235 research outputs found

    Analisis Kelayakan USAhatani Kelinci di Desa Umbulrejo Kecamatan Umbulsari Kabupaten Jember

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    Kontinyuitas pemasaran hasil produksi yang tidak stabil akibat iklim serta keterbatasan modal menyulitkan peternak kelinci di desa Umbulrejo, Kecamatan Umbulsari, Kabupaten Jember. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengukur (1) keuntungan, (2) efisiensi biaya dan (3) rentabilitas. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif-analitik dan survei. Daerah penelitian ini ditentukan secara sengaja dengan pertimbangan bahwa daerah tersebut mempunyai peternak yang potensial USAhatani kelinci. Penelitian dilaksanakan sejak Oktober hingga Desember 2017. Obyek penelitian adalah peternak kelinci. Sampel penelitian ditentukan berdasar metode snow ball hingga tercapai kuota 18 orang. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis keuntungan, effisiensi biaya dan rentabilitas. Hasil Penelitian adalah : (1) tingkat keuntungan peternak kelinci sistem kandang batere di desa Umbulrejo, Kecamatan Umbulsari, Kabupaten Jember sebesar Rp 2.245.050 per 10 ekor induk kelinci per tahun atau rata-rata per bulan Rp 187.088, (2) penggunaan biaya USAha pembesaran gurami effisien ditunjukkan dengan nilai R/C ratio sebesar 1,81. dan (3) Rentabilitas USAha sebesar 115,29 %. Berdasarkan nilai tersebut maka USAha budidaya kelinci sistem batrai lebih menguntungkan daripada menyimpan uang di Bank dengan suku bunga bank yang diasumsikan sebesar 12% per tahun

    Accumulation of non-numerical evidence during nonsymbolic number processing in the brain: An fMRI study

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    Behavioral evidence has shown that when performing a nonsymbolic number comparison task (e.g., deciding which of two dot arrays contains more dots), participants\u27 responses are sensitive to affected by both numerical (e.g., number of items) and non-numerical magnitudes (i.e., area, density, etc.). Thus far it is unclear what brain circuits support this process of accumulating non-numerical variables during nonsymbolic number processing. To investigate this, 21 adult participants were asked to engage in a dot comparison task. To measure the neural correlates of accumulating numerical and non-numerical variables, we manipulated the number of the non-numerical magnitudes that were congruent (correlated with number) or incongruent (anticorrelated with number). In a control task, participants were asked to choose the darker of two gray rectangles (brightness task). The tasks were matched in terms of their difficulty. The results of a whole brain analysis for regions sensitive to the congruity of numerical and non-numerical magnitudes revealed a region in the right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG). Activation in this region was found to be correlated with the relative congruency of numerical and non-numerical magnitudes. In contrast, this region was not modulated by difficulty of the brightness control task. Accordingly in view of these findings, we suggest that the rIFG supports the accumulation of non-numerical magnitudes that are positively correlated with number. Therefore taken together, this study reveals a brain region whose pattern of activity is influenced by the congruency between numerical and non-numerical variables during nonsymbolic number judgments. Hum Brain Mapp 38:4908-4921, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Analisis Komparatif USAhatani Kentang Atlantik dan Kentang Granola di Kecamatan Sempol

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    Kentang merupakan tanaman sayuran unggulan yang memiliki potensi untuk berkembang di Indonesia, maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah : (1) Menganalisis perbedaan biaya produksi antara USAhatani kentang atlantik dan kentang granola. (2) Menganalisis perbedaan keuntungan antara USAhatani kentang atlantik dan kentang granola, dan (3) Mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi USAhatani kentang. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Data yang terkumpul di analisis menggunakan uji-z dan Cobb-Dauglas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat di simpulkan : (1) Ada perbedaan biaya produksi antara USAhatani kentang atlantik dan kentang granola namun secara statistik tidak berbeda nyata pada taraf kepercayaan 90%. Biaya produksi kentang granola lebih tinggi yaitu sebesar Rp 22.500.279 sedang kentang atlantik lebih rendah yang sebesar Rp 22.146.941. (2) Ada perbedaan keuntungan antara USAhatani kentang atlantik dan kentang granola, secara statistik berbeda nyata pada taraf kepercayaan 99%. Keuntungan USAhatani kentang granola lebih tinggi yaitu sebesar Rp 37.027.999/ha dibandingkan kentang atlantik yang sebesar Rp15.700.553/ha dan .(3) faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap produksi USAhatani kentang adalah bibit, pupuk, tenaga kerja dan varietas, sedangkan faktor luas lahan dan pestisida berpengaruh positif tetapi secara statistik tidak signifikan terhadap produksi USAhatani kentang di Kecamatan Sempol, Kabupaten Bondowoso

    Implementasi dan Pengujian Algoritma Viterbi pada Platform Labview

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan implementasi dan pengujian dekoder Viterbi pada platform Labview. Algoritma Viterbi yang digunakan merupakan komponen wajib pada standar wireless LAN IEEE 802.11. Pengujian dilakukan dengan membuat convolutional encoder untuk menghasilkan deretan bit yang merupakan masukan bagi dekoder Viterbi. Sebelum dimasukkan ke dekoder viterbi, deretan bit tersebut melewati model kanal AWGN dan model kanal Rayleight flat fading. Dari hasil pengujian diperoleh unjuk kerja bit error rate (BER) 10-6 pada nilai signal to noise ratio (SNR) 8,6dB di kanal AWGN. Unjuk kerja tersebut dapat ditingkatkan dengan memperbesar nilai traceback. Sedangkan pada model kanal Rayleight flat fading untuk menghasilkan unjuk kerja BER 10-4 diperlukan SNR 7dB lebih tinggi dibandingkan SNR pada kanal AWGN. Dibandingkan dengan penelitian lainnya yang sejenis, unjuk kerja yang diperoleh dari hasil pengujian menggunakan Labview tidak terpaut jauh dengan pengujian menggunakan platform lainnya

    Anxiety, emotional distraction, and attentional control in the Stroop task

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    Using a Stroop task, we investigated the effect of task-irrelevant emotional distractors on attentional proactive control and its interaction with trait anxiety. On the basis of recent findings showing opposed neural responses in the dorsal-executive versus the ventral-emotional systems in response to emotional distractors and of the attentional control theory (Eysenck, Derakshan, Santos, & Calvo, 2007), we hypothesized that negative distractors will result in a reduction of proactive task control in the executive system, especially for high-trait-anxious individuals. Using a computational model of the Stroop task, we derive 2 specific behavioral predictions of reduced proactive task control: increased Stroop interference and reversed Stroop facilitation. Twenty-five high- and 25 low-trait-anxious participants completed a Stroop task in which the target stimuli were preceded by brief (neutral vs. aversive) emotional distractors. While no effects of picture valence on proactive control was found in the low-anxious group, the predicted signatures of reduced proactive control were observed in the high-anxiety group. These results indicate that trait anxiety influences the interaction between irrelevant emotional stimuli and proactive control

    Dyscalculia from a developmental and differential perspective

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    Developmental dyscalculia (DD) and its treatment are receiving increasing research attention. A PsychInfo search for peer-reviewed articles with dyscalculia as a title word reveals 31 papers published from 1991–2001, versus 74 papers published from 2002–2012. Still, these small counts reflect the paucity of research on DD compared to dyslexia, despite the prevalence of mathematical difficulties. In the UK, 22% of adults have mathematical difficulties sufficient to impose severe practical and occupational restrictions (Bynner and Parsons, 1997; National Center for Education Statistics, 2011). It is unlikely that all of these individuals with mathematical difficulties have DD, but criteria for defining and diagnosing dyscalculia remain ambiguous (Mazzocco and Myers, 2003). What is treated as DD in one study may be conceptualized as another form of mathematical impairment in another study. Furthermore, DD is frequently—but, we believe, mistakenly- considered a largely homogeneous disorder. Here we advocate a differential and developmental perspective on DD focused on identifying behavioral, cognitive, and neural sources of individual differences that contribute to our understanding of what DD is and what it is not

    Incongruence in number–luminance congruency effects

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    Congruency tasks have provided support for an amodal magnitude system for magnitudes that have a “spatial” character, but conflicting results have been obtained for magnitudes that do not (e.g., luminance). In this study, we extricated the factors that underlie these number–luminance congruency effects and tested alternative explanations: (unsigned) luminance contrast and saliency. When luminance had to be compared under specific task conditions, we revealed, for the first time, a true influence of number on luminance judgments: Darker stimuli were consistently associated with numerically larger stimuli. However, when number had to be compared, luminance contrast, not luminance, influenced number judgments. Apparently, associations exist between number and luminance, as well as luminance contrast, of which the latter is probably stronger. Therefore, similar tasks, comprising exactly the same stimuli, can lead to distinct interference effects
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