1,067 research outputs found

    A Kinetic Model for Grain Growth

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    We provide a well-posedness analysis of a kinetic model for grain growth introduced by Fradkov which is based on the von Neumann-Mullins law. The model consists of an infinite number of transport equations with a tri-diagonal coupling modelling topological changes in the grain configuration. Self-consistency of this kinetic model is achieved by introducing a coupling weight which leads to a nonlinear and nonlocal system of equations. We prove existence of solutions by approximation with finite dimensional systems. Key ingredients in passing to the limit are suitable super-solutions, a bound from below on the total mass, and a tightness estimate which ensures that no mass is transported to infinity in finite time.Comment: 24 page

    A comparative approach to technology adoption: Explaining inter-technology variation in behavioral intention to adopt

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    This article takes a fresh approach to technology adoption, using a detailed comparison between adoption decision-making on a variety of eID technologies to illuminate the theoretical question of how technology’s characteristics influence the antecedent factors of behavioural intention to use. Selecting four characteristics whose relevance is suggested but not really tested by the existing literature, namely the hedonic or utilitarian ways the technology is used, the familiarity of the technology for the user, the level of state intervention in the implementation or regulation of the technology use and the potential privacy intrusion the technology represents, we investigate whether diversity in these characteristics accounts for variation in the technology-adoption model. The model developed and used in this research is an integration of selected elements from TAM and DOI which enables a precise analysis of the technology adoption process. Using hypothesized scenarios in a survey among 3,947 people from 4 EU27 countries, this study provides empirical evidence –through SEM-PLS analysis- of individual decision-making processes, demonstrating that the variables measured in TAM-based models should be taken into account along with the characteristics of the individual technology considered

    Consistent and asymptotically normal PLS estimators for linear structural equations

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    A vital extension to partial least squares (PLS) path modeling is introduced: consistency. While maintaining all the strengths of PLS, the consistent version provides two key improvements. Path coefficients, parameters of simultaneous equations, construct correlations, and indicator loadings are estimated consistently. The global goodness-of-fit of the structural model can also now be assessed, which makes PLS suitable for confirmatory research. A Monte Carlo simulation illustrates the new approach and compares it with covariance-based structural equation modelin

    A Perfect Couple

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    Henseler, J., Schmidt, H. J., & Redler, J. J. (2023). Design Science and Marketing: A Perfect Couple. Journal of Creating Value. https://doi.org/10.1177/23949643231200703This special issue of the Journal on Creating Value about ‘Creating Value through Design Science’ and the articles therein aim at showcasing how design science research in the field of creating value can look like.publishersversionepub_ahead_of_prin


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    The transmission of dust particles is one of the interesting processes in the dispersion of aerosols. Due to the fact that it is impossible to follow the track of every single particle, a lot of effects and their parameters must be known to simulate the dispersion. At the Harmo 7 conference a dynamic model to simulate the dispersion of odours was presented, before. This model is based on a numerical solution of the Navier-Strokes equation. Building upon this effort the dispersion model was enhanced, so that it is now possible to simulate the dispersion of aerosol particles. Extensive modifications were necessary to consider the aerodynamic and physical characteristics of polydisperse aerosols. Effects as sedimentation, deposition, resuspension and agglomeration of aerosols are or will be integrated into the simulation model. In order to realize a validation of such a complex dispersion model, our research group is developing two independent aerosol tracer systems. Primary attention is paid to the environmental compatibility of the tracer dust. Both procedures are based on fluorescence marked particles, but they differ from each other with regard to their methods of detection. This enables us to practice both procedures at the same time. The dispersion model as well as the validation methods is objects of this paper

    Of Genes and Antigens: The Inheritance of Psoriasis

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    Psoriasis is one of a number of autoimmune diseases that display significant HLA associations. In particular, individuals with onset of disease prior to 40 years of age display striking associations with HLA-Cw6 and are much more likely to have a positive family for psoriasis. However, only about 10% of Cw6-positive individuals develop disease, suggesting that other genetic and/or environmental factors must be involved. Several compelling lines of epidemiologic evidence indicate that psoriasis susceptibility is inherited, albeit not in a simple monogenic fashion, and that genetic, rather than environmental, factors are primarily responsible for the variability in inheritance of psoriasis. Taken together, these observations suggest that one or more loci in addition to HLA are necessary for the development of psoriasis. The number of additional loci is likely to be small, because i) the disease is very common ii) substantial excess risk of psoriasis is observed in first degree relatives, and iii) nevoid variants of psoriasis have been reported, suggestive of somatic mutation of a single gene during development. The substantial homogeneity of the psoriatic phenotype and the clear evidence for increased HLA association and heritability in juvenile onset disease indicate that despite its complexity, psoriasis is a common disease whose etiology is amenable to elucidation through the techniques of modern molecular genetics. J Invest Dermatol 103:150S-153S, 199