44 research outputs found

    Bone morphogenetic protein-7 release from endogenous neural precursor cells suppresses the tumourigenicity of stem-like glioblastoma cells

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    Glioblastoma cells with stem-like properties control brain tumour growth and recurrence. Here, we show that endogenous neural precursor cells perform an anti-tumour response by specifically targeting stem-like brain tumour cells. In vitro, neural precursor cells predominantly express bone morphogenetic protein-7; bone morphogenetic protein-7 is constitutively released from neurospheres and induces canonical bone morphogenetic protein signalling in stem-like glioblastoma cells. Exposure of human and murine stem-like brain tumour cells to neurosphere-derived bone morphogenetic protein-7 induces tumour stem cell differentiation, attenuates stem-like marker expression and reduces self-renewal and the ability for tumour initiation. Neurosphere-derived or recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-7 reduces glioblastoma expansion from stem-like cells by down-regulating the transcription factor Olig2. In vivo, large numbers of bone morphogenetic protein-7-expressing neural precursors encircle brain tumours in young mice, induce canonical bone morphogenetic protein signalling in stem-like glioblastoma cells and can thereby attenuate tumour formation. This anti-tumour response is strongly reduced in older mice. Our results indicate that endogenous neural precursor cells protect the young brain from glioblastoma by releasing bone morphogenetic protein-7, which acts as a paracrine tumour suppressor that represses proliferation, self-renewal and tumour-initiation of stem-like glioblastoma cell

    Antisynthetase syndrome: Pulmonary computed tomography findings of adult patients with antibodies to aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases

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    AbstractObjectivesTo describe the pulmonary CT findings in patients with anti-ARS-antibody-positive interstitial lung disease (anti-ARS-ILD)MethodsThe CT findings of 64 patients with anti-ARS-ILD were retrospectively reviewed. The images were retrospectively reviewed independently by 2 chest radiologists, and the final decision on the CT findings was made by a third chest radiologist.ResultsThere were 16 male and 48 female patients, aged 54.2±13.4 years. Sixteen patients had anti Jo-1, 24 had anti-EJ, 9 had anti-PL-7, 7 had anti-PL-12, 5 had anti-KS, and 3 had anti-OJ antibodies. Overall, 63 patients (98.4%) had CT findings predominantly in the lower lobe; 61 patients (95.3%) showed peripheral opacities, and 47 patients (73.4%) showed peribronchovascular opacities. Ground-glass attenuation, consolidation, and reticulation showed similar distribution patterns. Regarding detailed CT findings, 89.1% of patients had lower volume loss, 76.6% had interlobular septal thickening, and 67.2% had thickening of bronchovascular bundles. The final radiologic diagnoses were as follows: inconsistent with usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) in 63 patients (98.4%), which included nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) in 35 patients (55.6%), organizing pneumonia (OP) in 4 patients (6.3%), and OP with fibrosis in 22 patients (34.9%).ConclusionsThe characteristic CT findings of patients with anti-ARS-ILD were areas of ground-glass attenuation and reticulation, predominantly distributed as lower and peribronchovascular lesions, which is compatible with NSIP. One-third of patients showed OP with fibrosis

    Allelic Imbalance of Recurrently Mutated Genes in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia

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    The patho-mechanism of somatic driver mutations in cancer usually involves transcription, but the proportion of mutations and wild-type alleles transcribed from DNA to RNA is largely unknown. We systematically compared the variant allele frequencies of recurrently mutated genes in DNA and RNA sequencing data of 246 acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) patients. We observed that 95% of all detected variants were transcribed while the rest were not detectable in RNA sequencing with a minimum read-depth cut-off (10x). Our analysis focusing on 11 genes harbouring recurring mutations demonstrated allelic imbalance (AI) in most patients. GATA2, RUNX1, TET2, SRSF2, IDH2, PTPN11, WT1, NPM1 and CEBPA showed significant AIs. While the effect size was small in general, GATA2 exhibited the largest allelic imbalance. By pooling heterogeneous data from three independent AML cohorts with paired DNA and RNA sequencing (N = 253), we could validate the preferential transcription of GATA2-mutated alleles. Differential expression analysis of the genes with significant AI showed no significant differential gene and isoform expression for the mutated genes, between mutated and wild-type patients. In conclusion, our analyses identified AI in nine out of eleven recurrently mutated genes. AI might be a common phenomenon in AML which potentially contributes to leukaemogenesis.Peer reviewe

    Adherence to follow-up of patients with Gastric-MALT-Lymphoma treated by Helicobacter pylori eradication only

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    Hintergrund: Der EGILS (European Gastro-Intestinal Lymphoma Study) Consensus Report von 2011 enthĂ€lt als zentralen Therapiebaustein die H.p.-Eradikationsbehandlung mit nachfolgendem „Watch-and-Wait“ bzw. die Nachsorge nach Vollremission. Voraussetzung fĂŒr eine strukturierte Nachsorge ist eine gute Patientencompliance. Eine Studie ĂŒber Dauer und praktische Umsetzbarkeit der Nachsorge, insbesondere nach Vollremission, gibt es bisher nicht. Ziel: Ziel dieser retrospektiven Arbeit war es zu ĂŒberprĂŒfen, ob die von der EGILS empfohlenen Nachsorgeintervalle von den Patienten nach einer alleinigen H.p.-Eradikation eingehalten werden. Ferner sollte auf dieser Grundlage und unter BerĂŒcksichtigung des Therapieerfolgs eine Empfehlung fĂŒr optimale Nachsorgeintervalle nach klinischer Vollremission erarbeitet werden. Methode: 106 Patienten (50 weiblich; 56 mĂ€nnlich); Alter 59 (33 – 85) Jahre mit beliebigem H.p.Status, histologisch gesichertem gastralem MALT-Lymphom und alleiniger H.p.-Eradikationsbehandlung wurden eingeschlossen. Grundlage zur Beurteilung war, bis zur Vollremission, das Nachsorgeschema gemĂ€ĂŸ EGILS (alle 4-6 Monate); danach erfolgte die Nachsorge alle 6 bis 12 Monate. Die Compliance wurde bei jedem Patienten als das VerhĂ€ltnis aus erfĂŒllter Nachsorgepflicht zu individueller Gesamtdauer der Nachsorge berechnet und ĂŒber alle Patienten gemittelt. Ergebnisse: Die meisten Patienten erreichen nach alleiniger H.p.-Eradikation unabhĂ€ngig vom H.p.-Status eine Vollremission (ca. 71%). Die Nachsorgen wurden ĂŒber den gesamten Beobachtungszeitraum zu ca. 55% eingehalten. Patienten mit Interesse an einer Nachsorge nehmen diese ĂŒber Jahre hinweg sehr zuverlĂ€ssig war. In dieser Patientengruppe liegt die Compliance bei ca. 95%. Schlussfolgerung: Die exzellente Prognose gastraler MALT-Lymphome, unabhĂ€ngig vom H.p.-Status, und die hohe Bereitschaft der Patienten fĂŒr Nachsorgeuntersuchungen auch nach Vollremission erhöht die AttraktivitĂ€t einer „Watch-and-Wait“-Strategie. Nach klinischer Vollremission sind jĂ€hrliche endoskopische Nachsorgeuntersuchungen praktisch umsetzbar.Background: The European gastrointestinal lymphoma study (EGILS) consensus report from 2011 included as a central therapy basis the H pylori eradication treatment with subsequent “watch and wait” as well as follow-up care after full remission. The main requirement for a structured follow up care is good patient compliance. A study about the duration and the practical feasibility of follow up care, especially after full remission has not been carried out to date. Aims: The aim of this retrospective work was to review whether patients were complying with the EGILS recommended follow-up intervals after a single H pylori eradication treatment. Furthermore, on this basis and in consideration of treatment success, a recommendation for the optimal follow-up interval after a full clinical remission should be developed. Methods: 106 patients (50 females, 56 males) with an average age of 59 years (33-85) with a variable H pylori status, histologically confirmed gastric MALT-lymphoma and a single H pylori eradication treatment, were included. The basis of assessment was, up to full remission, the follow-up scheme in accordance with EGILS (4-6 months) thereafter follow up in 6-12 months. The compliance for every patient was calculated as the ratio of fulfilled follow-up care obligations to individual duration of follow-up care and averaged out over all Patients. Results: The majority of patients reached a full remission after a single H pylori eradication independent of H pylori status (ca. 71%). Ca 55% of the follow-up care was adhered to the whole observation period. Patients with an interest continued to take part reliably in follow-up care for many years. The compliance in this patient group was ca 95%. Conclusion: The excellent prognosis of gastric MALT-lymphoma, independent of H pylori status and the willingness of the patients to have aftercare-check-ups even after a full remission, increases the attraction of a “watch and wait” strategy. After a full clinical remission, yearly endoscopic check-ups can be easily implemented

    MOSEL - MOdeling Specification and Evaluation Language

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    In this paper the new model description language MOSEL (Modeling Specification and Evaluation Language) - developed at the Institute for Operating Systems at the University of Erlangen-Nuernberg - is described using many examples. To evaluate the performance of systems, like computer systems, networks, production lines and so on, the system has to be specified. Currently there already exist many different performance evaluation tools, which all have different input languages. The input languages for these tools are not only different, but they are also hard to use, since they all have a syntax which is oriented on the characteristics of the tool and not on the system which the user wants to describe. They are comparable with assembly languages for specific processors. The basic idea of the new language MOSEL is, to have only one language which is easy to use and reflects the real structure of the system the user wants to describe. MOSEL could be compared with a higher programming langu..

    Lossy three-dimensional JPEG2000 compression of abdominal CT images: assessment of the visually lossless threshold and effect of compression ratio on image quality

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    PURPOSE: To retrospectively determine the maximum compression ratio at which compressed images are indistinguishable from the original by using a three-dimensional (3D) wavelet algorithm. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The protocol of this study was approved by the local Institutional Review Board and informed consent was waived. Sixty emergency abdominal computed tomographic (CT) scans of patients (31 men, 29 women; mean age +/- standard deviation, 50.8 years +/- 20.1; range, 17-80 years) with acute abdominal pain were subjected to lossy irreversible three-dimensional Joint Photographic Experts Group 2000 (3D-JPEG2000) compression by using four compression ratios (4:1, 8:1, 12:1, and 16:1). Groups contained five patients for each of 12 common diagnoses for acute abdominal pain. Images were obtained by using a multidetector CT scanner (Sensation Cardiac 64; Siemens, Forcheim, Germany) with 3- and 6-mm-thick sections. Three radiologists independently compared one case-relevant image per patient with the original image at different compression ratios. They had to determine which image was the original by using a forced-choice, two-alternative model and to subjectively rank image quality. For analysis, a binomial test was used, a Bonferroni correction was applied, and a P value of .01 indicated a significant difference. RESULTS: Images compressed at ratios of 4:1 and 8:1 were visually indistinguishable and essentially indistinguishable, respectively, from the original images (P > .01 for all readers). For the 12:1 and 16:1 ratios, all readers definitively (P < .001) identified the original images. CONCLUSION: The highest 3D-JPEG2000 compression ratio for abdominal CT scans, at which compressed images are essentially indistinguishable from the original, is 8: