65 research outputs found

    Evaluation of GOES encoder lamps

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    Aging characteristics and life expectancies of flight quality, tungsten filament, encoder lamps are similar to those of 'commercial' grade gas filled lamps of similar construction, filament material and filament temperature. The aging and final failure by filament burnout are caused by single crystal growth over large portions of the filament with the concomitant development of facets and notches resulting in reduction of cross section and mechanical weakening of the filament. The life expectancy of presently produced lamps is about one year at their nominal operating voltage of five volts dc. At 4.5 volts, it is about two years. These life times are considerably shorter, and the degradation rates of lamp current and light flux are considerably higher, than were observed in the laboratory and in orbit on lamps of the same type manufactured more than a decade ago. It is speculated that the filaments of these earlier lamps contained a crystallization retarding dopant, possibly thorium oxide. To obtain the desired life expectancy of or = to four years in present lamps, operating voltages of or = to four volts dc would be required

    Establishing a best practice model of supplier relationship management (SRM) for multinational manufacturing companies in the European transportation industry

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    Purpose/objectives: The research deals with establishing a best practice model in SRM for manufacturing companies in the European transportation industry. The objective of the thesis is to identify schools of thought in SRM, to highlight the causal factors for supply disruptions and to outline how supply disruptions can be anticipated, managed and prevented. The identified best practices shall be categorized and utilized to establish a best practice model for the respective sector. The purpose is to show how supply chain resilience can be accomplished in global and complex supply chains by means of proactive SRM. Design/methodology/approach: The empirical part of the research has been conducted with a qualitative and multiple approach over a period of more than two years. The paper examines best practice elements through a systematic literature review combined with semi-structured interviews involving senior managers in SRM in the European transportation industry. Two case studies have been included for confirming or disconfirming the best practice elements. The empirical part has been divided into four phases: (1) verifying or falsifying the appropriateness of the research questions, (2) best practice identification and categorization, (3) confirmation or disconfirmation of best practices in SRM, and (4) refining best practice elements. Findings: The findings represent a significant contribution on how to deal with complex and global supply networks. They will help researchers and practitioners faced with the task of setting up supplier relationships. Furthermore, the findings can be applied when establishing an overall best practice framework and SRM model. Research limitations/implications: The research focuses on establishing a best practice SRM model for multinational manufacturing companies in the European transportation industry. The model has not yet been implemented. Therefore, implementation and application to other industries will have to be the subject of further research

    Strukturwandel der sächsischen Industrie

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    Die sächsische Wirtschaft durchläuft in hohem Tempo einen Strukturwandel. Äußerlicher Ausdruck dafür sind u.a. einerseits die drastische Verringerung der Zahl der Beschäftigten, andererseits die Erhöhung der Produktivität ... (aus dem Text

    Assurance of COTS Boards for Space Flight

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    Space Flight hardware and software designers are increasingly turning to Commercial-Off-the-Shelf (COTS) products in hopes of meeting the demands imposed on them by projects with short development cycle times. The Technology Validation Assurance (TVA) team at NASA GSFC has embarked on applying a method for inserting COTS hardware into the Spartan 251 spacecraft. This method includes Procurement, Characterization, Ruggedization/Remediation and Verification Testing process steps which are intended to increase the user's confidence in the hardware's ability to function in the intended application for the required duration. As this method is refined with use, it has the potential for becoming a benchmark for industry-wide use of COTS in high reliability systems

    Assurance of COTS Boards for Space Flight

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    Space Flight hardware and software designers are increasingly turning to Commercial-Off-the-Shelf (COTS) products in hopes of meeting the demands imposed on them by projects with short development cycle times. The Technology Validation Assurance (TVA) team at NASA GSFC has embarked on applying a method for inserting COTS hardware into the Spartan 251 spacecraft. This method includes Procurement, Characterization, Ruggedization/Remediation and Verification Testing process steps which are intended to increase the uses confidence in the hardware's ability to function in the intended application for the required duration. As this method is refined with use, it has the potential for becoming a benchmark for industry-wide use of COTS in high reliability systems

    Facteurs Associés À L’usage Du Préservatif Dans Le Foyer Conjugal Chez Les Personnes Vivant Avec Le VIH Suivies Sur Un Site À Abidjan

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    L’infection Ă  VIH en CĂ´te d’Ivoire constitue une Ă©pidĂ©mie gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e. En 2017 la prĂ©valence Ă©tait estimĂ©e Ă  2.8% et les nouvelles infections atteignaient le nombre de 29800. La transmission hĂ©tĂ©rosexuelle est de loin la plus importante. Les facteurs associĂ©s Ă  la pratique du sexe sans condom sont nombreux. A l’opposĂ©, on ne connaĂ®t pas les facteurs qui favorisent l’usage rĂ©gulier du prĂ©servatif dans le foyer conjugal. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait de dĂ©crire les facteurs associĂ©s Ă  l’usage rĂ©gulier du prĂ©servatif dans la sexualitĂ© intraconjugale chez les patients infectĂ©s par le VIH et sous traitement ARV. Une enquĂŞte quantitative transversale descriptive a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e sur 6 mois continus du 1er dĂ©cembre 2017 au 31 mai 2018 Ă  l’INHP. Etaient enrĂ´lĂ©es Ă  tout venant, les personnes vivant avec le VIH suivies sur le site et ayant donnĂ© leur consentement Ă©crit. Les variables Ă©tudiĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©parties en groupes de caractĂ©ristiques individuelles, de situation matrimoniale, de reproduction, de durĂ©e de suivi, de divulgation du statut, de comportement sexuel dans le foyer, d’acceptabilitĂ© du prĂ©servatif. L’analyse des donnĂ©es a Ă©tĂ© faite avec le logiciel EPI INFO Version 3.5.4/2012. Les frĂ©quences et les proportions des variables ont Ă©tĂ© calculĂ©es et le degrĂ© de signification a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©. 102 personnes de la file active sous traitement ARV ont Ă©tĂ© enrĂ´lĂ©es. La moyenne d’âge Ă©tait 40 ans avec un âge mĂ©dian de 39 ans. 55,9% des patients Ă©taient en union dont 63,6% vivaient toujours avec leur mĂŞme partenaire depuis leur dĂ©pistage. 61,8% des patients ont partagĂ© leur statut Ă  leur partenaire sexuel. Les couples sĂ©rodiffĂ©rents reprĂ©sentaient 39%. Dans le foyer, les rapports sexuels continuent d’être pratiquĂ©s chez 72% des personnes. Le prĂ©servatif Ă©tait utilisĂ© rĂ©gulièrement chez 53,5% durant les 6 derniers mois. Le fait d’être cĂ©libataire ou d’être informĂ© du statut partenaire ou d’avoir une diffĂ©rence de statut Ă©tait plus associĂ© Ă  l’utilisation constante du prĂ©servatif ; cependant aucune variable n’est significativement liĂ©e Ă  un usage rĂ©gulier du prĂ©servatif. Les PVVIH qui sont Ă©duquĂ©es au port de prĂ©servatif, l’introduisent dans leur relation sexuelle intraconjugale. L’usage du prĂ©servatif serait plutĂ´t dĂ©terminĂ© par les problèmes et les besoins des individus qui l’utilisent. La difficultĂ© de son utilisation rĂ©gulière rĂ©sulterait de la complexitĂ© et de la variabilitĂ© de ces problèmes et besoins vĂ©cus ou ressentis par les usagers. HIV infection in CĂ´te d'Ivoire is a generalized epidemic. In 2017 the prevalence was estimated at 2.8% and new infections were 29,800. Heterosexual transmission is by far the most important. In contrast, the factors that promote regular condom use in the marital home are not known.The objective of this study was to describe the factors associated with consistent condom use in intramarital sexuality among PLWH infection and ARV treatment. A descriptive cross-sectional quantitative survey was conducted over 6 consecutive months from December 1st, 2017 to May 31st, 2018 at the INHP. All PLWH who had been followed up and gave their written consent were enrolled. The variables studied were divided into groups of individual characteristics, marital status, children’s needs, duration of follow-up, disclosure of status, sexual behaviour in the home, condom acceptability. The data analysis was done with the software Epi Info 3.5.4/2012. Frequencies and proportions of the variables were determined and the degree of significance have been determined. 102 PLWHIV treated with ARV were enrolled. The average age was 40 years with a median age of 39 years. 55.9% of patients were in a relationship, 63.6% of whom were still living with their same partner since their screening. 61.8% of people shared their status with their sexual partner. Serodiscordant couples accounted for 39%. In the household, sexual intercourse continues to be practised in 72% of people. The condom was used regularly in 53.5% during the last 6 months. The condom was used regularly in 53.5%. Being single or being informed of partner status or having a status difference was more associated with consistent condom use; however, no variable is significantly related to consistent condom use. People living with HIV who are educated to condom use, introduce it into their intramarital sex. But its regular use is peppered with many difficulties. . Condom use would rather be determined by the problems and needs of the individuals who use it. The difficulty of its regular use would result from the complexity and variability of these problems and needs experienced or felt by the users

    Replicating Adenovirus-SIV Immunization of Rhesus Macaques Induces Mucosal Dendritic Cell Activation and Function Leading to Rectal Immune Responses

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    Inducing strong mucosal immune responses by vaccination is important for providing protection against simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). A replicating adenovirus type 5 host range mutant vector (Ad5hr) expressing SIV proteins induced mucosal immune responses in rectal tissue associated with delayed SIV acquisition in female rhesus macaques, but the initial mechanisms leading to the induced immunity have not been elucidated. As dendritic cells (DCs) are known to orchestrate both innate and adaptive effector immune cell responses, we investigated their role here. Rhesus macaques were immunized twice mucosally with a replicating Ad5hr expressing SIV Env, Gag, and Nef (Ad-SIV) or empty Ad5hr vector (Ad-Empty). DC subsets and their activation were examined in rectal tissue, blood, and LNs at 3 timepoints after each immunization. Plasmacytoid DCs, myeloid DCs, and Langerhans cells were significantly increased in the rectal mucosa, but only myeloid DCs were significantly increased in blood post-immunizations. All rectal DC subsets showed increased frequencies of cells expressing activation markers and cytokines post-immunization, blood DCs showed mixed results, and LN DCs showed few changes. Rectal DCs responded strongly to the vector rather than expressed SIV antigens, but rectal DC frequencies positively correlated with induced rectal antigen-specific memory T and B cells. These correlations were confirmed by in vitro co-cultures showing that rectal Ad-SIV DCs induced proliferation and antigen-specific cytokine production by autologous naĂŻve T cells. Our results highlight the rapid response of DCs to Ad immunization and their role in mucosal immune activation and identify initial cellular mechanisms of the replicating Ad-SIV vaccine in the rhesus macaque model

    A Pathogenic Role for Splenic B1 Cells in SIV Disease Progression in Rhesus Macaques

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    B1 cells spontaneously produce protective natural antibodies which provide the first line of defense against a variety of pathogens. Although these natural antibodies share similar autoreactive features with several HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibodies, the role of B1 cells in HIV/SIV disease progression is unknown. We report the presence of human-like B1 cells in rhesus macaques. During chronic SIV infection, we found that the frequency of splenic CD11b+ B1 cells positively correlated with plasma SIV viral load and exhausted T cells. Mechanistically, we discovered that splenic CD11b+ B1 cells express PD-L2 and IL-10, and were able to induce PD-1 upregulation on CD4+ T cells in vitro. These findings suggest that splenic CD11b+ B1 cells may contribute to the regulation of SIV plasma viral load by enhancing T cell exhaustion. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms that govern their function in rhesus macaques may lead to novel therapeutic strategies for impeding HIV/SIV disease progression
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