92 research outputs found

    Chemical composition of field grown radish (Raphanus sativus L. var. sativus) as influenced by season and moderately reduced water supply

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    Seasonal variations in water availability as increasingly provoked by climate change pose severe challenges for vegetable production, particularly for crops requiring reliable and high water supply for achieving satisfactory quality. In contrast to most previous studies applying severe water deficits, we examined the effects of moderate water deficits on the chemical composition of red radish roots during three consecutive years with variable climatic conditions. Radish were cultivated in open field, applying two different water supply treatments and following a randomized block design comprising four sets of six plots each. The resulting water reductions of 3-20 % led to a significant increase of dry matter-based myo-inositol levels, whereas those of selected minerals and trace elements, phenolics and glucosinolates decreased. Anthocyanin levels remained unchanged. Fresh-matter related levels of most analytes increased upon reduced water treatments due to higher dry matter contents. While pigment levels in radish remained unchanged, mild water deficit affected other quality-related parameters such as pungency-related glucosinolates

    Berechnung von gas- und partikelförmigen Emissionen aus der deutschen Landwirtschaft 1990-2014: Report zu Methoden und Daten (RMD) Berichterstattung 2016

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    The report at hand (including a comprehensive annex of data) serves as additional document to the National Inventory Report (NIR) on the German green house gas emissions and the Informative Inventory Report (IIR) on the German emissions of air pollutants (especially ammonia). The report documents the calculation methods used in the German agricultural inventory model GAS-EM as well as input data, emission results and uncertainties of the emission reporting submission 2016 for the years 1990 - 2014. In this context the sector Agriculture comprises the emissions from animal husbandry, the use of agricultural soils and anaerobic digestion of energy crops. As required by the guidelines, emissions from activities preceding agriculture, from the use of energy and from land use change are reported elsewhere in the national inventories. The calculation methods are based in principle on international guidelines for emission reporting and have been continuingly improved during the past years. In particular, these improvements concern the calculation of energy requirements, feeding and the N balance of the most important animal categories. In addition, technical measures such as air scrubbing (mitigation of ammonia emissions) and digestion of animal manures mitigation of emissions of methane and loughing gas) have been taken into account [...].Der vorliegende Berichtsband einschließlich des umfangreichen Datenanhangs dient als Begleitdokument zum National Inventory Report (NIR) ĂŒber die deutschen Treibhausgas-Emissionen und zum Informative Inventory Report (IIR), ĂŒber die deutschen Schadstoffemissionen (insbesondere Ammoniak). Er dokumentiert die im deutschen landwirtschaftlichem Inventarmodell GASEM integrierten Berechnungsverfahren sowie die Eingangsdaten, Emissionsergebnisse und Unsicherheiten der Berichterstattung 2016 fĂŒr die Jahre 1990 bis 2014. Der Bereich Landwirtschaft umfasst dabei die Emissionen aus der Tierhaltung und der Nutzung landwirtschaftlicher Böden sowie aus der VergĂ€rung von Energiepflanzen. Emissionen aus dem Vorleistungsbereich, aus der Nutzung von Energie sowie LandnutzungsĂ€nderungen werden den Regelwerken entsprechend an anderer Stelle in den nationalen Inventaren berichtet. Die Berechnungsverfahren beruhen in erster Linie auf internationalen Regelwerken zur Emissionsberichterstattung und wurden in den vergangenen Jahren bestĂ€ndig weiterentwickelt. Letzteres betrifft im Wesentlichen die Berechnung des Energiebedarfs, der FĂŒtterung und der tierischen N-Bilanz bei den wichtigen Tierkategorien. ZusĂ€tzlich wurden technische Maßnahmen wie Abluftreinigung (Minderung von Ammoniakemissionen) und die VergĂ€rung von WirtschaftsdĂŒnger (Minderung von Methan- und Lachgasemissionen) berĂŒcksichtigt [...]

    Berechnung von gas- und partikelförmigen Emissionen aus der deutschen Landwirtschaft 1990-2013: Report zu Methoden und Daten (RMD) Berichterstattung 2015

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    The report at hand (including a comprehensive annex of data) serves as additional document to the National Inventory Report (NIR) on the German green house gas emissions and the Informative Inventory Report (IIR) on the German emissions of air pollutants (especially ammonia). The report documents the calculation methods used in the German agricultural inventory model GAS-EM as well as input data, emission results and uncertainties of the emission reporting submission 2015 for the years 1990 - 2013. In this context the sector Agriculture comprises the emissions from animal husbandry, the use of agricultural soils and anaerobic digestion of energy plants. As required by the guidelines, emissions from activities preceding agriculture, from the use of energy and from land use change are reported elsewhere in the national inventories. The calculation methods are based in principle on international guidelines for emission reporting and have been continuingly improved during the past years. In particular, these improvements concern the calculation of energy requirements, feeding and the N balance of the most important animal categories. In addition, technical measures such as air scrubbing (mitigation of ammonia emissions) and digestion of animal manures (mitigation of emissions of methane and loughing gas) have been taken into account. Total emissions of methane (CH4) and laughing gas (N2O) from German agriculture (including the anaerobic digestion of energy plants) decreased from about 77.9 Tg CO2-eq in 1990 to about 64.2 Tg CO2-eq in 2013 (- 17.5 %). [...]Der vorliegende Berichtsband einschließlich des umfangreichen Datenanhangs dient als Begleitdokument zum National Inventory Report (NIR) ĂŒber die deutschen Treibhausgas-Emissionen und zum Informative Inventory Report (IIR), ĂŒber die deutschen Schadstoffemissionen (insbesondere Ammoniak). Er dokumentiert die im deutschen landwirtschaftlichem Inventarmodell GASEM integrierten Berechnungsverfahren sowie die Eingangsdaten, Emissionsergebnisse und Unsicherheiten der Berichterstattung 2015 fĂŒr die Jahre 1990 bis 2013. Der Bereich Landwirtschaft umfasst dabei die Emissionen aus der Tierhaltung und der Nutzung landwirtschaftlicher Böden sowie aus der VergĂ€rung von Energiepflanzen. Emissionen aus dem Vorleistungsbereich, aus der Nutzung von Energie sowie LandnutzungsĂ€nderungen werden den Regelwerken entsprechend an anderer Stelle in den nationalen Inventaren berichtet. Die Berechnungsverfahren beruhen in erster Linie auf internationalen Regelwerken zur Emissionsberichterstattung und wurden in den vergangenen Jahren bestĂ€ndig weiterentwickelt. Letzteres betrifft im Wesentlichen die Berechnung des Energiebedarfs, der FĂŒtterung und der tierischen N-Bilanz bei den wichtigen Tierkategorien. ZusĂ€tzlich wurden technische Maßnahmen wie Abluftreinigung (Minderung von Ammoniakemissionen) und die VergĂ€rung von WirtschaftsdĂŒnger (Minderung von Methan- und Lachgasemissionen) berĂŒcksichtigt. Die Gesamtemissionen von Methan (CH4) und Lachgas (N2O) aus der deutschen Landwirtschaft (einschließlich der VergĂ€rung von Energiepflanzen) sanken von rund 77,9 Tg CO2-eq im Jahr 1990 auf rund 64,2 Tg CO2-eq im Jahr 2013 (-17,5 %). [...

    Berechnung von gas- und partikelförmigen Emissionen aus der deutschen Landwirtschaft 1990-2015: Report zu Methoden und Daten (RMD) Berichterstattung 2017

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    The report at hand (including a comprehensive annex of data) serves as additional document to the National Inventory Report (NIR) on the German green house gas emissions and the Informative Inventory Report (IIR) on the German emissions of air pollutants (especially ammonia). The report documents the calculation methods used in the German agricultural inventory model GAS-EM as well as input data, emission results and uncertainties of the emission reporting submission 2017 for the years 1990 - 2015. In this context the sector Agriculture comprises the emissions from animal husbandry, the use of agricultural soils and anaerobic digestion of energy crops. As required by the guidelines, emissions from activities preceding agriculture, from the use of energy and from land use change are reported elsewhere in the national inventories. The calculation methods are based in principle on the international guidelines for emission reporting and have been continuingly improved during the past years by the ThĂŒnen Institute working group on agricultural emission inventories, partly in cooperation with KTBL. In particular, these improvements concern the calculation of energy requirements, feeding and the N balance of the most important animal categories. In addition, technical measures such as air scrubbing (mitigation of ammonia emissions) and digestion of animal manures (mitigation of emissions of methane and loughing gas) have been taken into account. For the calculation of emissions from anaerobic digestion of animal manures and energy crops (including spreading of the digestate), the aforementioned working group developed, in cooperation with KTBL, a national methodology. [...]Der vorliegende Berichtsband einschließlich des umfangreichen Datenanhangs dient als Begleitdokument zum National Inventory Report (NIR) ĂŒber die deutschen Treibhausgas-Emissionen sowie zum Informative Inventory Report (IIR) ĂŒber die deutschen Schadstoffemissionen (insbesondere Ammoniak). Er dokumentiert die im deutschen landwirtschaftlichem Inventarmodell GAS-EM integrierten Berechnungsverfahren sowie die Eingangsdaten, Emissionsergebnisse und Unsicherheiten der Berichterstattung 2017 fĂŒr die Jahre 1990 bis 2015. Der Bereich Landwirtschaft umfasst dabei die Emissionen aus der Tierhaltung und der Nutzung landwirtschaftlicher Böden sowie aus der VergĂ€rung von Energiepflanzen. Emissionen aus dem Vorleistungsbereich, aus der Nutzung von Energie sowie LandnutzungsĂ€nderungen werden den Regelwerken entsprechend an anderer Stelle in den nationalen Inventaren berichtet.Die Berechnungsverfahren beruhen in erster Linie auf den internationalen Regelwerken zur Emissionsberichterstattung und wurden durch die Arbeitsgruppe 'Landwirtschaftliche Emissionsinventare' des ThĂŒnen-Instituts in den vergangenen Jahren bestĂ€ndig weiterentwickelt (teilweise in Zusammenarbeit mit dem KTBL). Dies betrifft im Wesentlichen die Berechnung des Energiebedarfs, der FĂŒtterung und der tierischen N-Bilanz bei den wichtigen Tierkategorien. ZusĂ€tzlich wurden technische Maßnahmen wie Abluftreinigung (Minderung von Ammoniakemissionen) und die VergĂ€rung von WirtschaftsdĂŒnger (Minderung von Methan- und Lachgasemissionen) berĂŒcksichtigt. FĂŒr die Berechnung von Emissionen aus der VergĂ€rung von WirtschaftsdĂŒnger und Energiepflanzen (einschließlich GĂ€rrestausbringung) entwickelte die vorgenannte Arbeitsgruppe in Zusam-menarbeit mit dem KTBL eine deutsche Methodik. [...

    Berechnung von gas- und partikelförmigen Emissionen aus der deutschen Landwirtschaft 1990 - 2011. Report zu Methoden und Daten (RMD) Berichterstattung 2013

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    In Europe, gaseous and particulate emissions from agriculture have been subject to both national and international regulations, as they adversely affect the energy dynamics of the atmosphere (physical climate), the formation of tropospheric and the destruction of stratospheric ozone, the amount of formation of secondary aerosols, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems due to atmospheric inputs of acidity and nutrients (acidification and eutrophication), human health and welfare and reduce atmospheric visibility. These internation regulations (protocols etc.) are the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC5), the UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP6), and within the European Union the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on national emission ceilings for certain atmospheric pollutants (NEC Directive7). The forementioned conventions require annual calculations of the emissions of the respective gases and air pollutants. The results have to be documented in an emission inventory and to be reported to the organisations in charge. The German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) is responsible for the entire German emission reporting. However, the sector “Agriculture” is dealt with under the aegis of the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV). BMELV has charged the Institute for Climate-Smart Agriculture (AK) (the former Insitute of Agricultural Climate Research) of the Johann Heinrich von ThĂŒnen-Institut (TI) with the establishment of the annual agricultural emission inventory where only emissions from agricultural animal husbandry and from managed agricultural soils are regarded as agricultural emissions.Deutschland hat umfangreiche internationale Verpflichtungen zur Emissionsminderung fĂŒr Treibhausgase und Luftschadstoffe ĂŒbernommen. Hierzu gehören insbesondere im Rahmen der Vereinten Nationen die Konventionen zur Vermeidung und Verminderung weitreichender grenzĂŒberschreitender Luftverunreinigungen (UNECE CLRTAP mit seinen acht Protokollen), die Klimarahmenkonvention (UNFCCC) und das Kyoto-Protokoll, im europĂ€ischen Kontext die Richtlinien zur Einhaltung nationaler Emissionsobergrenzen (NEC) sowie der europĂ€ische Beobachtungsmechanismus fĂŒr Treibhausgasemissionen und die Umsetzung des Kyoto-Protokolls. Zur Erfolgskontrolle dieser Verpflichtungen sind jĂ€hrlich detaillierte Inventare nationaler Emissionen zu berechnen und international zu berichten. Weitere Verpflichtungen bestehen zur Berichterstattung von anlagenbezogene Emissionsdaten, wie z. B. das europĂ€ische Schadstoffregister PRTR. Die Zielstellungen der internationalen Regelungen bestehen in der Vermeidung bzw. Verminderung der Effekte der KlimaĂ€nderung, GewĂ€hrleistung des Schutzes der Ozonschicht, Vermeidung von Versauerung und Eutrophierung in Ökosystemen, BekĂ€mpfung der Entstehung von bodennahem Ozon, Reduzierung der Feinstaubbelastungen, Einhaltung von LuftqualitĂ€tsstandards, Vermeidung gefĂ€hrlicher (toxischer) Luftbelastungen, Information der Öffentlichkeit ĂŒber den Umweltzustand. Das im Februar 2005 in Kraft getretene Kyoto-Protokoll verbindet zusĂ€tzlich und erstmalig umweltstrategische Ziele und flexible ökonomische Instrumente (Emissionshandel sowie gemeinsame Projekte mit EntwicklungslĂ€ndern bzw. entwickelten Industrienationen) als weiteren Weg, die Ziele der Verpflichtungen zu erreichen. Durch die damit erfolgte indirekte ökonomische und monetĂ€re Bewertung der Emissionen sind weitere umfangreiche Anforderungen an die Genauigkeit der Emissionsermittlung gestellt. Diese bestehen in der Forderung nach Transparenz der Ermittlung und Berichterstattung, Vergleichbarkeit der Ergebnisse mit denen anderer LĂ€nder, Konsistenz der berichteten Emissionszeitreihen, VollstĂ€ndigkeit der Einbeziehung aller Quellen und Senken in das Inventar sowie die Bestimmung der Genauigkeit der Emissionen

    Berechnung von gas- und partikelförmigen Emissionen aus der deutschen Landwirtschaft 1990 - 2012: Report zu Methoden und Daten (RMD) Berichterstattung 2014

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    The report at hand (including a comprehensive annex of data) serves as additional document to the National Inventory Report (NIR) on the German green house gas emissions and the Informative Inventory Report (IIR) on the German emissions of air pollutants (especially ammonia). The report documents the calculation methods used in the German agricultural inventory model GAS-EM as well as input data, emission results and uncertainties of the emission reporting submission 2014 for the years 1990 - 2012. In this context the sector Agriculture comprises the emissions from animal husbandry and the use of agricultural soils. As required by the guidelines, emissions from activities preceding agriculture, from the use of energy and from land use change are reported elsewhere in the national inventories. The calculation methods are based in principle on international guidelines for emission reporting and have been continuingly improved during the past years. This concerns especially the calculation of energy requirements, feeding and the N balance of the most important animal categories. In addition, technical mitigation measures such as air scrubbing and digestion of slurry have been taken into account. [...]Der vorliegende Berichtsband einschließlich des umfangreichen Datenanhangs dient als Begleitdokument zum National Inventory Report (NIR) ĂŒber die deutschen Treibhausgas-Emissionen und zum Informative Inventory Report (IIR), ĂŒber die deutschen Schadstoffemissionen (insbesondere Ammoniak). Er dokumentiert die im deutschen landwirtschaftlichem Inventarmodell GASEM integrierten Berechnungsverfahren sowie die Eingangsdaten, Emissionsergebnisse und Unsicherheiten der Berichterstattung 2014 fĂŒr die Jahre 1990 bis 2012. Der Bereich Landwirtschaft umfasst dabei die Emissionen aus der Tierhaltung und der Nutzung landwirtschaftlicher Böden. Emissionen aus dem Vorleistungsbereich, aus der Nutzung von Energie sowie LandnutzungsĂ€nderungen werden den Regelwerken entsprechend an anderer Stelle in den nationalen Inventaren berichtet. Die Berechnungsverfahren beruhen in erster Linie auf internationalen Regelwerken zur Emissionsberichterstattung und wurden in den vergangenen Jahren bestĂ€ndig weiterentwickelt. Dies betrifft im Wesentlichen die Berechnung des Energiebedarfs, der FĂŒtterung und der tierischen N-Bilanz bei den wichtigen Tierkategorien. ZusĂ€tzlich wurden technische Minderungsmaßnahmen wie Abluftreinigung und GĂŒllevergĂ€rung berĂŒcksichtigt. [...

    Vaccination with Mage-3a1 Peptide–Pulsed Mature, Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells Expands Specific Cytotoxic T Cells and Induces Regression of Some Metastases in Advanced Stage IV Melanoma

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) are considered to be promising adjuvants for inducing immunity to cancer. We used mature, monocyte-derived DCs to elicit resistance to malignant melanoma. The DCs were pulsed with Mage-3A1 tumor peptide and a recall antigen, tetanus toxoid or tuberculin. 11 far advanced stage IV melanoma patients, who were progressive despite standard chemotherapy, received five DC vaccinations at 14-d intervals. The first three vaccinations were administered into the skin, 3 × 106 DCs each subcutaneously and intradermally, followed by two intravenous injections of 6 × 106 and 12 × 106 DCs, respectively. Only minor (less than or equal to grade II) side effects were observed. Immunity to the recall antigen was boosted. Significant expansions of Mage-3A1–specific CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) precursors were induced in 8/11 patients. Curiously, these immune responses often declined after the intravenous vaccinations. Regressions of individual metastases (skin, lymph node, lung, and liver) were evident in 6/11 patients. Resolution of skin metastases in two of the patients was accompanied by erythema and CD8+ T cell infiltration, whereas nonregressing lesions lacked CD8+ T cells as well as Mage-3 mRNA expression. This study proves the principle that DC “vaccines” can frequently expand tumor-specific CTLs and elicit regressions even in advanced cancer and, in addition, provides evidence for an active CD8+ CTL–tumor cell interaction in situ as well as escape by lack of tumor antigen expression

    Airborne observations of peroxy radicals during the EMeRGe campaign in Europe

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    In this study, airborne measurements of the sum of hydroperoxyl (HO2_2) and organic peroxy (RO2_2) radicals that react with nitrogen monoxide (NO) to produce nitrogen dioxide (NO2_2), coupled with actinometry and other key trace gases measurements, have been used to test the current understanding of the fast photochemistry in the outflow of major population centres. The measurements were made during the airborne campaign of the EMeRGe (Effect of Megacities on the transport and transformation of pollutants on the Regional to Global scales) project in Europe on board the High Altitude and Long Range Research Aircraft (HALO). The measurements of RO2∗^∗_2 on HALO were made using the in situ instrument Peroxy Radical Chemical Enhancement and Absorption Spectrometer (PeRCEAS). RO2∗^∗_2 is to a good approximation the sum of peroxy radicals reacting with NO to produce NO2_2. RO2∗^∗_2 mixing ratios up to 120 pptv were observed in air masses of different origins and composition under different local actinometric conditions during seven HALO research flights in July 2017 over Europe. Radical production rates were estimated using knowledge of the photolysis frequencies and the RO2∗^∗_2 precursor concentrations measured on board, as well as the relevant rate coefficients. Generally, high RO2∗^∗_2 concentrations were measured in air masses with high production rates. In the air masses investigated, RO2∗^∗_2 is primarily produced by the reaction of O1^1D with water vapour and the photolysis of nitrous acid (HONO) and of the oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs, e.g. formaldehyde (HCHO) and glyoxal (CHOCHO)). Due to their short lifetime in most environments, the RO2∗^∗_2 concentrations are expected to be in a photostationary steady state (PSS), i.e. a balance between production and loss rates is assumed. The RO2∗^∗_2 production and loss rates and the suitability of PSS assumptions to estimate the RO2∗^∗_2 mixing ratios and variability during the airborne observations are discussed. The PSS assumption for RO2∗^∗_2 is considered robust enough to calculate RO2∗^∗_2 mixing ratios for most conditions encountered in the air masses measured. The similarities and discrepancies between measured and PSS calculated RO2∗^∗_2 mixing ratios are discussed. The dominant terminating processes for RO2∗^∗_2 in the pollution plumes measured up to 2000 m are the formation of nitrous acid, nitric acid, and organic nitrates. Above2000 m, HO2_2–HO2_2 and HO2_2–RO2_2 reactions dominate the RO2∗^∗_2 removal. RO2∗^∗_2 calculations by the PSS analytical expression inside the pollution plumes probed often underestimated the measurements. The underestimation is attributed to the limitations of the PSS equation used for the analysis. In particular, this expression does not account for the yields of RO2∗^∗_2 from the oxidation and photolysis of volatile organic compounds, VOCs, and OVOCs other than those measured during the EMeRGe research flights in Europe. In air masses with NO mixing ratios ≀ 50 pptv and low VOC/NO ratios, the RO2∗^∗_2 measured is overestimated by the analytical expression. This may be caused by the formation of H2_2O and O2_2 from OH and HO2_2, being about 4 times faster than the rate of the OH oxidation reaction of the dominant OVOCs considered

    'Fat mass and obesity associated' gene (FTO): No significant association of variant rs9939609 with weight loss in a lifestyle intervention and lipid metabolism markers in German obese children and adolescents

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We have previously identified strong association of six single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in <it>FTO </it>(fat mass and obesity associated gene) to early onset extreme obesity within the first genome wide association study (GWA) for this phenotype. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the obesity risk allele of one of these SNPs (rs9939609) is associated with weight loss in a lifestyle intervention program. Additionally, we tested for association of rs9939609 alleles with fasting blood parameters indicative of glucose and lipid metabolism.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We initially analysed rs9939609 in a case-control study comprising 519 German overweight and obese children and adolescents and 178 normal weight adults. In 207 of the obese individuals who took part in the outpatient obesity intervention program 'Obeldicks' we further analysed whether carrier status of the obesity risk A-allele of rs9939609 has a differential influence on weight loss after the intervention program. Additionally, we investigated in 480 of the overweight and obese patients whether rs9939609 is associated with fasting blood levels of glucose, triglycerides and HDL and LDL-cholesterol. Genotyping was performed using allele specific polymerase chain reaction (ARMS-PCR). For the association study (case-control approach), the Cochran-Armitage trend test was applied. Blood parameters were analysed using commercially available test kits and the log10-transformed blood parameters and changes in BMI-standard deviation scores (BMI-SDS) were analysed by linear regression with sex and age as covariates under an additive mode of inheritance with the rs9939609 A-allele as risk allele.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We confirmed the association of the risk A-allele of rs9939609 with overweight and early onset obesity (one sided p = 0.036). However, we observed no association of rs9939609 alleles with weight loss or fasting levels of blood glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We confirmed the rs9939609 A-allele as a risk factor for early onset obesity whereas its impact on weight loss or on serum levels of glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol could not be detected in our samples.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p><b>This study is registered </b>at clinicaltrials.gov (NCT00435734).</p

    PuraStat in gastrointestinal bleeding: results of a prospective multicentre observational pilot study

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    Background: A recently developed haemostatic peptide gel for endoscopic application has been introduced to improve the management of gastrointestinal bleeding. The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the feasibility, safety, efficacy and indication profiles of PuraStat in a clinical setting. Methods: In this prospective observational multicentre pilot study, patients with acute non-variceal gastrointestinal bleeding (upper and lower) were included. Primary and secondary application of PuraStat was evaluated. Haemoglobin, prothrombin time, platelets and transfusion behaviour were documented before and after haemostasis. The efficacy of PuraStat was assessed during the procedure, at 3 days and 1 week after application. Results: 111 patients with acute gastrointestinal bleeding were recruited into the study. 70 percent (78/111) of the patients had upper gastrointestinal bleeding and 30% (33/111) had lower gastrointestinal bleeding. After primary application of PuraStat, initial haemostatic success was achieved in 94% of patients (74/79, 95% CI 88-99%), and in 75% of the patients when used as a secondary haemostatic product, following failure of established techniques (24/32, 95% CI 59-91%). The therapeutic success rates (absence of rebleeding) after 3 and 7 days were 91% and 87% after primary use, and 87% and 81% in all study patients. Overall rebleeding rate at 30 day follow-up was 16% (18/111). In the 5 patients who finally required surgery (4.5%), PuraStat allowed temporary haemostasis and stabilisation. Conclusions: PuraStat expanded the therapeutic toolbox available for an effective treatment of gastrointestinal bleeding sources. It could be safely applied and administered without complications as a primary or secondary therapy. PuraStat may additionally serve as a bridge to surgery in order to achieve temporary haemostasis in case of refractory severe bleeding, possibly playing a role in preventing immediate emergency surgery
