50 research outputs found

    Human-animal interactions during on-farm truck loading of finishing pigs for slaughter transport

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    Finishing pigs and transport drivers (TDs) interact closely when pigs are loaded for transport, which can be very stressful for both. We aimed to investigate relationships between TD handling actions and pig behaviours during loading for slaughter transport. In total 2,476 finishing pigs were loaded by 18 TDs (2 women, 16 men) during 18 loadings at 18 pig farms in Sweden over a 6 month period. Tactile, vocal and visual TD handling actions were recorded and characterized as 'moderately-strongly negative', 'mildly negative' or 'positive'. In the pigs, 'stress related', 'flow', 'disrupted flow' and 'relaxed' behaviours were recorded in all animals within 2 m in front of the TDs, using continuous video recordings, and summarized in 5-s intervals. Logistic models were constructed to estimate associations between actions and behaviours, including the preceding one or two intervals. The odds of stress related behaviour in the pigs was found to increase 5.4 and 4.1 times when a moderately-strongly negative and any negative TD action, respectively, occurred in the same interval. When a moderately-strongly negative and any negative TD action occurred in the preceding interval, the odds of stress related behaviour increased 2.0 times and 1.4 times, respectively. The odds of disrupted flow increased 1.6 times when any negative TD action occurred in the same interval. Furthermore, the odds of moderately-strongly negative TD action increased 5.4, 3.4 and 1.9 times, and the odds of any negative TD action increased 3.6, 2.9 and 2.1 times when stress related pig behaviour occurred in the same interval, the preceding interval and the interval before that, respectively. Pos-itive TD action in the same or preceding interval was associated with relaxed pig behaviour. This study suggests a reciprocal relationship between TD actions and pig behaviour, which provides an opportunity to improve TD actions through training in order to reduce stress behaviours in pigs

    Rethinking the utility of the Five Domains model

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    The Five Domains model is influential in contemporary studies of animal welfare. It was originally presented as a conceptual model to understand the types of impact that procedures may impose on experimental animals. Its application has since broadened to cover a wide range of animal species and forms of animal use. However, it has also increasingly been applied as an animal welfare assessment tool, which is the focus of this paper. Several critical limitations associated with this approach have not been widely acknowledged, including that: (1) it relies upon expert or stakeholder opinion, with little transparency around the selection of these individuals; (2) quantitative scoring is typically attempted despite the absence of clear principles for aggregation of welfare measures and few attempts to account for uncertainty; (3) there have been few efforts to measure the repeatability of findings; and (4) it does not consider indirect and unintentional impacts such as those imposed on non-target animals. These deficiencies lead to concerns surrounding testability, repeatability and the potential for manipulation. We provide suggestions for refinement of how the Five Domains model is applied to partially address these limitations. We argue that the Five Domains model is useful for systematic consideration of all sources of possible welfare compromise and enhancement, but is not, in its current state, fit-for-purpose as an assessment tool. We argue for wider acknowledgment of the operational limits of using the model as an assessment tool, prioritisation of the studies needed for its validation, and encourage improvements to this approach

    Physical workload and psychosocial working conditions in Swedish pig transport drivers

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    Working conditions of 20 Swedish pig transport drivers (PTD) were assessed by a questionnaire, a workshop, and recorded postures and movements during on-farm loading, driving, unloading at abattoir and vehicle cleaning. High arm positions and high frequencies of shoulder problems indicated an excessive physical load on shoulders. Extreme crouching postures inside vehicles and high frequencies of lower back problems indicated high load on the back of PTDs. Inadequate design of on-farm loading areas was associated with knee discomfort. Observed variation in workload between PTDs could be explained by differences in physical working environment and pig handling practices. PTDs reported high job satisfaction and commitment although conflicts with farmers and official veterinarians, as well as regulatory conflicts were emphasized. We conclude that issues of inadequate farm and abattoir facilities, stakeholder conflicts and insufficient training in animal handling need to be addressed to ensure sustainable PTD working conditions

    Visitor Attitudes Toward Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor) at Two Australian Zoos

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    This study identified and compared the attitudes of visitors toward zoo-housed little penguins, their enclosure and visitor experience that may influence the way visitors behave toward little penguins at two Australian zoos. Visitor attitudes were assessed using an anonymous questionnaire, targeting visitor beliefs, and experiences, where visitors were randomly approached at the penguin exhibit after they had finished viewing the penguins. Visitors were given two options to complete the questionnaire, on an iPad during their zoo visit or online (URL sent via email) after their zoo visit. A total of 638 participants (495 at Melbourne Zoo and 143 at Taronga Zoo) completed the questionnaire, 42% were completed onsite during their zoo visit and 58% were completed online after their zoo visit. Most participants were living in Australia, non-zoo members, female, previously or currently owned a pet, aged between 26 and 35 years and had a University degree. Results showed that the attitude dimensions of visitors were consistent between the two zoos which indicates that these measures of attitudes were stable over time and location. Overall, visitors at both zoos had positive attitudes toward little penguins, penguin welfare, the enclosure, and visitor experience. However, whether these positive attitudes and positive visitor experience influenced the way visitors behaved toward the penguins remains unclear. There were some differences in visitor attitudes toward the perceived "aggressiveness" and "timidness" of little penguins, "negative penguin welfare", "experience with the penguins", "learning", "visual barriers" and the way visitors rated their overall experience at the penguin enclosure. While the reasons for the differences in visitor attitudes and visitor experience between the zoos were not clear, some factors such as penguin behavior and enclosure design, may have been attributable to these differences. Also, a relationship was found between visitor attitudes and how visitors rated the welfare of penguins, the enclosure and visitor experience at the enclosure; more positive visitor attitudes were associated with higher ratings of penguin welfare, the enclosure and visitor experience. The practical implications of these results for zoos is unclear because the differences in visitor attitudes were numerically small. This requires further comparisons between zoos or enclosures that are more markedly different than the penguin enclosures in the present study and further research on how visitors assess zoo animals, enclosures and visitor experience

    Review of the influence of farrowing and lactation housing and positive human contact on sow and piglet welfare

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    Farrowing crates continue to be the most common system of housing farrowing and lactating sows, however continuous confinement is one of the most contentious welfare issues in livestock production. This review aims to critically evaluate the scientific literature on the implications of two important determinants of sow and piglet welfare: housing and human contact. While the evidence in sows is contradictory, there is consistent evidence of a greater short-term cortisol response in gilts introduced to farrowing crates than pens and there is limited evidence of changes in the HPA axis consistent with sustained stress in gilts during the fourth week of lactation. Confinement of sows during lactation increases stereotypic behaviour, reduces sow-piglet interactions, nursing duration and lying behaviour, and may contribute to leg and shoulder injuries in sows. Piglets reared by sows in pens display more play and less oral manipulative behaviours and generally have better growth rates than those reared in farrowing crates. However, there is increasing interest in developing alternate housing systems with minimal sow confinement and reduced piglet mortality risk. Recent research on temporary crating of sows suggests that confinement briefly around farrowing may be the best compromise between continuous housing in farrowing crates and pens, as it may reduce live-born piglet mortality, while providing the opportunity for the sow to move more freely prior to parturition. Together with housing, the behaviour of stockpeople is a key determinant of pig welfare. Recent evidence shows that positive handling of piglets during lactation reduces fear behaviour and physiological stress responses of pigs to humans, novelty and routine husbandry practices, and thus may be enriching for piglets. As a source of enrichment, positive human interactions provide several advantages: close interactions with piglets usually occur several times daily, positive interactions can be combined with routine checks, human interactions invariably provide variability in their predictability which will minimise habituation, and positive interactions may not require additional physical resources. There is a clear need for comprehensive research examining both the short- and long-term welfare implications and the practicality of less confinement of the sow, and positive handling of both sows and piglets during lactation

    Activity, stability and 3-D structure of the Cu(II) form of a chitin-active lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens

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    The enzymatic deconstruction of recalcitrant polysaccharide biomass is central to the conversion of these substrates for societal benefit, such as in biofuels. Traditional models for enzyme-catalysed polysaccharide degradation involved the synergistic action of endo-, exo-and processive glycoside hydrolases working in concert to hydrolyse the substrate. More recently this model has been succeeded by one featuring a newly discovered class of mononuclear copper enzymes: lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs; classified as Auxiliary Activity (AA) enzymes in the CAZy classification). In 2013, the structure of an LPMO from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, BaAA10, was solved with the Cu centre photoreduced to Cu(I) in the X-ray beam. Here we present the catalytic activity of BaAA10. We show that it is a chitin-active LPMO, active on both α and β chitin, with the Cu(II) binding with low nM KD, and the substrate greatly increasing the thermal stability of the enzyme. A spiral data collection strategy has been used to facilitate access to the previously unobservable Cu(II) state of the active centre, revealing a coordination geometry around the copper which is distorted from axial symmetry, consistent with the previous findings from EPR spectroscopy

    Heterogeneity in the histidine-brace copper coordination sphere in auxiliary activity family 10 (AA10) lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases

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    Copper-dependent lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs) are enzymes that oxidatively deconstruct polysaccharides. The active site copper in LPMOs is coordinated by a histidine-brace. This utilizes the amino group and side chain of the N-terminal His residue with the side chain of a second His residue to create a T-shaped arrangement of nitrogen ligands. We report a structural, kinetic, and thermodynamic appraisal of copper binding to the histidine-brace in an auxiliary activity family 10 (AA10) LPMO from Streptomyces lividans (SliLPMO10E). Unexpectedly, we discovered the existence of two apo-SliLPMO10E species in solution that can each bind copper at a single site with distinct kinetic and thermodynamic (exothermic and endothermic) properties. The experimental EPR spectrum of copper-bound SliLPMO10E requires the simulation of two different line shapes, implying two different copper-bound species, indicative of three and two nitrogen ligands coordinating the copper. Amino group coordination was probed through the creation of an N-terminal extension variant (SliLPMO10E- Ext). The kinetics and thermodynamics of copper binding to SliLPMO10E-Ext are in accord with copper binding to one of the apo-forms in the wild-type protein, suggesting that amino group coordination is absent in the two-nitrogen coordinate form of SliLPMO10E. Copper binding to SliLPMO10B was also investigated, and again it revealed the presence of two apo-forms with kinetics and stoichiometry of copper binding identical to that of SliLPMO10E. Our findings highlight that heterogeneity exists in the active site copper coordination sphere of LPMOs that may have implications for the mechanism of loading copper in the cell

    Ranging Behaviour of Commercial Free-Range Broiler Chickens 2: Individual Variation

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    Little is known about broiler chicken ranging behaviour. Previous studies have monitored ranging behaviour at flock level but whether individual ranging behaviour varies within a flock is unknown. Using Radio Frequency Identification technology, we tracked 1200 individual ROSS 308 broiler chickens across four mixed sex flocks in two seasons on one commercial farm. Ranging behaviour was tracked from first day of range access (21 days of age) until 35 days of age in winter flocks and 44 days of age in summer flocks. We identified groups of chickens that differed in frequency of range visits: chickens that never accessed the range (13 to 67% of tagged chickens), low ranging chickens (15 to 44% of tagged chickens) that accounted for