11 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Terjadinya hiperglikemia pada penderita diabetes melitus dapat mengakibatkan gejala yang sering dialami pada penderita diabetes melitus seperti polydipsia, polyuria, polypagia, penurunan berat badan, kesemutan, dan terjadinya komplikasi kaki pada penderita diabetes melitus atau sering disebut ulkus diabetikum. Ulkus diabetikum dapat mengakibatkan kualitas hidup penderita diabetes melitus memburuk, penanganan yang tidak benar akan memperparah kondisi sehingga penderita diabetes melitus dapat lebih lama tinggal di rumah sakit bahkan dapat mengalami amputasi. Tujuan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini yaitu untuk memberikan edukasi dan promosi kesehatan ulkus diabetikum yang berguna meningkatkan kemampuan masyarakat dalam merawat ulkus diabetikum yang diderita oleh setiap masyarakat. . Metode pelaksanaan pada pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan dengan memberikan materi dan demonstrasi pada tanggal 10 Oktober 2023 di ikuti oleh penderita diabetes melitus sebanyak 30 peserta. Dari pre-test dan post-test yang sudah dilakukan semua peserta mendapat gambaran dan dapat mempraktikkan materi dan latihan yang sudah diajarkan dengan baik. Berdasarkah hasil pre-test dengan jumlah 30 orang menunjukkan rata-rata 17,57% memahami edukasi dan promosi ulkus diabetikum. Sedangkan pada post-test dengan jumlah peserta 30 orang menunjukkan bahwa nilai/skor rata-rata 19,07%.Abstract: The occurrence of hyperglycemia in diabetes mellitus sufferers can result in symptoms that are often experienced in diabetes mellitus sufferers such as polydipsia, polyuria, polypagia, weight loss, tingling, and the occurrence of foot complications in diabetes mellitus sufferers or often called diabetic ulcers. Diabetic ulcers can cause the quality of life of diabetes mellitus sufferers to worsen, improper treatment will worsen the condition so that diabetes mellitus sufferers can stay in hospital longer and can even experience amputation. The aim of this Community Service is to provide education and health promotion for diabetic ulcers which is useful for increasing the community's ability to care for diabetic ulcers suffered by every community member. The implementation method for community service is carried out by providing materials and demonstrations on October 10 2023, attended by 30 diabetes mellitus sufferers. From the pre-test and post-test that were carried out, all participants got an overview and were able to practice the material and exercises that had been taught well. Based on the results of the pre-test with 30 people, it showed that an average of 17.57% understood education and promotion of diabetic ulcers. Meanwhile, the post-test with 30 participants showed that the average score was 19.07%


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    Fracture is the discontinuity of bone tissues according to their types and areas. Intervention for recovering fractured patients is done by using Levine theory. The objective of the research was to identify the influence of Levine conceptual model based-intervention on anxiety. The research used quasi-experimental method with equivalent control group design. The samples were 52 respondents, 26 of them were in the intervention group ad the other 26 of them were in the control group, taken by using consecutive sampling technique. The data were analyzed by using paired t-test and independent t-test. The result of the research showed that there the influence of Levine conceptual model based-intervention program on anxiety before and after the intervention at p-value=0.000 (p<0.05). There was the difference of this type of intervention from hospital standard nursing intervention at p-value = 0.000 (p<0.5). The conclusion that there was the influence of Levine conceptual model based-intervention program on anxiety. It is recommended that this type of nursing intervention be used as a part of independent nursing intervention to help handle on anxiety of fractured patients


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    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic that occurred in Indonesia caused the learning process in tertiary institutions to change. The learning process in tertiary institutions is required to be mastered in their respective homes. This has an impact on the learning process activities on campus which has 45.5 million students and students are one of the places prone to the spread of the COVID-19 virus. This study aims to determine the effect of using blended learning methods on student motivation in medical-surgical nursing courses during the COVID-19 pandemic. This type of research uses quantitative research with a cross-sectional design approach. The population in this study were all nursing diploma students totaling 160 people. The sample used was purposive sampling in which a sample determination technique was carried out by selecting a sample among the population according to what the researcher wanted as many as 67 people. This research was conducted in June-July 2022. Based on the results of the research conducted, it was found that there was an effect of using the blended learning method on student learning motivation in medical-surgical nursing courses during the COVID-19 pandemic with a p-value of 0.000. The use of blended learning methods can affect student learning motivation. The results of this study are expected to increase student motivation in attending lectures, especially medical-surgical nursing courses


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    Abstrak: Indonesia merupakan negara yang sangat rentan terhadap bencana gempa bumi. Bencana gempa bumi di Indonesia merupakan suatu kejadian yang tidak hanya pada daerah rawan bencana, namun juga terjadi pada daerah yang relatif aman. Kondisi trauma yang dialami oleh masyarakat yang terdampak bencana gemap bumi memang tidak bisa dibiarkan terlalu lama. Disaat proses perbaikan pasca gempa harus meliputi perbaikan fisik, yang tidak kalah penting yaitu memperbaiki kerusakan jiwa pada diri masyarakat dan anak-anak. Tujuan Pengabdian Masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pendampingan Trouma Healing pada masyarakat yang terdampak bencana gempa bumi. Metode pelaksanaan pada pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan dengan memberikan pendampingan Trouma Healing selama dua hari di Kabupaten Cianjur Jawa Barat pada tanggal 12-13 Desember 2022 di ikuti masyarakat cianjur yang terdampak bencana sebanyak 33 peserta. Dari pretest dan posttest yang sudah dilakukan semua peserta mendapat gambaran dan dapat mempraktikkan materi dan latihan yang sudah diajarkan dengan baik. Berdasarkah hasil pre-test dengan jumlah 33 orang menunjukkan rata-rata 11,03% mengalami distress akibat bencana gempa bumi. Sedangkan pada post-test dengan jumlah peserta 30 orang menunjukkan bahwa nilai/skor rata-rata 10,64%. Abstract: Indonesia is a country that is very vulnerable to earthquakes. The earthquake disaster in Indonesia is an event that does not only occur in disaster-prone areas, but also occurs in areas that are relatively safe. The traumatic condition experienced by the people affected by the earthquake cannot be allowed to go on for too long. While the post-earthquake repair process must include physical repairs, which is no less important, namely repairing the mental damage to the community and children. The purpose of this Community Service is to provide Trouma Healing assistance to communities affected by the earthquake. The implementation method for community service is carried out by providing Trouma Healing assistance for two days in Cianjur Regency, West Java on December 12-13 2022, attended by 33 people in Cianjur who were affected by the disaster. From the pretest and posttest that have been carried out, all participants get an overview and can practice the material and exercises that have been taught properly. Based on the results of the pre-test with 33 people showing an average of 11.03% experiencing distress due to the earthquake. Whereas in the post-test with 30 participants it showed that the average value/score was 10.64%.

    Relationship between Knowledge and Attitude about Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus Complications in Diabetes Mellitus Patients

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    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia characterized by defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Attitudes of patients regarding complications of diabetes mellitus need to be approached to patients who have diabetes mellitus. The number of people with Diabetes Mellitus in the world from year to year has increased, this is related to the increasing population, increasing life expectancy, urbanization which changes traditional lifestyles to modern lifestyles, obesity increases and physical activity decreases. Knowledge of patients with diabetes mellitus can be interpreted as the result of knowing from patients about their disease, understanding the disease, and understanding prevention, treatment and complications. This study aims to identify the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of patients with diabetes mellitus about complications of diabetes mellitus. This study is descriptive with 105 samples and data collection techniques using Convinience Sampling. Collecting data using a questionnaire that has been validated and reliability using the Cronbach alpha test. The results showed that the knowledge of diabetes mellitus patients about complications of diabetes mellitus was categorized as good as many as 83 respondents (79.0%). It can be used as a guideline for carrying out nursing care for patients with diabetes mellitus in order to realize the desired nursing goals and evaluations such as health workers are expected to further increase their role in providing health education about the prevention of complications of diabetes mellitus


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    Pada pasien rawat inap, pemasangan infus atau kateter vena perifer merupakan prosedurinvasif yang paling sering dilakukan. Pasien yang menerima terapi intravena selamadirawat di rumah sakit diperkirakan sekitar setengah dari keseluruhan pasien. Lebih dari90% pasien di rumah sakit menerima terapi intra vena melalui beberapa alat intravena(Chang & Peng, 2018). Komplikasi yang paling sering terjadi akibat terapi intravena yangditandai dengan pembengkakan, kemerahan, infiltrasi (kebocoran cairan dari vena),demam, nyeri, infeksi kulit lokal, dan infeksi aliran darah adalah phlebitis (Mihala et al.2018). Kemenkes RI (2017) menyatakan bahwa phlebitis adalah ditemukannya tanda-tanda kemerahan seperti terbakar, adanya pembengkakan, adanya rasa sakit apabiladilakukan penekanan, adanya ulkus sampai eksudat purulen atau keluarnya cairan jikaditekan pada daerah lokal tusukan infus

    The Effect of Manggist Skin Juice on The Stability of Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Patients

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    ABSTRACT Blood sugar level refers to the level of glucose in the blood. One that can maintain stable blood sugar levels is mangosteen peel juice, because mangosteen peel juice contains xantones and flavonoids that stabilize blood sugar levels. This study aims to determine the effect of mangosteen peel juice on the stability of blood sugar levels in diabetes mellitus patients at the Public Health Center Sibolangit. The design of this research is Quasi Experiment Design using One-group pretest posttest design. The sample in this study were 10 patients using purposive sampling. Data analysis used Paired Sample T-Test. The results showed that the P-value was 0.027 (P-value <0.05) so it could be concluded that there was an effect of giving mangosteen rind juice on the stability of blood sugar levels in diabetes mellitus patients at the Sibolangit Health Center. Mangosteen peel juice is one of the herbal medicines that can lower blood sugar levels in Diabetes Mellitus patients. Keywords: Juice Mangosteen Skin, The Stability of Blood Sugar Level

    Hubungan Breastfeeding Father dan Tingkat Pengetahuan Suami terhadap Keberhasilan Asi Eksklusif pada Ibu yang Memiliki Bayi

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    ABSTRACT Exclusive breastfeeding in Paya Mala Village, Sei Lepan District is still low. The low level of exclusive breastfeeding in Paya Mala Village, Sei Lepan District, is related to breastfeeding fathers and the husband's level of knowledge. This study aims to determine the relationship between breastfeeding father and the level of knowledge of husbands with the success of exclusive breastfeeding in mothers who have babies in the village of Paya Mala, Sei Lepan district. This type of research is analytic survey research with cross sectional design. The population in this study were all husbands of mothers who had babies in Paya Mala Village, Sei Lepan District, totaling 42 people with a total sampling of 42 people. Data collection with primary and secondary data and analyzed by chi Square statistical test with a confidence level of 95%. The results showed that there was a relationship between breastfeeding father and the success of exclusive breastfeeding in mothers who had babies in Paya Mala Village, Sei Lepan District, and there was a relationship between the husband's knowledge level and the success of exclusive breastfeeding in mothers who had babies in Paya Mala Village, Sei Lepan District. It is suggested that husbands in Paya Mala Village, Sei Lepan District, need to increase their knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding by following counseling held by health workers and seeking information about exclusive breastfeeding and for health workers in Paya Mala Village, Sei Lepan District, it is necessary to increase the understanding of mothers about exclusive breastfeeding and increase family support in an effort to increase exclusive breastfeeding.  Keywords: Breastfeeding Father, Knowledge, The Success of Exclusive Breastfeeding  ABSTRAK Pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Desa Paya Mala Kecamatan Sei Lepan masih rendah. Rendahnya pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Desa Paya Mala Kecamatan Sei Lepan terkait dengan breastfeeding father dan tingkat pengetahuan suami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan breastfeeding father dan tingkat pengetahuan suami dengan keberhasilan ASI Eksklusif pada ibu yang memiliki bayi di Desa Paya Mala Kecamatan Sei Lepan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian survei analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh suami dari ibu yang memiliki bayi di Desa Paya Mala Kecamatan Sei Lepan yang berjumlah 42 orang dengan total sampling sebanyak 42 orang. Pengumpulan data dengan data primer dan sekunder dan dianalisis dengan uji statistik chi Square dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan breastfeeding father dengan keberhasilan ASI Eksklusif pada ibu yang memiliki bayi di Desa Paya Mala Kecamatan Sei Lepan dan terdapat hubungan tingkat pengetahuan suami dengan keberhasilan ASI Eksklusif pada ibu yang memiliki bayi di Desa Paya Mala Kecamatan Sei Lepan. Disarankan kepada suami di Desa Paya Mala Kecamatan Sei Lepan perlu meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang pemberian ASI Eksklusif dengan mengikuti penyuluhan yang diadakan petugas kesehatan dan mencari informasi tentang ASI Ekslusif dan kepada tenaga kesehatan di Desa Paya Mala Kecamatan Sei Lepan perlu meningkatkan pemahaman ibu tentang pemberian ASI Eksklusif dan meningkatkan dukungan keluarga dalam upaya peningkatan pemberian ASI Eksklusif. Kata Kunci : Breastfeeding Father, Pengetahuan, Keberhasilan ASI Eksklusi


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    Diabetes Mellitus often becomes a serious health problem in various developing and developed countries in the world. Most people with diabetes mellitus are at risk of developing diabetic ulcers. If not treated quickly it can develop into an infection. The newest wound healing methods currently have an important role in treating diabetic ulcers, one of which is Modern Dressing with Moist Wound Healing. The aim of this research is to identify the effectiveness of modern wound care using moist wound healing dressing techniques in healing diabetic ulcers at the Rumat clinic in Jakarta. The research design used in this study used a quasi-experimental design with a cross-sectional method approach. The population in this study were all patients who underwent wound care at the Rumat Jakarta clinic. The sampling used was accidental sampling, which took cases or respondents who happened to be present or available in a place according to the research context, namely 30 respondents. Based on the results of the Paired T-Test and Independent T-Test, the p-value was obtained (0.000 &lt; α 0.05), this proves that there is the effectiveness of modern wound care using the Moist Wound Healing dressing technique in healing diabetic ulcers in home clinics in Jakarta. Meanwhile, in the control group, after carrying out bivariate analysis using statistical tests, a significance value of p value α = 0.080 (p &gt; 0.05) was obtained. Thus, it can be said that there is no effectiveness of modern wound care using moist wound healing dressing techniques in healing diabetic ulcers at the Rumat Clinic in Jakarta. It is hoped that the Jakarta Rumat Clinic can improve the quality and quality of modern wound care services using moist wound healing dressing techniques for diabetic ulcer sufferers.Diabetes Melitus sering menjadi masalah kesehatan yang serius di berbagai negara berkembang dan negara maju di dunia. Sebagian besar penderita Diabetes Melitus memiliki risiko dalam menghadapi ulkus diabetikum. Jika tidak ditangani dengan cepat maka dapat berkembang menjadi infeksi. Metode penyembuhan luka terbaru saat ini memiliki peranan penting dalam perawatan ulkus diabetikum salah satunya Modern Dressing dengan Moist Wound Healing. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi efektivitas perawatan luka modern dengan menggunakan teknik balutan moist wound healing pada penyembuhan ulkus diabetikum di klinik Rumat Jakarta. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasy eksperiment dengan pendekatan metode cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua pasien yang melakukan perawatan luka di klinik Rumat Jakarta. Pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah accidental sampling, dimana mengambil kasus atau responden yang secara kebetulan ada atau tersedia di suatu tempat sesuai dengan konteks penelitian yaitu 30 responden. Berdasarkan hasil uji Paired T-Tes dan Independet T-Test diperoleh nilai p-value (0,000 &lt; α 0,05) hal ini membuktikan terdapat efektivitas perawatan luka modern dengan teknik balutan Moist Wound Healing pada penyembuhan ulkus diabetikum di klinik rumat Jakarta. Sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol setelah dilakukan analisis bivariat menggunakan uji statistic diperoleh nilai signifikasi p value α = 0.080 (p &gt; 0.05). Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa tidak terdapat efektivitas perawatan luka modern dengan teknik balutan moist wound healing pada penyembuhan ulkus diabetikum di Klinik Rumat Jakarta. Diharapkan Klinik Rumat Jakarta dapat meningkatkan kualitas dan mutu pelayanan perawatan luka modern dengan teknik balutan moist wound healing pada penderita ulkus diabetikum