1,173 research outputs found

    Nonnormal amplification in random balanced neuronal networks

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    In dynamical models of cortical networks, the recurrent connectivity can amplify the input given to the network in two distinct ways. One is induced by the presence of near-critical eigenvalues in the connectivity matrix W, producing large but slow activity fluctuations along the corresponding eigenvectors (dynamical slowing). The other relies on W being nonnormal, which allows the network activity to make large but fast excursions along specific directions. Here we investigate the tradeoff between nonnormal amplification and dynamical slowing in the spontaneous activity of large random neuronal networks composed of excitatory and inhibitory neurons. We use a Schur decomposition of W to separate the two amplification mechanisms. Assuming linear stochastic dynamics, we derive an exact expression for the expected amount of purely nonnormal amplification. We find that amplification is very limited if dynamical slowing must be kept weak. We conclude that, to achieve strong transient amplification with little slowing, the connectivity must be structured. We show that unidirectional connections between neurons of the same type together with reciprocal connections between neurons of different types, allow for amplification already in the fast dynamical regime. Finally, our results also shed light on the differences between balanced networks in which inhibition exactly cancels excitation, and those where inhibition dominates.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Supergravity Higgs Inflation and Shift Symmetry in Electroweak Theory

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    We present a model of inflation in a supergravity framework in the Einstein frame where the Higgs field of the next to minimal supersymmetric standard model (NMSSM) plays the role of the inflaton. Previous attempts which assumed non-minimal coupling to gravity failed due to a tachyonic instability of the singlet field during inflation. A canonical K\"{a}hler potential with \textit{minimal coupling} to gravity can resolve the tachyonic instability but runs into the η\eta-problem. We suggest a model which is free of the η\eta-problem due to an additional coupling in the K\"{a}hler potential which is allowed by the Standard Model gauge group. This induces directions in the potential which we call K-flat. For a certain value of the new coupling in the (N)MSSM, the K\"{a}hler potential is special, because it can be associated with a certain shift symmetry for the Higgs doublets, a generalization of the shift symmetry for singlets in earlier models. We find that K-flat direction has Hu0=Hd0.H_u^0=-H_d^{0*}. This shift symmetry is broken by interactions coming from the superpotential and gauge fields. This direction fails to produce successful inflation in the MSSM but produces a viable model in the NMSSM. The model is specifically interesting in the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) limit of the NMSSM. In this limit the model can be confirmed or ruled-out not just by cosmic microwave background observations but also by axion searches.Comment: matches the published version at JCA

    tt-Martin boundary of killed random walks in the quadrant

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    We compute the tt-Martin boundary of two-dimensional small steps random walks killed at the boundary of the quarter plane. We further provide explicit expressions for the (generating functions of the) discrete tt-harmonic functions. Our approach is uniform in tt, and shows that there are three regimes for the Martin boundary.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, to appear in S\'eminaire de Probabilit\'e

    Martin boundary of a reflected random walk on a half-space

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    The complete representation of the Martin compactification for reflected random walks on a half-space Zd×N\Z^d\times\N is obtained. It is shown that the full Martin compactification is in general not homeomorphic to the ``radial'' compactification obtained by Ney and Spitzer for the homogeneous random walks in Zd\Z^d : convergence of a sequence of points znZd1×Nz_n\in\Z^{d-1}\times\N to a point of on the Martin boundary does not imply convergence of the sequence zn/znz_n/|z_n| on the unit sphere SdS^d. Our approach relies on the large deviation properties of the scaled processes and uses Pascal's method combined with the ratio limit theorem. The existence of non-radial limits is related to non-linear optimal large deviation trajectories.Comment: 42 pages, preprint, CNRS UMR 808

    Consensus on the terminologies and methodologies for masticatory assessment

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    A large number of methodological procedures and experimental conditions are reported to describe the masticatory process. However, similar terms are sometimes employed to describe different methodologies. Standardisation of terms is essential to allow comparisons among different studies. This article was aimed to provide a consensus concerning the terms, definitions and technical methods generally reported when evaluating masticatory function objectively and subjectively. The consensus is based on the results from discussions and consultations among world-leading researchers in the related research areas. Advantages, limitations and relevance of each method are also discussed. The present consensus provides a revised framework of standardised terms to improve the consistent use of masticatory terminology and facilitate further investigations on masticatory function analysis. In addition, this article also outlines various methods used to evaluate the masticatory process and their advantages and disadvantages in order to help researchers to design their experiments

    A national cross-sectional survey of dental anxiety in the French adult population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dental anxiety is a public health problem but no epidemiological study has been undertaken in France to evaluate its prevalence. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence, severity and associations of dental anxiety in a sample of the French adult population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A convenience sample of 2725 adults (mean age = 47 years, SD16, minimum = 16, maximum = 101 years), representative of the French population with regard to age and urban distribution, completed a French version of the Corah Dental Anxiety scale (DAS) and a questionnaire relating to their dental appointments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Moderate dental anxiety (14≥DAS≥13) was revealed for 172 persons (6.2%), while 195 (7.3%) had severe dental anxiety (DAS≥15), giving an overall prevalence of dental anxiety of 13.5%. Prevalence was lower proportionally with age (P < 0.001) and was higher in French overseas territories and in the countryside (P < 0.01). Farmers and low skilled workers were significantly more anxious than executives and shopkeepers (P < 0.001). Anxiety was associated with avoidance of care (p < 0.001) and lack of regular dental appointments (p < 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Dental anxiety in France appears to concern a similar proportion of the population as in other industrialised European, Australasian or North American countries. Recommendations for prevention and management of dental anxiety are made with reference to dental education and health care services in France.</p

    Transforming chaos to periodic oscillations

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    We demonstrate that the dynamics of an autonomous chaotic class C laser can be controlled to a periodic state via external modulation of the pump. In the absence of modulation, above the chaos threshold, the laser exhibits Lorenz-like chaotic pulsations. The average amplitude and frequency of these pulsations depend on the pump power. We find that there exist parameter windows where modulation of the pump power extinguishes the chaos in favor of simpler periodic behavior. Moreover we find a number of locking ratios between the pump and laser output follow the Farey sequence

    Use of multiple methods for genotyping Fusarium during an outbreak of contact lens associated fungal keratitis in Singapore

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In Singapore, an outbreak of fungal keratitis caused by members of the <it>Fusarium solani </it>species complex (FSSC) was identified in March 2005 to May 2006 involving 66 patients. Epidemiological investigations have indicated that improper contact lens wear and the use of specific contact lens solutions were risk factors.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We assessed the genetic diversity of the isolates using AFLP, Rep-PCR, and ERIC-PCR and compared the usefulness of these typing schemes to characterize the isolates.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>AFLP was the most discriminative typing scheme and appears to group FSSC from eye infections and from other infections differently.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There was a high genomic heterogeneity among the isolates confirming that this was not a point source outbreak.</p