359 research outputs found

    Die Agitpropbewegung als Teil der Arbeiterkultur der Weimarer Republik

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    Musikkultur auf dem Weg nach rechts? - Über den Zusammenhang von Politischer Kultur und Musikkultur in der Bundesrepublik der 90er Jahre

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    Mein Erkenntnisinteresse zielt [...] auf die Erforschung der Zusammenhänge von Musikkultur und politischer Kultur in der Bundesrepublik heute. Die aktuelle politische Situation - ich denke an die vielen fremdenfeindlichen Gewalttaten gegenüber Minderheiten in den vergangenen drei Jahren - veranlaßt mich als Musikpädagogin darüber nachzudenken, ob die hinter diesen Aktionen stehenden rassistischen und nationalistischen Tendenzen sich auch in musikalischen Erscheinungsformen widerspiegeln. Dabei geraten Fragestellungen in den Blick, die Musik als Ausdruck einer bestimmten Lebensform von Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen begreifen [...]. Die Analyse dieses Kontextes stellt sich Musikpädagogen als Aufgabe, wenn sie musikalisches Bewußtsein entwickeln und verändern möchten. Da sich hier nicht das gesamte Musikspektrum abhandeln läßt, werde ich exemplarisch auf einige charakteristische Beispiele eingehen. (DIPF/Orig.

    Communicating Environmental and Ethical Performance: A Longitudinal Analysis of Annual Reports from 1998–2009

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    Along with the publics’ increased demand for businesses to operate responsibly, more and more companies proactively publish their CSR-related principles and activities. A growing body of research is dedicated to the analysis of patterns in self-reported CSR performances; these studies use annual reports as a proxy for the social or environmental activities of the companies. Integrating qualitative and quantitative approaches, the aims of this paper are twofold: First, on the basis of content analysis, we examine categories of CSR-related communication that are in a second step used in a longitudinal perspective spanning twelve years, to compare how CSR motives and activities have changed over time

    Implementierung der Akzelerometrie in der neurologischen Frührehabilitation

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    Musische Bildung - Polyästhetische Erziehung. Eine historisch vergleichende Studie über zwei musikdidaktische Ansätze des 20. Jahrhunderts

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    The author gives a comparison of two different approaches in music education and a discussion of their historical preconditions, their theoretical basis, aims, contents and methods. In spite of different terms and philosophical sources, it is found that they have much in common. Based an either philosophy or anthroplogy both are aiming at developing sensual perception. Contrary to the passive aspects of the one (Musische Bildung), the other (Polyästhetische Erziehung) aims at a change of consciousness, but is rendered just as ineffective by its many mythical and cultic contents, which are, however, typical of both positions. Comparison shows, that for these reasons the ideas of "Polyästhetische Erziehung" will prove to be just as useless as its historic predecessors, unless its contradictory theoretical approaches will be modified. (DIPF/Orig.

    Auf dem Wege zu einer demokratischen Musikkultur dargestellt am Beispiel der Arbeitersingbewegung

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    Wer sich um das Verständnis einer demokratischen Musikkultur bemüht, steht zunächst vor der Aufgabe, sich mit verschiedenen Kulturtheorien sowie Fragen zur politischen Kultur einer Gesellschaft auseinanderzusetzen. Die vorliegenden Ausführungen stützen sich auf kulturtheoretische Überlegungen des Philosophen Gramsci, auf kultursoziologische Analysen Bourdieus und Gedanken über eine "Ästhetik des Widerstands" von Peter Weiss. (DIPF/Orig.

    Vascular endothelial cells: heterogeneity and targeting approaches

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    Forming the inner layer of the vascular system, endothelial cells (ECs) facilitate a multitude of crucial physiological processes throughout the body. Vascular ECs enable the vessel wall passage of nutrients and diffusion of oxygen from the blood into adjacent cellular structures. ECs regulate vascular tone and blood coagulation as well as adhesion and transmigration of circulating cells. The multitude of EC functions is reflected by tremendous cellular diversity. Vascular ECs can form extremely tight barriers, thereby restricting the passage of xenobiotics or immune cell invasion, whereas, in other organ systems, the endothelial layer is fenestrated (e.g., glomeruli in the kidney), or discontinuous (e.g., liver sinusoids) and less dense to allow for rapid molecular exchange. ECs not only differ between organs or vascular systems, they also change along the vascular tree and specialized subpopulations of ECs can be found within the capillaries of a single organ. Molecular tools that enable selective vascular targeting are helpful to experimentally dissect the role of distinct EC populations, to improve molecular imaging and pave the way for novel treatment options for vascular diseases. This review provides an overview of endothelial diversity and highlights the most successful methods for selective targeting of distinct EC subpopulations

    Determinants of consumers' perceived trust in IT-ecosystems

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    Digital ecosystems, or IT-ecosystems (ITEs), are composed of multiple and independent entities such as individuals, organizations, services, software, and applications. Together, these elements create a number of new independent systems that operate and communicate with their own infrastructure (man to machine; machine to machine; person to person), sharing one or several missions. A better understanding of how ITEs and their interconnected components create benefits and added value for different types of consumers is of particular importance to the establishment of digital environments and to managing their resources. Considering different components of perceived trust in ITEs, we rely in this paper on a multi-dimensional framework of trust effects that includes system-centric as well as user-centric determinants of trust. Based on our conceptual model, we develop two sets of propositions. The first ones address technological drivers of trust in ITEs, whereas the second set of propositions considers individual as well as social drivers of trust. The model and propositions are discussed with reference to preliminary empirical results as well as to future research steps and business implications

    Implementierung der Akzelerometrie in der neurologischen Frührehabilitation

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    Corporate social responsibility and environmental reporting in controversial industries

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    Purpose: Over the last few decades, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has received a large amount of attention in research and in practice. As a response to the growing awareness of and concern about social and environmental issues, an increasing number of companies are proactively publishing their CSR-related principles and activities. The overall research question of this study is derived from legitimacy theory and is aimed at elucidating the relationship between industry sector and CSR communication. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach: The empirical examination encompasses a sample that includes the annual reports of all German DAX-30 companies from 1998 to 2009. First, based on a content analysis, categories of CSR-related communication are defined. Second, these categories are used in a quantitative analysis with a longitudinal perspective to evaluate the hypothesis that companies in controversial industries communicate their CSR more intensely than companies in non-controversial industries. Findings: The qualitative study leads to a category system that accounts not only for CSR-related activities but also for CSR philosophies and motives as the normative basis of CSR communication. The quantitative results support the hypothesis that companies in controversial industries are more active in CSR communication than companies in non-controversial industries. Originality/value: Existing studies analysing CSR communication activity have been largely inconsistent and often use unsystematic approaches in choosing industries for comparison. Therefore, in this study, to overcome some of these deficiencies, a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches addresses the concept of controversial industries. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited