25 research outputs found

    The Application of N-th Root Processing Technique on S-Wave Records

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    Abstract. There are many methods to increase signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of seismic records in order to identify the interested signals, resolve them into their components and extract any valuable information relating the source mechanism the earth's structure in which the seismic wave travel, and other seismic wave properties. In this study N-th Root processing technique is applied on S-wave data recorded at the Warramunga Seismic Array (WRA) in Northern Australia. Besides signal enhancement, arrival identification and slowness measurement are also products of this processing. Sari. Ada beberapa cara untuk menaikkan angka perbandingan isyarat dan derau (S/N) pada rekaman gelombang seismic yang berguna dalam proses mencirikan isyarat, memisahkan kelompok gelombang dan menarik beberapa informasi penting yang berhubungan dengan mekanisme sumber, struktur dalam bumi yang dilalui gelombang dan beberapa sifat gelombang seismik. Pada penelitian ini dicoba digunakan teknik akar pangkat N pada data gelombang S yang terekam pada stasiun pengamat gempa Warramunga di Australia Utara. Selain perbaikan amplitudo isyarat dihasilkan juga pencirian gelombang dan pengukurang slowness (kebalikan kecepatan) oleh pengolahan data gelombang ini

    The Influence of Pt Atomic Ratio in the Activity PtNi/C Nanocatalysts for the PEMFC

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    Pt-Ni/C alloy nanocatalysts synthesized by polyol method with different atomic ratio are investigated to enhance activity of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) for fuel cell applications. Prepared catalysts are characterized by various techniques, such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDX), and cyclic voltammetry (CV). XRD analysis shows that all prepared catalysts with different atomic ratio exhibit face centered cubic and have smaller lattice parameters than pure Pt catalyst. The mean particle size of the catalysts are between 4.3 to 6.3 nm. Cyclic voltammograms with scan rate 5 mV s-1 at 25oC obtain range the electrochemical active surface (EAS) between 40 to 164 cm2/mgPt, mass activity (MA) and specific activity (SA) of nanocatalysts PtNi/C in the potential range 900 mV versus RHE between 3.61 to 8.42 mA/mgPt, and 0.05 to 0.09

    Study on Estimates of Travel Distance, Velocity and Potential Volume of Amahusu Sliding Plane using Energy Conservation Approach in Conjunction with Geoelectric Survey

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    The investigation of landslides applying various methods has been receiving increased attention in recent years. This study was aimed at assessing the estimated distribution of landslide movement using an energy conservation formula in a lumped mass model to obtain velocity and travel distance estimations, in combination with an inverted resistivity model for estimating the Amahusu landslide volume. The research location was in the Amahusu hills of the Nusaniwe subdistrict, Ambon, Indonesia. A survey was carried out using GPS and a geoelectric resistivity method with the Wenner-Schlumberger configuration. The results of the study provide a characterization of this rotational type landslide. The estimated landslide volume was 70,954 m3 and the estimated potential landslide volume was 50,603 m3. This mass moved 303 m away from the original location, with an estimated maximum velocity of up to 21.25 m/s. The displacement pattern of a landslide mass is primarily controlled by the geometry of the sliding plane. The geometry of the sliding plane causes different types of movement, based on which the possible occurrence of a future landslide can be predicted

    Revitalisasi Pendidikan MIPA

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    The Influence of PT Atomic Ratio in the Activity PtNi/C Nanocatalysts for the PEMFC

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    Pt-Ni/C alloy nanocatalysts synthesized by polyol method with different atomic ratio are investigated to enhance activity of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) for fuel cell applications. Prepared catalysts are characterized by various techniques, such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDX), and cyclic voltammetry (CV). XRD analysis shows that all prepared catalysts with different atomic ratio exhibit face centered cubic and have smaller lattice parameters than pure Pt catalyst. The mean particle size of the catalysts are between 4.3 to 6.3 nm. Cyclic voltammograms with scan rate 5 mV s-1 at 25oC obtain range the electrochemical active surface (EAS) between 40 to 164 cm2/mgPt, mass activity (MA) and specific activity (SA) of nanocatalysts PtNi/C in the potential range 900 mV versus RHE between 3.61 to 8.42 mA/mgPt, and 0.05 to 0.09


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    Synthesis of Fuel Cell Membrane: Copolymerization of Styrene on ETFE Film by Grafted pre-Irradiation. PreirradiationGrafting styrene monomer on ETFE film has been prepared. Research has been performed by γ-ray radiationat various total dose from 2.5 - 12.5 kGy and various dose rate from 1.3 - 1.9 kGy/hour. Irradiated copolymer is thengrafted by styrene monomer in various solvent: ethanol, 2-propanol, and toluene, various concentration from 20 - 70%volume, various temperature from 50 - 90oC, and various grafting time from 2 - 12 hours. The results showed thatpercent of grafting is increase with increase of total dose and decrease of rate dose. The optimum experiment conditionsare obtained at total dose 10 kGy, dose rate 1,9 kGy/hour, 2-propanol solvent, 40% volume styrene, 4 hours graftingtime, and 70oC grafting temperature.Keywords: grafted pre-irradiation, fuel cell, ETFE Fil


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    Radiation grafting of styrene monomer onto poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) film has been investigated. This research is emphasized on the conditioning of PTFE film. It was irradiated by -ray radiation at various irradiation dose from 2.5 - 12.5 kGy with dose rate 1.9 kGy/hour. Irradiated copolymer was then grafted by styrene monomer under various conditions. The results showed that degree of grafting increased by increasing irradiation dose, solvent concentration, temperature and time of grafting. The optimum condition of radiation grafting relatively was obtained at irradiation dose of 10 kGy, 2-propanol solvent, styrene concentration of 40 volume%, temperature and time of grafting of 70 oC and 6 hours each.   Keywords: Radiation grafting, PTFE, Fuel cel


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    Penelitian ini memaparkan karakteristik reservoir batugamping penghasil hidrokarbon menggunakanartificial neural network di lapangan “X” Formasi Gumai, Cekungan Jambi. Lapangan ini menggunakan dataseismik 3D poststack, 2 buah sumur eksplorasi, 3 buah horizon, dan 3 buah marker. Untuk mengetahui potensisumur geotermal dilakukan prediksi temperatur dan tekanan dengan parameter lokasi, laju aliran injeksi dantemperatur injeksi dengan menggunakan metode Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Yang pertama dilakukanadalah integrasi data model produksi sumur sebanyak 2 buah sumur selama satu tahun dan dilakukan pemisahandata yaitu data selama 11 bulan digunakan sebagai data pelatihan ANN dan data selama 1 bulan terakhirdigunakan sebagai data pengujian. Hasil prediksi dengan ANN akan dibandingkan dengan data pengujian.Terlihat daerah yang porous berpotensi sebagai reservoir hidrokarbon karbonat di sekitar Gumai berkisar 27543-28113 (m/s)*(g/cc), sedangkan di sekitar Talang Akar berkisar 26973-28683 (m/s)*(g/cc). Perhitungan nilai erorantara hasil prediksi dengan data pengujian adalah berkisar 0.15% pada temperature (T) dan 0.25% pada tekanan(P) dengan sumur-1 merupakan lokasi yang paling optimum. Hasil inversi penyebaran ini di-slice untukmendapatkan daerah porous yang berpotensi sebagai reservoir hidrokarbon pada lapangan “X” berdasarkan nilaiimpedansi akustik dan porositas sumur di sekitarnya