3,333 research outputs found

    Panel I Discussion: The Criminal Justice System: George Floyd Bill & Qualified Immunity

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    This presentation explored the jurisprudence surrounding the doctrine of qualified immunity. It discusses the obscurity of many of its applications using the “clearly established” law standard. It also details a number of reasons justifying the call to eliminate the qualified immunity defense

    Act Now for Your Tomorrow: Final Report of the National Commission on Nursing Workforce for Long-Term Care

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    The nursing workforce shortage faced by long-term care providers stems from factors both outside and inside the organization and operation of long-term care services. The nursing shortage diminishes quality of care and increases the costs of providing services. Resolution of the long-term care nursing workforce challenge will require improvement of the recruitment and retention of nurses. The leadership for the efforts to improve the long-term care workforce must come from the community itself. New and sustained leadership for action by long-term care leaders is the critical factor necessary to the development of the recommended initiatives and the achievement of the goals of the National Commission on Nursing Workforce for Long-Term Care

    Environmental Estrogens Alter Early Development in Xenopus laevis

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    A growing number of environmental toxicants found in pesticides, herbicides, and industrial solvents are believed to have deleterious effects on development by disrupting hormone-sensitive processes. We exposed Xenopus laevis embryos at early gastrula to the commonly encountered environmental estrogens nonylphenol, octylphenol, and methoxychlor, the antiandrogen, p,p-DDE, or the synthetic androgen, 17 alpha-methyltestosterone at concentrations ranging from 10 nM to 10 microM and examined them at tailbud stages (approximately 48 hr of treatment). Exposure to the three environmental estrogens, as well as to the natural estrogen 17 beta-estradiol, increased mortality, induced morphologic deformations, increased apoptosis, and altered the deposition and differentiation of neural crest-derived melanocytes in tailbud stage embryos. Although neural crest-derived melanocytes were markedly altered in embryos treated with estrogenic toxicants, expression of the early neural crest maker Xslug, a factor that regulates both the induction and subsequent migration of neural crest cells, was not affected, suggesting that the disruption induced by these compounds with respect to melanocyte development may occur at later stages of their differentiation. Co-incubation of embryos with the pure antiestrogen ICI 182,780 blocked the ability of nonylphenol to induce abnormalities in body shape and in melanocyte differentiation but did not block the effects of methoxychlor. Our data indicate not only that acute exposure to these environmental estrogens induces deleterious effects on early vertebrate development but also that different environmental estrogens may alter the fate of a specific cell type via different mechanisms. Finally, our data suggest that the differentiation of neural crest-derived melanocytes may be particularly sensitive to the disruptive actions of these ubiquitous chemical contaminants

    Quantum discord is Bohr's notion of non-mechanical disturbance introduced in his answer to EPR

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    By rigorously formalizing the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) argument, and Bohr's reply, one can appreciate that both arguments were technically correct. Their opposed conclusions about the completeness of quantum mechanics hinged upon an explicit difference in their criteria for when a measurement on Alice's system can be regarded as not disturbing Bob's system. The EPR criteria allow their conclusion (incompletness) to be reached by establishing the physical reality of just a single observable qq (not a conjugate pair qq and pp), but I show that Bohr's definition of disturbance prevents the EPR chain of reasoning from establishing even this. Moreover, I show that Bohr's definition is intimately related to the asymmetric concept of quantum discord from quantum information theory: if and only if the joint state has no Alice-discord, she can measure any observable without disturbing (in Bohr's sense) Bob's system. Discord can be present even when systems are unentangled, and this has implications for our understanding of the historical development of notions of quantum nonlocality.Comment: 17 pages. Accepted for publication in Annals of Physics on 4th May 201

    Completely Positive Maps and Classical Correlations

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    We expand the set of initial states of a system and its environment that are known to guarantee completely positive reduced dynamics for the system when the combined state evolves unitarily. We characterize the correlations in the initial state in terms of its quantum discord [H. Ollivier and W. H. Zurek, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 017901 (2001)]. We prove that initial states that have only classical correlations lead to completely positive reduced dynamics. The induced maps can be not completely positive when quantum correlations including, but not limited to, entanglement are present. We outline the implications of our results to quantum process tomography experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Coherent motion of stereocilia assures the concerted gating of hair-cell transduction channels

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    The hair cell's mechanoreceptive organelle, the hair bundle, is highly sensitive because its transduction channels open over a very narrow range of displacements. The synchronous gating of transduction channels also underlies the active hair-bundle motility that amplifies and tunes responsiveness. The extent to which the gating of independent transduction channels is coordinated depends on how tightly individual stereocilia are constrained to move as a unit. Using dual-beam interferometry in the bullfrog's sacculus, we found that thermal movements of stereocilia located as far apart as a bundle's opposite edges display high coherence and negligible phase lag. Because the mechanical degrees of freedom of stereocilia are strongly constrained, a force applied anywhere in the hair bundle deflects the structure as a unit. This feature assures the concerted gating of transduction channels that maximizes the sensitivity of mechanoelectrical transduction and enhances the hair bundle's capacity to amplify its inputs.Comment: 24 pages, including 6 figures, published in 200

    Antisense-induced ribosomal frameshifting

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    Programmed ribosomal frameshifting provides a mechanism to decode information located in two overlapping reading frames by diverting a proportion of translating ribosomes into a second open reading frame (ORF). The result is the production of two proteins: the product of standard translation from ORF1 and an ORF1–ORF2 fusion protein. Such programmed frameshifting is commonly utilized as a gene expression mechanism in viruses that infect eukaryotic cells and in a subset of cellular genes. RNA secondary structures, consisting of pseudoknots or stem–loops, located downstream of the shift site often act as cis-stimulators of frameshifting. Here, we demonstrate for the first time that antisense oligonucleotides can functionally mimic these RNA structures to induce +1 ribosomal frameshifting when annealed downstream of the frameshift site, UCC UGA. Antisense-induced shifting of the ribosome into the +1 reading frame is highly efficient in both rabbit reticulocyte lysate translation reactions and in cultured mammalian cells. The efficiency of antisense-induced frameshifting at this site is responsive to the sequence context 5â€Č of the shift site and to polyamine levels

    New Outlook on the Possible Existence of Superheavy Elements in Nature

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    A consistent interpretation is given to some previously unexplained phenomena seen in nature in terms of the recently discovered long-lived high spin super- and hyper-deformed isomeric states. The Po halos seen in mica are interpreted as due to the existence of such isomeric states in corresponding Po or nearby nuclei which eventually decay by gamma- or beta-decay to the ground states of 210Po, 214Po and 218Po nuclei. The low-energy 4.5 MeV alpha-particle group observed in several minerals is interpreted as due to a very enhanced alpha transition from the third minimum of the potential-energy surface in a superheavy nucleus with atomic number Z=108 (Hs) and atomic mass number around 271 to the corresponding minimum in the daughter.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, 5 tables. Paper presented at VII Int. School-Seminar on Heavy Ion Physics, May 27 - June 1, 2002, Dubna, Russi
