130 research outputs found

    Extreme Learning Machine for land cover classification

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    This paper explores the potential of extreme learning machine based supervised classification algorithm for land cover classification. In comparison to a backpropagation neural network, which requires setting of several user-defined parameters and may produce local minima, extreme learning machine require setting of one parameter and produce a unique solution. ETM+ multispectral data set (England) was used to judge the suitability of extreme learning machine for remote sensing classifications. A back propagation neural network was used to compare its performance in term of classification accuracy and computational cost. Results suggest that the extreme learning machine perform equally well to back propagation neural network in term of classification accuracy with this data set. The computational cost using extreme learning machine is very small in comparison to back propagation neural network.Comment: 6 pages, mapindia 2008 conferenc

    Herbal medicine use during pregnancy in a group of Australian women

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    BACKGROUND: There are limited data on the extent of women's use of herbal medicines during pregnancy, despite the fact that knowledge of the potential benefits or harms of many of these products is sparse, particularly with respect to their use in pregnancy. We aimed to measure the prevalence of herbal medicine use in a group of pregnant women attending a public tertiary maternity hospital in Melbourne, Australia. Secondary aims were to explore why women took the herbal medicine, where they received advice, what form the supplements took and if they perceived the supplements to be helpful. METHODS: Consecutive pregnant women were approached in the antenatal clinic and the birth centre at around 36–38 weeks gestation. A questionnaire was developed and self-administered in English, as well as being translated into the four most common languages of women attending the hospital: Cantonese, Vietnamese, Turkish and Arabic. Back translation into English was undertaken by different professional translators to verify accuracy of both words and concepts. Data collected included demographic information, model of pregnancy care and herbal supplement use. Descriptive statistics were used initially, with stratified and regression analysis to compare sub-groups. RESULTS: Of 705 eligible women, 588 (83%) agreed to participate. Of these, 88 (15%) completed the questionnaire in a language other than English. Thirty-six percent of women took at least one herbal supplement during the current pregnancy. The most common supplements taken were raspberry leaf (14%), ginger (12%) and chamomile (11%). Women were more likely to take herbal supplements if they were older, tertiary educated, English speaking, non-smokers and primiparous. CONCLUSION: Use of herbal supplements in pregnancy is likely to be relatively high and it is important to ascertain what supplements (if any) women are taking. Pregnancy care providers should be aware of the common herbal supplements used by women, and of the evidence regarding potential benefits or harm

    The effects of beta-blockers on dobutamine-atropine stress echocardiography: early protocol versus standard protocol

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    BACKGROUND: To study the effects of Beta-blockers during Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography (DSE) comparing the hemodynamic benefits of an early administration of atropine in patients taking or not Beta-blockers. METHODS: One hundred and twenty-one patients were submitted to dobutamine stress echocardiography for the investigation of myocardial ischemia. The administration of atropine was randomized into two groups: A or B (early protocol when atropine was administered at 10 and 20 mcg/kg/min of dobutamine, respectively) and C (standard protocol with atropine at 40 mcg/kg/min of dobutamine). Analysis of the effects of Beta-blockers was done regarding the behavior pattern of heart rate and blood pressure, test time, number of conclusive and inconclusive (negative sub-maximum test) results, total doses of atropine and dobutamine, and general complications. RESULTS: Beta-blocked patients who received early atropine (Group A&B) had a significantly lower double product (p = 0.008), a higher mean test time (p = 0.010) and required a higher dose of atropine (p = 0.0005) when compared to the patients in this group who were not Beta-blocked. The same findings occurred in the standard protocol (Group C), however the early administration of atropine reduced test time both in the presence and absence of this therapy (p = 0.0001). The patients with Beta-blockers in Group A&B had a lower rate of inconclusive tests (26%) compared to those in Group C (40%). Complications were similar in both groups. CONCLUSION: The chronotropic response during dobutamine stress echocardiography was significantly reduced with the use of Beta-blockers. The early administration of atropine optimized the hemodynamic response, reduced test time in patients with or without Beta-blockers and reduced the number of inconclusive tests in the early protocol

    Has Behavioral Science Tumbled Through the Biological Looking Glass? Will Brief, Evidence-Based Training Return It From the Rabbit Hole?

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    Time constraints and professional demands leave practicing professionals unlikely to enroll in extended training such as a semester-long graduate course. Thus, the three-hour continuing education format has become a standard for those in practice. One may ask what sorts of training strategies optimize that format. To explore that, a three hour training program for seventy-six practicing mental health professionals, most of whom self-identified as psychologists, was devised. It made use of primarily antecedent techniques that have been shown to bring about changed perceptions on a number of topics. Content focused on two areas of importance to behavior analysts, the culture’s increasing acceptance of the biological causation model of disorders such as attentiondeficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), unipolar depression, anxiety disorders, and schizophrenia, and the field’s increasing reliance on medications, often to the exclusion of behavioral methods. Pre-post assessment showed that participants had changed their thinking regarding the two content areas. The authors caution that participants’ changed opinions may serve as setting events to changes in practice, but those changes are verbal. One must not assume changes in practice techniques will automatically occur

    Integrating imaging spectroscopy (445-2543 nm) and geographic information systems for post-disaster management: a case of hailstorm damage in Sydney

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    This paper demonstrates a methodology for the analysis and integration of airborne hyperspectral sensor data (445–2543 nm) with GIS data in order to develop a vulnerability map which has the potential to assist in decision making during post-disaster emergency operations. Hailstorms pose a threat to people as well as property in Sydney, Australia. Emergency planning demands current, large-scale spatio-temporal information on urban areas that may be susceptible to hailstones. Several regions, dominated by less resistant roofing materials, have a higher vulnerability to hailstorm damage than others. Post-disaster operations must focus on allocating dynamic resources to these areas. Remote sensing data, particularly airborne hyperspectral sensor data, consist of spectral bands with narrow bandwidths, and have the potential to quantify and distinguish between urban features such as roofing materials and other man-made features. A spectral library of surface materials from urban areas was created by using a full range spectroradiometer. The image was atmospherically corrected using the empirical line method. A spectral angle mapper (SAM) method, which is an automated method for comparing image spectra to laboratory spectra, was used to develop a classification map that shows the distribution of roofing materials with different resistances to hailstones. Surface truthing yielded high percentage accuracy. Spatial overlay technique was performed in a GIS environment where several types of cartographic data such as special hazard locations, population density, data about less mobile people and the street network were overlaid on the classified geo-referenced hyperspectral image. The integrated database product, which merges high quality spectral information and cartographic GIS data, has vast potential to assist emergency organizations, city planners and decision makers in formulating plans and strategies for resource management

    Calcium metabolism and bone histology in adult celiac disease

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