326 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Shift Kerja Terhadap Beban Kerja Mental Pekerja Dengan Menggunakan Metode Swat (Subjective Workload-assessment Technique)

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    Paper ini berisi tentang kajian pengaruh shift kerja terhadap beban kerja pekerja denganmenggunakan metode SWAT. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah PT Toyota MotorManufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN), mempunyai ketetapan Zero Accident dalam setiapkegiatan produksi maupun kegiatan bekerja. sehingga Perusahaan dihadapkan denganmasalah bagaimana memenuhi ketetapan Zero Accident tersebut. Aspek keselamatan dankesehatan kerja sangat perlu diperhatikan, agar tercipta kondisi kerja yang baik sehinggadidapatkan output yang optimal. Jam kerja karyawan produksi PT TMMIN terdapat 2 shiftkerja (red dan white), PT TMMIN Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terjadiperbedaan beban kerja mental terhadap shift kerja sebagai faktor penunjang kesehatan dankeselamatan kerja karyawan line AA di PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia denganmenggunakan Metode SWAT. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah MetodeSWAT. Metode SWAT merupakan metode pengukuran beban mental secara subjektif yangdidasarkan pada persepsi pekerja, dengan menggunakan kombinasi dari tiga dimensi dengantingkatannya.Dimensi tersebut adalah beban waktu, beban USAha mental dan beban tekananpskologis. SWAT sebagai sebuah skala multidimensional melakukan 2 (dua) tahapanpekerjaan, yaitu : pembuatan skala dan pemberian nilai terhadap hasil penelitian.Pengujiandata kuesioner menggunakan Uji Anova hasil nilai probabilitas sebesar 0,213. Karena nilaiprobabilitas lebih besar dari 0,05 maka data tersebut dinyatakan tidak terdapat perbedaanyang signifikan dari beban kerja terhadap shift kerja. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa rata-ratabeban kerja mental shift pagi dan shift malam hanya terjadi perbedaan sebesar 19%, dantepatnya beban kerja shift malam lebih tinggi dibandingkan beban kerja shift pagi

    Improving Retrieval Performance of Case Based Reasoning Systems by Fuzzy Clustering

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    Case-based reasoning (CBR), which is a classical reasoning methodology, has been put to use. Its application has allowed significant progress in resolving problems related to the diagnosis, therapy, and prediction of diseases. However, this methodology has shown some complicated problems that must be resolved, including determining a representation form for the case (complexity, uncertainty, and vagueness of medical information), preventing the case base from the infinite growth of generated medical information and selecting the best retrieval technique. These limitations have pushed researchers to think about other ways of solving problems, and we are recently witnessing the integration of CBR with other techniques such as data mining. In this article, we develop a new approach integrating clustering (Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) and K-Means) in the CBR cycle. Clustering is one of the crucial challenges and has been successfully used in many areas to develop innate structures and hidden patterns for data grouping [1]. The objective of the proposed approach is to solve the limitations of CBR and improve it, particularly in the search for similar cases (retrieval step). The approach is tested with the publicly available immunotherapy dataset. The results of the experimentations show that the integration of the FCM algorithm in the retrieval step reduces the search space (the large volume of information), resolves the problem of the vagueness of medical information, speeds up the calculation and response time, and increases the search efficiency, which further improves the performance of the retrieval step and, consequently, the CBR system

    Method Evaluation in Measuring Brand Image and Brand Quality Using Rating, RANKING and PICK - ANY APPROACH

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    This research attempt to test and compare three type of measurement technique in measuring brandimage and brand quality: rating, ranking, and pick any. The objective of this research is to test theconsumer consistency in their perception and attitude toward brand image and brand quality usingthree different measurement techniques. This research were replication Barnard & Ehrenberg (1990)and Driesener & Romaniuk (2006) which compare the compare three type of measurement technique inmeasuring brand image.There are three shampoo products acting as the research objects in this research: Clear, Dove, andPantene. Acting as the respondent for this research was 149 consumers who had use that three brandof shampoo. Data analysis were execute using mean score for rating technique, score order for rankingtechnique, and mode score for pick any technique.Results show that (a) measurement in brand image using rating, ranking, and pick any technique didnot show the same score and respondent have tendency to answer the questions inconsistently. (b)Measurement using rating and pick any techniques show consistent result

    Erythrocyte Profile of Pangasius Hypophthalmus Feed with Rhizophora Apiculata Leaf Extract and Maintained in Net Cages

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    Ekstrak daun R. apiculata memiliki manfaat sebagai suplemen herbal yang dapat ditambahkan ke dalam pakan, karena mengandung senyawa flavonoid, tanin, saponin, terpenoid, dan steroid yang dapat meningkatkan kesehatan ikan jambal siam (P. hypophthalmus). Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus sampai Oktober 2019. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan dosis terbaik ekstrak daun R. apiculata yang ditambahkan ke dalam pakan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan ikan jambal siam yang dilihat dari total eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin, kadar hematokrit, dan morfologi eritrosit. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL)satu faktor empat taraf perlakuan terdiri dari P0;(tanpa penambahan ekstrak). P1;(1,5 mg/kg). P2;(1,7 mg/kg). dan P3;(1,9 mg/kg) dan dilakukan ulangan sebanyak tiga kali sehingga diperlukan 12 unit percobaan. Pemeliharaan dilakukan selama 60 hari di dalam keramba dengan ukuran 1x1,5x1 m3. Pemeriksaan darah dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali,yaitu pada awal pemeliharaan, hari ke-30, dan hari ke-60. Dosis terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan P2 (1,7 mg/kg) dilihat dari total eritrosit 2,57x106 sel/mm3, kadar hemoglobin 13,13 g/dL, nilai hematokrit 38,43%, pertumbuhan bobot mutlak 38,93 g, kelulushidupan 97,33%, dan menunjukkan morfologi eritrosit yang normal didukung oleh kualitas air selama penelitian seperti DO 6,4-6,9mg/L, pH 6,1-6,8, Suhu 28,2-29,5 0C, dan Amoniak 0,04-0,08 mg/L

    Histology of Liver and Kidney of Mystus Nemurus That Immersed with Curcuma Xanthorrhiza, ROXB Extract

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    This research was carried out in November 2013 until January 2014 in the laboratory of Fish Diseases and Parasites, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Riau University Pekanbaru. The purpose of this research was to understand the histological structure of liver and kidney of Mystus nemurus that is immersed with Curcuma xanthorrhiza ROXB extract. The method used in this study was experimental and the histologycal structure of the fish will be analyzed descriptively. The treated fish were immerse in 3 different concentration of Curcuma xanthorrhiza ROXB extract, they were (P1 (0.2 g/L), P2 (0.4 g/L, P3 (0.6 g/L). for five minutes/ day for 30 days period. The negative control were fishes that were not treated with Curcuma xanthorrhiza ROXB extract. The liver showed hemorhage, fatty degenerative and necrosis. The kidney showed necrosis and hemorhage. It was concluded that immersion of fish in Curcuma xanthorrhiza ROXB extract shown histologycal alterations in the tissue of Mystus nemurus

    Respons Pertumbuhan Bibit Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) Terhadap Beberapa Komposisi Kompos Kulit Buah Kakao Dengan Subsoil Ultisol Dan Pupuk Daun

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    The response of cocoa seedlings growth (Theobroma cacao L.) by application some composition ofcocoa waste compost with subsoil ultisol and leaf fertilizer. The research was conducted incommunity land, Tanjung Selamat at analtitude ± 57 meters above sea level since May 2012 untilSeptember 2012 using Randomized Block Design (RDB) factorial with two factors. The first factoris Cocoa Waste Compost with Subsoil Ultisol (25 + 4975, 75 + 4925, 125 + 4875, 175 + 4825, 225+ 4775 g/polybag). The second factor is leaf fertilizer (1, 3, and 5 cc/liter). The Parameter observedincludes plant hight (cm), diameter of stem (mm), leaf area total (cm2), fresh and dry weight ofcrown (g) fresh and dry weight of root (g). The result of reseach showed that planting mediainfluential significantly on plant height and diameter of stem. Present of leaf fertilizer influentialsignificantly on diameter of stem and dry off root. Interaction between planting media present offertilizer not influential significantly on plant height, diameter of stem, total of broad leaf, fresh anddry weight of crown, fresh and dry off root

    Sensitivity of Mangosteen Rind (Garcinia Mangostana L.) Solution Toward Aeromonas Hydrophila

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    Research was conducted from September to October 2014, at the labory Examination of Fish Disease, Fisheries and Marine Sciences Faculty of Riau University. The Purpose of this study was to determine the sensitivity of mangosteen rind (G. mangostana L.) as antimicrobial to A. hydrophila, the range of Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and the lethal dose (LD50) mangosteen rind (G. mangostana L.) solution against to catfish (Clarias gariepinus) (10-13 cm) by immersion. The research method used doses 10 % (19 g/L), 20 % (38 g/L), 30 % (57 g/L), 40 % (76 g/L), 50 % (95 g/L), 60 % (114 g/L), 70 % (133 g/L), 80 % (152 g/L), 90 % (171g/L), 100 % (190 g/L). The results showed that mangosteen rind was effectively to inhibit the growth of bacterial A. hydrophila at a dose of 50 % (95 g/L) inhibitory zone of 13,65 mm, with the number of A. hydrophila colonies in TSA medium dose 50 % (95 g/L) is 30,6 x 108 cfu/mL. LD50 test was obtained in the dose mangosteen rind 4, 43 g/L

    Analisis Perbandingan Nilai Tambah Pengolahan Ubi Kayu Menjadi Tepung Mocaf dan Tepung Tapioka di Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai (Kasus : Desa Bajaronggi, Kec. Dolok Masihul dan Kec. Sei Rampah)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi proses pengolahan tepung mocaf dan tapioka, untuk menganalisis pendapatan pelaku USAha, serta menganalisis dan membandingkan nilai tambah pengolahan tepung mocaf dan tapioka di daerah penelitian. Lokasi penelitian terletak di Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai yang ditentukan secara purposive dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 7 sampel. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dengan teknis wawancara langsung dengan menggunakan daftar pertanyaan. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif, analisis biaya dan pendapatan, dan analisis nilai tambah. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan USAha pengolahan nilai tambah ubi kayu menjadi tepung mocaf lebih rendah dibandingan pendapatan USAha pengolahan ubi kayu menjadi tepung tapioka

    Pengaruh Terapi Kompres Hangat dengan Aroma Lavender terhadap Penurunan Intensitas Nyeri pada Pasien Post Sectio Caesarea di RS. Detasemen Kesehatan Tentara (Dkt) Bengkulu

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    Sectio saecarea (SC)merupakan metode melahirkan janin melalui insisi pada dinding abdomen dan dinding uterus. Salah satu komplikasi SC adalah nyeri pada daerah insisi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi kompres hangat dengan aroma lavender terhadap penurunan intensitas nyeri pada pasien post SC di RS. DKT Begkulu. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, dengan metode penelitian pre-eksperiment, menggunakan rancangan one group pre test - post test design. Sampel sebanyak 15 responden yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil analisis univariat diperoleh intensitas nyeri pasien post SC sebelum dilakukan kompres hangat dengan aroma lavender yaitu 15 orang (100%) responden mengalami nyeri sedang dengan rentang skala 4-6. Sedangkan intensitas nyeri pasien post SC sesudah dilakukan kompres hangat dengan aroma lavender yaitu 12 orang (80,0%) responden mengalami nyeri ringan dengan rentang skala 1-3, dan 3 orang (20,0%) responden dengan intensitas nyeri sedang dengan rentang skala 4-6. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukan ada pengaruh terapi kompres hangat dengan aroma lavender terhadap penurunan intensitas nyeri pada pasien post SC di RS. DKT Bengkulu dengan nilai p-value 0,01<0,05. Disarankan kepada RS.DKT Bengkulu untuk menerapkan terapi kompres hangat dengan aroma lavender dalam penatalaksanaan nyeri pada pasien post SC

    Simulator-based assessment of ankle arterial systolic blood pressure measurement skills

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    OBJECTIVE: Learning basic vascular examination is a complex process. Very few studies have focused on the ability to measure the arterial systolic blood pressure at the ankle (ASBPa). The aim of this study was to objectively assess the effects of a 1-h practical educational intervention on the ability to measure ASBPa among medical students. METHODS: A total of 27 medical students were prospectively recruited. Two evaluation sessions of ASBPa measurement skills were conducted, before (T1) and after a 1-h practical lesson (T2). To assess the learning effect associated to the simulator-based evaluation, a control group composed by nonmedical students, not involved in the practical lesson, was also tested. Objective assessments of ASBPa measurements were performed by an instrumented leg prototype. RESULTS: There was a nonsignificant decreasing trend measurement time after practical lesson. The average pressure determination error (ΔP) was significantly reduced: ΔPT1: 10.5 ± 13.8 mmHg vs. ΔPT2: 5.7 ± 6.0 mmHg (P = 0.002). The mean deflation rate (DR) of the cuff was significantly decreased: DRT1: 12.9 ± 9.2 mmHg/s vs. DRT2: 8.7 ± 4.6 mmHg/s (P = 0.001). The control group did not show significant changes. CONCLUSION: A 1-h practical learning could improve some parameters of the ASBPa measurement among medical students, but was not sufficient to allow the measured technical factors to reach established guidelines
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