9,074 research outputs found


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    Berhitung permulaan merupakan salah satu kemampuan  yang harus ditanamkan kepada anak sejak dini di keluarga maupun lingkungan sekolah. Pembelajaran berhitung permulaan untuk anak usia 4-5 tahun dibuat unik dan menarik dengan menggunakan media quite book berbahan dasar kain flanel. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui bagaimana media quite book dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berhitung permulaan anak usia 4-5 di TK Pertiwi DWP Setda Kabupaten Buton. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan penggunaan media quite book untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berhitung permulaan pada pra-penelitain berjumlah 42%, namun setelah dilakukan tindakan pada siklus I, kemampuan anak meningkat mencapai 75 % hingga mencapai 92% pada siklus II. Berdasarkan persentasi peningkatan tersebut maka media quite book dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berhitung permulaan anak usia dini di TK Pertiwi DWP Setda Kabupaten Buton. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Faktor Akuntansi Terhadap Prediksi Peringkat Obligasi

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    The purpose of this study was to reveal the accounting factors that affect the predictions bond ratings on non-financial companies in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Data taken from non-financial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The selection of a sample of 20 companies using purposive sampling method. The method used to test the hypothesis is a stepwise method logistic regression analysis to examine of accounting factors namely the independent variable leverage, liquidity, profitability, productivity and growth on the dependent variable prediction bond ratings. Results from this study are variable profitability and productivity have an influence on the prediction of non-financial corporate bond ratings

    Assessing Online Collaborative Discourse

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    This qualitative study using transcript analysis was undertaken to clarify the value of Harasim’s Online Collaborative Learning Theory as a way to assess the collaborative process within nursing education. The theory incorporated three phases: (1) idea generating; (2) idea organizing; and (3) intellectual convergence. The transcripts of asynchronous discussions from a two-week module about disaster nursing using a virtual community were analyzed and formed the data for this study. This study supports the use of Online Collaborative Learning Theory as a framework for assessing online collaborative discourse. Individual or group outcomes were required for the students to move through all three phases of the theory. The phases of the Online Collaborative Learning Theory could be used to evaluate the student’s ability to collaborate. It is recommended that group process skills, which have more to do with interpersonal skills, be evaluated separately from collaborative learning, which has more to do with cognitive skills. Both are required for practicing nurses. When evaluated separately, the student learning needs are more clearly delineated

    Virtual Collaboration in the Online Educational Setting: A Concept Analysis

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    This study was designed to explore the concept of virtual collaboration within the context of an online learning environment in an academic setting. Rodgers’ method of evolutionary concept analysis was used to provide a contextual view of the concept to identify attributes, antecedents, and consequences of virtual collaboration. Commonly used terms to describe virtual collaboration are collaborative and cooperative learning, group work, group interaction, group learning and teamwork. A constructivist pedagogy, group-based process with a shared purpose, support and web-based technology are required for virtual collaboration to take place. Consequences of virtual collaboration are higher order thinking and learning to work with others. A comprehensive definition of virtual collaboration is offered as an outcome of this analysis. Clarification of virtual collaboration prior to using it as a pedagogic tool in the online learning environment will enhance nursing education with the changes in nursing curriculum being implemented today. Further research is recommended to describe the developmental stages of the collaborative process among nursing students in online education and how virtual collaboration facilitates collaboration in practice

    Accessing the mobile web: myth or reality?

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    Emerging technologies for learning report - Article exploring open web standard

    Technology Support for Small Industries in Developing Countries: From 'Supply-Push' to 'Eightfold-C: '

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    The paper is a review of approaches towards technology support for small-scale manufacturing enterprises in developing countries since the 1970s. Early programmes tended to suffer from a number of weaknesses, emanating from inadequate conceptualisation of small firm' competitiveness and the role of the small-scale sector in industrial development, as well as from lack of practical experience with project implementation. However, in recent years important advancements have been made on all these fronts. The paper discusses eight characteristics of recent technology assistance programmes that have tended to be associated with project success. Broadly, successful projects are those that embrace the notion that durable competitiveness of small producers in a competitive economic environment requires that they develop internal capabilities to effectively asssimilate, use, and adapt product and process technologies on an ongoing basis. Key words: technology support, small-scale enterprises, technological capability, competitiveness, assistance projects, industrialisation.

    Building resilience: Adaptation mechanisms and mainstreaming for the poor

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    human development, climate change

    Technology Development in Transition - The Case of Hungarian Industry -

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    The reform of 1989 exposed Hungarian industry to foreign competition and confronted it to the loss of the vast and undemanding COMECON market, the withdrawal of public support and the need for privatisation. Based on twenty-four interviews in pharmaceutical, electronics, automotive and textile companies, this paper gives insight into the efforts made by Hungarian industry to upgrade its technology in response to these pressures. The patterns found reflect the shift away from the old strategy of autarchic imitation of western technology based on own research and development towards catch-up through acquisition of western product and process know-how. The firms' modernisation activities were heavily driven by foreign investment and financial support from public agencies, but there are drawbacks associated with both, especially foreign investment which has in some cases contributed to the erosion of indigenous research capability. Science and technology institutions played an important role in the upgrading of industrial technology before the reform, but linkages with industry have eroded in the 1990s as a result of the drastic decline in state funding for science and technology and the financial crisis in industry. Financial support from the European Union for science and technology in the sample firms is reviewed and a number of suggestions are made for its improvement, so as to better reflect Hungary's current needs in the context of its increasing integration with the European Union.
