41,288 research outputs found

    Renormalized Path Integral in Quantum Mechanics

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    We obtain direct, finite, descriptions of a renormalized quantum mechanical system with no reference to ultraviolet cutoffs and running coupling constants, in both the Hamiltonian and path integral pictures. The path integral description requires a modification to the Wiener measure on continuous paths that describes an unusual diffusion process wherein colliding particles occasionally stick together for a random interval of time before going their separate ways.Comment: 13 pgs, plain TEX fil

    Solitons in a Bilocal Field Theory

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    We obtain a bilocal classical field theory as the large NN limit of the chiral Gross--Neveu (or non--abelian Thirring) model. Exact classical solutions that describe topological solitons are obtained. It is shown that their mass spectrum agrees with the large NN limit of the spectrum of the chiral Gross--Neveu model.Comment: Tex, 18 pages, no figure

    Renormalized Contact Potential in Two Dimensions

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    We obtain for the attractive Dirac delta-function potential in two-dimensional quantum mechanics a renormalized formulation that avoids reference to a cutoff and running coupling constant. Dimensional transmutation is carried out before attempting to solve the system, and leads to an interesting eigenvalue problem in N-2 degrees of freedom (in the center of momentum frame) when there are N particles. The effective Hamiltonian for N-2 particles has a nonlocal attractive interaction, and the Schrodinger equation becomes an eigenvalue problem for the logarithm of this Hamiltonian. The 3-body case is examined in detail, and in this case a variational estimate of the ground-state energy is given.Comment: Plain Te

    Impaired ATP synthase assembly associated with a mutation in the human ATP synthase subunit 6 gene

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    Mutations in human mitochondrial DNA are a well recognized cause of disease. A mutation at nucleotide position 8993 of human mitochondrial DNA, located within the gene for ATP synthase subunit 6, is associated with the neurological muscle weakness, ataxia, and retinitis pigmentosa (NARP) syndrome. To enable analysis of this mutation in control nuclear backgrounds, two different cell lines were transformed with mitochondria carrying NARP mutant mitochondrial DNA. Transformant cell lines had decreased ATP synthesis capacity, and many also had abnormally high levels of two ATP synthase sub-complexes, one of which was F1-ATPase. A combination of metabolic labeling and immunoblotting experiments indicated that assembly of ATP synthase was slowed and that the assembled holoenzyme was unstable in cells carrying NARP mutant mitochondrial DNA compared with control cells. These findings indicate that altered assembly and stability of ATP synthase are underlying molecular defects associated with the NARP mutation in subunit 6 of ATP synthase, yet intrinsic enzyme activity is also compromised

    Sedimentation of a two-dimensional colloidal mixture exhibiting liquid-liquid and gas-liquid phase separation: a dynamical density functional theory study

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    We present dynamical density functional theory results for the time evolution of the density distribution of a sedimenting model two-dimensional binary mixture of colloids. The interplay between the bulk phase behaviour of the mixture, its interfacial properties at the confining walls, and the gravitational field gives rise to a rich variety of equilibrium and non-equilibrium morphologies. In the fluid state, the system exhibits both liquid-liquid and gas-liquid phase separation. As the system sediments, the phase separation significantly affects the dynamics and we explore situations where the final state is a coexistence of up to three different phases. Solving the dynamical equations in two-dimensions, we find that in certain situations the final density profiles of the two species have a symmetry that is different from that of the external potentials, which is perhaps surprising, given the statistical mechanics origin of the theory. The paper concludes with a discussion on this

    CosmoDM and its application to Pan-STARRS data

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    The Cosmology Data Management system (CosmoDM) is an automated and flexible data management system for the processing and calibration of data from optical photometric surveys. It is designed to run on supercomputers and to minimize disk I/O to enable scaling to very high throughput during periods of reprocessing. It serves as an early prototype for one element of the ground-based processing required by the Euclid mission and will also be employed in the preparation of ground based data needed in the eROSITA X-ray all sky survey mission. CosmoDM consists of two main pipelines. The first is the single-epoch or detrending pipeline, which is used to carry out the photometric and astrometric calibration of raw exposures. The second is the co- addition pipeline, which combines the data from individual exposures into deeper coadd images and science ready catalogs. A novel feature of CosmoDM is that it uses a modified stack of As- tromatic software which can read and write tile compressed images. Since 2011, CosmoDM has been used to process data from the DECam, the CFHT MegaCam and the Pan-STARRS cameras. In this paper we shall describe how processed Pan-STARRS data from CosmoDM has been used to optically confirm and measure photometric redshifts of Planck-based Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect selected cluster candidates.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. Proceedings of Precision Astronomy with Fully Depleted CCDs Workshop (2014). Accepted for publication in JINS

    An extended model of the quantum free-electron laser

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    Previous models of the quantum regime of operation of the Free Electron Laser (QFEL) have performed an averaging and the application of periodic boundary conditions to the coupled Maxwell - Schrodinger equations over short, resonant wavelength intervals of the interaction. Here, an extended, one-dimensional model of the QFEL interaction is presented in the absence of any such averaging or application of periodic boundary conditions, the absence of the latter allowing electron diffusion processes to be modeled throughout the pulse. The model is used to investigate how both the steady-state (CW) and pulsed regimes of QFEL operation are affected. In the steady-state regime it is found that the electrons are confined to evolve as a 2-level system, similar to the previous QFEL models. In the pulsed regime Coherent Spontaneous Emission (CSE) due to the shape of the electron pulse current distribution is shown to be present in the QFEL regime for the first time. However, unlike the classical case, CSE in the QFEL is damped by the effects of quantum diffusion of the electron wavefunction. Electron recoil from the QFEL interaction can also cause a diffusive drift between the recoiled and non-recoiled parts of the electron pulse wavefunction, effectively removing the recoiled part from the primary electron-radiation interaction.Comment: Submitted to Optics Expres