89 research outputs found

    Feminist Approach to Clinical Psychology

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    The feminist approach to clinical psychology takes into consideration the social context of an individuals life when considering psychological problems. This approach allows for a more inclusive understanding of the source of psychological problems in one life, and increased accuracy in treatment route selection. Review of the history of feminist clinical psychology and discussion of where the theory is today will both be included

    Yritys X:n liiketoiminnan kehittäminen

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    Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena oli selvittää yritys X:n nykytilannetta ja kehittää sen liiketoimintaa. Toimeksiantajana oli rakennusalan toiminimi. Yritys X on toiminut vuodesta 2007 eikä samankaltaista tutkimusta ole aikaisemmin tehty. Tavoitteena oli keksiä keinoja, jotta yritys X:n toiminta saataisiin entistä kannattavammaksi. Tutkimuksesta rajattiin pois aliurakoitsijat. Mikroyritysten vaarana voi olla niiden kehityksen pysähtyminen, ja opinnäytetyömme pyrki keksimään keinoja sen estämiseksi. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena. Haastattelimme yrittäjää valmiin kysymyslomakkeen avulla. Kysymyksiin ei ollut valmiita vastausvaihtoehtoja, vaan haastateltava sai vastata omin sanoin. Haastattelu toteutettiin maaliskuun 2013 alussa. Tutkimuksessamme selvisi, että yritys X:llä on selviä puutteita markkinoinnissa. Yrityksen kannattaa hankkia itselleen kotisivut ja panostaa enemmän mainontaan. Yksi ongelma on rakennustöiden epätasai-nen jakautuminen talvi- ja kesäaikaan. Esitimme, että yrittäjä voisi hiljaisina aikoina laajentaa toimialaan-sa ja sesonkiaikaan palkata itselleen apua. Yritys X on jo verkostoitunut alan muiden toimijoiden kanssa, mutta sitä voisi vielä lisätä. Tutkimuksessamme kävi ilmi, että yritys X:n käyttämät yrityspalvelut olivat kilpailukykyisiä. Yrityksen laskutusväli oli kuitenkin melko pitkä, joten suosittelimme sen lyhentämistä. Ehdotimme, että yrittäjä alkaisi itse laskuttaa asiakkaitaan, jolloin lasku saataisiin lähtemään asiakkaalle heti kun työ on suoritettu. Teimme yrittäjälle laskupohjan, joka helpottaa laskujen tekemistä. Toinen vaihtoehto on e-laskun käyt-töönotto. Yrittäjän kannattaisi hankkia luotollinen tili, jolloin hänen ei tarvitse lainata itse yritykselle rahaa.The aim of our thesis was to explore the current situation of company X and to improve its business. The client was a sole trader operating in building industry. The company was established in 2007 and had not had this kind of study done before. Our target was to come up with ways to make the business more profitable. Subcontractors were excluded from the study. The development of micro-enterprises may stop and our thesis tried to find ways to prevent it. The study was done as a qualitative study. We interviewed the entrepreneur with a prepared interview form. There were no ready answering options, but the interviewee was able to answer the questions in his own words. The interview was done in the beginning of March 2013. We found out that the company clearly lacked in marketing. The company should set up web pages and invest in advertising. One of the problems was that the contracts were divided unevenly during the year. We proposed that the company could expand its range of services during the low season and hire help during the high season. The company had already networked well with others in the industry, but could take it even further. According to our study the business services the company was using were competitive. However we found out that the interval of invoicing was very long and recommended that it would be shortened. We proposed that the entrepreneur could manage the invoicing himself as soon as the job had been done. In order to help him to do this, we created an invoicing template. Another option for invoicing is e-invoicing to which the company was entitled to in its netbank. We also recommended the company to negotiate credit account in order to simplify cash management

    Employer Branding

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    Työmarkkinoille alkaa muodostua kilpailu ammattitaitoisista työntekijöistä, joka on mielestäni seurausta työntekijöiden sekä -hakijoiden arvokäsitysten muutoksista sekä työntekijöiden ikärakenteen vanhenemisesta. Työnantajien on hyvä miettiä, millä he pystyvät houkuttelemaan uusia työntekijöitä palvelukseensa. Suuri merkitys on yrityksen vetovoimalla, joka tässä opinnäytetyössä määrittyy employer brandingistä, työnantajakuvasta sekä -maineesta. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli brändätä toimeksiantajaani If Vahinkovakuutusyhtiö Oy:tä, jonka tavoitteena oli houkutella potentiaalisia työnhakijoita yritykselle sekä luoda finanssialasta uusi parempi mielikuva työnhakijoille. Tarve työlle tuli, kun toimeksiantaja koki, että olisi tarpeen tuottaa esitysmateriaaleja työntekijöidensä käyttöön, joita voi käyttää Ifin esittelemiseen työnantajana. Ifillä sekä yleisesti vakuutusalalla on tarvetta tulevaisuutta varten houkutella lisää lahjakkaita työntekijöitä palvelukseensa vakuutusalan henkilöstön yhtäaikaisen eläköitymisen johdosta. Katsoin parhaaksi suunnitella kolme erilaista esitysmateriaalia eri kohderyhmille. Kohderyhmiksi valitsin yläasteikäiset, lukioikäiset sekä ammattikorkeakoulu ja yliopistotason opiskelijat. Esitysmateriaaleissa olen ottanut huomioon eri kohderyhmien tietämyksen ja tuntemuksen vakuutusalasta, jonka pohjalle esitysmateriaalit rakensin. Opinnäytetyön teoriaosuudessa käsitellään työnantajakuvan ja työnantajamaineen käsitteitä sekä Employer Brandingin määritelmiä, taustatietoja sekä perusteluja. Työn empiirinen osa toteutettiin sähköisellä kyselylomakkeella, joka lähetettiin Ifin kesätyöntekijöille 12.7.2012 sekä 19.7.2012 pidettyjen esitysten jälkeisinä päivinä. Halusin saada sähköisen kyselyn avulla selvityksen materiaalin toimivuudesta sekä mahdollisista kehittämistarpeista.Competition of skilled employees has begun to form to the labor market, which I believe is the result of changes in employees and job applicant’s value perceptions, as well as aging of the employee structure. Employers have to think about how they can attract new employees. Company’s attractive effort has great importance, which is defined in this thesis as employer branding, employer image and reputation of the employer. Purpose of this thesis is to brand If Insurance Company Ltd. The company's goal is to attract potential job seekers to the company as well as to the financial sector and to create a new and better image to job seekers of If as an employer. The need for this thesis came when If felt that it would be necessary to produce presentation materials for its employees to use, which can be used to highlight If as an employer. In If as well as generally in the whole insurance industry, there is need in the future to recruit more employees because of large retirement caused by the aging structure of the current employees. I decided that it would be best to design three separate presentations for different target groups. The target groups are: middle school, college / polytechnic and university students. Presentations are based on the target groups knowledge level of insurance business. The definitions, background information and justification of employer image, employer’s reputation and employer branding are processed in the theory section of this thesis. The empirical part of this thesis was executed with an electronic questionnaire, which was sent to company's summer employees after the presentations on June 12th and 19th. With the electronic questionnaire I wanted to investigate how the presentation material worked and to find out if there were any things to improve

    Review of carbon emissions offsetting guidelines using instructional criteria

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    Purpose: Carbon offsetting is one of the tools that companies can use to achieve their climate targets. The ability of a company to offset its emissions successfully depends on the availability and quality of guidance on the subject. This study explores how well existing offsetting guidelines equip corporations to achieve successful emissions offsetting. Methods: Instructional criteria were developed and used to evaluate seven guidelines. The contents of each guideline were assessed based on how they instruct a company to achieve emissions offsetting that fulfills five criteria for appropriate offsetting: target affiliation, Paris compatibility, effectiveness, prioritizing removals, and transparency. Results and discussion: The review revealed that necessary instructions enabling appropriate emissions offsetting were absent in the guidelines. Moreover, the degree of climate ambition and the role of offsetting varied between guidelines. Deficiencies in emissions offsetting guidance may increase the uncertainty of companies’ succeeding in offsetting their emissions. Conclusions: Developing guidance on emissions offsetting could benefit society and corporations by increasing the certainty of achieving successful emissions offsetting. Standardizing corporate emissions offsetting could be considered as one solution for unifying the practice. The practical life-cycle implications of current ambiguity in guidelines are a direction for future research.peerReviewe

    Novel Bedding Material Results in Poor Pregnancy Rate with CD-1 Female Mice Used as Fosters for Producing Transgenic Mice

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    The impact of a novel bedding material (cotton cloth) on the reproductive performance (pregnancy rate and production of off spring) was studied in foster females used for producing transgenic mice. Embryos injected with DNA were transferred to pseudo-pregnant foster females housed under standard conditions (aspen bedding and nesting material). Aft er embryo transfer, mice were divided between the experimental group (AGREBE cotton cloth) and control group (aspen bedding and nesting material). Pregnant mice were observed at day 15 after the transfer and the number of off spring was recorded on post-natal days 3 and 21. Altogether 116 foster mice were used as embryo recipients. Significantly more pregnancies were observed in the control group versus the experimental group: 43% and 19% of foster mice, respectively. Informal interviews with animal caretakers revealed a general dislike towards the cotton cloth (dirtier cages, mice often found on the plastic cage surface, difficult husbandry routines). The cotton cloth showed major signs of wear and tear after only a few weeks of usage. In conclusion, this study with female mice demonstrated that a cotton cloth cannot be recommended as a sole replacement for bedding and nesting material

    Queerness and professional identity formation

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    Study of odd-mass N=82 isotones with realistic effective interactions

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    The microscopic quasiparticle-phonon model, MQPM, is used to study the energy spectra of the odd Z=5363Z=53 - 63, N=82 isotones. The results are compared with experimental data, with the extreme quasiparticle-phonon limit and with the results of an unrestricted 2s1d0g7/20h11/22s1d0g_{7/2}0h_{11/2} shell model (SM) calculation. The interaction used in these calculations is a realistic two-body G-matrix interaction derived from modern meson-exchange potential models for the nucleon-nucleon interaction. For the shell model all the two-body matrix elements are renormalized by the Q^\hat{Q}-box method whereas for the MQPM the effective interaction is defined by the G-matrix.Comment: Elsevier latex style espart, 26 pages, submitted to Nuclear Physics

    Total -ray spectrum in Ho153: From the yrast line into the continuum

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    The radiation from Ho153 has been measured with Compton-suppressed Ge detectors. At least four components can be identified; the energy and spin removed by each of these have been measured, and their Doppler shifts analyzed. New fine structure is observed in the pre-yrast spectrum which arises from single-particle transitions forming the link between the yrast and continuum cascades. Near the yrast line the single-particle character of the states is preserved, but at higher energies collective modes begin to dominate

    Level structure of 153Dy and the competition between collective and few-particle excitation modes in Dy Nuclei

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    The 153Dy level structure has been studied through the 124Sn(34S, 5n) reaction. The low-spin collective character of 153Dy gives way to single particle yrast configurations at I > 41 2; an I= 47 2 isomer at 5591 ke V shows the single particle character (and overall oblate shape) to be well established at that spin. Nuclear shape charges in Dy nuclei are discussed