74 research outputs found

    Effect of inter-fruit competition on development of physiological disorder “Aril browning” in pomegranate (Punica granatum L.)

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    The quality of fruits is a major factor limiting the export of fruit. One of the important causes of quality deterioration of fruits is their physiological disorder. Present study was conducted to study the effect of inter-fruit competition on physiological disorder of pomegranate(Punica granatum L.) “Aril Browning (AB)”, incidence was higher in panicles with more number of fruits, i.e. panicles with two fruits had high intensity of both medium intensity (13%) and high intensity (2%) of AB incidence in comparison to panicle with one fruit,which had 7 % of medium intensity (MI) and 1% of high intensity (HI) of incidence. Competition among fruits was further accelerated by treating the fruits with growth regulators viz GA3 and PBZ. The GA3 treated fruit was showing fewer incidences (7 % of MI of browning affected aril and zero percentage of HI of incidence) over the control (15% of MI and 2 % of HI) in contrast to PBZ treatment, which was showing higher incidence (21 % of MI and 3 % of HI). Analysis of result suggests that interfruit competition among the fruits growing at the same time leads to development of sinks of different strength. Such differences results in unequal distribution of nutrients to developing fruits which disturbs the physiology of fruit development leading to biochemical changes which ultimately leads to initiation of aril browning. Thus, this study provides evidence for the role of interfruit competition on development of the disorder

    The effects of simulated acid rain of different pH-levels on biomass and leaf area in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)

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    The effects of simulated acid rain (SAR) of different pH [distilled water-7.0 (control), 5.7, 4.5 and 3.0] were studied using sunflower (Helianthus annuus) cv. ‘Morden’ as test system. Sunflower plants were sprayed with 30 ml acid rain solution at weekly intervals starting from two leaved stage till initiation of flowering in the early morning under natural environment. Evaluation of SAR effects on plant roots, shoots and leaves at peak growth and maturity stages revealed that biomass and lengths of the studies plant parts decreased with decreasing pH of acid rain solution. Comparison of biomass and length at peak growth and maturity stages recorded maximum difference in control the difference narrowed with increasing acidity. The differences at acidic treatments were well-marked with leaves followed by roots and shoots, respectively. In case of length, roots and shoots were more adversely affected as compared to leaves. Acid rain application caused reduction in leaf area which has direct bearing on growth of roots and shoots, and overall plant growth. Effects of SAR on sunflower increased more dramatically with the increase of SAR acidity and were correlated with exposure times and doses of SAR. The study indicates the sunflower plant to be an acid rain sensitive system and demands for breeding acid rain tolerant varieties in view of growing industrialization and expanding acid rain geographical areas

    Simulated Acid Rain-induced Alterations in Flowering, Leaf Abscission and Pollen Germination in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

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    This study examined the effects of simulated acid rain (SAR) of different pH [distilled water-7.0 (control), 5.7, 4.5 and 3.0] on leaf abscission, flowering and pollen germination in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cv. ‘Morden’ as test system under field conditions in sandy loam soil with sufficient organic matter, pale yellow in color and pH 7.3 and 65 % water holding capacity. Acid rain solution (30 ml/plant) was sprayed on plants at weekly intervals starting from two leaved stage till initiation of flowering in the early morning under natural environment. Evaluation of SAR effects on budding, flowering, leaf abscission and pollen development revealed that initiation and duration of budding and flowering altered significantly in test plant with decreasing pH of acid rain solution. Acid rain application showed early leaf abscission and reduction in pollen germination percentage and pollen tube length. Effects of SAR increased more dramatically with the increase of SAR acidity. The study indicates the sunflower plant turns to be an acid rain sensitive system and demands for breeding with acid rain tolerant varieties in view of expanding acid rain geographical areas and growing industrialization.Keywords: Simulated acid rain, Helianthus annuus, flowering, leaf abscission, pollen germination, sunflower


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    Vitiligo occurs when the cells that produce melanin die or stop functioning. Vitiligo affects people of all skin types, but it may be more noticeable in people with darker skin. The condition is not life-threatening or contagious. It can be stressful or make you feel bad about yourself. Some dermatological outpatient records show the incidence of vitiligo to be 3% to 4% in India although an incidence as high as 8.8% has also been reported. In the Indian states of Gujarat and Rajasthan, the prevalence of vitiligo is very high being described by some as of epidemic proportions. Sthana of Brajaka pitta is Twak and should be maintained in proper state, imbalance to this may lead to skin diseases. Shvitra is caused by various dietetic and behavioural factors which aggravate the Tridoshas, especially the Kapha dosha vitiating the Raktha, Mamsa and Meda Dhatu. Here present case a 16 year old boy, who came to our OPD with c/o white patches around the B/L eyes, forearms, elbow and middle malleolus since 1 year. “Dhatryadi Kwatha”-50ml., “Mahakhadiradi Ghrita” 10ml. and “Gunjaphaladi Lepa” (for external application) were given for 3 months. &nbsp

    An evaluation of abnormal puerperium

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    Background: Puerperium is strictly defined as the period of confinement during and just after birth. It is the period following childbirth during which body tissues specially the genital organ reverts back approximately to the pre-pregnant state both anatomically and physiologically. At some stages some of these well-orchestrated changes can go away resulting in complications which can endanger life.Methods: Retrospective c study was conducted in Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of M.G.M. Medical College and M. Y. Hospitals, Indore. The cases were selected randomly from the patient who were admitted in M.Y. Hospital who had either a vaginal or caesarean delivery (both in our institution as well as outside institution) during the study period, irrespective of age, parity and registration status. Data was recorded in predesigned coded case report forms and statistical analysis was performed.Results: Authors found that puerperal pyrexia was the most common complication, accounting for 38.96% of total cases. The second most common complication was perineal pain affecting 28.15% of cases. The other complication was wound gaping/discharge (11.71%), mastitis and breast abscess (6.81%), secondary postpartum hemorrhage (5.33%), episiotomy gaping and infection (4%), perineal hematoma (0.59%), wound dehiscence (0.3%) and other rare causes accounted for 4.15% of the complication.Conclusions: Puerperal period is as important as antenatal period. Anaemia, suboptimal personal hygiene as well as improper sterilization can resulted in severe health hazards such as septicemia, disseminated intravascular coagulation as well as death. So, risk factor should be treated vigorously

    Effect of Erector Spinae Block and PECS Block on Quality of Recovery and Analgesia After Modified Radical Mastectomy: A randomised controlled study

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    Objectives: Postoperative pain after modified radical mastectomy ranges from moderate to severe. Pectoralis block in comparison to Erector Spinae block have been found better in reducing pain scores and reducing consumption of rescue analgesic in postoperative period. This study aimed to compare the effect of Erector Spinae block and Pectoralis block on quality of recovery after Modified Radical Mastectomy using QoR-40 score. Methods: After general anaesthesia, patients were given block according to computer generated randomization. Group-I-Pectoralis block including PEC I AND PEC II(PECS), Group-II-Erector spinae block(ESP) and Group III-Control Group (No intervention). Quality of recovery (QoR-40) score was observed on morning of surgery and at 24 hrs. Time to rescue analgesia and total consumption of rescue analgesia in first 24 hrs. were also observed. Results: In the postoperative period at 24 hrs. Global QoR-40 scores were 183.64±6.36 in PECS group, 179.68± 6.38 in ESP group and 171.37±6.88 in control group. (p<0.0001) But, there was no statistically significant difference between QoR score of PECS & ESP group patients(p=0.0551). The total requirement of rescue analgesic was significantly lesser in PECS group (137.28±31.46 mg) in comparison to ESP Group(189.46±42.98mg) and control group (229.57±46.80 mg). (p<0.0001). Time to first rescue analgesia was significantly higher in PECS group (6.53±2.78 hrs) in comparison to ESP (4.05±2.91 hrs) and control group (2.15±1.51 hrs). (p<0.0001) Conclusion: Both Erector Spinae block and Pectoralis block are effective for improving QoR score and reducing consumption of rescue analgesic after modified radical mastectomy. Keywords: breast surgery, cancer, postoperative recovery, postoperative pai


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    Objective: The aim of this investigation was to estimate antioxidant and antibacterial activity of different crude extracts of Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K. Schum.Methods: Aqueous and alcoholic crude extracts of different plant parts were obtained and assessed for their antioxidant as well as antibacterial activity. These activities were determined by using standard protocols with some modifications. Aluminium chloride colorimetric method was used to estimate total flavonoid content and total phenolic content was measured by Folin-ciocalteu method.Results: Free radical scavenging activity was recorded highest in fruits and lowest in root's extracts. The maximum phenolic and flavonoids content was found in fruits (TPC33.59±0.385mg GAE/ g DW, TFC6.98±0.22 mg QE/g DW). Minimum phenol content was found in root's extracts (21.47±0.160mg GAE/ g DW) while leaves possess lowest flavonoid content (4.69±0.17 mg QE/g DW). In case of antibacterial activity, aqueous and ethanol extracts of Thevetia peruviana flowers showed maximum antibacterial activity against Proteus vulgaris with maximum zone of inhibition with a value of 18.5±0.5 mm and 15.5±1.322 mm respectively. Ethanol extract of Thevetia peruviana fruits exhibited maximum antibacterial activity against Proteus vulgaris with a value of 13.5±0.5 mm for the zone of inhibition.Conclusion: This investigation finds that methanol extracts of Thevetia peruviana has significant antioxidant activity. These crude extracts can further purify and can be used for development of anti-oxidative pharmaceutical compounds. Aqueous and ethanol extracts of Thevetia peruviana fruits and flowers have good antibacterial potential. But care should be taken as the plant has toxic properties also.Â

    A comparative evaluation of I-gel and laryngeal mask airway supreme in laparoscopic surgeries: a randomized comparative study

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    Background: Supraglottic airway device results in less hemodynamic responses during laparoscopic surgery but supraglottic airway device to be used should have higher oropharyngeal seal pressure than peak pressure for effective ventilation as laparoscopic surgery also leads to higher airway pressure. In this study the efficiency of the I-gel with SLMA is compared in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgeries.Methods: Sixty patients were randomized in to two groups, group A where I-gel was considered for airway management and group B where LMA Supreme was the device chosen for airway management.Results: Oropharyngeal seal pressure was significantly lower in group A than group B, 5 minutes after insertion of airway device it was 24.90±3.03 cm H2O and 27.30±3.41 cm H2O in group A and group B, respectively and 5 minutes after creation of pneumoperitoneum it was 25.53±3.17 cm H2O and 27.57±3.36 cm H2O in group A and group B, respectively. There was significant difference in the difference between inspiratory and expiratory tidal volume between the groups at all the time periods being higher in group A than group B. Hemodynamics were comparable between the two groups. Time taken to insert the airway device and Ryle’s tube insertion was significantly lesser in group B in comparison to group A. The percentage of complications was higher in group A than group B with no significant (p>0.05) association.Conclusions: Both the I-gel and SLMA devices can be used safely in laparoscopic cholecystectomy in non-obese patients. But in SLMA group oropharyngeal seal pressure was higher with lesser leak volume in comparison to I-gel group

    Multifaceted chikungunya infection in infants - A case series

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    Chikungunya is an epidemic viral disease. It is known to cause explosive outbreaks after disappearing for several years. Theclinical manifestations among infants are entirely different as compared to adults and older children. It can go undiagnosed in thegarb of sepsis unless strong clinical suspicion is present. We report a series of infants presenting with neurological, circulatory, andcutaneous manifestations

    Formulation and development of orodispersible sustained release tablet of domperidone

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    Commercially available domperidone orodispersible tablets (ODT) are intended for immediate release of the drug, but none of them have been formulated for sustained action. The aim of the present research work was to develop and evaluate orodispersible sustained release tablet (ODT-SR) of domperidone, which has the convenience of ODT and benefits of controlled release product combined in one. The technology comprised of developing sustained release microspheres (MS) of domperidone, followed by direct compression of MS along with suitable excipients to yield ODT-SR which rapidly disperses within 30 seconds and yet the dispersed MS maintain their integrity to have a sustained drug release. The particle size of the MS was optimized to be less than 200 Όm to avoid the grittiness in the mouth. The DSC thermograms of MS showed the absence of drug-polymer interaction within the microparticles, while SEM confirmed their spherical shape and porous nature. Angle of repose, compressibility and Hausner's ratio of the blend for compression showed good flowability and high percent compressibility. The optimized ODT-SR showed disintegration time of 21 seconds and matrix controlled drug release for 9 h. In-vivo pharmacokinetic studies in Wistar rats showed that the ODT-SR had a prolonged MRT of 11.16 h as compared 3.86 h of conventional tablet. The developed technology is easily scalable and holds potential for commercial exploitation
