823 research outputs found

    Catch per unit effort (CPUE) periode lima tahunan perikanan pukat cincin di Kota Manado dan Kota Bitung

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    ABSTRACT Overfishing is due to increasing fishing capacity through increasing the size of fishing gears and vessels. This research aims to analyze the development of the five-year CPUE and maximum production of purse seine fishery in Manado and Bitung Cities periodically and determine changes in fishing capacity and its influence on CPUE. The results of this study are expected to provide information in the purse seine fishery management in the city of Manado and Bitung. The results of the analysis is the highest CPUE for Bitung occurred in the period 2005-2009, the lowest CPUE occurred in the period 2008-2012 and the highest CPUE for Manado occurred in the period 2008-2012, the lowest CPUE occurred in the period 2006-2010. The highest maximum production Bitung occurred in the period 2008-2012 amounted to 22.083 tons and maximum production of Manado occurred in the period 2006-2010 amounted to 7.855 tons. The number of vessels and their sizes in each five-year period there increased in line with the increase of production. Keywords: catch, effort, purse seine, pelagic fish.   ABSTRAK Penangkapan ikan secara berlebihan terjadi karena meningkatnya kapasitas tangkap yaitu melalui penambahan ukuran alat tangkap dan ukuran kapal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perkembangan lima tahunan CPUE maupun produksi maksimum perikanan pukat cincin di Kota Manado dan Kota Bitung secara periodik dan mengetahui perubahan kapasitas tangkap dan pengaruhnya terhadap CPUE. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi dalam pengelolaan perikanan pukat cincin di Kota Manado dan Kota Bitung. Hasil analisis yang diperoleh adalah CPUE tertinggi untuk Kota Bitung terjadi pada periode tahun 2005-2009, CPUE terendah terjadi pada periode tahun 2008-2012 dan CPUE tertinggi untuk Kota Manado terjadi pada periode tahun 2008-2012, CPUE terendahnya terjadi pada periode tahun 2006-2010. Produksi maksimum tertinggi Kota Bitung terjadi pada periode tahun 2008-2012 sebesar 22.083 ton dan produksi maksimum Kota Manado terjadi pada periode tahun 2006-2010 sebesar 7.855 ton. Jumlah kapal dan ukuran kapal pada setiap periode lima tahunan meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan produksi. Kata-kata kunci: hasil tangkapan, upaya, pukat cincin, ikan pelagi

    Maspin and MCM2 immunoprofiling in salivary gland carcinomas

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The pathogenesis of salivary gland carcinomas is very complex and prognostic markers are difficult to find in these carcinomas of which the different subtypes have varying malignant potential. The study was conducted to examine the cellular distribution of maspin and MCM2 in salivary gland carcinomas and their value to predict lymph node metastasis.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>Fifty three paraffin blocks of different lesions (15 muco-epidermoid carcinoma, 14 adenoid cystic carcinoma, 3 epi-myoepithelial carcinoma, 5 salivary duct carcinoma, 5 malignant pleomorphic adenoma, 6 polymorphous low grade adenocarcinoma and 5 acinic cell carcinoma) were prepared for immunohistochemical staining with maspin and MCM2 antibodies. ANOVA and Pearson correlation tests were used for the statistical analysis of the results.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All salivary gland carcinomas express maspin and MCM2 with variable cellular localization. There was a significant difference in the expression of each antibody between mucoepidermoid carcinoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma and polymorphous low grade adenocarcinoma. No association was found between examined markers and lymph node metastasis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Salivary gland carcinomas express maspin and MCM2 with variable levels and cellular localization, consisting important markers of biological behavior in these tumors. The level of MCM2 expression can be used in the differential diagnosis of adenoid cystic carcinoma and polymorphous low grade adenocarcinoma. Further study with large sample size is recommended to assess their value in prediction of lymph node metastasis.</p

    Estudios sobre carotenoides y estabilidad oxidativa de aceites de semilla de calabaza de invierno y de soja

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    Winter squash seed and soybean oils were extracted with commercial hexane. Carotenoids and other pigments m the oils were studied using spectrophotometric and thin layer chromatographic analysis. Three types of pigments were identified: carotenoids. mainly lutein and β-carotene, chlorophyll and some unidentified pigments. Carotenoids content were 70, 60, 0 ppm in crude, refined and bleached winter squash seed oil, and 80, 65, 0 ppm in crude, refined and bleached soybean oil respectively. Stability was evaluated for crude, refined and bleached winter squash seed and soybean oils and an 1:1 admixture. Mixing winter squash seed oil with soybean oil increased the stability of soybean oil. Crude oil showed greater stability than refined and bleached oils.Se han extraído con hexano comercial aceites de semilla de calabaza y de soja. Usando análisis espectrofotométrico y cromatografía en capa fina se han estudiado en estos aceites tres tipos de pigmentos: carotenoides, principalmente luteína y β-caroteno, clorofilas y otros no identificados. Los contenidos en carotenoides fueron 70, 60, 0 ppm en aceite de semilla de calabaza de invierno crudo, refinado y decolorado, y 80, 65, 0 ppm en aceite de soja crudo, refinado y decolorado respectivamente. Se ha evaluado la estabilidad de aceites de semilla de calabaza de invierno, soja y una mezcla 1:1 de ambos, en sus estados crudo, refinado y decolorado. La mezcla de semilla de calabaza de invierno con aceite de soja aumentó la estabilidad de este último. El aceite crudo mostró una mayor estabilidad que los aceites refinados y decolorados

    A General Approach Students’ Attitude towards to Virtual Reality Technology in Distance Education Environment

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    E-learning has become a prominent and effective role in recent years. The factor of place and time became ineffective in the educational process. So that anyone can learn anywhere in the world. The educational services that benefit the learner during the educational process as well as the factors of assistance are important elements that help in the success of the educational process in the environment of e-learning. The more these services, the greater the benefit from e-learning. But its way of reviewing electronic content is still ineffective. Therefore it was necessary to create a suitable environment for the learner is similar to the real reality. Through which the learner feels the integration and concentration in the academic content as if it were realistic. So, the trend was to take advantage of the virtual reality technology that have become effective in all fields. The use of this technology will help the learner gain mo re realism and make full use of the electronic content. This study reviews the effect of the use of virtual reality technology in the review of the learner\u27s electronic content, as well as the attitudes and opinions of the students of the Business Information Systems program at the Faculty of Commerce, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, about the use of this technology and to what extent will effect on change and effectiveness in the quality of educational process

    Towards building a standard dataset for Arabic keyphrase extraction evaluation

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    Keyphrases are short phrases that best represent a document content. They can be useful in a variety of applications, including document summarization and retrieval models. In this paper, we introduce the first dataset of keyphrases for an Arabic document collection, obtained by means of crowdsourcing. We experimentally evaluate different crowdsourced answer aggregation strategies and validate their performances against expert annotations to evaluate the quality of our dataset. We report about our experimental results, the dataset features

    Parallel Distributed Compensation-PID Controller Design for Maximum Power Point Tracking of Dynamic Loaded Photovoltaic System

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    Control issues come from the output voltage of PV installations and systems operating in a range of irradiance and temperature. By using a DC converter, such systems are able to maintain a constant output voltage despite fluctuations in the generated voltage and load. The design of a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) on DC converter controller is presented in this article for a system. Fractional Order-Proportional Integral Derivative (FO-PID) and Parallel Distributed Compensation-Proportional Integral Derivative (PDC-PID) controllers have been implemented to the system converter as a proposed control approach. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is used as optimization technique for determining the optimal parameters of (FO-PID) and (PDC-PID) controllers for tracking the output voltage from trained Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) that is corresponding to maximum power generated from (PV) module. The PV system with the dynamic load is modeled and simulated by using the MATLAB/Simulink environment. The system performance is displayed in the form of a family of curves under different operating conditions

    Analisis Perubahan Penjadwalan Dengan Metode Tracking Progres Pada Software Microsoft Project ( Studi Kasus Proyek Pembangunan Gedung Pendidikan Autis Kota Blitar Tahun 2013 )

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    Keterlambatan suatu item pekerjaan dalam sebuah proyek akan sangat mempengaruhi total durasi dari proyek tersebut, selama ini metode yang sering digunakan untuk me-monitor progress pekerjaan suatu proyek adalah metode kurva S dari persentasebobot biaya proyek yang mana hanya mengamati biaya yang sudah terlaksana dalam proyek tetapi tidak dapat digunakan untuk mengamati pengaruh keterlambatan suatu item pekerjaan terhadap total durasi dalam suatu proyek. Salah satu metode untuk me-monitor pengaruh keterlambatan terhadap total durasi proyek adalah dengan metode tracking progress sdalam software Microsoft Project. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keterlambatan suatu aktivitas dalam proyek serta pengaruhnya terhadap total durasi dari proyek tersebut menggunakan tracking terhadap jadwal yang telah diberikan oleh pihak kontraktor. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penjadwalan dengan MS project yang durasi pada setiap item pekerjaan berdasarkan dari jadwal rencana dan jadwal setelah addendum dari proyek tersebut, pada penjadwalan MS Project akan terlihat mana saja item pekerjaan yang tergolong kritis dan non-kritis. Sementara untuk me-monitor progress mingguan menggunakan fasilitas dari MS Project berupa tracking yang mana untuk memasukan progress tiap mingguan tetap menggunakan persen dari setiap item pekerjaanya. Hasil dari tracking tersebut akan memperlihatkan pertambahan total durasi dari proyek tersebut, jika suatu item pekerjaan dalam proyek tersebut mengalami keterlambatan maka total durasi dari proyek tersebut akan ikut bertambah. Sebaliknya, apabila item pekerjaan dalam proyek tersebut mengalami percepatan maka total durasi dari proyek tersebut akan berkurang. Hasil dari perbandingan jadwal yang di lakukan pada penilitian kali ini,adalah: untuk total dari durasi proyek tidak terdapat perbedaan hasil waktu dikarenakan mengguanakan data dari laporan mingguan yang sama yaitu selama 36 minggu untuk mencapai 100%, akan tetapi terdapat perbedaan hasil bobot pekerjaan ( % Complete ) tiap-tiap minggunya seperti deviasi keterlambatan terbesar pada kurva S terjadi pada minggu ke-17 dengan deviasi sebesar -48,3676%, sementara pada tracking hasil deviasi keterlambatan terjadi pada minggu ke-18 dengan deviasi sebesar 46,3391%
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