1,555 research outputs found

    Quantum measurements without macroscopic superpositions

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    We study a class of quantum measurement models. A microscopic object is entangled with a macroscopic pointer such that each eigenvalue of the measured object observable is tied up with a specific pointer deflection. Different pointer positions mutually decohere under the influence of a bath. Object-pointer entanglement and decoherence of distinct pointer readouts proceed simultaneously. Mixtures of macroscopically distinct object-pointer states may then arise without intervening macroscopic superpositions. Initially, object and apparatus are statistically independent while the latter has pointer and bath correlated according to a metastable local thermal equilibrium. We obtain explicit results for the object-pointer dynamics with temporal coherence decay in general neither exponential nor Gaussian. The decoherence time does not depend on details of the pointer-bath coupling if it is smaller than the bath correlation time, whereas in the opposite Markov regime the decay depends strongly on whether that coupling is Ohmic or super-Ohmic.Comment: 50 pages, 5 figures, changed conten

    Curie-Weiss model of the quantum measurement process

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    A hamiltonian model is solved, which satisfies all requirements for a realistic ideal quantum measurement. The system S is a spin-\half, whose zz-component is measured through coupling with an apparatus A=M+B, consisting of a magnet \RM formed by a set of N≫1N\gg 1 spins with quartic infinite-range Ising interactions, and a phonon bath \RB at temperature TT. Initially A is in a metastable paramagnetic phase. The process involves several time-scales. Without being much affected, A first acts on S, whose state collapses in a very brief time. The mechanism differs from the usual decoherence. Soon after its irreversibility is achieved. Finally the field induced by S on M, which may take two opposite values with probabilities given by Born's rule, drives A into its up or down ferromagnetic phase. The overall final state involves the expected correlations between the result registered in M and the state of S. The measurement is thus accounted for by standard quantum statistical mechanics and its specific features arise from the macroscopic size of the apparatus.Comment: 5 pages Revte

    Public engagement in local government: the voice and influence of citizens in online communicative spaces

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    The communications and engagement strategies of local councils play an important role in contributing to the public's understanding of local democracies, and their engagement with local issues. Based on a study of the local authority in the third largest city in the UK, Leeds, this article presents an empirically based analysis of the impact of new opportunities for public engagement afforded by digital media on the Council's communication with citizens. Drawing on over 20 face-to-face semi-structured interviews with elected politicians, Council strategists, Council communications specialists, mainstream journalists, and citizen journalists, the article explores perceptions of the Council's engagement and communication with citizens from the perspective of a range of actors involved in the engagement process. The research asks what the differing motivations behind the Council's communications and engagement strategies mean for the way that digital media are and might be used in the future to enhance the role of citizens in local governance. The research suggests that while there are no grounds for expecting digital media to displace existing channels of public engagement, digital media are beginning to play an important role in defining and reconfiguring the role of citizens within local governance

    Lower Spectral Branches of a Particle Coupled to a Bose Field

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    The structure of the lower part (i.e. ϵ\epsilon -away below the two-boson threshold) spectrum of Fr\"ohlich's polaron Hamiltonian in the weak coupling regime is obtained in spatial dimension d≥3d\geq 3. It contains a single polaron branch defined for total momentum p∈G(0)p\in G^{(0)} , where G(0)⊂RdG^{(0)}\subset {\mathbb R}^d is a bounded domain, and, for any p∈Rdp\in {\mathbb R}^d, a manifold of polaron + one-boson states with boson momentum qq in a bounded domain depending on pp. The polaron becomes unstable and dissolves into the one boson manifold at the boundary of G(0)G^{(0)}. The dispersion laws and generalized eigenfunctions are calculated

    A Dicke Type Model for Equilibrium BEC Superradiance

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    We study the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the condensate of a Bose gas. In an earlier paper we considered the problem for two simple models showing the cooperative effect between Bose-Einstein condensation and superradiance. In this paper we formalise the model suggested by Ketterle et al in which the Bose condensate particles have a two level structure. We present a soluble microscopic Dicke type model describing a thermodynamically stable system. We find the equilibrium states of the system and compute the thermodynamic functions giving explicit formulae expressing the cooperative effect between Bose-Einstein condensation and superradiance

    Cultural and Media Identity Among Latvian Migrants in Germany

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    This chapter explores how transnational media and culture impacts on the identity formation of recent Latvian migrants in Germany. In the context of the EU, Germany opened its labour market to the new EU countries rather late, when compared to other ‘old’ EU countries. This has had an effect on the composition of the group of Latvian migrants going to Germany, and their identities. In the light of this, this chapter examines how Latvian migrants in Germany feel and experience their belonging to Latvia and its culture. It analyses the social and communicative practices crucial for the development of belonging, including the rootedness in the country where they live and the cultural references that are important for them. The evidence for the analysis in this chapter comes from in-depth interviews, open media diaries and network maps of Latvian migrants in Germany. The chapter situates the description of evidence in the framework of cultural identity concepts and discusses the role of culture and media in the process of building migrant identity. The chapter argues that culture is shaping the transnational self-perception of Latvian migrants in Germany – as it provides collective narratives of imagined common frames of references, and confirms feelings of belonging and distinction

    Master integrals for massive two-loop Bhabha scattering in QED

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    We present a set of scalar master integrals (MIs) needed for a complete treatment of massive two-loop corrections to Bhabha scattering in QED, including integrals with arbitrary fermionic loops. The status of analytical solutions for the MIs is reviewed and examples of some methods to solve MIs analytically are worked out in more detail. Analytical results for the pole terms in epsilon of so far unknown box MIs with five internal lines are given.Comment: 23 pages, 5 tables, 12 figures, references added, appendix B enlarge

    A comparative study of the neutrino-nucleon cross section at ultra high energies

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    The high energy neutrino cross section is a crucial ingredient in the calculation of the event rate in high energy neutrino telescopes. Currently there are several approaches which predict different behaviours for its magnitude for ultrahigh energies. In this paper we present a comparison between the predictions based on linear DGLAP dynamics, non-linear QCD and in the imposition of a Froissart-like behaviour at high energies. In particular, we update the predictions based on the Color Glass Condensate, presenting for the first time the results for σνN\sigma_{\nu N} using the solution of the running coupling Balitsky-Kovchegov equation. Our results demonstrate that the current theoretical uncertainty for the neutrino-nucleon cross section reaches a factor three for neutrinos energies around 101110^{11} GeV and increases to a factor five for 101310^{13} GeV.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Using the Hopf Algebra Structure of QFT in Calculations

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    We employ the recently discovered Hopf algebra structure underlying perturbative Quantum Field Theory to derive iterated integral representations for Feynman diagrams. We give two applications: to massless Yukawa theory and quantum electrodynamics in four dimensions.Comment: 28 p, Revtex, epsf for figures, minor changes, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Mesoscopic mean-field theory for spin-boson chains in quantum optical systems

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    We present a theoretical description of a system of many spins strongly coupled to a bosonic chain. We rely on the use of a spin-wave theory describing the Gaussian fluctuations around the mean-field solution, and focus on spin-boson chains arising as a generalization of the Dicke Hamiltonian. Our model is motivated by experimental setups such as trapped ions, or atoms/qubits coupled to cavity arrays. This situation corresponds to the cooperative (E⊗β) Jahn-Teller distortion studied in solid-state physics. However, the ability to tune the parameters of the model in quantum optical setups opens up a variety of novel intriguing situations. The main focus of this paper is to review the spin-wave theoretical description of this problem as well as to test the validity of mean-field theory. Our main result is that deviations from mean-field effects are determined by the interplay between magnetic order and mesoscopic cooperativity effects, being the latter strongly size-dependent
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