1,110 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo Markov Chain parameter estimation in semi-analytic models of galaxy formation

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    We present a statistical exploration of the parameter space of the De Lucia and Blaizot version of the Munich semi-analytic (SA) model built upon the Millennium dark matter simulation. This is achieved by applying a Monte Carlo Markov Chain method to constrain the six free parameters that define the stellar and black hole mass functions at redshift zero. The model is tested against three different observational data sets, including the galaxy K-band luminosity function, B - V colours and the black hole-bulge mass relation, separately and combined, to obtain mean values, confidence limits and likelihood contours for the best-fitting model. Using each observational data set independently, we discuss how the SA model parameters affect each galaxy property and find that there are strong correlations between them. We analyse to what extent these are simply reflections of the observational constraints, or whether they can lead to improved understandings of the physics of galaxy formation. When all the observations are combined, we find reasonable agreement between the majority of the previously published parameter values and our confidence limits. However, the need to suppress dwarf galaxy formation requires the strength of the supernova feedback to be significantly higher in our best-fitting solution than in previous work. To balance this, we require the feedback to become ineffective in haloes of lower mass than before, so as to permit the formation of sufficient high-luminosity galaxies: unfortunately, this leads to an excess of galaxies around L*. Although the best fit is formally consistent with the data, there is no region of parameter space that reproduces the shape of galaxy luminosity function across the whole magnitude range. For our best fit, we present the model predictions for the bJ-band luminosity and stellar mass functions. We find a systematic disagreement between the observed mass function and the predictions from the K-band constraint, which we explain in light of recent works that suggest uncertainties of up to 0.3 dex in the mass determination from stellar population synthesis models. We discuss modifications to the SA model that might simultaneously improve the fit to the observed mass function and reduce the reliance on excessive supernova feedback in small haloes

    Supermassive black holes as the regulators of star formation in central galaxies

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    We present a relationship between the black hole mass, stellar mass, and star formation rate of a diverse group of 91 galaxies with dynamically-measured black hole masses. For our sample of galaxies with a variety of morphologies and other galactic properties, we find that the specific star formation rate is a smoothly decreasing function of the ratio between black hole mass and stellar mass, or what we call the specific black hole mass. In order to explain this relation, we propose a physical framework where the gradual suppression of a galaxy's star formation activity results from the adjustment to an increase in specific black hole mass and, accordingly, an increase in the amount of heating. From this framework, it follows that at least some galaxies with intermediate specific black hole masses are in a steady state of partial quiescence with intermediate specific star formation rates, implying that both transitioning and steady-state galaxies live within this region known as the "green valley." With respect to galaxy formation models, our results present an important diagnostic with which to test various prescriptions of black hole feedback and its effects on star formation activity.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Iron in galaxy groups and clusters: confronting galaxy evolution models with a newly homogenized data set

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    We present an analysis of the iron abundance in the hot gas surrounding galaxy groups and clusters. To do this, we first compile and homogenize a large data set of 79 low-redshift (z ̃ = 0.03) systems (159 individual measurements) from the literature. Our analysis accounts for differences in aperture size, solar abundance, and cosmology, and scales all measurements using customized radial profiles for the temperature (T), gas density (ρgas), and iron abundance (ZFe). We then compare this data set to groups and clusters in the L-GALAXIES galaxy evolution model. Our homogenized data set reveals a tight T–ZFe relation for clusters, with a scatter in ZFe of only 0.10 dex and a slight negative gradient. After examining potential measurement biases, we conclude that some of this negative gradient has a physical origin. Our model suggests greater accretion of hydrogen in the hottest systems, via stripping from infalling satellites, as a cause. In groups, L-GALAXIES over-estimates ZFe, indicating that metal-rich gas removal (via e.g. AGN feedback) is required. L-GALAXIES is consistent with the observed ZFe in the intracluster medium (ICM) of the hottest clusters at z = 0, and shows a similar rate of ICM enrichment as that observed from at least z ∼ 1.3 to the present day. This is achieved without needing to modify any of the galactic chemical evolution (GCE) model parameters. However, the ZFe in intermediate-T clusters could be under-estimated in our model. We caution that modifications to the GCE modelling to correct this disrupt the agreement with observations of galaxies’ stellar components

    A general approach to quenching and galactic conformity

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    We develop a conceptual framework and methodology to study the drivers of the quenching of galaxies, including the drivers of galactic conformity. The framework is centred on the statistic Δ\Delta, which is defined as the difference between the observed star-formation state of a galaxy, and a prediction of its state based on an empirical model of quenching. In particular, this work uses the average quenching effects of stellar mass and local density to construct an empirical model of quenching. Δ\Delta is therefore a residual which reflects the effects of drivers of quenching not captured by stellar mass and local density, or so-called 'hidden variables'. Through a toy model, we explore how the statistical properties of Δ\Delta can be used to learn about the internal and external hidden variables which control the quenching of a sample of galaxies. We then apply this analysis to a sample of local galaxies and find that, after accounting for the average quenching effects of stellar mass and local density, Δ\Delta remains correlated out to separations of 3 Mpc. Furthermore, we find that external hidden variables remain important for driving the residual quenching of low-mass galaxies, while the residual quenching of high-mass galaxies is driven mostly by internal properties. These results, along with a similar analysis of a semi-analytical mock catalogue, suggest that it is necessary to consider halo-related properties as candidates for hidden variables. A preliminary halo-based analysis indicates that much of the correlation of Δ\Delta can be attributed to the physics associated with individual haloes.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, submitted to MNRA

    What shapes a galaxy? - Unraveling the role of mass, environment and star formation in forming galactic structure

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    We investigate the dependence of galaxy structure on a variety of galactic and environmental parameters for ~500,000 galaxies at z<0.2, taken from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey data release 7 (SDSS-DR7). We utilise bulge-to-total stellar mass ratio, (B/T)_*, as the primary indicator of galactic structure, which circumvents issues of morphological dependence on waveband. We rank galaxy and environmental parameters in terms of how predictive they are of galaxy structure, using an artificial neural network approach. We find that distance from the star forming main sequence (Delta_SFR), followed by stellar mass (M_*), are the most closely connected parameters to (B/T)_*, and are significantly more predictive of galaxy structure than global star formation rate (SFR), or any environmental metric considered (for both central and satellite galaxies). Additionally, we make a detailed comparison to the Illustris hydrodynamical simulation and the LGalaxies semi-analytic model. In both simulations, we find a significant lack of bulge-dominated galaxies at a fixed stellar mass, compared to the SDSS. This result highlights a potentially serious problem in contemporary models of galaxy evolution.Comment: Accepted to MNRAS. 31 pages, 15 figure

    L-GALAXIES 2020: spatially resolved cold gas phases, star formation and chemical enrichment in galactic discs

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    We have updated the Munich galaxy formation model, L-galaxies, to follow the radial distributions of stars and atomic and molecular gas in galaxy discs. We include an H2-based star-formation law, as well as a detailed chemical-enrichment model with explicit mass-dependent delay times for SN-II, SN-Ia, and AGB stars. Information about the star formation, feedback, and chemical-enrichment histories of discs is stored in 12 concentric rings. The new model retains the success of its predecessor in reproducing the observed evolution of the galaxy population, in particular, stellar mass functions and passive fractions over the redshift range 0 ≤ z ≤ 3 and mass range 8≤log(M∗/M⊙)≤12⁠, the black hole-bulge mass relation at z = 0, galaxy morphology as a function of stellar mass and the mass–metallicity relations of both stellar and gas components. In addition, its detailed modelling of the radial structure of discs allows qualitatively new comparisons with observation, most notably with the relative sizes and masses of the stellar, atomic, and molecular components in discs. Good agreement is found with recent data. Comparison of results obtained for simulations differing in mass resolution by more than two orders of magnitude shows that all important distributions are numerically well converged even for this more detailed model. An examination of metallicity and surface-density gradients in the stars and gas indicates that our new model, with star formation, chemical enrichment, and feedback calculated self-consistently on local disc scales, reproduces some but not all of the trends seen in recent many-galaxy IFU surveys

    Brightest group galaxies-II : the relative contribution of BGGs to the total baryon content of groups at z <1.3

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    We performed a detailed study of the evolution of the star formation rate (SFR) and stellar mass of the brightest group galaxies (BGGs) and their relative contribution to the total baryon budget within R200R_{200} (fb,200BGGf^{BGG}_{b,200}). The sample comprises 407 BGGs selected from X-ray galaxy groups (M200=1012.8−1014  M⊙M_{200}=10^{12.8}-10^{14} \;M_{\odot}) out to z∼1.3z\sim1.3 identified in the COSMOS, XMM-LSS, and AEGIS fields. We find that BGGs constitute two distinct populations of quiescent and star-forming galaxies and their mean SFR is ∼2\sim2 dex higher than the median SFR at z2 z 2 dex. The mean (median) of stellar mass of BGGs has grown by 0.30.3 dex since z=1.3z=1.3 to the present day. We show that up to ∼45%\sim45\% of the stellar mass growth in a star-forming BGG can be due to its star-formation activity. With respect to fb,200BGGf^{BGG}_{b,200}, we find it to increase with decreasing redshift by ∼0.35\sim0.35 dex while decreasing with halo mass in a redshift dependent manner. We show that the slope of the relation between fb,200BGGf^{BGG}_{b,200} and halo mass increases negatively with decreasing redshift. This trend is driven by an insufficient star-formation in BGGs, compared to the halo growth rate. We separately show the BGGs with the 20\% highest fb,200BGGf^{BGG}_{b,200} are generally non-star-forming galaxies and grow in mass by processes not related to star formation (e.g., dry mergers and tidal striping). We present the M⋆−Mh M_\star-M_h and M⋆/Mh−Mh M_\star/M_h-M_h relations and compare them with semi-analytic model predictions and a number of results from the literature. We quantify the intrinsic scatter in stellar mass of BGGs at fixed halo mass (σlogM⋆\sigma_{log M_{\star}}) and find that σlogM⋆\sigma_{log M_{\star}} increases from 0.3 dex at z∼0.2 z\sim0.2 to 0.5 dex at z∼1.0 z\sim1.0 due to the bimodal distribution of stellar mass

    Simulations of the galaxy population constrained by observations from z=3 to the present day: implications for galactic winds and the fate of their ejecta

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    We apply Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) methods to large-scale simulations of galaxy formation in a LambdaCDM cosmology in order to explore how star formation and feedback are constrained by the observed luminosity and stellar mass functions of galaxies. We build models jointly on the Millennium and Millennium-II simulations, applying fast sampling techniques which allow observed galaxy abundances over the ranges 7<log(M*/Msun)<12 and z=0 to z=3 to be used simultaneously as constraints in the MCMC analysis. When z=0 constraints alone are imposed, we reproduce the results of previous modelling by Guo et al. (2012), but no single set of parameters can reproduce observed galaxy abundances at all redshifts simultaneously, reflecting the fact that low-mass galaxies form too early and thus are overabundant at high redshift in this model. The data require the efficiency with which galactic wind ejecta are reaccreted to vary with redshift and halo mass quite differently than previously assumed, but in a similar way as in some recent hydrodynamic simulations of galaxy formation. We propose a specific model in which reincorporation timescales vary inversely with halo mass and are independent of redshift. This produces an evolving galaxy population which fits observed abundances as a function of stellar mass, B- and K-band luminosity at all redshifts simultaneously. It also produces a significant improvement in two other areas where previous models were deficient. It leads to present day dwarf galaxy populations which are younger, bluer, more strongly star-forming and more weakly clustered on small scales than before, although the passive fraction of faint dwarfs remains too high
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