100 research outputs found

    The marketplace of attention: How audiences take shape in a digital age

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    Hverdagslivets nye medier

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    Artiklen diskuterer spørgsmålet om, hvilke konsekvenser det har for hverdagslivet, at de fleste danskere inden for de seneste 10-15 år har fået både mobiltelefon, SMS og e-mail, og er begyndt at bruge dem flittigt. Artiklen bestemmer de personlige medier teoretisk med udgangspunkt i de typer af kommunikation, de understøtter og introducerer livsførelsesbegrebet som hverdagssociologisk ramme for analysen af, hvordan de personlige mediers potentialer indlejres i forskellige typer af hverdagsliv. Artiklen eksemplificerer den teoretiske og analytiske tilgang med en række analyser fra en interviewundersøgelse. Fundene fra analysen understreger behovet for at se på de personlige medier som et samlet system af muligheder, der er tilgængeligt for den enkelte og demonstrerer, at folk med forskellig livsførelse tager de personlige mediers muligheder til sig på karakteristiske måder. Søgeord: Interpersonel kommunikation, mobile medier, medieret kommunikation, hverdagsliv, livsførelse. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Rasmus Helles: The New Media of Everyday Life This article discusses the role of personal media in everyday life. During the last 10-15 years, a large proportion of the Danish population has adopted new media technologies for interpersonal communication: Mobile phones (including SMS), e-mail and a number of other new media. These are all personal, both in terms of the communication they facilitate and by the fact that they are individually owned and operated. This article defines personal media in terms of the communication they support, and introduces the concept of ”conduct of everyday life” as a sociological framework for the analysis of integration of these personal media in everyday life. The article exemplifies this theoretical and analytical approach with findings from an empirical analysis of the use of personal media in everyday life. These findings underline the need to take an integrative view of personal media, and demonstrate how people with different manners of everyday life appropriate personal media in different and characteristic ways. Key words: Interpersonal communication, mobile communication, mediated communication, the conduct of everyday life

    Digital Books on the Point of Take-off? The Ebook in Denmark Anno 2013

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    In this article we consider the present state of the ebook’s diffusion. On the empirical basis of a national survey among Danes in 2013, we consider the volume, usage patterns, and demographics of ebook reading compared to paper book reading. Informed by diffusion theory and mediatization theory, the article concludes that the reading of ebooks is about to reach a “critical mass;” this development has not least been stimulated by factors outside the traditional stakeholders of the book (national publishers and bookstores). Ebook reading is becoming part of a converging digital culture in which global media companies like Amazon, Apple, and Google play a key role for the standards and emerging infrastructure. In addition, Danish public libraries have played an important role for the diffusion of ebooks. The ebook usage patterns reflect influences from the presence of both Anglo-American media companies and national libraries