303 research outputs found

    Hubungan Status Sosial Ekonomi Dan Komitmen Lingkungan Hidup Ibu-ibu Pkk Terhadap Budaya Bersih Di Kelurahan Klender Kecamatan Duren Sawit Jakarta Timur Herawati Abstract

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    The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship of social economic status and environmental commitment the mothers in PKK the area in klender Jakarta east. The sample of this research were 76 persons which randomly taken. The data were analyzed by using ANAVA 2 X 2. Findings of the research indicated that the mother PKK doers who were relationship of social economic status and environmental commitment the mothers in PKK the area in klender Jakarta east. Therefore, the two variables should be taken into consideration to increase the Doers'enviromental commitment on mothers PKK in klender Jakarta east

    Semiotic Analysis of Characteristic Image of Jogja Society in the Film of ā€œJagad X-Codeā€

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    The object of the research is the film of Jagad X-Code. The film of Jagad X-Code took DI Yogyakarta as the setting of this film. The people of Jogja maintain the strong characteristic of Java which is represented in this comedy film. It conveyed the cultural values which started to fade away. The aim of the research is to identify the symbols and the sign used and the characteristic of the Jogja people presented in the film ā€˜Jagad X-Code', and to identify the meaning of the film. The data source helped the writer in the process of interpretation and significance of the film was obtained through observation to the film, information from the book, internet and informants who understood the javanese culture. It is concluded that film is one of media which convey the cultural value which should be maintained by the society. The characteristics of Javanese People represented in this film are submissive, polite, respectful to the elderly, helpful, and innocent. These characteristics are symbolized by the director of the film through the attitude and behavior of the actor in the film

    Peningkatan Kinerja Karyawan Pegadaian Syariah terhadap Nilai Pendapatan

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    Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang dilakukan di. Pegadaian (Persero) syariah cabang syariah hasanuddin makassar Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui PT. Pegadaian syariah terhadap peningkatan kinerja sudah sesuai dengan aturan islam atau tidak di Pegadaian (persero) syariah cabang syariah hasanuddin makassar Dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga variabel, yaitu X1 pegadaian syariah, X2 peningkatan kinerja, dan X3 pendapatanPengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara penyebaran kuesioner atau angket. Adapun yang menjadi populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah jumlah para karyawan pegadaian syariah cabang hasanuddin Makassar sebanyak 75 orang, dengan menggunakan rumus Sloving maka menghasilkan sampel sebanyak 75 sampel. Selanjutnya, data yang diperoleh melalui instrument tersebut kemudian diolah melalui analisis regresi linear berganda dengan bantuan aplikasi Partial Least Square (PLS Smart Least ).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa margin pegadaian syariah, peningkatan kinerja, pendapatan berpegaruh positif dan signifikan dari hasil analisis inferensial yang menggunakan uji t dengan rumus regresi linear berganda menunjukkan bahwa nilai t hitung lebih besar dari pada nilai t tabel

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Partisipasi Kontaktani dalam Perencanaan Program Penyuluhan Pertanian (Kasus Wkupp Nyalindung, Kabupaten Sukabumi)

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    The main objective of this research was to determine the extent of contact-farmer participation in agricultural extension program planning i.e., in collecting data, in compiling the data collected, in attending meeting, in discussing and in giving suggestions, and in authenticating the program and activities that followed. To meet this objective, 30 contact-farmers registered in the Contact-Farmer Association (Gapoktan) in Rural Extension Unit at Nyalindung Subdistrict, District of Sukabumi were interviewed. The research results showed that both the contact-farmers\u27 internal and external factors were highly correlated with their participation in planning Agricultural Extension program and activities

    Analisis Pemasaran Nenas Palembang (Kasus: Desa Paya Besar, Kecamatan Payaraman, Kabupaten Ogan Ilir, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan)

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    Pineapple is one of the commodities that make a significant contribution to the Gross National Product (GDP) Indonesian horticulture. South Sumatra is one of the provinces that have a high volume of pineapple production. Pineapple production center is located in Ogan Ilir regency. There are problems in the marketing of pineapples that affect farmers' income. The problem is the high margin difference between farmers and consumers. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze marketing system of pineapples in Paya Besar sub regency. This study used structural approach, conduct approach and market performance. Based on the analysis, there are three channels of pineapple marketing in Paya Besar sub regency. Every channel has different marketing areas. The third channel is more efficient than the other channels. These channel involves farmers, traders village, local wholesalers, and foreign wholesalers. The third channel has the smallest margin, the largest farmer's share and the most equitable spread of benefit cost ratio. In addition, sales volume pineapple third channel is the highest volume and most widely used by farmers

    Validity Test of Purchasing Power Parity Doctrine: an Indonesian Case Study

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    The goal of this study is to analyze the doctrine purchasing power parity (PPP) in Indonesia with the case study of the rupiah exchange rate to U.S. dollar. The autoregressive is used to estimate the relationship between the change of exchange rate and the difference Indonesiaā€“USA inflation rate. The data used in this study are quarterly data obtained from the International Financial Statistics (IFS) and Bank Indonesia (BI) with the period 1997Q4-2013Q4. The exchange rate that used in this study is using the rate on rupiah to U S dollar. The price data used consumer price index in Indonesia and the United States with a base year of 2000. The results of this study show, that rupiah to the U.S. dollar is undervalued during the free floating exchange rate system and, the PPP doctrine to the case of the rupiah to the U.S. dollar is not valid in the period of this study

    Peningkatan Kualitas Perkuliahan Fisiologi Tumbuhan melalui Lesson Study di Jurusan Biologi Fmipa Um

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    Since three years ago Plant Physiology lecture has been using a model of learning Reading, Questioning, and Answering System (RQA), but the results are still not satisfactory. Three open classes of Lesson Study (LS) has been implemented to improve the lecture on April 4, 7, and 14, 2014 by the LS Team consisting of three lecturers and four assistant lecturers. The input for improving the teaching and learning process of lecture conducted as a result of reflection before and after three open classes covers additional tasks preparing a concept map or mind map tasks besides RQA, the improved form of power point presentation, improved mastery of material by the presenters, query answering written questions in the Chapter Review that the material covered is more substantial. Presenters should also display images related to the material being discussed, request that the student submit the RQA power point at the beginning of lecture, and gave a rebuttal that is not a technical issue but a substantial concerns, as well as write and collect lecture notes at the end of the course. The results showed an improvement in the learning processes and increased student engagement in learning. Plant Physiology improvement of learning outcomes is still not satisfactory
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