82 research outputs found

    Ancient Depictions of Reindeer Enclosures and their Environment

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    PET-CT in the sub-arctic region of Norway. A follow up-study

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    En retrospektiv studie for ĂĄ avklare tilgjengelighet til PET/CT i Nord-Norg

    Helleristningene i Alta i et nordlig perspektiv. Kronologi og symbolisme

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    On the urgent need for philosophical practices in mainstream education today

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    Este artículo se funda en nuestra preocupación de que las formas dominantes de enseñanza y aprendizaje en la educación actuales parecen estar más en línea con lo que Aristóteles llamó techné y poiesis que con phronesis y praxis. La causa de esto parece ser una educación orientada a objetivos, habilidades y competencias, así como la búsqueda de prácticas científicas “basadas en evidencia”. Utilizando un enfoque de investigación de práctica reflexiva, los autores comienzan su estudio tomando como punto de partida dos casos concretos extraídos de sus vidas como Profesores asociados e investigadores de la formación del profesorado en la universidad. Los temas centrales de los resultados se extraen de los casos y se reflexionan de forma crítica y filosófica. Entre esos temas se encontrarán, la dicotomía entre “reflexionar libre y personalmente” y “adaptarse a marcos dados y cumplir con los estándares requeridos”, la contraposición entre “responder correctamente y alcanzar metas predefinidas con el menor esfuerzo” y “explorar posibles respuestas”, “aprender por sí mismo” y “buscar sabiduría”, entre otros..This essay is written based in a concern of ours that the dominant forms of teaching and learning in education today seem to be more in line with what Aristotle called techné and poiesis than with phronesis and praxis. The reason for that appears to be the aim-, skills-and competence-oriented approach in education as well as the quest for scientific “evidence based” practice. Using a reflective practice research approach, the authors take their point of departure in two concrete cases drawn from their lives as associate professors and researchers in teacher education. Some core themes are extracted from the cases and reflected upon critically and philosophically. Among those themes are, i.e., “reflecting freely and personally” vs. “adjusting to given frameworks and meeting required standards”. Other themes are “answering correctly and reaching predefined goals with the least effort” as opposed to “exploring possible answers”, “learning for its own sake” and “searching wisdom” on the other

    How Philosophizing the Dialogos Way Can Promote Education for Sustainable Development

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    This paper is an inquiry into an action research process in which staff from a combined vocational and academic upper secondary school philosophized “The Dialogos Way” together, as part of ongoing curriculum reforms in Norway. Some teachers were also trained in facilitating such dialogs with their students. Since sustainable development is one of three interdisciplinary topics now supposed to run through all subjects at all educational levels, our chosen action inquiry research question in this paper reads as follows: How can training teachers in philosophizing the Dialogos Way promote attitudes and skills required for dialogic learning-and-teaching, and how can this form of learning-and-teaching support education for sustainable development? Using teachers’ and students’ meta-reflection notes as data, the authors find that the Dialogos approach offers a fruitful way of integrating sustainable development issues in the curriculum

    Pedagogisk arbeid med grunnverdien tilgivelse: Mellom skolens formĂĄl og de unges erfaring

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    Forgiveness is one of the core values in the Norwegian Education Act §1 and in the Overarching part of the national curriculum. Empirical research has shown that forgiveness has both mental and physical health benefits. Thus, there are good reasons for working pedagogically with forgiveness in school and teacher education. This article analyzes and compares four examples of respectively psychological and philosophical approaches to such work. Despite differences, all approaches proved to have good effect. However, this does not automatically mean that it is ethically justifiable to apply them on a general level in school and teacher education, because forgiveness can concern children and young people at their most vulnerable. This problem is discussed towards the end of the article, in the effort to answer its main question: What is good pedagogical work with school’s core value forgiveness? Key words: Aims of education, forgiveness, pedagogical work, pedagogical philosophy, Dialogos, philosophical dialogue, life skill, core valueTilgivelse er en av grunnverdiene i Opplæringslovens §1 (Formålsparagrafen) og Overordnet del av læreplanverket. Empirisk forskning antyder at tilgivelse har både psykiske og fysiske helsemessige gevinster. Det er derfor gode grunner til å arbeide pedagogisk med tilgivelse i skole og lærerutdanning. I denne artikkelen analyseres og sammenliknes derfor fire eksempler på henholdsvis psykologiske og filosofiske tilnærminger til slikt arbeid. Til tross for ulikheter viste alle tilnærmingene god effekt. Det betyr imidlertid ikke at det uten videre er etisk forsvarlig å innføre dem på generelt grunnlag i skole og lærerutdanning, da fenomenet tilgivelse kan berøre barn og unge i deres ytterste sårbarhet. Dette problemet drøftes til slutt i bestrebelsene etter å svare på artikkelens problemstilling: Hva er godt pedagogisk arbeid med skolens grunnverdi tilgivelse? Nøkkelord: Skolens formål, tilgivelse, pedagogisk arbeid, pedagogisk filosofi, Dialogos, filosofisk dialo

    Tilgivelse – nøkkelen til et godt liv i familie, skole og samfunn?

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    Mens hat, hevntanker og bitterhet kan ødelegge livet både for en selv og andre, kan tilgivelse bidra til indre frihet, god helse og sunne relasjoner. Ikke bare i familien og i klasserommet, men også på den storpolitiske arenaen. Kan tilgivelse rett og slett være en fellesmenneskelig nøkkel til et godt liv, uavhengig av kontekst og livssynsmessig ståsted
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