579 research outputs found

    Triadic resonances in non-linear simulations of a fluid flow in a precessing cylinder

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    We present results from three-dimensional non-linear hydrodynamic simulations of a precession driven flow in cylindrical geometry. The simulations are motivated by a dynamo experiment currently under development at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) in which the possibility of generating a magnetohydrodynamic dynamo will be investigated in a cylinder filled with liquid sodium and simultaneously rotating around two axes. In this study, we focus on the emergence of non-axisymmetric time-dependent flow structures in terms of inertial waves which - in cylindrical geometry - form so-called Kelvin modes. For a precession ratio Po=Ωp/Ωc=0.014{\rm{Po}}=\Omega_p/\Omega_c=0.014 the amplitude of the forced Kelvin mode reaches up to one fourth of the rotation velocity of the cylindrical container confirming that precession provides a rather efficient flow driving mechanism even at moderate values of Po{\rm{Po}}. More relevant for dynamo action might be free Kelvin modes with higher azimuthal wave number. These free Kelvin modes are triggered by non-linear interactions and may constitute a triadic resonance with the fundamental forced mode when the height of the container matches their axial wave lengths. Our simulations reveal triadic resonances at aspect ratios close to those predicted by the linear theory except around the primary resonance of the forced mode. In that regime we still identify various free Kelvin modes, however, all of them exhibit a retrograde drift around the symmetry axis of the cylinder and none of them can be assigned to a triadic resonance. The amplitudes of the free Kelvin modes always remain below the forced mode but may reach up to 6% of the of the container's angular velocity. The properties of the free Kelvin modes will be used in future simulations of the magnetic induction equation to investigate their ability to provide for dynamo action.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figures, submitted to New J. Phy

    A journey home: what drives how long people are homeless?

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    Abstract: This paper uses survival analysis to model exits over time from two alternative notions of homelessness. We are unique in being able to account for time-invariant, unobserved heterogeneity. We find that duration dependence has an inverted U-shape with exit rates initially increasing (indicating positive duration dependence) and then falling. Like previous researchers, we find results consistent with negative duration dependence in models which ignore unobserved heterogeneity. Exit rates out of homelessness fall with age and with the education level of mothers. Women are more likely than men to exit homelessness when it is broadly conceived, but appear to be less likely to exit when it is narrowly defined. Finally, higher paternal education and exemptions from welfare-related activity requirements due to either mental or physical health conditions are all associated with higher exit rates

    Occupational choices and network effects: Evidence from France

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    International audienc

    Towards a precession driven dynamo experiment

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    The most ambitious project within the DREsden Sodium facility for DYNamo and thermohydraulic studies (DRESDYN) at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) is the set-up of a precession-driven dynamo experiment. After discussing the scientific background and some results of water pre-experiments and numerical predictions, we focus on the numerous structural and design problems of the machine. We also outline the progress of the building's construction, and the status of some other experiments that are planned in the framework of DRESDYN.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Magnetohydrodynamic

    Simulations of the 2004 lava flow at etna volcano by the magflow cellular automata model

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    Lava flows represent a challenge for physically based modeling, since the mechanical properties of lava change over time. This change is ruled by a temperature field, which needs to be modeled. MAGFLOW Cellular Automata (CA) model was developed for physically based simulations of lava flows in near real-time. We introduced an algorithm based on the Monte Carlo approach to solve the anisotropic problem. As transition rule of CA, a steady state solution of Navier-Stokes equations was adopted in the case of isothermal laminar pressure-driven Bingham fluid. For the cooling mechanism, we consider the radiative heat loss only from the surface of the flow, and the change of the temperature due to mixture of lavas between cells with different temperatures. The model was applied to reproduce a real lava flow occurred during the 2004-2005 Etna eruption. The simulations were computed using three different empirical relationships between viscosity and temperature

    Simulations of the 2004 lava flow at Etna volcano by the magflow cellular automata model

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    Lava flows represent a challenge for physically based modeling, since the mechanical properties of lava change over time. This change is ruled by a temperature field, which needs to be modeled. MAGFLOW Cellular Automata (CA) model was developed for physically based simulations of lava flows in near real-time. We introduced an algorithm based on the Monte Carlo approach to solve the anisotropic problem. As transition rule of CA, a steady state solution of Navier-Stokes equations was adopted in the case of isothermal laminar pressure-driven Bingham fluid. For the cooling mechanism, we consider the radiative heat loss only from the surface of the flow, and the change of the temperature due to mixture of lavas between cells with different temperatures. The model was applied to reproduce a real lava flow occurred during the 2004-2005 Etna eruption. The simulations were computed using three different empirical relationships between viscosity and temperature

    CRASY a reconfigurable arithmetic architecture for neural networks analysis

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    Since a few years, neural networks analysis rouses great interests. According to this approach, the study of postulated functions in the nervous system demands some powerful simulation tools . Taking inspiration from general features of signais processing and front present tendances toward parallelism in computer architecture, we propose an efficient array processor architecture for recursive adoptive networks analysis and more generally for data (signal, image) analysis : it's the processor named CRAS Y (a systolique calculator for adaptive networks) .Depuis de nombreuses années, l'analyse de réseaux neuronaux suit un essor fantastique . L'étude suivant cette approche des fonctions postulées dans le systÚme nerveux requiert de puissants outils de simulation . En nous inspirant à la fois des caractéristiques générales en traitement des signaux et des tendances actuelles vers le parallélisme, en matiÚre de structures de calculateurs, nous proposons une architecture d'« array » processeur performante pour l'étude de réseaux récursifs adaptatifs en particulier et pour l'analyse de données (signal, image) en général : c'est le processeur « CRASY » (Calculateur de Réseaux Adaptatifs SYstolique)

    Numerical simulation of lava flow using a GPU SPH model

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    A smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method for lava-flow modeling was implemented on a graphical processing unit (GPU) using the compute unified device architecture (CUDA) developed by NVIDIA. This resulted in speed-ups of up to two orders of magnitude. The three-dimensional model can simulate lava flow on a real topography with free-surface, non- Newtonian fluids, and with phase change. The entire SPH code has three main components, neighbor list construction, force computation, and integration of the equation of motion, and it is computed on the GPU, fully exploiting the computational power. The simulation speed achieved is one to two orders of magnitude faster than the equivalent central processing unit (CPU) code. This GPU implementation of SPH allows high resolution SPH modeling in hours and days, rather than in weeks and months, on inexpensive and readily available hardware

    Modeling of the 2001 lava flow at Etna volcano by a Cellular Automata approach

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    The 2D Cellular Automata model, MAGFLOW, simulates lava flows and an algorithm based on the Monte Carlo approach solves the anisotropic flow direction problem. The model was applied to reproduce a lava flow formed during the 2001 Etna eruption. This eruption provided the opportunity to verify the ability of MAGFLOW to simulate the path of lava flows which was made possible due to the availability of the necessary data for both modeling and subsequent validation. MAGFLOW reproduced quite accurately the spread of flow. A good agreement was highlighted between the simulated and observed length on steep slopes, whereas the area covered by the lava flow tends to be overestimated. The major inconsistencies found in the comparison between simulated and observed lava flow due to neglecting the effects of ephemeral vent formation

    Estimation rapide de vitesse Ă  base de triades de filtres de Gabor

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    Les méthodes fréquentielles d'estimation de vitesse dans les séquences d'images fournissent des flux optiques de qualité, mais sont réputées gourmandes en calculs. Nous présentons une nouvelle méthode fréquentielle qui repose sur quatre estimations de vitesse unidimensionnelle. Chaque estimation 1D est réalisée en combinant directement les réponses énergétiques d'une triade de filtres de Gabor spatio-temporels. Ce modÚle possÚde deux propriétés essentielles : il représente un maillon important dans la chaßne de traitement du systÚme visuel, et constitue un algorithme rapide et efficace
