Lieber-DeCarli high-fat diet. CXCR1/2 GPCRs were blocked via pepducins either from onset of the experiment or after disease was fully established. Hepatic inflammatory infiltration, hepatocyte lipid accumulation and overall survival were assessed as primary outcome parameters. Neutrophil activation was assessed by myeloperoxidase activity and liver cell damage by aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase plasma levels. Chemotaxis assays were performed to identify chemoattractant signals derived from alcohol-exposed hepatocytes. RESULTS: Here, we show that experimental alcoholic liver disease is driven by CXCR1/2-dependent activation of neutrophils. CXCR1/2-specific pepducins not only protected mice from liver inflammation, weight loss and mortality associated with experimental alcoholic liver disease, but therapeutic administration cured disease and prevented further mortality in fully established disease. Hepatic neutrophil infiltration and triglyceride accumulation was abrogated by CXCR1/2 blockade. Moreover, CXCL-1 plasma levels were decreased with the pepducin therapy as was the transcription of hepatic IL-1β mRNA. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that high circulating IL-8 in human alcoholic hepatitis may cause pathogenic overzealous neutrophil activation, and therapeutic blockade via pepducins merits clinical study.Wellcome Trust Career Re-entry Fellowship (103077/Z/13/Z) to NCK, Christian Doppler Research Society to HT and European Research Council (FP7/2007- 2013) to AKThis is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the BMJ Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/gutjnl-2015-31034

    Identification of a putatively novel trichomonad species in the intestine of a common quail (Coturnix coturnix)

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    AbstractA common quail (Coturnix coturnix) from a private keeping died unexpectedly and showed a moderate lymphocytic infiltration of the colonic mucosa associated with numerous protozoa-like objects at the pathological examination. These organisms were further identified using chromogenic in situ hybridization (ISH) and gene sequencing. ISH was performed on paraffin embedded tissue sections and produced a positive signal using a probe specific for the 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene of the order Trichomonadida, but remained negative with probes specific for the 18S rRNA gene of the common bird parasites Histomonas meleagridis, Tetratrichomonas gallinarum or Trichomonas gallinae. The trichomonads were found on the mucosal surface, inside the crypts and also immigrating into the lamina propria mucosae. DNA was extracted from the paraffin embedded tissue and the entire 18S rRNA gene, ITS-1 region, 5.8S rRNA gene, ITS-2 region and a part of the 28S rRNA gene were sequenced using primer walking. The acquired sequence showed 95% homology with Tritrichomonas foetus, a trichomonad never described in birds. A phylogenetic analysis of a part of the 18S rRNA gene or of the ITS-1, 5.8S and ITS-2 region clearly placed this nucleotide sequence within the family of Tritrichomonadidae. Therefore, the authors propose the detection of a putative new Tritrichomonas sp. in the intestine of a common quail

    Environmental contamination and hygienic measures after feline calicivirus field strain infections of cats in a research facility

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    Feline calicivirus (FCV) can cause painful oral ulcerations, salivation, gingivitis/stomatitis, fever and depression in infected cats; highly virulent virus variants can lead to fatal epizootic outbreaks. Viral transmission occurs directly or indirectly via fomites. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence and viability of FCV in the environment after sequential oronasal infections of specified pathogen-free cats with two FCV field strains in a research facility. Replicating virus was detected in saliva swabs from all ten cats after the first and in four out of ten cats after the second FCV exposure using virus isolation to identify FCV shedders. In the environment, where cleaning, but no disinfection took place, FCV viral RNA was detectable using RT-qPCR on all tested items and surfaces, including cat hair. However, only very limited evidence was found of replicating virus using virus isolation. Viral RNA remained demonstrable for at least 28 days after shedding had ceased in all cats. Disinfection with 5% sodium bicarbonate (and IncidinTM Plus) and barrier measures were effective in that no viral RNA was detectable outside the cat rooms. Our findings are important for any multicat environment to optimize hygienic measures against FCV infection