420 research outputs found

    Hoogle?: Constants and ?-abstractions in Petri-net-based Synthesis using Symbolic Execution (Artifact)

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    Type-directed component-based program synthesis is the task of automatically building a function with applications of available components and whose type matches a given goal type. Existing approaches to component-based synthesis, based on classical proof search, cannot deal with large sets of components. Recently, Hoogle+, a component-based synthesizer for Haskell, overcomes this issue by reducing the search problem to a Petri-net reachability problem. However, Hoogle+ cannot synthesize constants nor ?-abstractions, which limits the problems that it can solve. We present Hoogle?, an extension to Hoogle+ that brings constants and ?-abstractions to the search space, in two independent steps. First, we introduce the notion of wildcard component, a component that matches all types. This enables the algorithm to produce incomplete functions, i.e., functions containing occurrences of the wildcard component. Second, we complete those functions, by replacing each occurrence with constants or custom-defined ?-abstractions. We have chosen to find constants by means of an inference algorithm: we present a new unification algorithm based on symbolic execution that uses the input-output examples supplied by the user to compute substitutions for the occurrences of the wildcard. When compared to Hoogle+, Hoogle? can solve more kinds of problems, especially problems that require the generation of constants and ?-abstractions, without performance degradation. The artifact contains the source code of Hoogle?, as well as scripts to reproduce the evaluation done in the paper

    Hoogle?: Constants and ?-abstractions in Petri-net-based Synthesis using Symbolic Execution

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    Type-directed component-based program synthesis is the task of automatically building a function with applications of available components and whose type matches a given goal type. Existing approaches to component-based synthesis, based on classical proof search, cannot deal with large sets of components. Recently, Hoogle+, a component-based synthesizer for Haskell, overcomes this issue by reducing the search problem to a Petri-net reachability problem. However, Hoogle+ cannot synthesize constants nor ?-abstractions, which limits the problems that it can solve. We present Hoogle?, an extension to Hoogle+ that brings constants and ?-abstractions to the search space, in two independent steps. First, we introduce the notion of wildcard component, a component that matches all types. This enables the algorithm to produce incomplete functions, i.e., functions containing occurrences of the wildcard component. Second, we complete those functions, by replacing each occurrence with constants or custom-defined ?-abstractions. We have chosen to find constants by means of an inference algorithm: we present a new unification algorithm based on symbolic execution that uses the input-output examples supplied by the user to compute substitutions for the occurrences of the wildcard. When compared to Hoogle+, Hoogle? can solve more kinds of problems, especially problems that require the generation of constants and ?-abstractions, without performance degradation

    Dr. Francisco Martins Sarmento.

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    Volume especial, 1900, p. 65-66

    Veterinary Antibiotics in the Environment

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    In recent years, pharmaceutical pollution in the environment has been a great concern due to the potential effects on the human and animal health. Some of the most used classes such as antibiotics, which are used to prevent and treat bacterial infections and promote the growth of livestock, deserve to be highlighted since their intensive use has contaminated environmental matrices such as soil, water, sediment, plants, and animals with effects on the biota. To better understand the potential ecological risk of antibiotics in environments and to develop management strategies for these substances searching to reach the reduction of these compounds in aquatic systems, one of the most important steps is to determine the environmental concentrations of these compounds in the environments through analytical methods and evaluate their effects on the biota. The goal of this chapter is contribute with information about the effects of these compounds on the biota as well as its environmental behavior and bacterial resistance in additional to the main techniques for samples preparation and quantitative and confirmatory methods for its determination in the environment

    Dengue: abordagem interativa como forma de prevenção. Um estudo da população do bairro Amazonas em Areal-RJ

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    Afetando principalmente os países tropicais como o Brasil, a proliferação descontrolada do mosquito Aedes Aegypti tornou-se um grave problema de saúde pública. Até abril de 2015, o ministério público havia registrado 745,9 mil casos de dengue, doença mais comum transmitida pelo mosquito. Com o agravamento da situação por conta das outras doenças transmitidas pelo vetor, esforços de prevenção são essenciais para um melhor controle da situação. Estudiosos, como Tauil (2002), apontam que o Brasil possui diversos fatores facilitadores da proliferação do mosquito, sendo que a solução para diminuição do problema encontra-se principalmente na conscientização de toda população no controle dos principais criadouros do Aedes Aegypti. Entretanto, campanhas convencionais acerca do problema não vêm surtindo o efeito desejado. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal aprimorar o acesso à informação acerca das doenças transmitidas pelo Aedes Aegypti, em especial a dengue, nos arredores do PSF Amazonas no município de Areal-RJ, (onde em somente em 2015, cerca de 150 casos de dengue foram confirmados) no que diz respeito à prevenção através do controle do vetor até o tratamento da doença. Espera-se que o presente projeto de intervenção contribua para o enfrentamento da epidemia das doenças causadas pelo Aedes Aegypti no bairro Amazonas, em Areal-RJ. Espera-se também que os órgãos públicos se atentem para o problema da desinformação da população no que diz respeito ao combate do vetor e que este projeto possa contribuir para o trabalho de enfrentamento à dengue em outras unidades de saúde do município


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    Este trabalho tem como foco de análise o romance Nação crioula: a correspondência secreta de Fradique Mendes, do escritor angolano José Eduardo Agualusa. A estrutura do texto é formada pelas cartas que a personagem Fradique Mendes, apropriada por Agualusa do escritor português Eça de Queirós, escreve a partir do momento em que desembarca em Angola no século XIX. Interessa-nos, particularmente, a representação que Fradique faz das personagens femininas nessas cartas, bem como a importância de seus discursos para a formação do discurso do protagonista, que passa de colonial para pós-colonial. Assim, as representações das personagens angolanas Gabriela Santamarinha e Ana Olímpia são entendidas como metonímias das representações que o protagonista faz da África em suas cartas.Palavras-chave: Nação crioula. Agualusa. Pós-colonialismo. Discurso. Mulher