876 research outputs found

    Missing: Black Self-Representations in Canadian Educational Research

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    Black educational theory and practice have not been a priority in mainstream Canadian education. I discuss some epistemological issues underpinning alternative conceptualiza- tions of education of children of African descent. My starting point for the construction of such conceptualizations is the agency and subjectivity of Black women educators, a constant yet overlooked critical presence in the education of Black children. Having sketched some tensions and possibilities in African-centred and Black feminist discourses, I conclude that these standpoint epistemologies are useful tools to forge new and more relevant theory and practice, but that they must be re-shaped to the pedagogical realities of Black teachers and students in Canada. L’éducation des Noirs, dans ses aspects théorique ou pratique, n’est pas une priorité dans l’éducation canadienne. L’auteure discute de certaines questions épistémologiques qui sous-tendent des approches éducatives différentes pour les enfants de descendance afri- caine. Le premier élément servant à l’élaboration de ces approches est le rôle et la sub- jectivité des éducatrices de race noire, une présence constante et pourtant oubliée dans l’éducation des enfants noirs. Après un survol de certaines des tensions et possibilités dans les discours axés sur l’Afrique et les propos des féministes noires, l’auteure conclut que ces épistémologies sont des outils utiles pour forger de nouvelles théories et pratiques plus pertinentes, mais qu’elles doivent être repensées en fonction des réalités pédagogi- ques des enseignants et des élèves noirs au Canada.

    The fishery for California market squid (Loligo opalescens) (Cephalopoda: Myopsida), from 1981 through 2003

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    The California market squid (Loligo opalescens) has been harvested since the 1860s and it has become the largest fishery in California in terms of tonnage and dollars since 1993. The fishery began in Monterey Bay and then shifted to southern California, where effort has increased steadily since 1983. The California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) collects information on landings of squid, including tonnage, location, and date of capture. We compared landings data gathered by CDFG with sea surface temperature (SST), upwelling index (UI), the southern oscillation index (SOI), and their respective anomalies. We found that the squid fishery in Monterey Bay expends twice the effort of that in southern California. Squid landings decreased substantially following large El Niño events in 1982−83 and 1997−98, but not following the smaller El Niño events of 1987 and 1992. Spectral analysis revealed autocorrelation at annual and 4.5-year intervals (similar to the time period between El Niño cycles). But this analysis did not reveal any fortnightly or monthly spawning peaks, thus squid spawning did not correlate with tides. A paralarvae density index (PDI) for February correlated well with catch per unit of effort (CPUE) for the following November recruitment of adults to the spawning grounds. This stock– recruitment analysis was significant for 2000−03 (CPUE=8.42+0.41PDI, adjusted coefficient of determination, r2=0.978, P=0.0074). Surveys of squid paralarvae explained 97.8% of the variance for catches of adult squid nine months later. The regression of CPUE on PDI could be used to manage the fishery. Catch limits for the fishery could be set on the basis of paralarvae abundance surveyed nine months earlier

    Characterization of Sclerotinia minor populations in Texas

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    Agriculture is a crucial component of the economy of Texas with millions of pounds of peanuts, cotton, wheat, and corn produced annually. However, Texas agricultural crops are not exempt from pathogens, especially Sclerotinia minor Jagger, which was introduced into Texas approximately 25 years ago. A dramatic increase in S. minor disease incidence in the High Plains of Texas during 2004 provided the basis for this study of the pathogen populations in Texas. To characterize the S. minor populations in Texas, aggressiveness and fungicide sensitivity assays were conducted to assess phenotypic characteristics as well as the use of five microsatellite markers to genotypically characterize the pathogen. A large diversity among the populations was found for the phenotypic characteristics; however, there was no evidence that a genotypically unique, highly aggressive, and fungicide resistant "super pathogen" had been introduced or evolved. The populations of S. minor in Texas were moderately aggressive (26.15% of infected tissue), but there were also isolates found that have the inability to infect peanuts (less than 3% of infected tissue) as well as highly aggressive pathogens with theAll fungicides tested were effective in limiting the growth of the pathogen; however, there were significant differences in the effectiveness of the fungicides. Thiophanate-methyl and dichloran were the least effective fungicides in inhibiting the growth of S. minor while boscalid, iprodione, and fluazinam were the best. Fluazinam exerted the most lasting suppressive effect on pathogen. A positive correlation between aggressiveness and fungicide sensitivity to fluazinam and boscalid was found; therefore, no ecological tradeoff was found when increasing these two phenotypic characteristics. Whereas extensive genotypic diversity (50 unique genotypes) was found in Texas, the predominate pathogen was a clone. Genotype TX1 was a clone that accounted for more than 48% of genotypes in Texas populations, identified in all of the sampled counties. The index of association demonstrated that there was a lack of gene flow occurring in the S. minor populations, therefore confirming that the pathogen reproduced primarily through mycelogenic germination. ability to infect more an 55% of the leaflet surface

    GBM heterogeneity as a function of variable epidermal growth factor receptor variant III activity.

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    Abnormal activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) due to a deletion of exons 2-7 of EGFR (EGFRvIII) is a common alteration in glioblastoma (GBM). While this alteration can drive gliomagenesis, tumors harboring EGFRvIII are heterogeneous. To investigate the role for EGFRvIII activation in tumor phenotype we used a neural progenitor cell-based murine model of GBM driven by EGFR signaling and generated tumor progenitor cells with high and low EGFRvIII activation, pEGFRHi and pEGFRLo. In vivo, ex vivo, and in vitro studies suggested a direct association between EGFRvIII activity and increased tumor cell proliferation, decreased tumor cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix, and altered progenitor cell phenotype. Time-lapse confocal imaging of tumor cells in brain slice cultures demonstrated blood vessel co-option by tumor cells and highlighted differences in invasive pattern. Inhibition of EGFR signaling in pEGFRHi promoted cell differentiation and increased cell-matrix adhesion. Conversely, increased EGFRvIII activation in pEGFRLo reduced cell-matrix adhesion. Our study using a murine model for GBM driven by a single genetic driver, suggests differences in EGFR activation contribute to tumor heterogeneity and aggressiveness

    How Do Employment Outcomes of Medicaid Buy-In Participants Vary Based on Prior Medicaid Coverage? An Example from Massachusetts

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    Summary: The Medicaid Buy-In program is a key component of the federal effort to make it easier for people with disabilities to work without losing health benefits. Authorized by the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (“BBA”) and the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 (“Ticket Act”), the Buy-In program allows states to expand Medicaid coverage to workers with disabilities whose income and assets would ordinarily make them ineligible for Medicaid. To be eligible for the program, an individual must have a disability (as defined by the Social Security Administration) and earned income, and must meet other financial eligibility requirements established by states. States have some flexibility to customize their Buy-In programs to their specific needs, resources, and objectives. As of July 1, 2008, 33 states with a Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG) reported covering 82,488 individuals in the Medicaid Buy-In program. The CommonHealth Working (CHW) program in Massachusetts is the oldest Buy-In program in the nation. It began in 1988 as a state-funded program and was folded into the state’s 1115 Medicaid research and demonstration project in 1996. This issue brief, the eighth in a series on workers with disabilities, compares the employment outcomes of newly enrolled CHW participants based on whether or not they were previously enrolled in MassHealth, Massachusetts’s Medicaid program, under another eligibility category. For those who had been enrolled in MassHealth, employment outcomes before and after CHW enrollment are contrasted


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    Abstract-We examined adult market squid, Loligo opalescens, from two significantly different temperature areas (northern and southern Channel Islands) of intense squid fishing within the Southern California Bight (SCB) to determine the effects of temperature on size at-harvest. Dorsal mantle length (DML) and body mass by sex, and female gonad mass were compared over a four-year period (1999)(2000)(2001)(2002). For males, there were no significant differences in mean monthly DML or body mass between the two areas. In contrast, there were significant differences in female DML and body mass. No difference was detected for female gonad mass, possibly due to sample size (n = 7). Temperature at-harvest was positively correlated with DML and body mass of males and females; however, an opposite and stronger trend was apparent when hatch temperature was correlated with the growth parameters (DML, body mass, and gonad mass). Gonad mass at-harvest was negatively correlated with water temperature at-hatch. Differences in squid size at-harvest relative to hatch temperature translate into differences in reproductive potential. We suggest that reduced reproductive potential from warm water events be considered in management strategies for harvest

    Forced migration and health - diarrhoea among adult Zimbabwean immigrants in Limpopo

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    The political and economic decline in Zimbabwe has forced many Zimbabweans to migrate to neighbouring countries and abroad. A large number of Zimbabwean migrants live in poverty in the border region. The high demand for shelter forces some people to create and occupy very basic dwellings and cook food in tin cans over fires. Many live in cardboard and plastic shelters, some in the back yards of overcrowded homes where they have to pay rent. Others sleep under trees next to roads or on open fields on farms, at railway stations or on the street. Recently many people fled to South Africa from the deadly cholera epidemic in Zimbabwe, which killed more than 2 000 people in 4 months. Cholera outbreaks have been experienced in Zimbabwe since October 2008. People who are infected but have no symptoms can carry the disease and cause it to spread. Initially most of the cholera cases in South Africa were Zimbabweans seeking health care. We show that the conditions under which informal residents live put them at high risk of diarrhoea

    Fishery dynamics of the California market squid (Loligo opalescens), as measured by satellite remote sensing

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    Novel data on the spatial and temporal distribution of fishing effort and population abundance are presented for the market squid fishery (Loligo opalescens) in the Southern California Bight, 1992−2000. Fishing effort was measured by the detection of boat lights by the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Operational Linescan System (OLS). Visual confirmation of fishing vessels by nocturnal aerial surveys indicated that lights detected by satellites are reliable indicators of fishing effort. Overall, fishing activity was concentrated off the following Channel Islands: Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, Anacapa, and Santa Catalina. Fishing activity occurred at depths of 100 m or less. Landings, effort, and squid abundance (measured as landings per unit of effort, LPUE) markedly declined during the 1997−98 El Niño; landings and LPUE increased afterwards. Within a fishing season, the location of fishing activity shifted from the northern shores of Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz Islands in October, the typical starting date for squid fishing in the Bight, to the southern shores by March, the typical end of the squid season. Light detection by satellites offers a source of fine-scale spatial and temporal data on fishing effort for the market squid fishery off California, and these data can be integrated with environmental data and fishing logbook data in the development of a management plan

    Rhizoma Coptidis Inhibits LPS-Induced MCP-1/CCL2 Production in Murine Macrophages via an AP-1 and NFκB-Dependent Pathway

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    Introduction. The Chinese extract Rhizoma coptidis is well known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, antiviral, and antimicrobial activity. The exact mechanisms of action are not fully understood. Methods. We examined the effect of the extract and its main compound, berberine, on LPS-induced inflammatory activity in a murine macrophage cell line. RAW 264.7 cells were stimulated with LPS and incubated with either Rhizoma coptidis extract or berberine. Activation of AP-1 and NFκB was analyzed in nuclear extracts, secretion of MCP-1/CCL2 was measured in supernatants. Results. Incubation with Rhizoma coptidis and berberine strongly inhibited LPS-induced monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1 production in RAW cells. Activation of the transcription factors AP-1 and NFκB was inhibited by Rhizoma coptidis in a dose- and time-dependent fashion. Conclusions. Rhizoma coptidis extract inhibits LPS-induced MCP-1/CCL2 production in vitro via an AP-1 and NFκB-dependent pathway. Anti-inflammatory action of the extract is mediated mainly by its alkaloid compound berberine