63 research outputs found

    Ocean-sea-ice coupling in a global ocean general circulation model

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    A global ocean general circulation model has been coupled with a dynamic-thermodynamic sea-ice model. This model has been spun-up in a 1000 year integration using daily atmosphere model data. Main water masses and currents are reproduced as well as the seasonal characteristics of the ice cover of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Model results for the Southern Ocean, however, show the ice cover as too thin, and there are large permanent polynyas in the Weddell and Ross Seas. These polynyas are due to a large upward oceanic heat flux caused by haline rejection during the freezing of sea ice. Sensitivity studies were performed to test several ways of treating the sea-surface salinity and the rejected brine. The impact on the ice cover, water-mass characteristics, and ocean circulation are described

    A climate change simulation starting from 1935

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    Due to restrictions in the available computing resources and a lack of suitable observational data, transient climate change experiments with global coupled ocean-atmosphere models have been started from an initial state at equilibrium with the present day forcing. The historical development of greenhouse gas forcing from the onset of industrialization until the present has therefore been neglected. Studies with simplified models have shown that this "cold start" error leads to a serious underestimation of the anthropogenic global warming. In the present study, a 150-year integration has been carried out with a global coupled ocean-atmosphere model starting from the greenhouse gas concentration observed in 1935, i.e., at an early time of industrialization. The model was forced with observed greenhouse gas concentrations up to 1985, and with the equivalent C02 concentrations stipulated in Scenario A ("Business as Usual") of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change from 1985 to 2085. The early starting date alleviates some of the cold start problems. The global mean near surface temperature change in 2085 is about 0.3 K (ca. 10) higher in the early industrialization experiment than in an integration with the same model and identical Scenario A greenhouse gas forcing, but with a start date in 1985. Comparisons between the experiments with early and late start dates show considerable differences in the amplitude of the regional climate change patterns, particularly for sea level. The early industrialization experiment can be used to obtain a first estimate of the detection time for a greenhouse-gas-induced near-surface temperature signal. Detection time estimates are obtained using globally and zonally averaged data from the experiment and a long control run, as well as principal component time series describing the evolution of the dominant signal and noise modes. The latter approach yields the earliest detection time (in the decade 1990-2000) for the time-evolving near-surface temperature signal. For global-mean temperatures or for temperatures averaged between 45°N and 45°S, the signal detection times are in the decades 2015-2025 and 2005-2015, respectively. The reduction of the "cold start" error in the early industrialization experiment makes it possible to separate the near-surface temperature signal from the noise about one decade earlier than in the experiment starting in 1985. We stress that these detection times are only valid in the context of the coupled model's internally-generated natural variability, which possibly underestimates low frequency fluctuations and does not incorporate the variance associated with changes in external forcing factors, such as anthropogenic sulfate aerosols, solar variability or volcanic dust. © 1995 Springer-Verlag

    Monte Carlo climate change forecasts with a global coupled ocean-atmosphere model

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    Four time-dependent greenhouse warming experiments were performed with the same global coupled atmosphere-ocean model, but with each simulation using initial conditions from different ''snapshots'' of the control run climate. The radiative forcing - the increase in equivalent CO2 concentrations from 19852035 specified in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) scenario A - was identical in all four 50-year integrations. This approach to climate change experiments is called the Monte Carlo technique and is analogous to a similar experimental set-up used in the field of extended range weather forecasting. Despite the limitation of a very small sample size, this approach enables the estimation of both a mean response and the ''between-experiment'' variability, information which is not available from a single integration. The use of multiple realizations provides insights into the stability of the response, both spatially, seasonally and in terms of different climate variables. The results indicate that the time evolution of the global mean warming signal is strongly dependent on the initial state of the climate system. While the individual members of the ensemble show considerable variation in the pattern and amplitude of near-surface temperature change after 50 years, the ensemble mean climate change pattern closely resembles that obtained in a 100-year integration performed with the same model. In global mean terms, the climate change signals for near surface temperature, the hydrological. cycle and sea level significantly exceed the variability among the members of the ensemble. Due to the high internal variability of the modelled climate system, the estimated detection time of the global mean temperature change signal is uncertain by at least one decade. While the ensemble mean surface temperature and sea level fields show regionally significant responses to greenhouse-gas forcing, it is not possible to identify a significant response in the precipitation and soil moisture fields, variables which are spatially noisy and characterized by large variability between the individual integrations

    Usp22 deficiency impairs intestinal epithelial lineage specification in vivo.

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    Epigenetic regulatory mechanisms play a central role in controlling gene expression during development, cell differentiation and tumorigenesis. Monoubiquitination of histone H2B is one epigenetic modification which is dynamically regulated by the opposing activities of specific ubiquitin ligases and deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs). The Ubiquitin-specific Protease 22 (USP22) is the ubiquitin hydrolase component of the human SAGA complex which deubiquitinates histone H2B during transcription. Recently, many studies have investigated an oncogenic potential of USP22 overexpression. However, its physiological function in organ maintenance, development and its cellular function remain largely unknown. A previous study reported embryonic lethality in Usp22 knockout mice. Here we describe a mouse model with a global reduction of USP22 levels which expresses the LacZ gene under the control of the endogenous Usp22 promoter. Using this reporter we found Usp22 to be ubiquitously expressed in murine embryos. Notably, adult Usp22(lacZ/lacZ) displayed low residual Usp22 expression levels coupled with a reduced body size and weight. Interestingly, the reduction of Usp22 significantly influenced the frequency of differentiated cells in the small intestine and the brain while H2B and H2Bub1 levels remained constant. Taken together, we provide evidence for a physiological role for USP22 in controlling cell differentiation and lineage specification

    Depiction of pneumothoraces in a large animal model using x-ray dark-field radiography

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    The aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic value of x-ray dark-field radiography to detect pneumothoraces in a pig model. Eight pigs were imaged with an experimental grating-based large-animal dark-field scanner before and after induction of a unilateral pneumothorax. Image contrast-to-noise ratios between lung tissue and the air-filled pleural cavity were quantified for transmission and dark-field radiograms. The projected area in the object plane of the inflated lung was measured in dark-field images to quantify the collapse of lung parenchyma due to a pneumothorax. Means and standard deviations for lung sizes and signal intensities from dark-field and transmission images were tested for statistical significance using Student’s two-tailed t-test for paired samples. The contrast-to-noise ratio between the air-filled pleural space of lateral pneumothoraces and lung tissue was significantly higher in the dark-field (3.65 ± 0.9) than in the transmission images (1.13 ± 1.1; p = 0.002). In case of dorsally located pneumothoraces, a significant decrease (−20.5%; p > 0.0001) in the projected area of inflated lung parenchyma was found after a pneumothorax was induced. Therefore, the detection of pneumothoraces in x-ray dark-field radiography was facilitated compared to transmission imaging in a large animal model

    In-vivo X-ray Dark-Field Chest Radiography of a Pig

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    X-ray chest radiography is an inexpensive and broadly available tool for initial assessment of the lung in clinical routine, but typically lacks diagnostic sensitivity for detection of pulmonary diseases in their early stages. Recent X-ray dark-field (XDF) imaging studies on mice have shown significant improvements in imaging-based lung diagnostics. Especially in the case of early diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), XDF imaging clearly outperforms conventional radiography. However, a translation of this technique towards the investigation of larger mammals and finally humans has not yet been achieved. In this letter, we present the first in-vivo XDF full-field chest radiographs (32 × 35 cm²) of a living pig, acquired with clinically compatible parameters (40s scan time, approx. 80 μSv dose). For imaging, we developed a novel high-energy XDF system that overcomes the limitations of currently established setups. Our XDF radiographs yield sufficiently high image quality to enable radiographic evaluation of the lungs. We consider this a milestone in the bench-to-bedside translation of XDF imaging and expect XDF imaging to become an invaluable tool in clinical practice, both as a general chest X-ray modality and as a dedicated tool for high-risk patients affected by smoking, industrial work and indoor cooking

    Depiction of pneumothoraces in a large animal model using x-ray dark-field radiography

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    The aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic value of x-ray dark-field radiography to detect pneumothoraces in a pig model. Eight pigs were imaged with an experimental grating-based large-animal dark-field scanner before and after induction of a unilateral pneumothorax. Image contrast-tonoise ratios between lung tissue and the air-filled pleural cavity were quantified for transmission and dark-field radiograms. The projected area in the object plane of the inflated lung was measured in dark-field images to quantify the collapse of lung parenchyma due to a pneumothorax. Means and standard deviations for lung sizes and signal intensities from dark-field and transmission images were tested for statistical significance using Student's two-tailed t-test for paired samples. The contrast-to-noise ratio between the air-filled pleural space of lateral pneumothoraces and lung tissue was significantly higher in the dark-field (3.65 +/- 0.9) than in the transmission images (1.13 +/- 1.1;p = 0.002). In case of dorsally located pneumothoraces, a significant decrease (-20.5%;p > 0.0001) in the projected area of inflated lung parenchyma was found after a pneumothorax was induced. Therefore, the detection of pneumothoraces in x-ray dark-field radiography was facilitated compared to transmission imaging in a large animal model

    X-ray dark-field imaging of the human lung-A feasibility study on a deceased body

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    Disorders of the lungs such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are a major cause of chronic morbidity and mortality and the third leading cause of death in the world. The absence of sensitive diagnostic tests for early disease stages of COPD results in under-diagnosis of this treatable disease in an estimated 60-85% of the patients. In recent years a grating-based approach to X-ray dark-field contrast imaging has shown to be very sensitive for the detection and quantification of pulmonary emphysema in small animal models. However, translation of this technique to imaging systems suitable for humans remains challenging and has not yet been reported. In this manuscript, we present the first X-ray dark-field images of in-situ human lungs in a deceased body, demonstrating the feasibility of X-ray dark-field chest radiography on a human scale. Results were correlated with findings of computed tomography imaging and autopsy. The performance of the experimental radiography setup allows acquisition of multi-contrast chest X-ray images within clinical boundary conditions, including radiation dose. Upcoming clinical studies will have to demonstrate that this technology has the potential to improve early diagnosis of COPD and pulmonary diseases in general

    In-vivo X-ray Dark-Field Chest Radiography of a Pig

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    X-ray chest radiography is an inexpensive and broadly available tool for initial assessment of the lung in clinical routine, but typically lacks diagnostic sensitivity for detection of pulmonary diseases in their early stages. Recent X-ray dark-field (XDF) imaging studies on mice have shown significant improvements in imaging-based lung diagnostics. Especially in the case of early diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), XDF imaging clearly outperforms conventional radiography. However, a translation of this technique towards the investigation of larger mammals and finally humans has not yet been achieved. In this letter, we present the first in-vivo XDF full-field chest radiographs (32 x 35 cm(2)) of a living pig, acquired with clinically compatible parameters (40 s scan time, approx. 80 mu Sv dose). For imaging, we developed a novel high-energy XDF system that overcomes the limitations of currently established setups. Our XDF radiographs yield sufficiently high image quality to enable radiographic evaluation of the lungs. We consider this a milestone in the bench-to-bedside translation of XDF imaging and expect XDF imaging to become an invaluable tool in clinical practice, both as a general chest X-ray modality and as a dedicated tool for high-risk patients affected by smoking, industrial work and indoor cooking

    J Clin Invest

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