29 research outputs found


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    Pengelolaan sumberdaya alam akan memberikan manfaat dimasa yang akan datang, maka perlu dikelola dengan baik sehingga fungsinya dapat terpelihara sepanjang masa. Salah satu sumberdaya alam yang harus mendapatkan perhatian lebih adalah Daerah Aliran Sungai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui arahan pemanfaatan lahan Sub DAS Olonjonge dan kesesuaian penggunaan lahan aktual terhadap arahan pemanfaatan yang dibuat.. Hasil overlay peta jenis tanah, lereng dan intensitas hujan di dapat arahan pemanfaatan lahan yaitu Kawasan Lindung seluas 2.026,40 Ha, Kawasan Penyangga seluas 615,51 Ha, Kawasan Budidaya Tahunan seluas 235,63 Ha, Kawasan Budidaya Semusim seluas 515,08 Ha. Evaluasi pemanfaatan lahan pada Kawasan lindung yang sesuai adalah hutan seluas 2010,73 Ha atau 99,23%, tidak sesuai kebun coklat seluas 15,67 ha atau 0,77 %, Kawasan penyangga penggunaan lahan yang sesuai adalah hutan seluas 220,06 Ha atau 35,75 %, tidak sesuai kebun coklat seluas 394,08 Ha atau 64,03 %, dan kebun campuran sesuai bersyarat yang seluas 1,37 Ha. Kawasan budidaya tahunan penggunaan lahan aktual yang ditemui adalah kebun coklat seluas 135, 10 Ha (sesuai) dan kebun campuran seluas 100,53 Ha (S), Kawasan budidaya  semusim penggunaan lahan yang sesuai  adalah permukiman seluas 29,63 Ha, kebun campuran seluas 421,68 Ha, kebun coklat seluas 33,93 Ha, sawah seluas 18,21, hutan seluas 11,62 Ha

    Angka Kematian Pasien Kraniotomi Di Icu Dan Hcu Rsup Dr. Kariadi Periode Februari 2010 – Februari 2012

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    Latar belakang : RSUP Dr. Kariadi selayaknya dapat memberikan pelayanan intensif dan tingkat tinggi sesuai dengan standar. Kraniotomi merupakan suatu tindakan bedah dengan cara membuka kranium yang memiliki risiko kematianberdasarkan berbagai macam faktor yang mempengaruhi. Umumnya, pasien paska operasi akan dirawat di ICU atau HCU.Tujuan : Untuk mendapatkan data mengenai angka pasien kraniotomi dirawat di HCU dan ICU RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang periode Februari 2010 – Februari 2012 dan mendeskripsikan distribusi hal-hal yang diperkirakan berpengaruhterhadap angka kematian pasien-pasien tersebut.Metode penelitian : Data kematian dikumpulkan dan diobservasi sebagai bagian dari studi deskriptif pada pasien paska kraniotomi. Sumber data lain termasuk diagnosis, kelompok umur, jenis kelamin, Glasgow Coma Scale, penyebabkematian, dan skor APACHE II dengan menggunakan data sekunder dari rekam medis pada bagian HCU dan ICU RSUP Dr Kariadi Semarang pada periode Februari 2010 – Februari 2012.Hasil : Selama periode dua tahun, 103 pasien tercatat telah menjalani tindakan kraniotomi yang kemudian dirawat di ICU atau HCU. Dari jumlah tersebut, terdapat 51 pasien meninggal dunia dan 52 pasien hidup. Terdapat dua penyebabkematian utama pada pasien-pasien kraniotomi ini; syok sepsis (33%) dan gagal nafas (23,5%). Dari penelitian juga ditemukan bahwa pasien dengan skor Glasgow Coma Scale dibawah 8 memiliki angka kematian tertinggi (33%).Berdasarkan diagnosis penyakit, pengangkatan neoplasma merupakan angka indikasi kraniotomi tertinggi (36,9%). Dan pada skor APACHE II, rentang skor terbanyak terdapat pada 10-14, sejumlah 29 pasien (28,2%).Kesimpulan : Sepengetahuan kami, ini merupakan penelitian pertama yang mendeskripsikan angka kematian pasien kraniotomi yang dirawat di ICU dan HCU di Indonesia. Penelitian lebih jauh masih dibutuhkan untuk menyelidikipenyebab utama kematian diantara pasien ini, dalam kasus ini adalah sepsis

    The Dynamic System Economic Simulation Model To Forecast The Inventory Of Laminate Wood Industry Materials: A Case Study At Pt. Cahaya Samtraco Utama

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    Currently, the wood industry in Indonesia is facing a lot of problems. The most annoying problem which has to be solved immediately is the decreasing quantity of wood resources as well as the imbalance between the demand and supply of forest wood products as a result of the unsynchronized policy of forest management and wood industry development in the past. PT. Cahaya Samtraco Utama is the only laminate wood industry in East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. The forecasting analysis result for wood industry materials at PT. Cahaya Samtraco Utama seems to continuously decrease. Therefore, to anticipate such a situation, the industry should manage the inventory of materials. Keywords : Dynamic System, Economic, Inventory, Laminating Wood Industry


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    Community forest is basically a state forest, managed by the society trough a rural administrative organization, and used for the welfare the villager. Village forest management can be seen from the distribution arrangements of manage land to any farmer. Village ordinances are regulated that each village of farmers are only allowed to manage the maximum forest land of 0.5 hectares for farmers based on historical background who managed more than 0.5 hectares before being designated as community forest. The forest of Kajulangko is located in the village of villages  covering the sub-district of Tojo Una-Una. Where the population of the Kajulangko village was 1129, the number of family heads at the time of the formation of the Kajulangko village was 278 family heads. The village area of Kajulangko is approximately 12 square kilometers. To understand the attitude of society can be analyzed using descriptive methods he or she USES a scale of 1-2-3-4-5. Studies have shown that people’s attitude toward community forest is good for the society being high (119), good community forest for the village government is likely to be moderate (62), village forest is important for the moderateeconomic welfare (57) and village forests are essential for forest sustainability to be very high (135).Keywords: Community forest, management, community attitud


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    Forest is an ecosystem characterized by a closure of more or less densely packed trees, consisting of multiple stylized characteristics such as species composition, structure, age classes, and generally encompassing grasslands, small rivers and wildlife. Agro-forestry is a blend of agricultural crops and forestry. With the existence of agro-forestry is expected to maintain the function of forest in the form of agricultural processes but it also can increase people's income. Community-based in many terms used by many who have been able to encourage community access to forest resources management.  The purpose of this study is to determine the value of income on agro-forestry yields of candlenuts and cocoa. the research period is conducted for three months, ie November 2016 until January 2017, located in the village of Sigimpu Palolo district of Sigi Regency. The data were collected through questionnaire. Data analysis used was multiple linear regression analysis. The research results reveal that agro-forestry farmers can produce 2.496.96 kg candle nuts per year, while for cacao farmers can produce 276.58 kg per year. The analysis results indicate that the average income of agro-forestry farmers of candle nuts and cacao in the village is Rp. 28.397.916.73/year.Keywords: Income Analysis of Agroforestry Farmers of Candle Nut and Cacao In Sigimpu Villag

    Pembinaan Kelompok Tani Sintuvu Roso Dalam Pengelolaan Hutan Kemasyarakatan

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    Community forestry (HKm) is a state forest that aims to empower communities around the forest without disturbing its main function, whose management is carried out by farmer groups. However, there are still many members of farmer groups who do not understand HKm management. This service activity is carried out to increase the knowledge of farmer groups as community forest managers. The target of this activity is the Sintuvu Roso farmer group, Wombo Kalonggo Village, Tanantovea District, Donggala Regency. Based on the results of observations, situation analysis and problem identification, it was discovered that the partners had problems, including the social forestry work plan and annual work plan had not been prepared, and many group members did not know the HKm limits. The stages of the implementation of community service consist of observation, problem identification, counseling and training, evaluation of activities and preparation of reports. The solution to this problem is that partners carry out counseling activities on how to manage and prepare HKm work plans and training on using Avenza maps. The results of the implementation of the service that has been carried out are increasing the knowledge of farmer groups in managing community forests and using the Avenza Maps application


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    AbstractThe furniture industry is one of the most highly valued timber industries in the world and absorbing labor, and then making significant contibutions to the economy of  Indonesia. Eboni is a type of wood found in tropical areas such as Central Sulawesi. Eboni wood is usually used as a furniture, sculpture, decorative wall and plywood. Eboni wood in the market of Central Sulawesi is dominated in the form of furniture or souvemir. Eboni furniture or souvenir market has been exist mainly in Palu, the capital of Central Sulawesi. Unfortunately, the market demand has been decline over the last years. In this research, the method used  was SWOT analysis to identify the perceived strengths and weaknesses and also opportunities and threats faced by the company. The result of research is indicate that Sumber Urip Eboni are quadrant 1 with the values of X-axis (1,62) and Y-axis (0,40), which means that companies can used the benefit from their strength and opportunity. The strategy to be applied in these conditions is to support aggressive growth polices.Keywords: Eboni, Furniture or Souvenir, and Marketin

    Photovoltaic Based Automatic Rice Thresher Machine To Help Farmers in Pandemi Covid-19

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    The rice thresher machine is an important part of the rice processing process. Before the harvesting process, the rice fields are drained for 7-10 days before the harvest period by using a sharp sickle to cut the base of the stems, then the harvest is stored in a container or lined place. The low application of cultivation technology can be seen from the large potential gap between production. With the creation of this system, the process of threshing rice from the stalks can be done automatically, so that this system is expected to be able to provide the process of threshing rice from the stalks to be faster, easier, more efficient and safe for workers. data from the presentation of rice tresher slender yields 223.17 S, at puly rpm the average value produced is 32.82 S, with an average voltage of 11 V and an average current of 0.18 A. 9.13 minutes, with initial grain weight of 15 kg with an average threshing yield of 6.6 kg, with a threshing capacity of 42.2 kg / hour. And the current and voltage data on the solar panel and the resulting charging, the highest voltage is 12 V with a current of 1.69 A which occurs at 12.30 Wib.Mesin thresher (perontok) padi adalah bagian penting dari proses pengolahan beras. Sebelum proses pemanenan, dilakukan pengeringan sawah selama 7-10 hari sebelum masa panen dengan menggunakan sabit tajam untuk memotong pangkal batang, kemudian hasil panen disimpan pada suatu wadah atau tempat yang dialasi. Rendahnya penerapan teknologi budidaya terlihat dari besarnya kesenjangan potensi antara produksi . Dengan dibuatnya sistem ini proses perontokan padi dari batangnya dapat di lakukan secara otomatis, sehingga sistem ini diharapkan bisa memberikan proses perontokan padi  dari batangnya menjadi lebih cepat, mudah, efesien dan aman bagi para pekerja Dari hasil proses pengujian yang dilakukan pada mesin threser padi otomatis didapatkan data hasil penyajian slender tresher padi dihasilkan 223.17 S, pada rpm puly nilai rata-rata yang dihasilkan 32.82 S, dengan tegangan rata-rata 11 V dan rata-rata arus 0,18 A. Dengan hasil data kapasitas perontokan padi dihasilkan rata-rata selama 9.13 menit, dengan berat gabah awal 15 kg dengan hasil perontokan rata-rata 6,6 kg , dengan kapasitas perontokan mencapai 42,2 kg/jam. Dan data arus dan tegangan pada solar panel dan pengisian yang dihasilkan tegangan tertinggi 12 V dengan arus 1,69 A yang terjadi pada jam 12.30 Wib


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    The mangrove forest is a unique and distinctive form of forest ecosystem, especially in the Indonesia area, because the mangrove forest is found in the ebb and flow of coastal, coastal, and small islands, and it is a potentially rich and competitive nature's resources. The mangrove forests have great economic and ecological value especially in coastal society, but they are particularly vulnerable to damage when the care of the society for the preservation and maintenance of the mangrove forest it self is reduced. The study was to find out the extent of the society understanding of the mangrove forest in the Pangkalaseang Village, North Balantak District, Banggai Regency. The study is carried out for 2 months, from June to August 2020. The method was used to identify the level of human understanding of the mangrove forest found in the Pangkalaseang Village, analysed using a descriptive method, with a scale of 1-3-5 (likert scale modification). The data-collection technique used in this research is observation, interview and documentation. The results of the study indicate that the level of understanding of the people in the pangkalaseang village is in high levels, indicating that the knowledge levels in the village of pangkalaseang are already familiar with the importance of the mangrove forest. The society understood that the presence of mangrove forests opened the way for society to manage so as to care for the life and economic needs of the families resulting from the manage of the mangrove forest.Keywords: Mangrove, Forest, Societ

    Membingkai Kasus Pembunuhan Anak Bunuh Ibu Kandung Oleh Media Massa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap dan menganalisis bagaimana media onlinemelaporkan suatu kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT), khususnya kasus anak yangmembunuh ibu kandungnya di Malang. Dalam konteks ini, media memiliki peran yang signifikansebagai penentu opini publik sekaligus aktor dalam proses konstruksi realitas sosial. Peneliti akanmelakukan analisis mendalam terhadap cara media ini membingkai isu tersebut. Penelitian ini,akan mengadopsi dua teori utama, yaitu teori konstruksi sosial oleh Peter L. Berger dan teorikekerasan simbolik oleh Pierre Bourdieu. Kombinasi kedua teori ini akan membantu penelitimemahami bagaimana media tidak hanya melaporkan berita, tetapi juga berperan dalammembentuk persepsi dan pemahaman masyarakat terhadap kasus KDRT ini. Metode penelitianyang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis data kerangka analisis framingyang dikembangkan oleh Robert N. Entman, sehingga peneliti dapat mengidentifikasibagaimana media mengonstruksi realitas seputar kasus ini dan memengaruhi persepsimasyarakat. Hasil pada penelitian ini menemukan bahwa, setiap media massa dalam laman beritaonline memiliki cara penyampaian yang berbeda. Mulai dari judul berita, penyusunan isi berita,hingga cara setiap media tersebut mengulas kasus ini, semuanya memiliki perbedaan yangmencerminkan kepentingan dan tujuan masing-masing media massa. Kesimpulan dari penelitianini mengungkapkan bahwa media massa memiliki kemampuan untuk memengaruhi opini danperspektif masyarakat terhadap suatu pemberitaa