34 research outputs found


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    Following the Cold War, Russian and US research institutions forged new collaborative ties to take advantage of perceived complementarities in conducting scientific research as part of US nonproliferation initiatives. These ties appear to have been successful in the broader nonproliferation context as relatively few Russian nuclear scientists emigrated to perceived rogue states like Iran and North Korea in the years that immediately followed the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Early on, the research benefits of these ties appeared to be significant. Today, as the Russian science and technology cadre is going through a demographic transition and the Russian state is following a corporatist policy in rebuilding its scientific research and development base, the appropriable benefits associated with continuing these policies for US research partners are less obvious. This assessment is an attempt to gain an empirical understanding of the appropriable benefits from US-Russian research engagement apart from the nonproliferation context. As such, this study examines these collaborations using an alternative network analysis methodology with reference to a knowledge-based model of research and development generation. To assure tractability, the analysis focuses its attention on a subset of institutions that have been broadly ignored in studies of research collaboration — US national laboratories and their Russian counterparts. The resulting analysis challenges the conventional wisdom of the appropriable virtues of scientific collaboration. For the limited set of relationships examined in this study, this analysis suggests participation in international collaborations between the largest US national laboratories and their Russian counterparts can actually reduce individual researchers basic research productivity — clearly not a policy goal for a major national research and development establishment. To achieve better appropriability, this finding and its contextual factors are used to demarcate areas of inquiry where Russian-US engagement has an empirical track record of utility and should continue from areas where collaboration has had little success

    No Defense

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    Development of a statistically based access delay timeline methodology.

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    The charter for adversarial delay is to hinder access to critical resources through the use of physical systems increasing an adversary's task time. The traditional method for characterizing access delay has been a simple model focused on accumulating times required to complete each task with little regard to uncertainty, complexity, or decreased efficiency associated with multiple sequential tasks or stress. The delay associated with any given barrier or path is further discounted to worst-case, and often unrealistic, times based on a high-level adversary, resulting in a highly conservative calculation of total delay. This leads to delay systems that require significant funding and personnel resources in order to defend against the assumed threat, which for many sites and applications becomes cost prohibitive. A new methodology has been developed that considers the uncertainties inherent in the problem to develop a realistic timeline distribution for a given adversary path. This new methodology incorporates advanced Bayesian statistical theory and methodologies, taking into account small sample size, expert judgment, human factors and threat uncertainty. The result is an algorithm that can calculate a probability distribution function of delay times directly related to system risk. Through further analysis, the access delay analyst or end user can use the results in making informed decisions while weighing benefits against risks, ultimately resulting in greater system effectiveness with lower cost


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    Spatiotemporal Patterns and Changes in Missouri River Fishes

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    The longest river in North America, the Missouri, trends southeast from Montana across the mid continent of the United States, 3,768 km to its confluence with the Mississippi River near St. Louis, Missouri. Frequent flooding, a shifting, braided channel, and high turbidity characterized the precontrol “Big Muddy.” Major alterations occurred over the past century primarily for flood protection, navigation, irrigation, and power production. Today, the middle one-third of its length is impounded into the largest volume reservoir complex in the United States and the lower one-third is channelized, leveed, and its banks stabilized. Spatial and temporal patterns of Missouri River fishes are reviewed for the main channel, floodplain, and major reservoirs. Twenty-five families, containing 136 species, compose its ichthyofauna. Seven families represent 76% of total species richness, with Cyprinidae (47 species), Catostomidae (13), Centrarchidae (12), and Salmonidae (10), the five most specious. Native fishes compose 79% of the river’s ichthyofauna with representatives of four archaic families extant: Acipenseridae, Polyodontidae, Lepisosteidae, and Hiodontidae. Fifty-four percent of Missouri River fishes are classified as “big river” species, residing primarily in the main channel, and 93% of these are fluvial dependent or fluvial specialists. Significant floodplain use occurs for 60 species. Many of its big river fishes are well adapted for life in turbid, swift waters with unstable sand-silt bottoms. Populations of 17 species are increasing and 53% of these are introduced, primarily salmonids, forage fishes, and Asian carps. Ninety-six percent of the 24 species whose populations are decreasing are native. Fishes listed as globally critically imperiled and federally endangered (G1) or globally vulnerable (G3) include pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus (G1), lake sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens, Alabama shad Alosa alabamae, sturgeon chub Macrhybopsis gelida, and sicklefin chub M. meeki (G3). Eleven fishes are listed by two of more of the seven main-stem states as imperiled; all are big river species. Richness increases going downriver from 64 species in Montana to 110 species in Missouri with 36% of widely distributed taxa absent below one or more reservoir. Longterm fish collections from several states show declines in sauger Sander canadensis throughout the river and decreases in the lower river of several big river fishes (e.g., sturgeons, chubs, Hybognathus spp.). Spatiotemporal changes in Missouri River fishes reflect interactions between natural (climate, physiography, hydrology, and zoogeography) and anthropogenic (impoundment, geomorphic, flow, and temperature alterations, and introduced species) factors. Recurrent droughts and floods and persistent stakeholder conflicts over beneficial uses have recently directed national attention to Missouri River issues. Acquisition of floodplain lands and channel and floodplain rehabilitation programs are underway to improve habitat in the lower river. Unfortunately, many are site specific and few have included explicit ecological objectives and performance evaluations. Several proposals for flow normalization are being considered, but remain controversial