17 research outputs found

    Klima, Grundwassernutzung oder Waldbewirtschaftung? Ursachen tendenziell fallender Grundwasserstände am Beispiel Südwest-Usedoms

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    Tendenziell fallende Grundwasserstände können vielfältige Ursachen haben, z.B. die Änderung der klimatischen Bedingungen, Modifikationen der Landnutzung oder die Entnahme von Grundwasser. Am Beispiel Südwest-Usedoms wird dargestellt, wie mögliche Einflussfaktoren analysiert und quantifiziert werden können. Für das Untersuchungsgebiet zeigte sich, dass die über Jahrzehnte gesunkenen Grundwasserstände überwiegend aus der Kahlschlagbewirtschaftung des Waldes resultieren und damit weniger einen Trend als eine überjährliche Schwankung ausweisen.researc

    Bewertung der Grundwassergeschütztheit anhand der Verweilzeit in der Grundwasserüberdeckung

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    Die Verweilzeitberechnung ist eine sehr anschauliche Methode zur Bewertung der Geschütztheit einer Wasserfassung oder eines Grundwasserleiters. Sie berücksichtigt alle relevanten Einflussfaktoren und ist aus Sicht der Autoren anderen Verfahren zur Geschütztheitsbewertung vorzuziehen. Es wird eine Methode vorgestellt, mit der die Geschütztheit der Wasserfassungen im Raum Pasewalk bewertet wurde und die auch landesweit anwendbar ist. Die methodischen Grundlagen von Verweilzeitberechnungen werden untersucht und spezifiziert und es erfolgt eine Diskussion der Interpolationsmöglichkeiten.researc

    Fogging low concentrated organic acid in a fattening pig unit – Effect on animal health and microclimate

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    Introduction and objective In intensive pig production aerial contaminates are potential hazards for the health of animals and humans. In this study, the effect of fogging a low concentrated tartaric acid solution on pigs’ health, environmental and hygiene parameters were evaluated in an inhabited fattening unit. Material and Methods Pigs were housed in separate units (control group n=109 and experimental group n=110). During the whole fattening period, twice a week at 48 hour intervals, a 0.1% tartaric acid solution was aerosolized by a cold-fogging system for 20 minutes in the experimental unit. Environmental parameters were spot-checked on days of fogging. Sedimentation dust and surfaces were analysed for bacterial and fungal load. Dust particle size distribution was assessed. Pigs were clinically examined weekly. Standard meat examination at an abattoir was extended by individual quantification of lung alterations. Results The fogging procedure had no influence on ammonia concentrations. A significant reduction of mould, but not of bacteria, was found in sedimentation dust, and bacterial and mould scores of surface samples were improved. A significant reduction of particle size classes 1.6–2.0 µm, 4.0–5.0 µm, 7.5–10 µm, as well as 10–15 µm was observed. The high sound level of the fogging machine (82–102 dB) led to higher activity and pen-mate directed behaviour. More skin alterations, conjunctivitis and sneezing were recorded in the experimental group. Gross pathological lung alterations did not differ between both groups. Conclusions Although fogging of tartaric acid is limited to a concentration of 0.1% due to its irritating effect on the respiratory mucosa, reduction of microbial load can be achieved, but it would be enhanced by using more powerful fogging systems

    Grundwasser - Altlasten - Boden aktuell

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    Neun Fachbeiträge dokumentieren Ergebnisse der aktuellen Projekt- und Forschungsarbeit des Landesamtes in den Themenbereichen Grundwasser, Altlasten und Boden. Die Inhalte reichen vom Interesse aus Namibia für diese Themenbereiche über verschiedene Auswertungen von Hintergrundwerten und Hochwasser 2013 bis hin zu Planungen im Bereich Bodendauerbeobachtung in Sachsen. Einzelerkenntnisse zu Wülknitz bzw. zum Tagebau Witznitz werden in dem Heft fortgeführt

    Interindividual variation in DNA methylation at a putative POMC metastable epiallele Is associated with obesity

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    The estimated heritability of human BMI is close to 75%, but identified genetic variants explain only a small fraction of interindividual body-weight variation. Inherited epigenetic variants identified in mouse models named “metastable epialleles” could in principle explain this “missing heritability.” We provide evidence that methylation in a variably methylated region (VMR) in the pro-opiomelanocortin gene (POMC), particularly in postmortem human laser-microdissected melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)-positive neurons, is strongly associated with individual BMI. Using cohorts from different ethnic backgrounds, including a Gambian cohort, we found evidence suggesting that methylation of the POMC VMR is established in the early embryo and that offspring methylation correlates with the paternal somatic methylation pattern. Furthermore, it is associated with levels of maternal one-carbon metabolites at conception and stable during postnatal life. Together, these data suggest that the POMC VMR may be a human metastable epiallele that influences body-weight regulation

    The decay pattern of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance of ¹⁴⁰Ce

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    The decay properties of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance (PDR) have been investigated in the semi-magic N=82 nucleus ¹⁴⁰Ce using a novel combination of nuclear resonance fluorescence and γ–γcoincidence techniques. Branching ratios for transitions to low-lying excited states are determined in a direct and model-independent way both for individual excited states and for excitation energy intervals. Comparison of the experimental results to microscopic calculations in the quasi-particle phonon model exhibits an excellent agreement, supporting the observation that the Pygmy Dipole Resonance couples to the ground state as well as to low-lying excited states. A 10% mixing of the PDR and the [2+1×PDR]is extracted

    Steel mills as syngas source for methanol synthesis: Simulation and practical performance investigations

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    In the present contribution, the utilization of steel-mill gases for an industrial methanol synthesis process is described. The focus of this work is on the influence of syngas compositions derived from steel-mill gases on an industrial Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst. Elevated CO2 and H2O concentrations seem to have an irreversible impact on the activity of the catalyst. In order to obtain realistic gas composition for the catalyst tests, a process simulation of the methanol synthesis was conducted. The calculated gas compositions at the reactor inlet were applied in a practical test in order to evaluate the catalyst stability under steel mill gas conditions. No noticeable deactivation was observed

    Fogging low concentrated organic acid in a fattening pig unit – Effect on animal health and microclimate

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    Introduction and objective In intensive pig production aerial contaminates are potential hazards for the health of animals and humans. In this study, the effect of fogging a low concentrated tartaric acid solution on pigs’ health, environmental and hygiene parameters were evaluated in an inhabited fattening unit. Material and Methods Pigs were housed in separate units (control group n=109 and experimental group n=110). During the whole fattening period, twice a week at 48 hour intervals, a 0.1% tartaric acid solution was aerosolized by a cold-fogging system for 20 minutes in the experimental unit. Environmental parameters were spot-checked on days of fogging. Sedimentation dust and surfaces were analysed for bacterial and fungal load. Dust particle size distribution was assessed. Pigs were clinically examined weekly. Standard meat examination at an abattoir was extended by individual quantification of lung alterations. Results The fogging procedure had no influence on ammonia concentrations. A significant reduction of mould, but not of bacteria, was found in sedimentation dust, and bacterial and mould scores of surface samples were improved. A significant reduction of particle size classes 1.6–2.0 µm, 4.0–5.0 µm, 7.5–10 µm, as well as 10–15 µm was observed. The high sound level of the fogging machine (82–102 dB) led to higher activity and pen-mate directed behaviour. More skin alterations, conjunctivitis and sneezing were recorded in the experimental group. Gross pathological lung alterations did not differ between both groups. Conclusions Although fogging of tartaric acid is limited to a concentration of 0.1% due to its irritating effect on the respiratory mucosa, reduction of microbial load can be achieved, but it would be enhanced by using more powerful fogging systems

    Use of Three Air Samplers for the Detection of PRRSV-1 under Experimental and Field Conditions

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    Airborne transmission of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) has been known for a long time. Most experiments were performed using PRRSV-2 strains and fairly little information is available on the airborne spread of PRRSV-1. The aim of this study was to assess three different air samplers for their ability to detect PRRSV-1 under experimental and field conditions. All three devices were able to detect PRRSV-1 by quantitative reverse trascription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) under experimental conditions. However, the detection of PRRSV-1 in a PRRSV-positive farm with active virus circulation was not successful

    Frequency of Th17 cells correlates with the presence of lung lesions in pigs chronically infected with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae

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    International audienceAbstractPorcine contagious pleuropneumonia caused by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP) remains one of the major causes of poor growth performance and respiratory disease in pig herds. While the role of antibodies against APP has been intensely studied, the porcine T cell response remains poorly characterized. To address this, pigs were intranasally infected with APP serotype 2 and euthanized during the acute phase [6–10 days post-infection (dpi)] or the chronic phase of APP infection (27–31 dpi). Lymphocytes isolated from blood, tonsils, lung tissue and tracheobronchial lymph nodes were analyzed by intracellular cytokine staining (ICS) for IL-17A, IL-10 and TNF-α production after in vitro stimulation with crude capsular extract (CCE) of the APP inoculation strain. This was combined with cell surface staining for the expression of CD4, CD8α and TCR-γδ. Clinical records, microbiological investigations and pathological findings confirmed the induction of a subclinical APP infection. ICS-assays revealed the presence of APP-CCE specific CD4+CD8αdim IL-17A-producing T cells in blood and lung tissue in most infected animals during the acute and chronic phase of infection and a minor fraction of these cells co-produced TNF-α. APP-CCE specific IL-17A-producing γδ T cells could not be found and APP-CCE specific IL-10-producing CD4+ T cells were present in various organs but only in a few infected animals. The frequency of identified putative Th17 cells (CD4+CD8αdimIL-17A+) in lung and blood correlated positively with lung lesion scores and APP-specific antibody titers during the chronic phase. These results suggest a potential role of Th17 cells in the immune pathogenesis of APP infection