582 research outputs found

    ESR Processing of a New HighPressureDieCasting Steel

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    Schmiedewerke Groditz (SWG) is among the global players of special re-melted steel alloys production. Within the RFCS project n⁰ 751360 HPDCSTEEL (High Pressure Die Casting Steel) a new ESR steel grade has been developed. At SWG the steel grade was produced using an open ESR unit. During re-melting the master alloy has been continuously added into the liquid slag bath and a modified ESR ingot of 20t has been manufactured. The ESR process was modified to increase the quality and performance of the steel, maintaining a constant distribution of synthetic carbides into the obtained ingot. A master alloy was placed on the bottom of the ESR machine before starting with the pre-charge. Furthermore, during re-melting the master alloy has been fed continuously using an installed balance system. No problems in the steel processing were detected, with a standard ESR melting and permanent feeding of the new alloy. The chemical composition of the alloy and of the liquid ESR slag was measured several times during the re-melting process, to determine if the master alloy was correctly dissolved in the melt

    Form and Function of Narrative Repetition in Aphasia: Clinical Implications

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    Clinical aphasiologists have long recognized that repetition is found in the discourse of speakers with acquired neurogenic communication disorders. Examples of repetition associated with pathology may include echolalia, perseveration, stereotypies, false starts, and recurrent digression. These types of repetition are often interpreted as signs of poor inhibition of undesired responses or poor activation of desired responses, e.g., as associated with anomia. What is typically not addressed in clinical research is the relative degree to which similar categories of performance errors are also found in the discourse productions of non-brain-injured communicators

    Metamorphic conditions in the Nilgiri Granulite Terrane and the adjacent Moyar and Bhavani Shear Zones: A reevaluation

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    Data were presented on pressure and temperature determinations from the Nilgiri Hills. About 70 samples were analyzed by probe and several calibrations of garnet-pyroxene thermometry and barometry applied. Most calibrations gave considerable scatter; however, a new calibration by Bhattacharya, Raith, Lal, and others, accounting for nonideality in both garnet and orthopyroxene, gave consistent results of 754 + or - 52 C and 9.2 + or - 0.7 kbar. On the regional scale, a pressure increase of 6.5 to 7 kbar in the SW to 11 kbar in the NE was related to block tilting. A continuous pressure gradient into the Moyar shear zone suggests that the zone is not a suture juxtaposing unrelated blocks

    A generally applicable validation scheme for the assessment of factors involved in reproducibility and quality of DNA-microarray data

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    BACKGROUND: In research laboratories using DNA-microarrays, usually a number of researchers perform experiments, each generating possible sources of error. There is a need for a quick and robust method to assess data quality and sources of errors in DNA-microarray experiments. To this end, a novel and cost-effective validation scheme was devised, implemented, and employed. RESULTS: A number of validation experiments were performed on Lactococcus lactis IL1403 amplicon-based DNA-microarrays. Using the validation scheme and ANOVA, the factors contributing to the variance in normalized DNA-microarray data were estimated. Day-to-day as well as experimenter-dependent variances were shown to contribute strongly to the variance, while dye and culturing had a relatively modest contribution to the variance. CONCLUSION: Even in cases where 90 % of the data were kept for analysis and the experiments were performed under challenging conditions (e.g. on different days), the CV was at an acceptable 25 %. Clustering experiments showed that trends can be reliably detected also from genes with very low expression levels. The validation scheme thus allows determining conditions that could be improved to yield even higher DNA-microarray data quality

    Therapie der blanden Struma: Erfahrungen mit einer Kombination von 100 µg L-Thyroxin und 10 µg L-Trijodthyronin

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    Dtsch med Wochenschr 1981; 106: 579-583 DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1070359 © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York Therapie der blanden Struma: Erfahrungen mit einer Kombination von 100 µg L-Thyroxin und 10 µg L-Trijodthyronin Treatment of non-toxic goitre: results of combined treatment with 100 µg L-thyroxine and 10 µg L-triiodothyronine C. R. Pickardt, R. Gärtner, J. Habermann, K. Horn, P. C. Scriba, F. A. Horster, H. Wagner, K. Hengst Medizinische Klinik Innenstadt der Universität München, Klinik für Innere Medizin, Medizinische Hochschule Lübeck, Medizinische Klinik C und Poliklinik der Universität Düsseldorf sowie Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik der Universität Münster Zusammenfassung Bei 96 Patienten mit blander Struma wurde eine offene Prüfung mit einem neuen Schilddrüsenhormonpräparat durchgeführt, das 100 µg L-Thyroxin (T4) und 10 µg L-Trijodthyronin (T3) pro Tablette enthält. Als Parameter für die therapeutisch wirksame Tagesdosis wurde die Suppression des TRH-stimulierten Thyreotropinspiegels im Serum gewählt. Hierbei war eine Tagesdosis von 50 µg T4 und 5 µg T3 bei 16 Patienten unwirksam; 75 µg T4 und 7,5 µg T3waren bei nur 4 von 12 Patienten suppressiv wirksam, während 100 µg T4 und 10 µg T3 bei allen Düsseldorfer und Münsteraner Patienten, aber nur bei 17 von 31 Patienten in München den TRH-stimulierten TSH-Anstieg supprimierte. Während der gesamten Therapiedauer blieben Thyroxin- und Trijodthyroninspiegel im Serum im Normbereich; bei einigen Patienten erhöhte sich der Quotient aus Thyroxin und thyroxinbindendem Globulin über die Norm. Zeichen einer Überdosierung oder Unverträglichkeit wurden nicht beobachtet. In pharmakokinetischen Untersuchungen an acht freiwilligen schilddrüsengesunden Probanden erreichte der mittlere Thyroxin- und Trijodthyroninspiegel etwa 2 Stunden nach Applikation sein Maximum und näherte sich nach sechs Stunden wieder der Norm. Es zeigten sich deutliche individuelle Schwankungen in den ersten Stunden nach Applikation. Wir empfehlen deshalb, Schilddrüsenhormonspiegel erst 12 oder 24 Stunden nach Applikation eines Schilddrüsenhormonpräparates zu bestimmen; zu dieser Zeit sollte auch der TRH-Test durchgeführt werden. Die Untersuchungen bestätigen die Notwendigkeit, bei der Strumatherapie mit einem Schilddrüsenhormonpräparat die suppressiv wirksame Dosis individuell zu ermitteln; diese Dosis beträgt vorzugsweise 100 µg Thyroxin und 10 µg Trijodthyronin oder 150 µg Thyroxin oder 100 µg Thyroxin und 20 µg Trijodthyronin pro Tag.A new thyroid hormone preparation (100 µg L-thyroxine [T4] and 10 µg L-triiodothyronine [T3] per tablet) was given to 96 patients with non-toxic goitre. Suppression of the TRH-stimulated thyrotropin level in serum was chosen as a measure of therapeutic effectiveness. Daily dose of 50 µg T4 and 5 µg T3 was ineffective in 16 patients; 75 µg T4 and 7.5 µg T3 was effective in only four of twelve patients, while 100 µg T4and 10 µg T3 was effective in all patients from clinics in Düsseldorf and Münster, but in only 17 of 31 patients from Munich, in suppressing the TRH-stimulated TSH rise. During the entire period of treatment serum thyroxine and triiodothyronine levels remained normal. In some patients the ratio of thyroxine to thyroxine-binding globulin was above normal. Signs of overdosage or intolerance were not observed. Pharmacokinetic studies on eight volunteers with normal thyroid function demonstrated that the mean thyroxine and triiodothyronine levels reached maximum about two hours after administration, returning towards normal after six hours. There were marked individual variations in the first hours after administration. It is therefore recommended that the thyroid hormone level be determined no earlier than 12 or 24 hours after the thyroid hormone preparation has been administered; TRH test should also be performed at this time. These results indicate the need for determining individually the effective suppressive dose of a thyroid hormone preparation in the treatment of goitre. Preferably the dose should be 100 µg thyroxine and 10 µg triiodothyronine, or 150 µg thyroxine or 100 µg thyroxine and 20 µg triiodothyronine per day

    Bacterial survival under extreme UV radiation: A comparative proteomics study of Rhodobacter sp., isolated from high altitude wetlands in Chile

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    Salar de Huasco, defined as a polyextreme environment, is a high altitude saline wetland in the Chilean Altiplano (3800 m.a.s.l.), permanently exposed to the highest solar radiation doses registered in the world. We present here the first comparative proteomics study of a photoheterotrophic bacterium, Rhodobacter sp., isolated from this remote and hostile habitat. We developed an innovative experimental approach using different sources of radiation (in situ sunlight and UVB lamps), cut-off filters (Mylar, Lee filters) and a high-throughput, label-free quantitative proteomics method to comprehensively analyze the effect of seven spectral bands on protein regulation. A hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) of 40 common proteins revealed that all conditions containing the most damaging UVB radiation induced similar pattern of protein regulation compared with UVA and visible light spectral bands. Moreover, it appeared that the cellular adaptation of Rhodobacter sp. to osmotic stress encountered in the hypersaline environment from which it was originally isolated, might further a higher resistance to damaging UV radiation. Indeed, proteins involved in the synthesis and transport of key osmoprotectants, such as glycine betaine and inositol, were found in very high abundance under UV radiation compared to the dark control, suggesting the function of osmolytes as efficient reactive oxygen scavengers. Our study also revealed a RecA-independent response and a tightly regulated network of protein quality control involving proteases and chaperones to selectively degrade misfolded and/or damaged proteins