27 research outputs found

    Service-Oriented Computing for Risk/Return Management

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    Ökologischer Sojaanbau in kälteren Gebieten Deutschlands?

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    Bisher können Sojabohnen in Deutschland nur in klimatisch begünstigten Gebieten wie z.B. im Raum Freiburg, der Oberrheinebene und in Südbayern einigermaßen erfolgreich angebaut werden. Aufgrund ihrer hohen Temperaturansprüche sind für Soja nur Lagen geeignet, in denen auch Körnermais angebaut werden kann. Die Aussaat erfolgt von Ende April bis Anfang Mai. Neuere Sorten könnten jedoch auch für den Sojaanbau in etwas kälteren Gebiete Deutschlands interessant sein. Zur Klärung dieser Frage wurden im Jahr 2001 am Gartenbau-Zentrum Köln-Auweiler der Landwirtschaftskammer Rheinland(Jahresmitteltemperatur: 9,5 °C) sechs Soja-Sorten, und auf dem Versuchsgut der Universität Kassel-Witzenhausen, der Domäne Frankenhausen (nördlich von Kassel; Jahresmitteltemperatur: 8,5 °C) zehn Soja-Sorten unter ökologischen Bedingungen angebaut. Fazit Für die Beurteilung, ob der ökologische Anbau von Soja auch in etwas kälteren Gebieten Deutschlands in Zukunft möglich und interessant sein könnte, ist der Versuchszeitraum von einem Jahr sicherlich zu kurz. Die Ergebnisse zeigen aber deutlich geringere Erträge auf dem kühleren der beiden Prüfstandorte. Vogelfraß, Unkrautregulierung, Wasserversorgung und die Abreife im Herbst sind die Hauptprobleme, die beim Anbau von Soja auftreten können. Die Erträge in Auweiler waren z.T. nicht schlecht, trotzdem ist die Rentabilität fraglich. Laut der Firma Viana, einem Verarbeiter von Öko-Soja, werden zur Zeit Preise von ca. 72 €/ dt bei einem Proteingehalt von 44 % bezahlt. Geringere Eiweißgehalte führen zu Abzügen. Auch muss die Ware praktisch unkrautfrei sein. Bei Trockensubstanzgehalten unter 86% fallen zusätzliche Trocknungskosten an. Dies alles sind Risiken, die beachtet werden müssen. Ein Vorteil ist die Ölsaatenprämie, die zusätzlich 366,03 €/ ha einbringt. Da der Eiweißgehalt besonders hoch ist, könnte die Nutzung von selbst angebautem Soja als eigenes Futter zum Schließen der Eiweißlücke für viehhaltende Betriebe interessant sein. Es sollte jedoch beachtet werden, dass Sojakörner vor der Verfütterung an Schweine, Geflügel und andere Nicht- Wiederkäuer getoastet werden müssen, was in aller Regel nicht im eigenen Betrieb, sondern nur in einer Großanlage möglich ist. Einfacher als die Nutzung im eigenen Betrieb ist der kontrollierte Vertragsanbau von Soja für einen Tofu- oder Futtermittelhersteller, was derzeit schon vielfach praktiziert wird. Da es sich um eine neue Kultur handelt, müssen jedoch weitere Erfahrungen gesammelt werden

    Would i use my personal blog for commercial exchange?

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    As information-based processes are usually independent of the location or even the processor, they can be oftentimes either automated or relocated to foreign sites to profit from differences in wages. Both strategies bear enormous micro-economic potential in terms of cost savings. However, with the main focus on cost reduction, risk due to the uncertain development of effective labor costs or future transaction volumes are oftentimes either inadequately considered or neglected. This systematically leads to false decisions, in particular since the two strategies – relocation and automation – result in different risk profiles. In this paper, we analyze the conditions for automating or relocating parts of business processes and propose a decision model that suggests a risk/return efficient allocation to the alternatives. In particular, we consider how uncertainties of effective labor costs and transaction volumes influence the decision. As shifting tasks to other locations has effects on the workload at the original location, we also take into account costs for social effects. The practicability of our approach is demonstrated with an example that is based on real data of a major financial services provider

    Space Charge Transfer in Hybrid Inorganic/Organic Systems

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    We discuss density functional theory calculations of hybrid inorganic/organic systems (HIOS) that explicitly include the global effects of doping (i.e. position of the Fermi level) and the formation of a space-charge layer. For the example of tetrafluoro-tetracyanoquinodimethane (F4TCNQ) on the ZnO(0001ˉ\bar{1}) surface we show that the adsorption energy and electron transfer depend strongly on the ZnO doping. The associated work function changes are large, for which the formation of space-charge layers is the main driving force. The prominent doping effects are expected to be quite general for charge-transfer interfaces in HIOS and important for device design

    Historical biogeography of the leopard (Panthera pardus) and its extinct Eurasian populations

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    Background: Resolving the historical biogeography of the leopard (Panthera pardus) is a complex issue, because patterns inferred from fossils and from molecular data lack congruence. Fossil evidence supports an African origin, and suggests that leopards were already present in Eurasia during the Early Pleistocene. Analysis of DNA sequences however, suggests a more recent, Middle Pleistocene shared ancestry of Asian and African leopards. These contrasting patterns led researchers to propose a two-stage hypothesis of leopard dispersal out of Africa: an initial Early Pleistocene colonisation of Asia and a subsequent replacement by a second colonisation wave during the Middle Pleistocene. The status of Late Pleistocene European leopards within this scenario is unclear: were these populations remnants of the first dispersal, or do the last surviving European leopards share more recent ancestry with their African counterparts? Results: In this study, we generate and analyse mitogenome sequences from historical samples that span the entire modern leopard distribution, as well as from Late Pleistocene remains. We find a deep bifurcation between African and Eurasian mitochondrial lineages (~ 710 Ka), with the European ancient samples as sister to all Asian lineages (~ 483 Ka). The modern and historical mainland Asian lineages share a relatively recent common ancestor (~ 122 Ka), and we find one Javan sample nested within these. Conclusions: The phylogenetic placement of the ancient European leopard as sister group to Asian leopards suggests that these populations originate from the same out-of-Africa dispersal which founded the Asian lineages. The coalescence time found for the mitochondrial lineages aligns well with the earliest undisputed fossils in Eurasia, and thus encourages a re-evaluation of the identification of the much older putative leopard fossils from the region. The relatively recent ancestry of all mainland Asian leopard lineages suggests that these populations underwent a severe population bottleneck during the Pleistocene. Finally, although only based on a single sample, the unexpected phylogenetic placement of the Javan leopard could be interpreted as evidence for exchange of mitochondrial lineages between Java and mainland Asia, calling for further investigation into the evolutionary history of this subspecies

    Semantic-Based Planning of Process Models

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    Process modelling has proved to be a powerful instrument to describe and manage the increasingly complex processes within and across enterprises. Yet, it requires a significant amount of manual work to create, adapt and maintain process models. This workload could be reduced if the process models are automatically generated and adapted. Semantic Business Process Management in combination with planning approaches can contribute to the solution. In this paper we describe that existing planning algorithms show drawbacks for this application and therefore introduce an innovative algorithm that is suitable for the semanticbased planning of process models

    Save as XDiML (DissertationMarkupLanguage), Writing and Converting digital Theses and Dissertations using OpenOffice

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    For 5 years now, doctoral candidates of Humboldt- University at Berlin can choose the digital publication as one option to publish their dissertation. The ?Electronic Publishing? Group provides stylesheets for Microsoft Word, WordPerfect and Staroffice/Openoffice in order to allow the authors to structure their digital documents semantically. It is neccessary to prepare documents that way, because they are converted into an XMl format afterwards. The XML document than is an instance of the xDiML.DTD (DissertationMarkupLanguage). This DTD has been developed within several electronic publishing projects at Humboldt-University. Since 1997 an SGML/XML- based concept for the long term preservation of digital publications has been used, in order to store digital documents in an media neutral archival format, to use the possibilities of a structered retrieval within the semantic structures of documents, and to enable an automated production of different information products (like PDF format for print, HTML for WWW layout, metadata for use within different retrieval networks). In order to increase the efficiency of OpenOffice with it?s end format XML, a document style sheet and a filter for Openoffice was developed at the Computer- and Media Service of Humboldt- University. Authors are enabled to write their digital dissertation using this document style sheet and to save those within an XML based format. At the same time the ?Electronic Publishing Group? uses OpenOffice as a conversion tool to convert Microsoft Word documents written with the digital dissertation stylesheet as XML. This talk will focus on demonstrating the needs for a dissertation.dtd and it?s structure. Secondly the converter ?save as xDiml? will be presented and the advantages and disadvantages of writing a complex document as a dissertation using OpenOffice will be discussed

    Börsenwettbewerb über explizite Transaktionskosten auch beim Privatanleger?

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    Börsenwettbewerb über explizite Transaktionskosten auch beim Privatanleger? / D. Kundisch, M. Henneberger, C. Holtmann. - In: Österreichisches BankArchiv. 53. 2005. S. 117-12