1,083 research outputs found

    O pioneirismo protestante na génese de organizações universalistas em Portugal

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    Revista Lusófona de Ciência das ReligiõesNo seguimento da intervenção social que as Sociedades Bíblicas representaram, em finais do século XIX surgiram várias outras instituições que deram corpo a uma nova relação do protestantismo com a sociedade. Estas segundas instituições, sendo, neste sentido, a Sociedade Bíblica, a primeira, vão do apoio na saúde até à organização dos tempos livres. Falamos da Cruz Vermelha, do YMCA / Associação Cristã da Mocidade, mas também da criação de alguns dos mais populares desportos nos nossos dias, como o basquetebol e o andebol. Tratam-se de organizações de cariz mundial, universal e universalista que deram uma dimensão internacional a muitos dos problemas do mundo contemporâneo.Following the social intervention that the Bible Societies represented at the end of the 19th century there arose various other institutions that gave body to a new relationship of Protestantism with the society. These other institutions, being, in this sense, the Bible Society, the first, go from health aids to organizations for leisure. We are speaking about the Red Cross, the YMCA / Christian Youth Association, but also the creation of some of the most popular sports in our days, like basketball and handball. They are worldwide, universal and universalistic organizations that brought an international dimension to many of the contemporary worldwide problems

    Strong convergence rates for the estimation of a covariance operator for associated samples

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    Abstract Let X n , n = 1, be a strictly stationary associated sequence of random variables, with common continuous distribution function F. Using histogram type estimators we consider the estimation of the two-dimensional distribution function of (X 1,X k+1) as well as the estimation of the covariance function of the limit empirical process induced by the sequence X n , n = 1. Assuming a convenient decrease rate of the covariances Cov(X 1,X n+1), n = 1, we derive uniform strong convergence rates for these estimators. The condition on the covariance structure of the variables is satisfied either if Cov(X 1,X n+1) decreases polynomially or if it decreases geometrically, but as we could expect, under the latter condition we are able to establish faster convergence rates. For the two-dimensional distribution function the rate of convergence derived under a geometrical decrease of the covariances is close to the optimal rate for independent samples

    Análise da performance da equipa profissional do Oriental Dragon Football Cluib na época desportiva 2014/2015

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    O presente trabalho visa a elaboração de um relatório final de estágio, no âmbito da conclusão do curso e obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desporto, Especialização em Treino Desportivo, ministrado pela Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior. Pretende-se com este relatório apresentar o percurso formativo pessoal enquanto treinador na equipa do Oriental Dragon F.C., ao longo da época desportiva 2014/2015, num contexto de futebo profissional, cuja equipa era constituída por jogadores de nacionalidade chinesa e que tinha por competição a “Future Stars Football League”, campeonato organizado pela Associação de Futebol de Setúbal e pela empresa WSport7. O relatório está dividido em quatro capítulos. O primeiro está relacionado com o contexto do estágio, realizando-se uma apresentação do clube, dos jogadores, do local onde o estágio decorreu do quadro competitivo formal e toda a atividade desenvolvida. O segundo capítulo apresenta um enquadramento conceptual ao nível do planeamento e no terceiro capítulo faz-se o balanço do estágio onde se apresentam as conclusões retiradas durante a época desportiva. O quarto e último capítulo serve para evidenciar o estudo realizado sobre as bolas paradas da equipa tendo-se para o efeito observado os 26 jogos do campeonato, onde se marcaram 62 golos dos quais 13 foram alcançados através de bola parada (pontapé de canto e pontapé livre). Neste estudo concluiu-se que foram marcados mais golos em casa (9) do que fora (4), obteve-se mais golos através de pontapé livre (9) do que através de pontapé de canto (4) e verificou-se que há relação direta entre o treino e a competição, porque 11 golos dos 13 golos alcançados refletiram os comportamentos treinados e definidos previamente no plano estratégico.This work aims to draw up a final report stage, in the context of graduation and the degree of Master of Sport, Expertise Sports Training, taught by the Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior-IPS. The aim of this report present the personal training path as a coach in the Oriental Dragon F.C. over the sports season 2014/2015, in the context of professional football, whose team consisted of players of Chinese nationality and who was the competition "Future Stars Football League" championship organized by the Setúbal Football Association and the WSport7 company. The report is divided into four chapters. The first is related to the stage of context, performing a presentation of the club, the players, the place where the internship took place, the championship and all the activity developed. The second chapter presents a conceptual framework to the planning level and in the third chapter there is the stage where the balance sheet present the conclusions drawn during the sports season. The fourth and final chapter is to highlight the study of the set plays of the team and it was observed 26 league games, where we scored 62 goals, including 13 goals were achieved through set plays (corner kick and free kick). It was concluded that score more goals in the house (9) than outside (4), we obtained more goals through free kick (9) than at a corner kick (4) and it was found that there is a direct relationship between training and competition, because 11 of the 13 goals achieved reflect the behaviors trained and previously defined in the strategic plan.N/

    O Teste do Sinal para Amostras Associadas

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    Em Dewan e Prakasa Rao (2005) é estabelecida a normalidade assimptótica da estatística do teste do sinal para amostras associadas. Contudo, este resultado depende da variância da distribuição limite, sigma2, que em geral não é conhecida, pois incorpora as distribuições conjuntas das variáveis de base. Recorrendo aos resultados de Henriques e Oliveira (2006, 2008), estima-se sigma e obtém-se a normalidade assimptótica da estatística que recorre à estimação de sigma. Neste trabalho apresentam-se alguns resultados de um estudo de simulação levado a cabo com o objetivo de avaliar a aproximação à Normal das estatísticas de teste precedentes. Serão analisadas as caudas e a distribuição global das estatísticas de teste e é ilustrado o comportamento do estimador da variância sigma2.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The design of a framework for compilers development

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    DOLPHIN framework is a solution conceived to support the development of modular compilers. Its supplies a large set of components, like: front-end’s, back-end’s, code analysis, code optimizations and measure components that can be combined to build new compilers. All these components work over a single form of intermediate code representation, the DOLPHIN Internal code Representation. The main principle that guides the conception of DOLPHIN framework was to build a user-friendly solution to develop high quality compilers. Such solution was achieved based on three main concepts: components, components reuse and data consistency. This paper, that aims to present the architectural design of DOLPHIN framework, demonstrates: how the concepts presented above influence the framework architecture; how they were ”implemented” on the framework, namely shows the interfaces defined for the components and for the code representation; how the components are related; how to use the components to implement concrete compilers; and how to evolve the components and the framework to support new features.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Covariance estimator for associated random variables

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    Considering an associated and strictly stationary sequence of random variables we introduce an histogram estimator for the covariances between indicator functions of those random variables. We find conditions on the covariance structure of the original random variables for the almost sure convergence of the estimator and for the convergence in distribution of the finite dimensional distributions. Finally we characterize the usual error criteria finding their convergence rates under assumptions on the convergence rate of the covariance

    DOLPHIN-FEW - An example of a Web system to analyze and study compilers behavior

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    DOLPHIN is a framework conceived to develop and test compiler components. DOLPHIN-FEW (Front-End for the Web) is the DOLPHIN module that integrates all Web-related functionalities. Initially conceived to monitor the behavior of some routines of the compilers back-end, it is, nowadays, also usable as a visual tool to teach how those code analysis, optimization, and code generation routines work. This paper introduces DOLPHIN-FEW, a software system that takes advantage of the web environment and associated technologies to be a powerful pedagogical tool to teach compiler construction topics