65 research outputs found

    Habitats climaticamente adequados para uma espécie de serpente potencialmente ameaçada em cenários atuais e futuros

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    Climate change may cause several biodiversity impacts in the near future, including shifts in the range of species, as well as local population declines. Distribution modeling tools have proven to be useful to predict areas with environmentally suitable conditions for numerous taxa, and predicting these changes in distribution are critically important for conservation. We assessed environmentally suitable areas for the snake Drymoluber brazili under current climate conditions and evaluated how future scenarios of climate change may affect habitat suitability for this species. Currently, there are suitable areas for the occurrence of this snake along the southeastern Cerrado and portions of the Atlantic Forest. Under future climate scenarios, predicted areas of occurrence tend to become more fragmented, but increase northeast and west from the areas of current distribution. Despite these predictions, the difficulties that D. brazili has to face in order to survive in human altered landscapes may cause a decrease in suitable areas as habitat destruction increases throughout this region. Our results suggest that D. brazili may be threatened in the Brazilian state of São Paulo, highlighting the urgency in reassessing the conservation status of this species.Keywords: Cerrado, climate change, habitat conservation, species distribution modeling, Squamata.Mudanças climáticas podem causar diversos impactos na biodiversidade no futuro próximo, incluindo alterações na distribuição de espécies, assim como declínios populacionais. Ferramentas de modelagem de distribuição têm se mostrado úteis para prever áreas com condições ambientalmente favoráveis para diversos táxons, sendo a previsão de tais mudanças na distribuição criticamente importante para a conservação. No presente trabalho, avaliamos áreas ambientalmente favoráveis para a serpente Drymoluber brazili sob condições climáticas atuais e testamos como cenários futuros de mudanças climáticas podem afetar a disponibilidade de habitat para essa espécie. Atualmente, há áreas favoráveis para a ocorrência dessa serpente ao longo do sudeste do Cerrado e porções da Mata Atlântica. Sob cenários climáticos futuros, as áreas previstas para presença da espécie tendem a se tornar mais fragmentadas, mas aumentam a nordeste e oeste da distribuição atual. Apesar dessas predições, a dificuldade de D. brazili em sobreviver em paisagens alteradas pela ação humana pode diminuir as áreas favoráveis, à medida que a destruição de habitat aumenta. Nossos resultados sugerem que D. brazili pode estar ameaçada no estado de São Paulo, ressaltando a urgência em reavaliar o estado de conservação dessa espécie.Palavras-chave: Cerrado, mudanças climáticas, conservação de habitat, Squamata, modelagem de distribuição de espécies

    Atitudes da população portuguesa em relação à homoparentalidade

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as atitudes da população portuguesa em relação à homoparentalidade. Participaram 993 pessoas com idades entre os 18 e os 69 anos (M=34; DP=11), respondendo a um questionário que incluiu uma vinheta descrevendo um casal heterossexual, um casal de lésbicas ou um casal gay que pretendia adotar. Foi pedido aos participantes que avaliassem os casais enquanto futuros pais, e se antecipavam dificuldades emocionais e sociais no desenvolvimento da criança. Apesar da maioria dos participantes apresentar uma atitude favorável à homoparentalidade, os resultados revelaram uma atitude mais favorável em relação ao casal heterossexual. Os participantes anteciparam mais problemas emocionais e sociais nas crianças adotadas por um casal de duas mulheres, e mais ainda por um casal de dois homens

    Seismogenic sources in the Lower Tagus Area using geophysical data

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    The Lisbon and Lower Tagus Valley area have suffered the effect of historical earthquakes that caused important damages and loss of lives. Some of these earthquake sources are local but they are still poorly known due to the difficulty in finding geological outcrops, together with low-slip rates and erosion/sedimentation processes that erase surface ruptures. Identification of seismogenic sources capable of producing large earthquakes from low magnitude instrumental seismicity has also proved unreliable in other areas of the world. Therefore, for a proper assessment of seismogenic sources for seismic hazard purposes we have used recently reprocessed and reinterpreted seismic reflection, potential-field data and overlaid relocated epicentres. Here we present a revised structural interpretation of the area based on seismic data and a basement map produced by magnetic modelling, 2D Euler deconvolution and trend analysis. This basement map, which greatly enlarges the seismic coverage of the study area, has shown new insights into deep-seated structures of the Lower Tagus Valley area and their relationship with seismicity. The information from fault parameters collected in this work will also help to locate the sources of historical events such as the 1909 Benavente earthquake using finite-element strong-motion simulation and comparison with observed seismic intensitie

    O relacionamento entre pessoas e serpentes no leste de Minas Gerais, sudeste do Brasil

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    O conhecimento popular sobre as serpentes, incluindo as práticas adotadas em casos de acidentes ofídicos, foi abordado neste estudo etnozoológico realizado na região de Araponga e entorno da Serra do Brigadeiro, Mata Atlântica do Estado de Minas Gerais, região Sudeste do Brasil. Entre agosto e novembro de 2008 foram realizadas entrevistas com 50 moradores da zona rural de Araponga e 20 funcionários do Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro (PESB). Em relação ao perfil cultural e social, os grupos avaliados diferiram entre si somente quanto ao nível de escolaridade (maior entre os funcionários do parque), apresentando as mesmas distribuições em relação a idade e religião. Também se verificou menor nível de escolaridade entre os indivíduos mais velhos. Em geral, ambos os grupos de entrevistados demonstraram conhecimento adequado sobre prevenção e procedimentos em casos de acidente ofídico (78,2% afirmaram procurar atendimento médico em caso de ofidismo). A utilização de substâncias da medicina popular para tratamento de acidentes ofídicos mostrou-se uma prática em desuso, relatada por aproximadamente 21% dos entrevistados. A maioria dos entrevistados (57,14%) afirmou não saber diferenciar uma serpente peçonhenta de uma não peçonhenta, e 66,67% demonstraram reconhecer o período chuvoso como aquele com maior frequência no encontro com serpentes. O grupo "Araponga" mostrou-se mais hostil em relação a encontros com serpentes, com 43% dos indivíduos afirmando matarem o animal, contra apenas 5% do grupo "PESB". A escolaridade do entrevistado foi decisiva no tipo de atitude tomada diante das serpentes, sendo menos hostis os indivíduos mais instruídos. Pessoas com menos escolaridade apresentaram maior tendência a considerar todas as serpentes como perigosas, e estas se mostraram também mais hostis com estes animais. O maior contato com atividades científicas e educativo-ambientais parece ter sido decisivo para a maior tolerância com as serpentes por parte do grupo "PESB". A realização de atividades de educação-ambiental com a população das comunidades de Araponga pode ampliar a conscientização quanto à importância das serpentes, instruindo aqueles que ainda as consideram indiscriminadamente nocivas.The popular knowledge about snakes, including the practices adopted in cases of snakebite, was analysed in this ethnozoological study performed in Araponga region and vicinities of Serra do Brigadeiro (Brigadeiro Mountain Range), Atlantic Forest of Minas Gerais state, southeastern Brazil. Between August and November 2008, interviews were conducted with 50 residents of rural areas of Araponga, and 20 employees of the Serra do Brigadeiro State Park (PESB). In relation to social and cultural profile, these two groups differed only on the level of education (higher among the park staff), with the same distributions for age and religion. There was also a lower level of education among older individuals, a possible reflection of improvements in the social conditions in that region, which would have provided greater access to schools in recent decades. In general, both groups demonstrated adequate knowledge about prevention and procedures in cases of snakebite (78.2% reported seeking medical attention in case of snakebite). The use of folk medicine for treatment of snakebite proved to be a practice falling into disuse, reported by approximately 21% of respondents. Most respondents (57.14%) said they did not know the difference between a poisonous and a non-poisonous snake, and 66.67% showed adequate knowledge of the season when snake encounters are more likely to happen. The "Araponga" group was more hostile concerning to possible encounters with snakes, with 43% of people saying they would kill the animal, against 5% in the "PESB" group. The educational level of the respondents was decisive in determining the kind of attitude taken against snakes, and those with higher levels of education showed to be the less hostile ones. People with lower educational levels were more likely to consider all snakes as dangerous, and they also proved to be more hostile to these animals. More contact with scientific and environmental education activities seems to have been decisive for the higher tolerance to snakes by the "PESB" group. The implementation of activities of environmental education for the population of Araponga can increase the awareness of the importance of snakes, instructing those who still consider them intrinsically harmful

    Oral formulation of DPP-4 inhibitor plus Quercetin improves metabolic homeostasis in type 1 diabetic rats.

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    This study aimed to investigate the potential of an oral formulation (QV formulation) containing Quercetin and a Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitor (DPP-4 inhibitor), Vildagliptin, in improving metabolic homeostasis in type 1 diabetes model. Female albino Fischer rats were divided into four groups: untreated control animals (C), untreated diabetic animals (D), diabetic animals treated with QV formulation (DQV), and diabetic animals treated with insulin (DI). Diabetes was induced by injection of alloxan (135?mg?kg body mass)?1 and confirmed by glycemic test. After the 30-day treatment period, biochemical parameters were analyzed in the pancreas, liver, and serum. Histopathological changes in pancreatic tissue were examined by Hematoxyline & Eosin staining and the insulin content in the islet measured by immunohistochemistry with anti-insulin antibody. The glycogen content in the hepatocytes was quantified by Periodic Schiff Acid staining. The QV formulation reduced the glycemia, preserved the pancreatic architecture, increased insulin levels, furthermore ameliorated lipid profile and to promote higher survival rate of animals. Together, our data suggest that the QV formulation treatment was able to normalize metabolic homeostasis in type 1 diabetic rats

    Uso de metformina no tratamento da obesidade infantil e na adolescência: uma revisão bibliográfica / Metformin use in the treatment of childhood and adolescent obesity: a literature review

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    Hoje nos deparamos com um grande problema de saúde pública: a obesidade infantil. Dessa forma estudos para a sua abordagem são necessárias para guiar o profissional da saúde na condução dos casos. O uso da metformina é um medicamento amplamente utilizado para o tratamento da diabetes na população adulta. O estudo presente traz o uso dessa mesma medicação no tratamento da obesidade infantil.

    Preparation and characterization of a quercetin-tetraethyl ether-based photoprotective nanoemulsion.

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    Although Quercetin absorbs in the UVA/UVB electromagnetic region, it is limited for applications as a UV filter due to its low lipophilicity and capacity to penetrate the epidermis. In order to overcome this limitation, we synthetized and evaluated the photo protective properties of a derivative obtained from Quercetin. The derivative was prepared by alkylation of Quercetin with iodoethane and characterized by IR and NMR spectroscopy. The in vitro Solar Protection Factor was determined by the Mansur method and the cytotoxicity was evaluated using hepatocellular cell (Hep G2) cells. Finally, Quercetin and the corresponding derivative were incorporated in nanoemulsions. Nanoemulsions with particles sizes between 53 and 73 nm were obtained, and polydispersity indexes were around 0.1, indicating good homogeneity of the nanoemulsion particles. The cell viability study for the Quercetin derivative indicated a very low cytotoxicity profile. The chemical modification of Quercetin resulted in a promising compound with improved properties desirable for skin penetration and incorporation into sunscreen formulations

    Protective Effect of Baccharis trimera Extract on Acute Hepatic Injury in a Model of Inflammation Induced by Acetaminophen

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    Background. Acetaminophen (APAP) is a commonly used analgesic and antipyretic. When administered in high doses, APAP is a clinical problem in the US and Europe, often resulting in severe liver injury and potentially acute liver failure. Studies have demonstrated that antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents effectively protect against the acute hepatotoxicity induced by APAP overdose. Methods. The present study attempted to investigate the protective effect of B. trimera against APAP-induced hepatic damage in rats. The liver-function markers ALT and AST, biomarkers of oxidative stress, antioxidant parameters, and histopathological changes were examined. Results. The pretreatment with B. trimera attenuated serum activities of ALT and AST that were enhanced by administration of APAP. Furthermore, pretreatment with the extract decreases the activity of the enzyme SOD and increases the activity of catalase and the concentration of total glutathione. Histopathological analysis confirmed the alleviation of liver damage and reduced lesions caused by APAP. Conclusions. The hepatoprotective action of B. trimera extract may rely on its effect on reducing the oxidative stress caused by APAP-induced hepatic damage in a rat model. General Significance. These results make the extract of B. trimera a potential candidate drug capable of protecting the liver against damage caused by APAP overdose