4 research outputs found

    Three essays on behavioural finance

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    The fact that human economic behaviour has a significant irrational element - one that is simultaneously hard-to-explain and highly predictable - has fascinated economists for decades from Fechner, 1860 to Shiller, 2005 and beyond. In this dissertation, I investigate the field from various perspectives: chapter 1 examines the impact that language describing irrational behaviour in the media has on stock markets; chapter 2 looks at whether musical harmonics can predict what choices participants in money-sharing games will make; and chapter 3 takes an existing theroetical model of stochastic decision-making and changes it to help explain phenomena such as the overweighting of small probabilities, the 'willingness-to-accept'-'willingess-to-pay' (WTA-WTP) disparity, and preference reversals

    IoT European Large-Scale Pilots – Integration, Experimentation and Testing

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    The IoT European Large-Scale Pilots Programme includes the innovation consortia that are collaborating to foster the deployment of IoT solutions in Europe through the integration of advanced IoT technologies across the value chain, demonstration of multiple IoT applications at scale and in a usage context, and as close as possible to operational conditions. The programme projects are targeted, goal-driven initiatives that propose IoT approaches to specific real-life industrial/societal challenges. They are autonomous entities that involve stakeholders from the supply side to the demand side, and contain all the technological and innovation elements, the tasks related to the use, application and deployment as well as the development, testing and integration activities. This chapter describes the IoT Large Scale Pilot Programme initiative together with all involved actors. These actors include the coordination and support actions CREATE-IoT and U4IoT, being them drivers of the programme, and all five IoT Large-Scale Pilot projects, namely ACTIVAGE, IoF2020, MONICA, SynchroniCity and AUTOPILOT