2,503 research outputs found

    Collaborations that hurt firm performance but help employees' careers

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    When a firm and a competitor collaborate with the same partner, they compete for the shared partner's resources and attention. Such“peer competition”has been shown to negatively affect a firm's access to resources and its performance.One might expect that also the employees’ careers to suffer as a result. However, we argue that the firm's employees benefit from such collaborations. They lever-age these collaborations to build social capital—helping their mobility and careers. We find empirical support for our theory using a large sample data set of video game companies. Our study points to an important yet hitherto neglected agency conflict: employees seek interfirm collaborations that benefit them person-ally but hurt their firm

    Monte Carlo Simulations of the Transition Radiation Detector of the AMS-02 Experiment

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    The Transition Radiation Detector of the AMS-02 experiment on the International Space Station is used for the separation of cosmic-ray positrons and electrons from protons and anti-protons, and for the identification of nuclei up to carbon (Z<=6). We present the Geant4 simulation that is used to describe the ionization and transition radiation processes and compare its results to flight data from AMS-02. After applying empirical corrections to the simulated data, the particle energy deposition and likelihood distributions in the TRD are described with high accuracy.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 licens

    Noninvasive in vivo tracking of mesenchymal stem cells and evaluation of cell therapeutic effects in a murine model using a clinical 3.0 T MRI

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    Cardiac cell therapy with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) represents a promising treatment approach for endstage heart failure. However, little is known about the underlying mechanisms and the fate of the transplanted cells. The objective of the presented work is to determine the feasibility of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and in vivo monitoring after transplantation into infarcted mouse hearts using a clinical 3.0 T MRI device. The labeling procedure of bone marrow-derived MSCs with micron-sized paramagnetic iron oxide particles (MPIOs) did not affect the viability of the cells and their cell type-defining properties when compared to unlabeled cells. Using a clinical 3.0 T MRI scanner equipped with a dedicated small animal solenoid coil, 105 labeled MSCs could be detected and localized in the mouse hearts for up to 4 weeks after intramyocardial transplantation. Weekly ECG-gated scans using T1-weighted sequences were performed, and left ventricular function was assessed. Histological analysis of hearts confirmed the survival of labeled MSCs in the target area up to 4 weeks after transplantation. In conclusion, in vivo tracking of labeled MSCs using a clinical 3.0 T MRI scanner is feasible. In combination with assessment of heart function, this technology allows the monitoring of the therapeutic efficacy of regenerative therapies in a small animal model. </jats:p

    Development of an Openfoam Solver for Numerical Simulation of Carbonization of Biomasses in Rotary Kilns

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    Carbonization is a key process to increase the energy density of high moisture-containing biomasses and biogenic wastes and to provide multipurpose raw chemicals for further applications. Steam-assisted carbonization is a kind of slow pyrolysis, in which wet biomass is treated continuously in superheated steam at elevated temperature and atmospheric pressure. Rotary kiln reactors due to their flexibility and easy control of operating conditions are well suited for this process. In this work, a numerical simulation tool based on an Eulerian-Langrangian approach has been developed to simulate the carbonization of biomasses in rotary kiln reactors resolved in time and space by combining existing OpenFOAM features and developing new physical models. This study demonstrates the features of this extended and validated Eulerian-Lagrangian approach for simulating dense particulate multiphase flows in large-scale rotary kiln reactors. The focus is to use the new tool to aid the design of large-scale rotary kiln reactors by performing parameter studies. The simulations of this kind of large-scale reactors require large computational resources on supercomputers. Therefore, a further focus lies in different approaches to reduce the computational effort while keeping the accuracy at an acceptable level. By using the MP-PIC model, computing time increases linearly with the number of biomass particles instead of exponentially with the DPM model. The optimal cell size has been found to be about twice the largest particle diameter. By choosing the optimal domain decomposition method, simulation time can be reduced by a factor of 1/10. Introducing a solver frequency parameter to the DOM radiation model can help to reduce simulation times further by a factor of 1/8 while decreasing the accuracy by only 2%. Parallel scaling tests show good performance with over 1000 CPU cores. These results show that simulations with a total of 40,000 CPU-hours per studied case become feasible proving the developed solver to be an efficient tool for the design of rotary kiln reactors

    DNS of Near Wall Dynamics of Premixed CH4_4/Air Flames

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    This work presents a numerical study on the effect of flame-wall interaction (FWI) from the viewpoint of flame dynamics. For that purpose, direct numerical simulations (DNS) employing detailed calculations of reaction rates and transport coefficients have been applied to a 2D premixed methane/air flame under atmospheric condition. Free flame (FF) and side-wall quenching (SWQ) configurations are realized by defining one lateral boundary as either a symmetry plane for the FF or a cold wall with fixed temperature at 20 oC for the SWQ case. Different components of flame stretch and Markstein number regarding tangential, normal (due to curvature) and total stretch, Kas_s , Kac_c and Katot_tot = Kas_s + Kac_c, as well as their correlations with respect to the local flame consumption speed SL have been evaluated. It has been shown that the FWI zone is dominated by negative flame stretch. In addition, SL_L decreases with decreasing normal stretch due to curvature Kac_c while approaching the cold wall. However, SL_L increases with decreasing Kac_c while approaching the symmetry boundary for the free flame case, leading to an inversion of the Markstein number Matot_tot based on Katot_tot from positive in the free flame case to negative in the SWQ case. The quenching distance evaluated based on wall-normal profiles of SL_L has been found to be approximately equal to the unstretched laminar flame thickness, which compares quantitatively well with measured data from literature. The flame speed has been confirmed to scale quasi-linearly with the stretch in the FWI zone. The results reveal a distinct correlation during transition between FWI and FF regarding flame dynamics, which brings a new perspective for modeling FWI phenomena by means of flame stretch and Markstein number. To do this, the quenching effect of the wall may be reproduced by a reversed sign of the Markstein number from positive to negative in the FWI zone and by applying the general linear Markstein correlation (SL_L/SL,0_{L,0} = 1− Ma · Ka), leading to a decrease of the flame speed or the reaction rate in the near-wall region

    Was schafft v(V)ertrauen? Schulung einmal anders

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    Es besteht eine Diskrepanz zwischen den Werten und den Konsumgewohnheiten. Ziel ist es, zu diskutieren, ob eine kreative, involvierende Art und Weise mehrere Ebenen der Kommunikation und Beziehung anspricht, um eine vertrauensvolle Beziehung zwischen Akteuren zu schaffen

    Detailed Transport and Performance Optimization for Massively Parallel Simulations of Turbulent Combustion with OpenFOAM

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    This work describes the implementation of two key features for enabling high performance computing (HPC) of highly resolved turbulent combustion simulations: detailed molecular transport for chemical species and efficient computation of chemical reaction rates. The transport model is based on an implementation of the thermo-chemical library Cantera [1] and is necessary to resolve the inner structure of flames. The chemical reaction rates are computed from automatically generated chemistry-model classes [2], which contain highly optimized code for a specific reaction mechanism. In combination with Sundials’ [3] ODE solver, this leads to drastic reductions in computing time. The new features are validated and applied to a turbulent flame with inhomogeneous mixing conditions on a grid with 150 million cells. The simulation is performed on Germany’s fastest supercomputer “Hazel Hen” [4] on 28,800 CPU cores, showing very good scalability. The good agreement with experimental data shows that the proposed implementations combined with the capabilities of OpenFOAM are able to accurately and efficiently simulate even challenging flame setups
