1,840 research outputs found

    Variational electric fields at low latitudes and their relation to spread F and plasma irregularities

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    Recordings from OGO 6 show that electric field irregularities are frequently present between + or - 35 deg geomagnetic latitude in the 2000 - 0600 local time sector. The signatures are very clear, and are easily distinguished from the normal AC background noise, and whistler and emission activity. The spectral appearance of the fields makes it meaningful to distinguish between 3 different types of irregularities: strong irregularities, weak irregularities, and weak irregularities with a rising spectrum. Strong irregularities seem most likely to occur in regions where gradients in ionization are present. Changes in plasma composition, resulting in an increase in the mean ion mass, are also often observed in the irregularity regions. Comparison with ground based ionosondes indicates a connection between strong irregularities and low latitude spread F. A good correlation is also present between strong fields and small scale fluctuations in ionization, delta N/N 1 percent. From the data it appears as if a gradient driven instability is the most likely source of the strong irregularities

    Prototype Bosch CO2 reduction subsystem for the RLSE experiment

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    Requirements for the Bosch carbon dioxide reduction subsystem were established in a study of regenerative life support evaluation experiments. A detailed design is presented including a schematic, components list and characteristics, requirements summaries, and complete definition of life systems' advanced control/monitor instrumentation applied to the Bosch subsystem. Design information needed to proceed with the final design and fabrication of a preprototype system is presented

    History and Development of Federal Animal Welfare Regulations

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    In recent years, Congress has passed a number of laws that direct various government agencies to safeguard animal welfare. Our own agency has been involved principally in enforcing the Animal Welfare Act and the Horse Protection Act, and therefore we will limit this discussion to these two laws. The Animal Welfare Act was passed in 1966 and amended in 1970 and 1976. The Act uses a system of licensing and registration to regulate a number of non-farm businesses and organizations. These groups are required to provide humane care and treatment to regulated animals, which include hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs, cats, monkeys and other nonhuman primates and most other warmblooded animals. A wide variety of practices are required under 10 federal standards which govern transportation, handling, housing, feeding, watering, sanitation, ventilation, shelter from extremes of weather and temperature, separation of incompatible animals, and veterinary care. The Horse Protection Act, passed in 1970 and amended in 1976, protects only a single species -the horse-and regulates a single industry-the horse show business. Only a single practice of the industry is at issue -the showing or sale of horses whose gait is altered by pain in the legs

    History and Development of Federal Animal Welfare Regulations

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    In recent years, Congress has passed a number of laws that direct various government agencies to safeguard animal welfare. Our own agency has been involved principally in enforcing the Animal Welfare Act and the Horse Protection Act, and therefore we will limit this discussion to these two laws. The Animal Welfare Act was passed in 1966 and amended in 1970 and 1976. The Act uses a system of licensing and registration to regulate a number of non-farm businesses and organizations. These groups are required to provide humane care and treatment to regulated animals, which include hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs, cats, monkeys and other nonhuman primates and most other warmblooded animals. A wide variety of practices are required under 10 federal standards which govern transportation, handling, housing, feeding, watering, sanitation, ventilation, shelter from extremes of weather and temperature, separation of incompatible animals, and veterinary care. The Horse Protection Act, passed in 1970 and amended in 1976, protects only a single species -the horse-and regulates a single industry-the horse show business. Only a single practice of the industry is at issue -the showing or sale of horses whose gait is altered by pain in the legs

    The possible effects of the natural and induced space environment on the optical and thermal properties of EOS surfaces

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    Space missions, including that of EOS (Earth Observing System), will continue to be subjected to both the natural and induced space environment. The concerns associated with this fact will not go away. The NASA and DoD have recognized the need for long-life stability of materials and structures to the space environment. The major areas of interest include: thermal cycling, UV degradation, space radiation exposure, orbital debris, atomic oxygen erosion, and contamination control. Having flown a number of space environmental effects monitors, SAIC has developed both a data base to understand the magnitude of this problem and mitigation techniques to reduce the impact

    Bridging the gap between geometric and algebraic multi-grid methods

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    In this paper, a multi-grid solver for the discretisation of partial differential equations on complicated domains is developed. The algorithm requires as input the given discretisation only instead of a hierarchy of discretisations on coarser grids. Such auxiliary grids and discretisations are generated in a black-box fashion and are employed to define purely algebraic intergrid transfer operators. The geometric interpretation of the algorithm allows one to use the framework of geometric multigrid methods to prove its convergence. The focus of this paper is on the formulation of the algorithm and the demonstration of its efficiency by numerical experiments, while the analysis is carried out for some model problems

    Letter to Editor: USDA and the Dog Breeding Industry, USDA Response

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    Brown critiques claims regarding improved regulation of the dog breeding industry with a response by Chaloux and Heppner of the USDA

    Autonomous three-dimensional formation flight for a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles

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    This paper investigates the development of a new guidance algorithm for a formation of unmanned aerial vehicles. Using the new approach of bifurcating potential fields, it is shown that a formation of unmanned aerial vehicles can be successfully controlled such that verifiable autonomous patterns are achieved, with a simple parameter switch allowing for transitions between patterns. The key contribution that this paper presents is in the development of a new bounded bifurcating potential field that avoids saturating the vehicle actuators, which is essential for real or safety-critical applications. To demonstrate this, a guidance and control method is developed, based on a six-degreeof-freedom linearized aircraft model, showing that, in simulation, three-dimensional formation flight for a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles can be achieved