4,271 research outputs found

    Genome-Wide Association and Linkage Analysis of Quantitative Traits: Comparison pf Likelihood-Ratio Test and Conditional Score Statistic

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    Over the past decade, genetic analysis has shifted from linkage studies, which identify broad regions containing putative trait loci, to genome-wide association studies, which detect the association of a marker with a specific phenotype. Because linkage and association analysis provide complementary information, developing a method to combine these analyses may increase the power to detect a true association. In this paper we compare a linkage score and association score test as well as a newly proposed combination of these two scores with traditional linkage and association methods.National Institutes of Health (National Institute of General Medical Sciences R01 GM031575, National Center for Research Resources Shared Instrumentation grant 1S10RR163736-01A1

    Mr. Wesley, Since you Wanted to Help the Poor, Why did you Ignore the English Poor Law of your Day?

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    Skin Color Bias in the Immigration Process: A Multi-Methods Approach

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    This study looks at the intersection of the literature on immigration and on phenotype and life chances. As immigrant populations in the United States have shifted from European countries of origin to Latin American and Asian countries of origin in recent decades, the phenotype of these populations of immigrants is increasingly distinct from the privileged mainstream U.S. population with European origins. Do darker shades of skin color lead to correspondingly different experiences in the United States immigration system? This study uses data from the New Immigrant Survey 2003 to explore the relationship between skin color and the duration of the legal permanent residency application process. The findings are supplemented by interviews with immigrants and agencies, providing a more nuanced understanding of the variety of experiences within the immigration process

    Book Review

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    Reviewing Neil Carter, Guide to Workmen\u27s Compensation Claims: The Anatomy of the Claims Function, Roberts Publishing Corp., 196

    Comparative Studies of Juvenile Social Behavior.

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    Different voices : measuring female judges\u27 influence on women\u27s rights issues in the U.S. Courts of Appeal.

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    Beginning with President Carter and continuing with each successive president, the federal bench has become more diverse. This has caused scholars to turn their attention to how personal characteristics such as race and sex affect judging. Understanding the effects of gender and race on judging is crucial because white female and minority female judges may bring a different perspective to the bench than their male counterparts due to their shared experiences with discrimination. To fill a gap in the literature, this study examines the impact of women in terms of legal influence and voting behavior. The results demonstrate that women are cited more often than their male counterparts when they author sex discrimination cases but not abortion or cases concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA cases). However, I do not find significant differences in legal influence or voting behavior in any area when white women and minority women are compared. In sex discrimination and abortion cases, female judges’ voting behavior was similar to their same-party male colleagues. Only in ADA cases did I find Republican women were more liberal than their male counterparts

    Jurisdiction in Longshoremen\u27s Injuries

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    The decision in Southern Pacific Co. v. Jensen that state law does not apply to injuries occurring on navigable waters, began a series of jurisdictional questions which continue today. This decision initially deprived some 300,000 longshoremen and harbor workers in dangerous occupations of a compensation remedy, but it paved the way for a federal statute providing them with compensation coverage. Longshoremen and harbor workers are today protected under state or federal law, depending on whether their injuries occur on land or upon navigable waters. They may be eligible for coverage under both federal and state law

    A Study Of The Relationship Between Male Sexual Victimization And Sexual Aggression Against Females

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    Taksonomska i genetička struktura roda Quercus L.je predmet brojnih istraţivanja zbog njegove velike varijabilnosti. Nakon zadnjeg ledenog doba, specijacija vrsta i diferencijacija unutarvrsnih svojti kod europskih vrsta roda Quercus L., sekcije Quercus se odvija pod velikim utjecajem vlaţnosti staništa. Cilj ovoga rada je utvrditi utjecaj različitog reţima vlaţenja na diferencijaciju europskih populacija hrasta luţnjaka (Quercus robur L.). Za utvrĎivanje stupnja unutarvrsne diferencijacije posluţiti će mjerenje opskrbljenosti biljaka vodom, iz šest različitih europskih provenijencija u pokusnom nasadu Hrvatskog šumarskog instituta, pomoću prijenosne komore za mjerenje vodnog potencijala

    Radiation Injury in Workmen\u27s Compensation

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    Whether because of expanded uses of the fruits of the nuclear age, or because of more insights into radiation caused diseases, in years to come more employees are likely to find themselves filing claims for workmen\u27s compensation because of alleged radiation-caused diseases or illnesses. What are radiation diseases and injuries? Which occupations are likely to give rise to radiation exposure? Do present workmen\u27s compensation laws provide coverage for such injuries and diseases, and to what extent? How is a claim processed? Can the present laws be improved, and what efforts are being made-or should be made-to im-prove them