587 research outputs found

    Poly(amido amine)s as Gene Delivery Vectors: Effects of Quaternary Nicotinamide Moieties in the Side Chains

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    To evaluate the effect of quaternary nicotinamide pendant groups on gene delivery properties, a series of poly(amido amine) (co)polymers were synthesized by Michael addition polymerization of N, N-cystaminebisacrylamide with variable ratios of 1-(4-aminobutyl)-3-carbamoylpyridinium (Nic-BuNH2), and tert-butyl-4-aminobutyl carbamate (BocNH-BuNH2), yielding poly(amido amine)s (NicX-NHBoc) with X=0, 10, 30, and 50 % of quaternary nicotinamide groups in the polymer side chains. Deprotection of the pendant Boc-NH groups afforded an analogous series of polymers (NicX-NH2) with higher charge density (due to the presence of protonated primary amino groups in the side chains) and subsequent acetylation yielded a series of polymers (NicX-NHAc) of lower hydrophobicity than the Boc-protected polymers. The polymers with the Boc-protected or the acetylated amino groups showed high buffer capacity in the range pH 5.1-7.4, which is a property that can contribute to endosomal escape of polyplexes. The presence of quaternary nicotinamide groups has distinct beneficial effects on the gene vector properties of these polymers. The polymers containing 30 % of quaternary nicotinamide groups in their side chains condense DNA into small, nanosized particles (200 nm) with positive surface charge (+15 mV). Fluorescence experiments using ethidium bromide as a competitor showed that the quaternary nicotinamide groups intercalate with DNA, contributing to a more intimate polymer-DNA binding and shielding. Polyplexes of nicotinamide-functionalized poly(amido amine)s NicX-NHBoc and NicX-NHAc, formed at 12/1 polymerDNA mass ratio, efficiently transfect COS-7 cells with efficacies up to four times higher than that of PEI (Exgen 500), and with essentially absence of cytotoxicity. NicX-NH2 polymers, possessing protonated primary amino groups in their side chains, have a higher cytotoxicity profile under these conditions, but at lower 3/1 polymer-DNA mass ratio also these polymers are capable of efficient transfection, while retaining full cell viability

    Intravitreal hydrogels for sustained release of therapeutic proteins

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    This review highlights how hydrogel formulations can improve intravitreal protein delivery to the posterior segment of the eye in order to increase therapeutic outcome and patient compliance. Several therapeutic proteins have shown excellent clinical successes for the treatment of various intraocular diseases. However, drug delivery to the posterior segment of the eye faces significant challenges due to multiple physiological barriers preventing drugs from reaching the retina, among which intravitreal protein instability and rapid clearance from the site of injection. Hence, frequent injections are required to maintain therapeutic levels. Moreover, because the world population ages, the number of patients suffering from ocular diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy (DR) is increasing and causing increased health care costs. Therefore, there is a growing need for suitable delivery systems able to tackle the current limitations in retinal protein delivery, which also may reduce costs. Hydrogels have shown to be promising delivery systems capable of sustaining release of therapeutic proteins and thus extending their local presence. Here, an extensive overview of preclinically developed intravitreal hydrogels is provided with attention to the rational design of clinically useful intravitreal systems. The currently used polymers, crosslinking mechanisms, in vitro/in vivo models and advancements are discussed together with the limitations and future perspective of these biomaterials.Peer reviewe

    Возможности праксеологии в банковской сфере

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    Статья посвящена исследованию сущности и возможностей использования основных постулатов и концептов праксеологии в банковской сфере. Изучаются особенности взаимодействия праксеологии как философско-логической сферы, с одной стороны, и банковского бизнеса как практической сферы деятельности – с другой. Проанализированы возможности внедрения в банковский сектор таких понятий, как «элементарные действия», «инициатор», а также использования критериев праксеологических оценок. Определены условия применимости «техники борьбы» для успешного функционирования коммерческого банка на рынке финансовых услуг.Статтю присвячено дослідженню сутності та можливостей використання основних постулатів і концептів праксеології в банківській сфері. Вивчаються особливості взаємодії праксеології як філософськологічної сфери, з одного боку, і банківського бізнесу як практичної сфери діяльності – з другого. Проаналізовано можливості впровадження в банківський сектор таких понять,як «елементарні дії», «ініціатор», а також використання критеріїв праксеологічних оцінок. Визначено умови застосування «техніки боротьби» для успішного функціонування комерційного банку на ринку фінансових послуг.The article is investigates the nature and possibilities of using the basic tenets and concepts of praxeology in the banking sector. We study the peculiarities of interaction of praxeology as a philosophical-logical sphere, on the one hand, and the banking business – both the practical scope of the other.The possibilities of implementation in the banking sector such concepts as «basic action», «initiator» as well as the use of criteria prakseologicheskih ratings. Indicated by the conditions of applicability «fighting techniques» for the successful operation of a commercial bank in the financial services market

    Соціальна культура громадян - найкращий антикризовий засіб

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    An anthracene-functionalized thermosensitive block copolymer was synthesized, which formed micelles by heating its aqueous solution above the lower critical solution temperature (LCST). The micelles were subsequently crosslinked by UV illumination at 365 nm with a normal handheld UV lamp. The micelles showed a small size (30 nm) and high loading capacity (16.0 ± 0.1%) for paclitaxel and released paclitaxel for more than ten days

    Инструментарий минимизации риска защищенности в распределенных системах (РКС)

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    Разработана структура средств минимизации риска защищенности распределенных компьютерных систем, выполнена формализация функционирования основных блоков предложенной структуры. Предложена оценка уровня угроз безопасности, интегральная оценка ущерба вследствие атак на уязвимости, а также оценка степени риска реализации угроз безопасности в компьютерных системах. Также предложен подход к анализу риска на основе оценок степени опасности факторов угроз безопасности и вероятности реализации угроз безопасности с разделением их на соответствующие группы, а также на основе построения специальной матрицы рисков защищенности для минимизации риска защищенности.Розроблено структуру засобів мінімізації ризику захищеності розподілених комп’ютерних систем, виконано формалізацію функціонування основних блоків запропонованої структури. Запропоновано оцінку рівня загроз безпеки, інтегральну оцінку збитку внаслідок атак на вразливості, а також оцінку ступеня ризику реалізації загроз безпеки в комп’ютерних системах. Також запропоновано підхід до аналізу ризику на основі оцінок ступеня небезпеки факторів загроз безпеки та ймовірності реалізації загроз безпеки з розділенням їх на відповідні групи, а також на основі побудови спеціальної матриці ризиків захищеності для мінімізації ризику захищеності.The structure of means for security risk minimization in distributed computer systems is developed, and the functioning of the basic blocks of the suggested structure is formalized. Also, estimation of the security threat level, the integrated assessment of the damage due to attacks on to the vulnerabilities, and the risk assessment for the security threat realization are proposed. An approach to the risk analysis on the basis of estimation of the danger level of safety threat factors and the probability of safety threat realization with division of the factors into related groups is suggested, which is also based on the constructed special security risk matrix for security risk minimization

    Этноконфликт как причина агрессии: проблема национальной безопасности Украины

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    Межэтнические и межнациональные противоречия являются сегодня одной из наиболее актуальных проблем многих стран мира, в том числе и Украины. Она относится к числу полиэтнических государств, где неизбежны межэтнические и межнациональные противоречия и конфликты. Анализу последних, их причин и возможных следствий и посвящена данная статья.Міжетнічні та міжнаціональні протиріччя сьогодні є однією з найбільш актуальних проблем багатьох країн світу, у тому числі і України. Вона належить до числа поліетнічних держав, де неминучі міжетнічні та міжнаціональні протиріччя та конфлікти, аналізу яких, їх причин і можливих наслідків присвячена дана стаття.Today interethnic and international contradictions are the most topical problems of many countries of the world including Ukraine. It belongs to those polyethnic states where interethnic and international contradictions and conflicts are unavoided. This article is devoted to analysis, causes and possible consequences of the last ones

    Photopolymerized thermosensitive poly(HPMAlactate)-PEG-based hydrogels : effect of network design on mechanical properties, degradation, and release behavior

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    Photopolymerized thermosensitive A-B-A triblock copolymer hydrogels composed of poly(N-(2-hydroxypropyl)-methacrylamide lactate) A-blocks, partly derivatizal with methacrylate groups to different extents (10, 20, and 30%) and hydrophilic poly(ethylene glycol) B-blocks of different molecular weights (4, 10, and 20 kDa) were synthesized. The aim of the present study was to correlate the polymer architecture with the hydrogel properties, particularly rheological, swelling, degradation properties and release behavior. It was found that an increasing methacrylation extent and a decreasing PEG molecular weight resulted in increasing gel strength and cross-link density, which tailored the degradation profiles from 25 to more than 300 days. Polymers having small PEG blocks showed a remarkable phase separation into polymer- and water-rich domains, as demonstrated by confocal microscopy. Depending on the hydrophobic domain density, the loaded protein resides in the hydrophilic pores or is partitioned into hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains, and its release from these compartments is tailored by the extent of methacrylation and by PEG length, respectively. As the mechanical properties, degradation, and release profiles can be fully controlled by polymer design and concentration, these hydrogels are suitable for controlled protein release

    Acrylamides with hydrolytically labile carbonate ester side chains as versatile building blocks for well-defined block copolymer micelles via RAFT polymerization

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    En route towards improved delivery systems for targeted chemotherapy, we propose a straightforward approach for the hydrophobic modification of the acrylamide N-(2-Hydroxyethyl) acrylamide (HEAm). An ethyl or benzyl group was introduced via a hydrolytically sensitive carbonate ester yielding HEAm-EC and HEAm-BC, respectively. Block copolymers of HEAm, respectively PEG and HEAm-EC or HEAm-BC were successfully synthesized by reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization, obtaining a library of well-defined block copolymers with different degrees of polymerization (DP). To further explore the versatility of our approach in terms of polymer synthesis, self-assembly, drug solubilization and in vitro cell interaction, polyethylene glycol (PEG) and polyHEAm as hydrophilic polymer blocks were compared. The block copolymers formed micellar nanoparticles (10-100 nm) in PBS and could efficiently solubilize hydrophobic dyes and anti-cancer drugs. Benzyl carbonate ester side chains increased micellar stability and drug loading capacity. Moreover, PEG as hydrophilic block showed in comparison to HEAm more promising results concerning both colloidal stability and drug loading capacity. Confocal microscopy showed that the micelles could efficiently deliver a hydrophobic dye inside the cells. Finally, we also demonstrated efficient formulation of the anti-cancer drug paclitaxel with an in vitro cancer cell killing performance comparable or even better than the two commercial PTX nano-formulations Abraxane and Genexol-PM at equal drug dose. In conclusion, modification of HEAm through carbonate linkages offers a versatile platform for the design of degradable polymers with potential for biomedical applications