97 research outputs found

    Kepuasan Konsumen pada Hypermarket Kota Tangerang Selatan

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of service quality on Carrefour consumer satisfaction. The object of analysis in this study is Carrefour Pamulang. While the units of analysis are consumers who were found shopping at the time the study was conducted. The research method uses quantitative, descriptive and survey. The analytical method used is a simple linear regression analysis with 84 samples and the sampling technique used is accidental sampling and the determination of the number of samples using the Slovin formula. Furthermore, the study was tested with the stages of analysis that included a descriptive analysis of the questionnaire, a validity test, a reliability test, a classic assumption test, a linear regression test and a coefficient of determination test. Hypothesis test results show that service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction with a regression coefficient of 0.435 and determination of 18.9%, while the remaining 81.1% is explained by other variables outside this study, for example location, price, promotion, image and others. This finding proves that consumer satisfaction can be explained by service quality. The better the services provided will increase customer satisfaction, thus loyalty will be born


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    Nagrak Village, Ciater District, located in Subang Regency has a BUMDes with the name Hasil Berkah Motekar which has been established since 2017. There is a Job Creation Law which explains that now BUMDes can run a business and/or public service company and form a legal entity business unit. The BUMDes does not yet have a legal entity, because the management of the BUMDes is constrained by technical problems in its management. During this period of service, assistance was provided in creating a business entity for the BUMDes of Nagrak Village. The activity was carried out in 3 stages, among them: Observation, discussion with the manager and registering BUMDes to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. In this period of service, the author can contribute to BUMDes Results Berkah in obtaining a new Legal Entity which means it has the same position as business entities in general and hopes to be able to facilitate village partnerships, introduce regional potential, accelerate village economic development and success. National Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Keywords: Business Entities, BUMDes, Employment Creation Ac


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    This service activity was carried out in Hamlet III, Rawang Baru Village, Rawang Panca Arga District, Asahan Regency. The problem that occurs in partners is the lack of reading ability of children at the elementary school level, so that the children's reading interest is very low. There are even some children who are already in elementary school grade 3 while still reading spelling. Children prefer to play with their friends, or even choose to play gedjet. With the low interest they have in reading, it has a huge impact on their ability to learn. The solution given by the implementer to partners is to provide reading books with images in order to attract children's attention and invite them to read in turns. This activity is expected to increase children's reading interest and skills. These activities include 1) providing basic knowledge about the importance of reading skills; 2) giving pictorial reading books to encourage interest and desire to read 3) giving tricks and tips so that a sense of desire to read arises; 4) conducting competition activities to motivate children and improve children's skills in the community. The target output is one article on; activity videos; and increasing the empowerment and knowledge of partners according to the problems at hand. An additional output is the publication of an accredited local journal under the name Anadara journal. Keywords: Increase Reading Interes


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    Background: In addition to physical issues, the critical condition that the ICU patients experience also causes a psychological impact that lasts until they leave the ICU treatment. Virtual reality is one of the latest innovations utilized to support the treatment in the ICU. Virtual reality is one of the supporting tools in non-pharmacology interventions to reduce anxiety, stress, and sleep deprivation, as well as mitigate post-traumatic disorder syndrome or PTSD. The research aims to describe the framework for utilizing virtual reality to reduce anxiety, stress, and sleep deprivation, as well as mitigate post-traumatic disorder syndrome. As well as to see how feasible it is to utilize this technology from the security and usage tolerance perspective. Method: The methode was a literature review. The author search the articles on Google Scholar by filtering search results based on the publication year, article title, and abstract. The research resulted in ten articles to be the literature review. Result: The search result found ten articles discussing virtual reality on ICU patients as an intervention to reduce anxiety, pain, and sleep deprivation. The research also found that it is feasible to use Virtual reality as an intervention media. From the safety perspective, the technology is safe due to being regularly disinfected and not affecting other life-support tools that the patients need. It also has minimum side effects during usage. Conclusion: Virtual reality is effective in reducing anxiety, pain, and sleep deprivation in ICU patients. From the safety viewpoint and usage tolerance, the technology is safe and feasible for ICU patients. &nbsp

    Veno-Venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation terhadap Pemulihan Pasien COVID-19 Disertai Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of veno-venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation on the recovery of COVID-19 patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and the factors that support its point. The method used in this research is a literature search from several online databases. The results showed that from the ten articles reviewed, the effectiveness of veno-venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation on the recovery of COVID-19 patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome was supported by the workings of veno-venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation itself and the role of perfusion/perfusionist nurses in its management. One way of working veno-venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in cases of severe respiratory failure is to facilitate the direct exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide from the blood. Meanwhile, a perfusionist is responsible for the operation of the ECMO machine and patient care and monitoring while the machine is installed. In conclusion, overall, the article describes the effectiveness of veno-venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation on the recovery of COVID-19 patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.   Keywords: ARDS, COVID-19, Nurse, VV ECM


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah mendeskripsikan fenomena realitas sosil, pendidikan dan religi dalam novel Aroma Karsa karya Dee Lestari serta hubungan anatara karya sastra dengan kehidupan nyata melalui pendekatan Mimetik. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan ialah teknik simak, wawancara, catat. Untuk mengetahui gambaran kehidupan nilai sosial, pendidikan, dan religi dalam novel dengan nilai-nilai sosial, pendidikan, dan religi yang pernah  dalam kehidupan nyata, gambaran realitas sosial mengenai sikap saling tolong menolong, saling menghargai, saling menghormati, sikap kekerabatan atanar sesama dan keluarga, fenomena pacaran, fenomena kriminal, dan rasa kasih sayang dalam novel dengan nilai sosial di kehidupan nyata, gambaran realitas pendidikan seperti kegigihan dalam belajar, keuletan dalam bekerja, dan pendidikan dalam keluarga dalam novel dengan nilai pendidikan di dunia nyata, gambaran realitas religi seperti pengajian tujuh hari dan 100 hari dalam novel dengan nilai religi di kehidupan nyata. Hasil penelitian ini adalah gambaran nilai sosial, nilai pendidikan, nilai religi dalam cerita novel Aroma Karsa ini merupakan cerminan dari kehidupan nyata di masyarakat yang pernah terjadi serta hubungan anatara karya sastra dengan kehidupan nyata


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Mitos Legenda Pulau Simardan Refleksi Petuah Masyarakat Tanjung Balai. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesiayang berjumlah 5 informan..Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualintatif dengan pendekatan strukturalisme. Memperoleh data penelitian ini digunakan dengan cara wawancara langsung. Berdasarkan beberapa informan yang telah diwawancarai peneliti maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Legenda Pulau Simardan hanya sebuah karangan fiksi yang hanya sebagai landasan atau sebagai nasihat kepada generasi muda agar tidak melawan orang tua apa lagi tidak mengakui orang tuanya sebagai orang tua seperti yang diceritakan dalam legenda dan sebagai petuah yang tidak langsung seperti nasihat atau ungkapan seperti jangan menyapu di malam hari, sebenarnya kata-kata tersebut sebuah fakta pada zaman dahulu yang jauh berbeda dengan fakta pada saat ini. Kata kunci: Mitos dan Legenda Pulau Simarda


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze folklore about the Legend of the Kisaran Naga Range in the Hermeneutic Circle. This research was carried out because this story has a unique value that is still believed by the Malay people asahan as a myth that still accepts the truth that the name of the city is believed to be a mythical Kisaran Naga snake that revolves around King Daurung's battle which became a fish with the King Young from China who incarnated a Kisaran Naga snake. To introduce the name of the city of origin Kisaran assessed from the hermeneutic circle which refers to the study of the circle of titles, themes, lines, characters, settings, and messages as a coherent. The benefit of this legend is to preserve Asahan's historical culture so that it never goes extinct at times, but it is still preserved as an ancestral civilization that always safeguards customs and upholds the name of the region. Keywords: Legend Kisaran Naga, Hermeneutic Circl


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    This research was aimed at conducting analysis on self-confidence in Anthony McCarten’s movie script, Bohemian Rhapsody. The self-confidence was analysed by using the theory proposed by Lindenfield (1994) who states that self-confidence consists of self-confidence born and inner self-confidence. Self-confidence born allows someone to show confidence in what he will do. This confidence can make someone believe in himself to achieve what he wants. In confidence born, he claims that a person must develop skills such as communication, assertiveness and feeling control. Inner self-confidence is self-confidence that gives to the individual’s feelings and suppositions that the individual is in good condition. There are three main characteristics that are distinctive to people who have a healthy inner self-confidence. The three characteristics are self-love, self-understanding, and positive thinking. This research used descriptive qualitative method because the discussion was descriptively accomplished. The descriptive qualitative method was applied to explain the self-confidence to get success from the quotations in the movie script. The result result shows that self-confidence born and inner self-confidence vividly played important role to make the protagonist’s success come true


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    Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is a chronic complex syndrome characterized by the inability of the heart to support the circulation of the peripheral organs and may cause negative effects on the whole human body systems. CHF survivors may develop poor adaptation and quality of life also death. Roy's adaptation theory model-based intervention aid in improving patient adaptation to the fulfillment of physiological needs, self-concept, role function, and interdependence. The purpose of this case study was to apply Roy's adaptation theory model to patients with CHF. The results showed that adaptive mal behavior becomes the priority problem of low cardiac output with focal stimuli: increased afterload, preload, contractility, and changes in heart rate. The history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and non-adherence were included in the contextual stimulus. The history of smoking is included in the residual stimulus. Two mechanisms of regulatory and cognitive control are used as nursing interventions. Results showed that the patient performed physiological-physical adaptation had no diuretic injection, was capable to endure fluid restriction, and showed adequate fluid balance. Moreover, patients were also adapted with lifestyle changes supported by their families. It is recommended to provide Roy's adaptation theory model-based nursing intervention to the chronic disease patients in the clinical setting
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